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I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions 24

Chapter 24: The Devil’s Routine

Luo Feng was waiting in the izakaya, and he didn’t have to wait long before an expected customer arrived.

Ginko Sora walked into his store with a weary gait.

The location of this store was like it was engraved in her DNA; she couldn’t forget it even if she wanted to.

“You’re here. What do you want to eat?” Luo Feng sat behind the computer, leisurely looking at the app.

Someone’s wish was simply outrageous; they wanted to use everything as a price to change the president of their country.

Just how heavy is your life to be able to replace that crappy president?

This was something Luo Feng wouldn’t respond to; it was too much of a loss.

The crappiness of this president was worth at least a million people’s souls.

“Why, why did you take it back today?” Ginko Sora walked up to Luo Feng, looking at him in a daze.

She didn’t know why she came here. Maybe it was simply to question Luo Feng, or maybe she didn’t know where she should go.

She didn’t want to stay at the Kansai Shogi Hall anymore, but she also didn’t want to go back to her master’s house and make everyone worry.

Going home… she didn’t even want to go home now.

After thinking about it, she inexplicably ran here.

Seeing her like this, Luo Feng shook his head, “Today is the third day. When I want to take it back is my business.”

If he hadn’t been constantly reminding her of his presence and even letting her know how unreliable the angel was, she might not have come to him first thing if she had a problem.

Only by calculating step by step could he break through her psychological defenses.

How to torment a person? That would be to force them to think of you when they’re most tired, to force them to follow your rhythm.

If he just said it casually, she might try to endure it.

After all, Ginko Sora’s obsession with shogi and Yaichi Kuzuryuu was the same, different from those with only pure wishes.

After putting in so much effort, he couldn’t let her go easily when the time came.

“Was all of this within your expectations?” Ginko Sora let out a low growl, “Giving me hope and then watching me despair?”

“How could that be?” Luo Feng raised his voice slightly, “If you had obediently not played shogi these past few days and acted like a normal girl, reading books and doing homework, completely not touching anything related to shogi, how could you be so miserable?”


But I already had it, so how could I not use it?

Ginko Sora knew that she wasn’t being reasonable in saying such a thing.

This was indeed an ability given to her by Luo Feng. How to use it was her business, and when to take it back was Luo Feng’s business.

Luo Feng didn’t force her to use this ability. It was she herself who wanted to play against Yaichi Kuzuryuu, who wanted to play more games and remember this feeling while it was still there.

Luo Feng didn’t take back the game records she had played in the past two days. If she studied them carefully, she might really develop her own strategy and enlighten everyone.

As long as she adapted to her previous mind, as long as she adapted to her talentless self, she would actually be profiting.

It was like someone going to a casino and winning some money. If they didn’t continue playing, it would be a sure win.

“How was it? You gained quite a lot in the past two days, right?” Luo Feng smiled, “Don’t worry, everything you’ve gained in the past two days, I won’t touch. What’s yours is yours; what’s not yours is not yours. You’ve profited, little girl.”

“Can this talent only be traded in that way?” Ginko Sora gritted her teeth, “Can you change it to another way of trading? My lifespan, my…”

“I’m not interested.” Luo Feng said softly, “I can collect lifespan from others too. I don’t lack souls here either. Don’t look at what you’re willing to pay, but what I’m willing to take.”

What you have left is also mine. Do you think you can escape after entering my door? Don’t I, this devil, care about face?

“You said you’re a devil, right?” Ginko Sora said, “There should be many girls cuter than me in hell, right? Even without me…”

“Because I like you.” Luo Feng said casually, “You’re so cute, it’s only natural for me to like you, right?”

“What… what about me is worth you liking?” Ginko Sora took a deep breath.

Luo Feng was so direct, but she didn’t have the slightest thought of shyness or feel fortunate.

Her feelings towards Luo Feng had nothing to do with admiration, only fear and disgust.

“Then who do you think I should like?” Luo Feng said with a half-smile.

Ginko Sora was about to speak but quickly shut her mouth.

Who should she say?

Other female shogi players?

They had no grudge or enmity with her. Wouldn’t introducing them to Luo Feng be harming them? What difference would that be from committing a crime?

Even if it wasn’t a female shogi player, but a popular idol on TV, if she said it and Luo Feng really went to find them, wouldn’t she still be committing a crime?

“Succubi and the like.” Ginko Sora mentioned the hellish creatures she knew of, “Or female demons, liches. You should go find them, right?”

“You ask what about you is worth me liking. Tsk, your soul is relatively pure.” Luo Feng said softly, “I just like children like you with pure souls. Be careful not to let your soul be tainted, or it won’t have its current value.”

“Your liking is just… just… I can’t possibly like you!” Ginko Sora said firmly.

“Why would I want you to like me?” Luo Feng was a bit puzzled, “I simply lust after your body. You want to play feelings with me?”

Ginko Sora choked.

She suddenly felt that Luo Feng was so real.

“Don’t misunderstand.” Luo Feng said seriously, “I’m a devil. I don’t have human emotions. The ‘like’ I speak of and the ‘like’ you understand might not be the same thing.”

“I’m going back.” Ginko Sora gritted her teeth and stomped her foot, “I won’t submit!”

With that, she decisively turned around and walked towards the door.

If I don’t have it, I don’t have it. What’s the big deal?

I wasn’t a talented person to begin with. The angel was right. What’s mine is mine; what’s not mine is not mine…

“Do you still remember what I told you? The reason the conditions I offered you are so harsh is because you disrespected a god.” Luo Feng showed a delighted smile, “As long as you apologize properly in the way I said, I will definitely lower the price, and I might even change the way of trading.”

Ginko Sora’s body, which was about to step out, froze.

“What you care about is perhaps only the fear that your dream will be realized in a twisted way, right? Don’t worry, as long as you make a detailed contract, it’ll be fine. I’ll also be bound by the contract. If you don’t believe me, go ask that angel. Devils have quite good contract spirit.”

“If there are traps in the contract that you don’t notice, can you blame the devil for that?”

“I’ll give you one day to consider. After tomorrow, even if you apologize, I won’t change my mind.”

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Author: ,
As long as I don't have morals, morality can't hold me hostage. Do I need a strategy to deal with a lustful body? As long as she has dreams, she can't escape my demonic grasp. Are angels meddling? Then let the angels fall and become succubi. Sorry, I'm not a devil from a light novel, not an embarrassing devil, but a real devil. Luo Feng looked at Ginko Sora, who wanted to reach the pinnacle of shogi, at Yukinoshita, who wanted to change human nature, and at Raphiel, who wanted to protect her friends, revealing a delighted smile.


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not work with dark mode