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I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions 38

Chapter 038 – A Tragic Life

Kuboyama’s memories flashed frantically in his mind.

The love for his wife, the vows of a newlywed, the joy of having a child, his sister’s childhood promise to marry only him…

All of this was shattered by his boss.

When he was still a driver, on a business trip, he came home a day early, only to find not his tender wife and just-learned-to-say-dad daughter, but those sounds of pleasure.

He recognized his boss’s car, at the time he had thought about calling the police, thought about taking an iron rod and beating him to death, but what was his final choice?

He called his wife and told her he was back at the station early.

In less than five minutes, his boss left his house.

When he came back home, his wife was just like nothing had happened, cooing over their daughter.

At that moment, he felt so cold inside, he didn’t know if his wife had done that in front of their daughter, their daughter crying, her calling out.

In the following years, his temper became more and more volatile, often going to brothels to vent, whenever he was dissatisfied, he would beat his wife, even taking his daughter for a paternity test.

Luckily, the daughter was his.

He didn’t know when his wife got involved with his boss, maybe after having a child, maybe after marriage, or even before, before she met him.

It was very likely that she was the boss’s mistress to begin with, and he was just someone helping the boss maintain his mistress.

But thinking about his own good life, good treatment, his young daughter who depended on him, his sister who depended on him, he began to endure wearing the green hat.

Until his daughter went to high school, and he went to pick her up, what did he see then? His beloved sister had actually gone into a love hotel with his boss!

He could endure his wife’s actions, but his sister, he couldn’t endure that!

After all, he had always doted on his sister, treated his sister like a forbidden beauty, his sister was twenty-five and hadn’t even had a single relationship!

How could she just go to a hotel room with that bastard?

Perhaps it wasn’t just that, his sister and his wife might have both been…by his boss.

At that time, his faith completely collapsed, his mind was only filled with thoughts of revenge.

He had thought about a murder-suicide by driving, but his boss always had bodyguards when going out, those were formidable guys, if he made the slightest move he would be subdued by the bodyguards, and then his boss would be fine while he would be gone.

He had thought about sabotaging the car, but his boss always had the cars checked by bodyguards before going out.

After all, his boss was from the underworld, very cautious in his actions.

He didn’t have a gun, even if he could get one, he might not be able to hit the target.

Just then, the Seven Deadly Sins app appeared, and he vented his wish on it.

Unexpectedly, there was a response? There really was a devil responding?

He was panting heavily, his eyes bloodshot.

“Sign this, and you’ll have the power of revenge, I guarantee your boss will never again appear in your wife’s and sister’s bed, I guarantee he will lie in a pool of blood, never to move again.” Luo Feng said softly.

Kuboyama grabbed the ground with both hands, his fingers sinking into the soft soil.

“You need revenge, you need to make him regret everything he’s done.” Luo Feng smiled: “I can also guarantee that his soul will be damned in hell forever.”


Kuboyama looked at the contract in front of him, trembling as he reached out his fingers.

Images appeared in his mind, of the consequences if he traded his life and soul.

His life would be deducted by 40 years! Maybe he would die the next moment!

His soul would be tortured in hell forever, unable to attain Buddhahood!

The tortures that might appear in hell flashed before him, he was a bit scared…

I can call the police, I can call the police, the police will do justice for me…

“You don’t really think the police or the law can help you, do you?” Luo Feng showed a delighted expression: “If the police were useful, Japan would be so much more peaceful, right? If the police were useful, why didn’t you call them before? You should know that if you call the police, he has ways to make you withdraw the case.”

“The law is fair, but the enforcers are not. You know? In this world, the only one you can rely on is yourself.”

“Think about your sister, think about how she clung to you when she was just born, she’s always seen you as a support since she was little, said she only wants her brother, nothing else… but what did your boss do? Guess how he seduced your sister? Using your future to tempt her, or using the safety of your family to threaten her? Think about whether the two of them have slept with your boss together, like a special video, only the protagonist isn’t you, you’re the victim.”

“If you’re still a man, don’t endure anymore, go, go kill him!”

“I’ll sign!” Kuboyama gritted his teeth, ignoring the chilling scenes.

The last bit of his rationality was to glance at the soul contract, everything Luo Feng had just said was written there properly.

Instantly, the world returned to normal, as if the previous events had never existed.

The only difference was that Kuboyama was no longer the same, he had two guns in his hands, feeling full of power!

Never having handled a gun before, at this moment he seemed like an elite special forces soldier.

He decisively raised the gun, aiming at his boss.

“No!” Haruno shouted.

She had witnessed the whole thing, she knew what had happened, but she didn’t have Kuboyama’s memories, couldn’t empathize.

That person was the last hope for the Yukinoshita family, only he could offer such a price!

Upholding justice and all that, in many people’s eyes, it doesn’t exist.

Telling a joke, netizens don’t take action, passersby don’t go online.

When seeing injustice, most people choose to ignore it or watch coldly, not rushing up to uphold justice, only typing away at their keyboards after getting home, as virtual saints.

Of course, there are still good people, but the humanity of the kind-hearted is also gradually being worn down by society.

Another joke, good people will always be rewarded.

There is positive energy, but not that much.

If this matter had nothing to do with Haruno, she would be very happy to see this person get revenge.

But this matter is directly related to her interests, everything is different now.

Just like a person who sees a car accident, will comment on the side, then take a photo and post it on their social media.

When he knows the one in the car accident is his relative, he will scold the cold-hearted world, why didn’t anyone go help.

Unfortunately, Haruno’s voice couldn’t stop a sister-complex seeking revenge.


The gunshot rang out in the lively banquet, hitting Ishiyama straight in the chest!

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Author: ,
As long as I don't have morals, morality can't hold me hostage. Do I need a strategy to deal with a lustful body? As long as she has dreams, she can't escape my demonic grasp. Are angels meddling? Then let the angels fall and become succubi. Sorry, I'm not a devil from a light novel, not an embarrassing devil, but a real devil. Luo Feng looked at Ginko Sora, who wanted to reach the pinnacle of shogi, at Yukinoshita, who wanted to change human nature, and at Raphiel, who wanted to protect her friends, revealing a delighted smile.


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not work with dark mode