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I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions 28

Chapter 028: Ginko Sora’s Breakdown

Ginko Sora didn’t go home but instead went directly to the izakaya.

No matter how fast a taxi was, it couldn’t compare to Luo Feng’s instantaneous movement. He sat leisurely in the izakaya as if he knew nothing, enjoying his afternoon tea.

“Why did you come back?” Luo Feng showed a ‘surprised’ expression. “Have you figured it out or not?”


Ginko Sora walked up to Luo Feng with big strides, wanting to look down on him from above. However, Luo Feng was too tall, and even sitting down, he wasn’t much shorter than her.

“Isn’t it just that you want me to apologize?” Ginko Sora placed her fan on the table. Her gray eyes were turning azure blue, a change that occurred when she was angry.

The last time she got angry was when Yaichi Kuzuryuu said, “What use can a Reward Association member like you be?” This time, she didn’t know if she wanted to get rid of this guy who had intruded into her life or simply vent her dissatisfaction with Yaichi Kuzuryuu hugging another woman.

After putting down the fan, Ginko Sora entered the apologetic state that Luo Feng wanted to see.

She was born with very light pigmentation and was very afraid of direct sunlight. When she was young, she would immediately fall ill just by going out the door a little bit, which was why she entered the world of shogi and became a captive of this unfathomable and unique indoor game.

Unfortunately, she no longer thought about these things now. Her dream had been shattered.

Luo Feng had no intention of stopping her and quietly watched her with an impeccable smile on his face.

After entering the apologetic mode, she showed no shyness at all. Her face was flushed red due to anger.

Luo Feng looked at Ginko Sora with an enjoying expression.

He knew that Ginko Sora was just venting and acting on impulse, but what did that have to do with him? Only a fool wouldn’t take advantage of a benefit.

Luo Feng sipped his red tea while appreciating Ginko Sora.

Judging from her expression, it seemed like everything she was going through now was because of him.

Hmm… it seemed to be true?

Sorry, I’ll do it again next time.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have doubted you at first. Is that enough?” Ginko Sora stared coldly at Luo Feng. “This is all you want, right? Can you give me back everything of mine? Give me back my quiet life?”

“When did I ever disrupt your life?” Luo Feng spread his hands. “Let’s be reasonable, okay? I said I would give you talent. If you didn’t use it, none of this would have happened. Everything you’re experiencing now is because you suddenly gained a property that didn’t belong to you and then discovered you couldn’t spend it, right?”

“I don’t blame you for giving me these.” Ginko Sora slammed her hands on the table. “But can you stop appearing in my life?”

“I don’t mind.” Luo Feng smiled. “But are you sure you don’t want that talent anymore? You let me see it for free, you know.”

“I don’t…”

“Young lady, don’t be in a hurry to respond.” In the next second, Luo Feng appeared behind Ginko Sora, covering her small mouth with his big hand, and naturally wrapping his other hand around her slender waist.

“What disrupted your life wasn’t me, but the talent that shouldn’t have belonged to you. I only occasionally came to chat with you. Why are you doing this?”

Luo Feng loosened his hand covering her mouth and gently stroked her silky hair, whispering, “I just think your talent shouldn’t be like this. You should have better talent. Everyone’s talents are innate, that is, given by the so-called gods. Do you think this is fair? Gods are just a group of aloof beings without humanity.”

He took a step back and turned Ginko Sora’s body around. She was like a puppet on strings, turning with Luo Feng’s movements.

“Then why did you call yourself the God of Shogi before?” Ginko Sora snorted coldly.

“Because I like it. I wanted to see your reaction and see your attitude towards gods.” Luo Feng looked at her with an innocent expression. “Many humans have no bottom line. You wouldn’t expect a devil to have a bottom line, would you?”

Luo Feng had no pressure in his heart about calling himself a god because it was a fictional god. Heaven wouldn’t find fault with a fictional god.

“Pff…” Ginko Sora laughed from anger. “So what? What’s the difference between you and the gods in terms of being inhumane?”

She wasn’t clear about what gods were really like. Although she indeed didn’t receive the talents of those geniuses, weren’t many people the same?

“Hmm, the difference between me and the gods…” Luo Feng actually thought about it seriously. “I’m much more reliable than the gods. They won’t give you anything and only say some pretty words, but with me, as long as you’re willing to pay the price and have enough to exchange, everything is yours.”

This was where angels were not as convenient as devils. Many things could be used for transactions by devils, but not by angels.

They could do nothing except move their mouths.

“Oh? Including that unfathomable talent, including that divine game, including Yaichi, they’re all mine as long as I’m willing to pay, right?” Ginko Sora said coldly. “I know you can give them to me, but have you ever asked if I want them?”

“If you hadn’t given me that talent, how could I have suffered from losing those things? Those were things I shouldn’t have had in the first place, things I shouldn’t have experienced in the first place!”

“I’m human, not a deity without desires. Having this talent, having this fatally tempting talent for me, how could I not use it?”

“But you, you let me use it for a while and then suddenly took it back. This was all your scheme, right? Just like the devils in the movies, making me possess it first and then lose it?”

“Do you know how many people have lost everything because of so-called experiences and trials?”

As Ginko Sora spoke, she became more and more agitated.

She kicked at Luo Feng but almost fell from the pain. Luo Feng quickly supported her.

She didn’t stop and crazily pounded her small fists against Luo Feng’s chest, falling on his body like raindrops.

“Don’t even think about tempting me again. I don’t want anything. I just want my previous life. You’d better erase my memories of these past few days!”

“Can’t you take them back? Take all of these back. Why leave these memories and let me go back to being my former self… Wuwuwu…”

Ginko Sora’s strength grew smaller and smaller, and tears uncontrollably flowed down her face.

“Your physical strength is really poor.” Luo Feng grabbed her small hands that could no longer swing and cupped her face, smiling. “It’s impossible for you to ask me to seal your memories for free.”

“The person you like has romantic luck that even a devil would be jealous of. What’s so good about that? Only shogi won’t betray you.”

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Author: ,
As long as I don't have morals, morality can't hold me hostage. Do I need a strategy to deal with a lustful body? As long as she has dreams, she can't escape my demonic grasp. Are angels meddling? Then let the angels fall and become succubi. Sorry, I'm not a devil from a light novel, not an embarrassing devil, but a real devil. Luo Feng looked at Ginko Sora, who wanted to reach the pinnacle of shogi, at Yukinoshita, who wanted to change human nature, and at Raphiel, who wanted to protect her friends, revealing a delighted smile.


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not work with dark mode