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I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions 31

Chapter 031 – Don’t Come Over Here!

Early the next morning, Luo Feng was hugging the still sleeping Sora Ginko, pondering about life.

After becoming a devil, he has been fighting, fighting, and never stopping. Although there are many succubi who want to join him, they are all too filthy.

Being an administrative officer is better, even the lowest-ranking devil can fire an Armstrong circular acceleration jet-propelled Armstrong cannon three times a day.

Look, this child is so good, her soul is pure, her age is suitable, if I cultivate her well, she will definitely be my most wonderful treasure.

Don’t be fooled by the fact that Sora Ginko only signed a six-month contract, some contracts, as long as you sign them, the person is gone.

Once you take the first step into the forbidden, she won’t care about the second step or the third step.

Sinking into the abyss doesn’t mean you have to jump in, but to sink step by step.

I only signed a six-month contract with her, and gave her 80% of the previous computing power, this shouldn’t be too much, right?

Discounted merchandise must have some flaws!

Actually caring about her, I really am a benevolent devil.

By the way, from noon to midnight yesterday, I really put this child through a lot, it’s a good thing I’m a devil, so I can use my powers to heal while I’m at it, otherwise with this ordinary human body, it would have been a bit too much to bear.

Luo Feng lifted Sora Ginko’s bangs and gently kissed her forehead.

How should I coax her to continue the contract next?

Let her sell her soul and become mine forever, now that seems too simple, the temptation of playing against the gods is not something these shogi players can resist.

But, isn’t this a bit too boring?

Take it slow, to conquer her, one night is not enough, after conquering her body, I need to conquer her soul.

Bit by bit, let her know that the Kuzuryuu Yaichi incident was all a misunderstanding, let her know that Kuzuryuu Yaichi liked her from the beginning, I wonder what expression she will have?

Thinking about it is quite interesting.

The expression of human despair and collapse, is the best spiritual nourishment.

I need to grasp the right degree, can’t completely ruin her, this kind of beautiful soul is not easy to find.


At this moment, Sora Ginko slowly woke up.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Luo Feng staring at her.

She was startled and quickly retreated a bit, covering her body with her clothes, tears falling down her face.

From now on, she won’t be able to get married, is there really a big difference between half a year and one year? Can she really get away from this guy?

But feeling her lively brain, she couldn’t bring herself to regret it, and couldn’t deceive herself either.

“Get up early.” Luo Feng patted Sora Ginko’s adorable little head: “If you want to stay with me a little longer, I don’t mind.”

“Get out…”

“Why?” Luo Feng looked at her puzzled.

“Get out! I need to get dressed!” Sora Ginko shouted.

“Tsk, let me check the time…” Luo Feng looked at the clock and smiled: “Look, it’s only 7 o’clock.”

“7 o’clock? What do you mean?” Sora Ginko was stunned, forgetting her embarrassment and anger.

Meanwhile, in Chiba, at the Yukinoshita residence.

Yukinoshita Saori silently watched the news on the TV, her leather sofa almost having holes clawed into it.

Why, why did the US stock market have a third circuit breaker?

This is simply a joke!

Didn’t they say that this was a good time to bottom fish, and that there wouldn’t be any more circuit breakers?

Watching the reporter deliver the news, that damned president still rambling on there, even going to play golf, Yukinoshita Saori was furious.

How is this person still alive? Hasn’t there been a good Samaritan passing by to directly take him down?

He must be a mole, definitely a mole from another country? He became president just to undermine the US, right?

Yukinoshita Saori felt that this possibility really couldn’t be ruled out.

In fact, at this time, no matter which president it was, it wouldn’t be much better. After all, in a capitalist country, especially where people are so unruly, it’s basically impossible to make them behave normally.

Your country’s downfall has nothing to do with me, just don’t drag me down!

Yukinoshita Saori took a deep breath, but still couldn’t calm down, instead feeling a bit hypoxic.

Yukinoshita Haruno was sitting next to her, the graceful posture she usually had in front of her mother was gone, she was just lying on the edge of the sofa, holding a glass of red wine, sipping it slowly.

She looked at the TV and suddenly laughed: “Really, even the legendary stock god hasn’t seen a scene like this, huh?”

She had already given up any illusions about the US stock market, it was basically done for.

“You can still laugh?” Yukinoshita Saori growled.

Now this money can really be treated as non-existent! Apart from gods and devils, there’s no one who can save the stock market, right?

“Mother, you’ve taught me that we must always maintain the etiquette of the Yukinoshita family, you haven’t forgotten that, have you? Roaring is not within our family’s etiquette.” Yukinoshita Haruno said softly: “Now, hope is even more remote, we must treat this capital as non-existent.”

“Do you know what it means to lose this capital?”


