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I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions 39

Chapter 039 – Twisted Realization

“He’s wearing a bulletproof vest, continue.” Luo Feng said as if nothing had happened.

Kuboyama had already fired the first shot, naturally he wouldn’t give up.

Bang, bang, bang…

The gunshots rang out one after another, he didn’t aim for the head, but shot the limbs and abdomen one by one.

Splashes of blood burst out on Ishiyama’s body.

He didn’t even have time to react before feeling a stinging pain all over, especially in the groin, making him want to die.

“Ah!” He let out a wail and fell backwards.

Kuboyama had a look of delight, with the power of revenge, it felt so good.

Yes, his own grudge, he had to take care of it himself.

“He killed someone…”
“Call the police!”
“Security, security!”

The crowd descended into chaos, the only ones not panicking were the security guards, bodyguards, and Haruno and Luo Feng.


Just as Kuboyama was about to blow the man’s brains out, a gunshot not from him rang out, hitting him in the head.

Japan is not China, although guns are banned, in the case of legal gangsters, having a gun is not uncommon.

Moreover, the ones present were all celebrities, it was only normal for there to be armed gangsters protecting them.

Haruno quickly covered her eyes, this bloody scene was the first time she had seen.

After all, the Yukinoshita family is only considered decent in Chiba, gun battles and such are too remote for her in this peaceful society.

Now many people had already crawled under the tables, some had even wet their pants, their ugly states fully exposed.

These are the so-called aristocrats, the upper class.

There were also those calm bigshots who didn’t change color even as the mountain crumbled before them, but they were a minority, most were those who had risen high relying on their family backgrounds.

Seeing the now lifeless Kuboyama, Luo Feng calmly took a sip of wine.

His life wasn’t wasted, his soul will automatically return to hell.

Luo Feng wouldn’t leave his soul to serve the devil, but would follow the proper procedure.

He was a pitiful man, his life was frustrating, but in the end he had a rather grand exit.

Time was frozen again.

This time, Luo Feng didn’t go find Haruno, but strolled up to the barely alive Ishiyama.

Even without being shot in the head, he wouldn’t survive.

Blood loss, the lower part was blown off, no saving him.

“Want to live?” Luo Feng stood in front of him, smiling: “I’m a devil, a devil who fulfills people’s wishes, as long as you’re willing to offer your soul, I can make you live.”

“Save me…” He reached out his hand, finding he could move freely as if uninjured, but the pain kept assaulting his nerves: “I’ll give you anything, I have money, I have a lot of money…”

His life was flashing before his eyes, he knew what being shot in those places meant, knew what being shot so many times meant, but he never thought he’d still have a chance to live!

Haruno also ignited a glimmer of hope beside him.

If they could save him, then her family still had a chance, there was still room for negotiation!

“Then sign this.” Luo Feng manifested a contract: “As long as you sign it, you can live until natural death. Don’t worry, this isn’t a trap, you can stay sane while alive. What I want is simple, your personal savings, and your soul. I don’t want a single second of your lifespan.”

Ishiyama reacted quickly, he knew this opportunity was hard to come by.

Normally he would hesitate, but this time he had no choice, he could only contract to save his life!

To stay alive, no matter how slim the hope, he had to try.

Ishiyama stretched out his hand, wanting the contract, the same images as Kuboyama appeared in his mind, the tortures he would suffer in hell, and how his soul would be tormented.

His soul began to tremble.

“Think about your women, think about your wealth, are you really willing to give up all this? The afterlife can be dealt with after death, at least now you can live this life well, don’t you want a next life? Even if there is, you won’t have the memories of this life. After you die, who cares if the world is in turmoil?”

Luo Feng’s murmurs sounded in his ears.

Ishiyama gritted his teeth, indeed, the afterlife can be dealt with after death.

First and foremost, staying alive is the most important.


His soul imprint was on the contract.

It turns out Kuboyama knew about his affairs with his family.

He had been on guard against him all along, enjoying his trepidation.

But the one thing he never expected was that Kuboyama had the ability to retaliate.

Where did he get the gun from? It shouldn’t be!

Only the security personnel here can be armed, his own bodyguards had been disarmed.

Could it be that Sawamura set me up? He laid a trap for me?

Damn Kuboyama, you won’t get to die so peacefully, when I recover, I’ll have the gang members enjoy your wife, sister, daughter, right in front of your grave!

After having fun, sell them all off, let them be playthings for life!

“Oh, I forgot to tell you, I only guaranteed you’d stay sane.” Luo Feng smiled: “But you’ll never be able to control your own body again, you’ll become a vegetable, unable to do anything every day.”

“You won’t be able to speak, even have someone kill you will be impossible, you’ll just maintain your sanity, forever enjoying this feeling.”

“After all, you’ve already enjoyed the first half of your life, the second half… always bedridden, unable to care for yourself, not even a man, feeling wonderful pain with every gust of wind and rain, isn’t that reasonable?”

Ishiyama’s eyes widened, he found that he really couldn’t move, the pain was still there!

His eyes told Luo Feng that he wanted to say “You tricked me”.

“I didn’t trick you, I just made you think about your women and wealth, I didn’t say you had a chance to enjoy them.” Luo Feng lowered the brim of his hat: “Live well, I hope you don’t die too early, this is a blessing from the devil.”

Ishiyama’s expression went from despair to hope, from hope to despair, the transition was very fast.

Fear has an expiration date, keeping him constantly on the verge of death, he gradually let go.

But at this time Luo Feng gave him hope, letting him fall into despair at the height of his hope, this is what brings him pleasure!

“What a wonderful expression.” Luo Feng left him satisfied, then went to Haruno.

Haruno’s expression was the same as Ishiyama’s.

Although Haruno didn’t die, nor was she shot, she came to the banquet hoping, she was despairing because of Ishiyama’s death, then hopeful again because Luo Feng was going to save him, and then…

“This deal is really worth it.” Luo Feng sighed: “I won’t stay here with you, it’s time for my collectible to go work at my place, not operating on time is not a good boss.”

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Author: ,
As long as I don't have morals, morality can't hold me hostage. Do I need a strategy to deal with a lustful body? As long as she has dreams, she can't escape my demonic grasp. Are angels meddling? Then let the angels fall and become succubi. Sorry, I'm not a devil from a light novel, not an embarrassing devil, but a real devil. Luo Feng looked at Ginko Sora, who wanted to reach the pinnacle of shogi, at Yukinoshita, who wanted to change human nature, and at Raphiel, who wanted to protect her friends, revealing a delighted smile.


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not work with dark mode