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I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions 42

Chapter 042 – Packaged Acquisition

“This price is…” Yukinoshita Saori pointed to the computer screen.

“If you came yesterday, it would have been the previous price.” Luo Feng said with a half-smile: “At this time, it’s only worth this much, in a while it might be halved, divided by ten, or might even be worthless. Think about it, if people could get this by selling their souls, what would all their efforts be for? Believe me, if I offer this price, many people will come queuing up to make a deal.”

One billion yen, around 6 million RMB, isn’t a particularly large sum for a family like the Yukinoshitas, but it’s enough for many people to earn a lifetime.

The average annual salary in Japan is around 4 million yen, based on the average, they would have to go 25 years without eating or drinking to earn this much.

Souls, not everyone’s soul is worth this much, for some people their soul is very valuable, but most are average souls, Luo Feng is too lazy to make deals with those.

He doesn’t just look at the quality of the soul when making deals, but also the current achievements of the holder, their identity.

Yukinoshita Saori is obviously a person of some status, Luo Feng is happy to deal with her, but he also doesn’t want to give too much, if he gave the normal price, wouldn’t he be at a loss?

“…” Yukinoshita Saori’s delicate hands gripped slightly, even if she sold her soul, it couldn’t solve even a tiny bit of the problem.

Hmph, no, it can solve a bit…

“Then what about my daughter and I together?” Yukinoshita Saori probed: “How much would that be?”

Luo Feng quoted a number.

Yukinoshita Saori’s eyes widened, why is Haruno’s soul worth so much more than mine?

Although the two souls combined can’t solve the family crisis, it can at least achieve the small family that Haruno mentioned.

In just one day, her demands have lowered quite a bit.

“Then her ten years…”

“I’ll just pay the normal secretary’s salary.” Luo Feng said meaningfully: “What, not curious why your souls aren’t equal in value?”

“Haruno is younger than me.”

“No no no, to me, your soul qualities are about the same, hers is a bit better than yours, but the gap definitely won’t be that big. And you two don’t have much age difference either, what I want is the post-death stuff, not the pre-death stuff.” Luo Feng said softly: “The important thing is, you two are mother and daughter, when packaged, the price will naturally be better.”


Yukinoshita Saori took a deep breath, she roughly understood Luo Feng’s meaning now.

If she brought in a family member, the price might increase significantly.

“But, is this really all you want?” Luo Feng asked curiously: “You know, you weren’t just limited to this amount before, even if I give you this, you’ll still have to live under others’ eyes.”

“What else can I do?” Yukinoshita Saori gave a bitter smile.

This morning, after Haruno told her, she had already made mental preparations, she could accept the Yukinoshita family being downgraded.

Regretting not making the deal earlier? Too late, who knew her luck would be so bad? This isn’t Haruno’s fault either.

“I see.” Luo Feng nodded thoughtfully.

Suddenly, he thought of an interesting way to play.

Yukinoshita Saori is just starting to accept her failure, also facing her family’s failure, if they just make the deal like this, wouldn’t it be so boring?

Mother and daughter turn against each other, the family split apart, wouldn’t that be more interesting?

Hmm, should I first let her see a glimmer of hope, then kick her into the abyss, make her feel that if it wasn’t for her elder daughter’s deal that day, none of this would have happened?

Oh right, she also has a younger daughter, if she gets involved too, what kind of good show will I get to see?

Luo Feng’s purpose in trading souls isn’t the fundamental goal, his real purpose is to entertain himself, to find amusement.

Just like earlier when he went to provide that person with weapons and power, took away his lifespan and soul, he could have perfectly taken Ishiyama’s lifespan then, but he didn’t.

He wanted to let that person be more desperate for a while, so that when he occasionally sees his own handiwork, he can smile contentedly, right?

Tsk, the happiness of a devil, is so plain and boring.

“Then, can you help me assess the value of my younger daughter’s soul?” Yukinoshita Saori probed: “My younger daughter’s soul, might be more to your liking?”

Selling Yukino is better than selling Haruno.

Haruno’s role is too important, reviving the family still depends on Haruno.

She doesn’t know what the aftereffects of losing one’s soul would be, in the situation where the family needs inheritance and revitalization, Haruno can’t have anything happen to her.

“Sure, have her come.” Luo Feng said: “If the value is suitable, I’ll definitely give you a satisfactory price.”

He didn’t expect Yukinoshita Saori’s younger daughter’s soul to reach Sora Ginko’s standard, he just wanted to put his previous idea into practice in a more interesting way.

Can’t let her give up completely, have to make her days full of ups and downs.

Life, only when filled with variables is it splendid.

Tsk, I’m even thinking about enriching her life experience, I’m so benevolent.

Yukinoshita Saori took a deep breath and dialed a number.

“Hello, mother, what’s the matter?”

“Yukino, come see me.”

“What’s going on?”

“I have something very important, I need to introduce you to a very important person.”

“An arranged marriage?”

The voice on the other end of the phone was cold.

“No, absolutely not an arranged marriage, I promise you, it’s just business I want to discuss with you.”

“I don’t understand business matters.”

“Yukino, are you going to defy me?” Yukinoshita Saori said coldly: “Or do you have a way to make up for the family’s financial gaps? I can give you the position I have now, and take it back.”

In the past she would have used a sarcastic tone, but now she has no interest.

Fortunately, she’s never given her real power, otherwise it would have been a bit hard to handle.

Also fortunately, she really likes her own work, and knows how she got it.

If she didn’t have the desire to realize her own value, it would have been difficult.

Yukinoshita Saori is grateful that her own education of Yukino has been successful.

“…Where are you?”

Yukinoshita Saori gave an address.

After that, she hung up the phone.

“Hope your other daughter won’t be too disappointing.” Luo Feng tapped the table.


Just then, the door to another room opened, and Luo Feng felt his eyes light up.

Sora Ginko in a maid uniform, blushing with embarrassment, not knowing whether to come over or not.

Luo Feng looked at her embarrassed expression, suddenly felt the space for pleasure she can bring is greater than he imagined.

“What are you looking at…” Sora Ginko held down her skirt, covering her chest.

“Nothing, you’re so beautiful.”

Luo Feng waved his hand, not at all stingy with his praise.

To be honest, a beautiful soul with a cute appearance, is the devil’s greatest love.

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Author: ,
As long as I don't have morals, morality can't hold me hostage. Do I need a strategy to deal with a lustful body? As long as she has dreams, she can't escape my demonic grasp. Are angels meddling? Then let the angels fall and become succubi. Sorry, I'm not a devil from a light novel, not an embarrassing devil, but a real devil. Luo Feng looked at Ginko Sora, who wanted to reach the pinnacle of shogi, at Yukinoshita, who wanted to change human nature, and at Raphiel, who wanted to protect her friends, revealing a delighted smile.


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not work with dark mode