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I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions 25

Chapter 25: The Succubus’ Heartbeat

Ginko Sora stomped her foot and left Luo Feng’s store, but her steps weren’t as decisive as before. She was hesitating.

Seeing Ginko Sora leave, Luo Feng didn’t show any sense of urgency.

At first, he offered conditions that Ginko Sora was unwilling to pay, constantly reminding her of his presence, and then took back her talent when she was enjoying it the most. It was like doing something halfway and then having someone’s husband come back.

Originally, Ginko Sora might have really endured it, but at this moment, Luo Feng played a good card. That was, apologizing could lower his demands, giving her some hope.

Unfortunately, this kind of hope is sometimes the abyss that brings despair.

You should know that for her to apologize, she had to expose her chest. As long as she took this step, she would take countless more steps.

It’s said that an adult’s breakdown starts with borrowing money. This saying is not wrong at all.

A person who originally only wanted to borrow some rice might have a lot of backbone and be unwilling to speak up, but after they speak up the first time, it becomes more and more natural afterward.

Just this alone is not enough. At this time, a fatal blow is still needed.

Her balance between shogi and Yaichi Kuzuryuu was wavering, simply because she still liked Yaichi Kuzuryuu and didn’t want to do something that betrayed him. But as long as one is human, there are times when they make mistakes and have impulses, especially young people.

Even if they regret it and wake up later, it’ll be too late.

Luo Feng’s existence was to make this impulse a reality.

He stood up, preparing to go to Yaichi Kuzuryuu to make some moves. Maybe he could succeed today.

Ginko Sora’s heart was very complex right now. At this time, she would definitely look for a shelter, which was her master’s house. Her favorite junior brother was also there.

Let her see some interesting scenes, and she would definitely come to him.

But just as Luo Feng was about to go out, a magic circle suddenly appeared in his room.

This magic circle emanated a purple light, and the entire room’s lighting dimmed, as if suppressed by this purple glow.

Luo Feng could feel the surging magical power coming from the magic circle.

He quietly looked at this magic circle, without any strange reaction.

First, a pair of horns stretched out from inside, then a beautiful head, a sexy upper body, and finally, the entire person.

She had long golden hair, and the clothes on her body were very revealing, with most of her skin exposed. On her waist, there was a pair of eerie bat wings.

Her body proportions were very good, even perfect. The parts that should be big were big, and the parts that should be slender were slender. Just looking at her appearance could make one’s mouth dry and tongue parched, arousing one’s most primitive impulses.

Her expression was displeased, and she held two pieces of paper in her hand. Seeing Luo Feng, she casually handed them to him and said impatiently, “Luo Feng, you have received condemnation from heaven. The activities of devils in this human world have been restricted.”

This person was a succubus, and her level was who knows how much lower than Luo Feng’s. However, her master was quite powerful, at the same level as Luo Feng before, and had been in hell for who knows how many more years than Luo Feng. His connections in hell were also wider than Luo Feng’s.

As the saying goes, a third-rank official at the prime minister’s door. This saying is not wrong at all.

“Is that so?”
Luo Feng first picked up one of the papers and started reading.

The general meaning was that Luo Feng actually attacked an angel due to his own preferences, violating the beautiful cooperation of peace and love. The heavenly side issued a strong condemnation and demanded that hell give an explanation.

Also, his method of collecting souls was too convenient, which might cause an imbalance in the human world.

Tsk, the hateful harmonious development of heaven and hell. The old days were better. No one cared who splattered whose brains.

Hell’s way of handling this was that when everyone made a contract, they would roughly know what signing the contract meant.

For example, some people didn’t take their souls seriously, but that was before. Now, with the contract, they would vividly feel their souls being tortured in hell.

It was the same when Luo Feng collected lifespans. They would know that their lifespan would really decrease, not that Luo Feng was deceiving them.

As for the details… this was quite profound.

In simple terms, some of the deals reached before might not be reached now if done again. It was a little more difficult than before.

The second paper was about Luo Feng’s punishment. The hell side required Luo Feng to hand over a thousand years of lifespan and a hundred souls, to be delivered immediately.

If Luo Feng had been in this position for a long time, this punishment could be said to be a trifling matter, because it was equivalent to a month’s salary for a devil with good performance.

But Luo Feng had just started and hadn’t collected much. He couldn’t possibly take it out.

Therefore, the other party gave another form of punishment, which was that Luo Feng had to hand over a collectible, such as a pair of angel wings.

“Quickly pay the fine.” The succubus waved her hand. “I still have to go back and report.”

“Hmm… let me think. I might not have souls and lifespan unless I cut them off from myself.” Luo Feng rubbed his chin. “As for angel wings, how could I exchange angel wings with such a small amount of souls and lifespan? My worst collectible is at the Power level, not even Virtue.”

“Then hand over the Power-level one.” The succubus said, “I don’t expect you to hand over the wings of Zeruel, known as God’s Hand.”

“The hell officials wouldn’t give out such a boring punishment. That guy was originally after my collection… I choose the third option.” Luo Feng looked at the succubus.

“What do you mean? Either pay with souls or hand over wings. You want to cut off your own power…”


Luo Feng’s big hand penetrated the succubus’ chest without any obstruction.

He wasn’t groping her chest, but…


Luo Feng’s hand withdrew, grasping a beating heart.

That black blood splashed all over Luo Feng’s body, spilling everywhere on the ground.


The succubus, who was very imposing before, directly knelt on the ground, and the magic circle also disappeared.

Her face showed an expression of disbelief, as if she couldn’t understand why Luo Feng killed her.

Luo Feng’s face showed an intoxicated expression. “Not bad, this heart.”

“You, how dare you… I am a messenger of hell… give it back… to me…”

The vitality of hell creatures was very strong. Even if Luo Feng scooped out her heart, she didn’t die immediately.

Feeling the powerful beating of the heart in his hand, Luo Feng squatted down and said softly, “Don’t forget, I am now the acting Lord(Regent). Next time you see me, call me Lord. Hmm… there won’t be a next time.”

When the succubus heard “next time,” she felt a glimmer of hope, but when she heard there wouldn’t be a next time, her face turned ashen.

“What was your name again? Hmm, it’s not important. The messenger who came to me to read hell’s judgment was purified by the sacred power of angel wings and couldn’t bear it. Acting Lord Luo Feng expressed deep grief and heartache at the weakness of hell’s messenger.”

Luo Feng placed his big hand on her head, and her body shriveled rapidly like a deflated balloon until it disappeared.

That heart was still beating in Luo Feng’s hand.

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Author: ,
As long as I don't have morals, morality can't hold me hostage. Do I need a strategy to deal with a lustful body? As long as she has dreams, she can't escape my demonic grasp. Are angels meddling? Then let the angels fall and become succubi. Sorry, I'm not a devil from a light novel, not an embarrassing devil, but a real devil. Luo Feng looked at Ginko Sora, who wanted to reach the pinnacle of shogi, at Yukinoshita, who wanted to change human nature, and at Raphiel, who wanted to protect her friends, revealing a delighted smile.


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not work with dark mode