One of Yukinoshita Saori’s nails broke: “If we don’t have this capital, your father won’t have any say anymore!”

In Japan, a county councilor’s voice is completely tied to the capital behind him, if the capital is not enough, he’s basically just a decoration.

At that time, how could he protect the Yukinoshita family?

Or rather, how could the Yukinoshita family provide him with assistance?

Capital and politics are interdependent, this is the environment in Japan, and no one is an exception.

Even though her nail broke, she didn’t cry out in pain, nor did she bandage it.

How could the physical pain compare to the pain in her heart?

The Yukinoshita family, the Yukinoshita family… is it going to be destroyed by her own hands?

“There’s still hope.” Yukinoshita Haruno said in a floating tone: “As long as we give up the construction company and downsize the scale of operations, there’s still a chance to stand up again.”

To abandon a major part of your family’s industry, this kind of courage is not something everyone has, and this kind of decision is not something everyone can make.

Haruno had thought about it a lot before, and reluctantly, this was the only way.

Amputate a limb to save the body…

“Give up? You’re thinking too simply.” Yukinoshita Saori said hatefully: “If we go under, do you think those people will let us go so easily?”

“If you had listened to me three years ago and married well, wouldn’t this have never happened?”

“Marry?” Yukinoshita Haruno sneered: “In the end, weren’t you the one who backed out? I was the one to marry in, and the marriage between Yukino and someone else, wasn’t that your final decision?”

“Don’t think I don’t know, the two marriage alliances of Yukino, were all sabotaged by you.” Yukinoshita Saori said coldly.

“Oh? It was indeed me who sabotaged them, wasn’t it you who were testing me?” Yukinoshita Haruno swirled the red wine in her hand: “You wanted to see how far I could go, so you chose marriage candidates that weren’t to your liking. You wanted someone who could help our family, not have ambitions against us, and be stronger than us, but how easy is that to find?”

“…” Yukinoshita Saori didn’t say anything, it was indeed like that.

Because of Haruno’s excellence, she always wanted to find a husband for Haruno who could be dominated by Haruno, without ambition, and be capable enough to be presentable.

When finding a boyfriend for Yukino, she always wanted someone who perfectly fit her ideal family standard.

In fact, many people are single not because they can’t find someone, but because they are too picky.

And the Yukinoshita family, indeed has the capital to be picky.

Both daughters are stunningly beautiful, and also very capable, one in business, one in politics, with bright futures.

Unfortunately, now it’s all gone.

Their appearance is still there, but capital will not marry them just because they are good-looking, after all, there are plenty of beautiful women out there, and with this money they can do much more.

A woman? Just pay a similar price.

Helping the Yukinoshita family, obviously is not just a similar price.

“Then, shall we go find that guy? He really has the ability to save us.” Yukinoshita Saori tried to discuss with Haruno: “I won’t let you go trade, let Yukino go trade, as long as you’re still here, both of us sacrificing ourselves won’t matter, you can rise in the family, let’s just take a look at the contract…”

She had no other way, even though she had seen how terrifying the devil’s actions could be, at this moment, she could only pin her hopes on the devil.

Normal people, now it’s impossible for them to save the Yukinoshita family, capable people will only laugh at them and try to take advantage, they won’t do those thankless and difficult tasks.

How they would act, Yukinoshita Saori knew it all too well, these tricks she had used on others before.

Cause and effect, retribution is inevitable.

“Didn’t you say it yourself?” Yukinoshita Haruno put down the red wine and said softly: “Even if he really is the so-called devil, our wishes may be realized in a distorted way.”

She actually still didn’t believe that Luo Feng was the devil.

“But we have no hope left!” Yukinoshita Saori became excited: “Rather than having the family devoured, we might as well all die together, at least we’d die with dignity!”

“Calm down.” Yukinoshita Haruno put down the red wine and said calmly: “Don’t dream about going back to the prosperous days of the past, we still have hope.”

“Today I’m going to attend a banquet, someone is willing to fully take over our company, although the price has been squeezed down a bit, as long as we have new capital, we’ll have a little bit of living space. Whether it’s relying on a big family, becoming an ordinary small Chiba family with reduced voice, or starting over in another country, at least we have options.”

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Author: ,
As long as I don't have morals, morality can't hold me hostage. Do I need a strategy to deal with a lustful body? As long as she has dreams, she can't escape my demonic grasp. Are angels meddling? Then let the angels fall and become succubi. Sorry, I'm not a devil from a light novel, not an embarrassing devil, but a real devil. Luo Feng looked at Ginko Sora, who wanted to reach the pinnacle of shogi, at Yukinoshita, who wanted to change human nature, and at Raphiel, who wanted to protect her friends, revealing a delighted smile.


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not work with dark mode