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I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions 21

Chapter 21: Hope

Soon, Ginko Sora walked to the opposite side of the street and frowned at Luo Feng, “What are you here for?”

“To chat with you.” Luo Feng revealed a slight smile, “I said you could find me to chat, so I can find you to chat too, right?”


Ginko Sora was speechless for a moment. What kind of logic was this? Just because you said I could find you, it means you can find me anytime? Even at my master’s doorstep?

If it weren’t for that magical power and me not daring to provoke you, I could totally treat you as a stalker pervert!

Usually, when encountering someone so shameless, she would directly discourage them with a cold expression or even threaten to call the police. But Luo Feng didn’t seem to be affected by this.

She didn’t even know if the police or Luo Feng would be the unlucky one if she called the police.

“What do you want to chat with me about?” Ginko Sora took a deep breath, wanting to send Luo Feng away quickly.

“Nothing much.” Luo Feng showed a delighted smile, “You’re going to the Kansai Shogi Hall today, right? Do you need me to give you a ride?”

“No need, I can go by myself.” Ginko Sora shook her head.

“Hmm… then, can you tell me what that angel said to you?” Luo Feng sniffed and chuckled lightly, “It’s such an unpleasant smell. Holy light and such, it’s too dirty, isn’t it?”

“Angel…” Ginko Sora’s pupils contracted slightly, “What do you think she would say to me?”

“I guess she told you my identity and then told you not to make a deal with me, right?” Luo Feng said softly, “Angels and such have no abilities. They can’t break the rules to give you the talent I can give you, so they can only use this method to make you give up.”

“Is there anything wrong with what she said?” Ginko Sora clenched her small fists, “Making a deal with a devil like you, who knows in what form my wish will be fulfilled!”

“But you’ll still come to me, won’t you?” Luo Feng’s eyes opened slightly and looked to the right, “That angel over there can’t stop me at all.”

Ginko Sora was stunned for a moment and instinctively looked to the left.

Only to see Raphi floating in the air, looking this way with a smile on her face. She was at least about a hundred meters away from here.

“The position she’s in allows her to escape back to heaven at any time.” Luo Feng said, “An angel who doesn’t even have the ability and courage to face a devil, do you have to take what she says seriously? Did she say that I can’t do anything to you if you don’t make a deal with me?”

Ginko Sora silently looked at Luo Feng.

“Actually, it’s not a matter of whether I can or not, but whether I want to or not.” Luo Feng’s gaze fell on Ginko Sora, once again becoming harmless slanted eyes, “How about a bet? Let’s see if I dare to break the rules set by devils.”

“No bet.” Ginko Sora’s heart tightened, always feeling that Luo Feng could do what he said.

“Tsk, boring. You won’t bet either. I don’t need to prove anything to a child like you by messing around.” Luo Feng was a bit helpless, “That would be too boring.”

“…” Ginko Sora didn’t want to talk.

The more she said, the more mistakes she would make.

“By the way, what she said is true.” Luo Feng said seriously, “Your wish might really be fulfilled in a twisted way.”

He stretched out his index finger and gently placed it on Ginko Sora’s forehead.

Ginko Sora was about to dodge when she felt memories flooding towards her like a tide.

Luo Feng’s transaction last night, the Yukinoshita mother and daughter who came to the door, and Yukinoshita Saori’s worries when watching TV today, all of these appeared clearly in her mind.

“You, you actually killed a person just like that?” Ginko Sora trembled, unable to accept these things.

“Do you think that guy who replaced the rich second-generation had no chance to survive?” Luo Feng said softly, “I didn’t directly kill him, which means I didn’t deprive him of all his vitality. If he had stopped the car and talked to his childhood friend properly, wouldn’t he have missed that curve? If he had turned around and sent his childhood friend home instead of going to the nearest love hotel, wouldn’t he have avoided the car accident?”

“Reversing this outcome and rewinding time there is not a difficult thing for me, especially if it hasn’t been discovered by anyone.”

“His death was because of his greed. It was his own turn towards evil, not me making him do it. Do you think that’s the reason?”

Ginko Sora was stunned. She felt that what Luo Feng said seemed to make sense.

Indeed, there was a chance at that time.

“Phew, what I think has an impact on you?” Ginko Sora felt that none of this would have happened if it weren’t for Luo Feng’s instigation!

In the end, he was pushing someone who just had a momentary impulse to jump off a building, handing a knife to someone who wanted to commit a crime.

They might have just acted on impulse, but he went ahead and helped them carry it out!

“Do you believe that even if that woman who came to me yesterday knew her wish might be fulfilled in a twisted way, she would still come to me?” Luo Feng smiled, “Human desires and pursuits are endless.”

“She already knew it might be in a twisted way, so why would she still come to you? I don’t believe it!” Ginko Sora said firmly.

She felt that after seeing these things, she became even more reluctant to make a deal with Luo Feng.

If there were a few thoughts flashing through her mind before, those thoughts were gone now.

“You don’t believe it?” Luo Feng had a pitying look, “That’s because you haven’t experienced despair. When you see a glimmer of hope in despair, even if you know it’s a trap, you’ll willingly jump in because there’s no choice.”

“…” Ginko Sora turned her head, not wanting to argue with Luo Feng.

“I just came out for a walk and to see you.” Seeing that Yaichi Kuzuryuu had gone back, Luo Feng straightened up, “I have other things to do. See you later.”

With that, Luo Feng really turned around and left, without any lingering attachment, leaving her with an eerie silhouette.

Ginko Sora opened her mouth, becoming more and more confused by Luo Feng’s thought process.

Luo Feng showed a hint of a smile.

When that woman came to make a deal with him, it might be just when Ginko Sora was in despair.

At that time, when she saw that woman willing to make a deal despite everything, she would also waver, right?

There was a robber who hijacked a group of people and told everyone to line up and hand over money. The first person paid a hundred, the second paid two hundred, and so on. So everyone rushed to line up. The first person said smugly, “See, I paid less than all of you!” In the end, everyone scrambled to pay, even forgetting to resist.

Humans are the creatures most easily swayed by momentum. When one person curses, others curse too, even if they don’t know what happened.

Seeing everyone lining up to buy things or eat, even if they don’t know if it’s good or not, they want to try it too.

The days of training her were still long, and Luo Feng’s life had no end. He wasn’t in a hurry at all.

Whether it worked or not, he had nothing better to do anyway, so he might as well try. It wouldn’t cost him any money.

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Author: ,
As long as I don't have morals, morality can't hold me hostage. Do I need a strategy to deal with a lustful body? As long as she has dreams, she can't escape my demonic grasp. Are angels meddling? Then let the angels fall and become succubi. Sorry, I'm not a devil from a light novel, not an embarrassing devil, but a real devil. Luo Feng looked at Ginko Sora, who wanted to reach the pinnacle of shogi, at Yukinoshita, who wanted to change human nature, and at Raphiel, who wanted to protect her friends, revealing a delighted smile.


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not work with dark mode