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I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions 44

Chapter 044 – Didn’t Clean Up the House

Seeing how Luo Feng looked at Yukino, Yukinoshita Saori heaved a sigh of relief.

Seems it’s not that Haruno isn’t excellent, but that Luo Feng prefers the younger ones.

This “young one” is obviously not just in age, after all, Yukino has already graduated from university…

“Devil, souls?” Yukinoshita Yukino frowned slightly, giving her mother a sidelong glance.

Can such a basic trick still work? What’s wrong with people these days, even the police can be fooled?

Yukinoshita Yukino turned her gaze back to Luo Feng, just about to speak, when she was seized by a shudder from the depths of her soul.

A contract appeared out of thin air in front of her, the entire room dimming.

Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly felt that if she really signed this contract, she must fulfill what’s written in it, otherwise something terrifying would happen!

Sora Ginko’s body suddenly stiffened as she was wiping the table, she gritted her teeth, then shook her head.

She can only take care of herself, she can’t take care of others.

That woman the other day clearly knew how cruel Luo Feng’s methods were, that the deal could even turn into her own death warrant, but she still came.

Really, if he had said he was a devil from the start, I absolutely wouldn’t have signed, tricking me, is that fun?

But, would I really not have signed?

She felt confused.

This computing power…

If I had never seen the light, I could have endured the darkness.

She gave a self-mocking laugh, even without the Yaichi factor, without his joke about being the Shogi God, she would have signed, it’s just a matter of how long it takes.

In the past, she would have thought that no matter what, she wouldn’t sign.

Now that she has let go of Kuzuryuu Yaichi, her way of thinking naturally becomes different, not everyone can put themselves in different time periods.

More mature people can think about the things they did, the words they said in high school, if you have a chuunibyou experience, or even a QQ space experience, that would be even better, if the posts in the space haven’t been deleted, you can take a look, see if you can immerse yourself in that period…

“Don’t hold it in.” Luo Feng seemed to have noticed Sora Ginko’s inner turmoil, and smiled: “Working for me, you can be more casual, say what you want, do what you want, I won’t punish you.”

If he can stir up Sora Ginko’s feelings of despair, Luo Feng would have earned an extra share.

A devil’s deals being dissuaded so easily, Raphiel has already done so.

What the angels can’t do with humans’ natural fear, let alone this little girl.

Sora Ginko sees good people gradually falling into her own clutches, either becoming more at ease, feeling her initial contract was understandable, even thinking the price she paid was small, a gain, then willingly serving her.

Or start to despair of the human world, no longer pursuing anything beyond shogi, then her soul will become even more lustrous.

Either way, Luo Feng is the one profiting.

“There are a lot of traps in his deals.” Seeing Luo Feng so easygoing, Sora Ginko hurriedly said what she wanted to say, feeling stuffy holding it in: “I’m forced to work for him now.”

The night’s matter, Sora Ginko couldn’t bring herself to say it out loud, helping doesn’t mean you have to self-detonate, she’s a stranger, helping is a matter of sentiment, not helping is a matter of principle.

After all, self-detonating is not something everyone dares to do, it requires great courage.

“So? Did you enjoy playing shogi today? Beat the teacher a few games? Beat the junior a few games?” Luo Feng raised his head.

“Mind your own business…” Sora Ginko kept her head down, wiping the table.

She beat the junior two games, beat the teacher three games…

They haven’t quite adapted to Sora Ginko’s current strategy yet, in the short term she has a big advantage, so Sora Ginko hasn’t discovered her computing power has been discounted.

After all, she hasn’t really experienced it for long, today her mind wasn’t fully focused on thinking about that.

When time passes, and those geniuses have cracked her new strategy, she’ll be able to discover where the gap is.

Unfortunately, the contract has been signed, can’t go back on it even if she wants to.

Moreover, if she reneges now, the one who loses won’t be Luo Feng…

“What kind of deal?” Yukinoshita Saori quickly asked.

She’s a smart woman, one glance could tell that Sora Ginko got some benefit, not what she wanted, she wouldn’t have this reaction.

“Your soul, plus her working for me for a year.” Luo Feng smiled: “This work, whatever I tell her to do, she has to do…”

“Absurd!” Yukinoshita Yukino coldly interrupted Luo Feng: “I don’t know what’s going on, whether it’s a psychological suggestion or something, you can go to the police station and explain it clearly to me, now please come with me. Mother, I’ll handle the rest.”

No matter how you look at it, this guy is very suspicious.

That girl is working here, is she being coerced? She can’t just stand by.

“Yukino, he’s not lying to you, what he’s saying is true.” Yukinoshita Saori grabbed Yukino’s hand: “If you think it’s false, just sign the contract, you should know that this kind of contract doesn’t have legal effect.”

A contract isn’t necessarily binding just because you signed it, because some contracts are obviously scams, the contract itself is problematic, and therefore illegal, such contracts have no legal effect.

“Mother, you’ve been taken in.” Yukinoshita Yukino coldly looked at the contract, then at Luo Feng: “In this world, there are no gods, no angels, no devils.”

“Just like your sister’s thinking.” Luo Feng sighed: “I can prove it to you, but you have to pay a tiny price, like, during work hours, shout three times ‘I’m flat-chested’.”

Yukino’s brow furrowed slightly, she wanted to retort, after all, saying someone is flat-chested so bluntly, isn’t that a bit lacking in taste?

A person’s value cannot be realized in this way!

Sora Ginko instinctively glanced at Yukino’s chest, then at her own, I’ll still grow bigger in the future, shouldn’t be like this…

“Don’t bet.” Yukinoshita Saori quickly stopped Yukino, if she really shouted that, she’d be socially dead, the Yukinoshita family would be humiliated too!

“Mrs. Yukinoshita, the price may not be this tomorrow.” Luo Feng tapped the table, not at all in a hurry: “As I said, I can wait, it’s you who can’t. You should know what the previous deal price was, and what it is now, right?”

Yukinoshita Saori was shocked: “Please give me some time, let me convince her now, can I have some privacy with her?”

“Sure.” Luo Feng snapped his fingers, and the mother-daughter Yukinoshtias instantly vanished, as if they had never been there.

“Where did they go?” Sora Ginko was puzzled.

“Went to the room to discuss business.” Luo Feng stretched: “I didn’t clean up the house.”

“Huh?” Sora Ginko blinked her big eyes, initially a bit confused, but very soon her face flushed bright red, like she was about to bleed: “You, you didn’t clean up at all!”

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Author: ,
As long as I don't have morals, morality can't hold me hostage. Do I need a strategy to deal with a lustful body? As long as she has dreams, she can't escape my demonic grasp. Are angels meddling? Then let the angels fall and become succubi. Sorry, I'm not a devil from a light novel, not an embarrassing devil, but a real devil. Luo Feng looked at Ginko Sora, who wanted to reach the pinnacle of shogi, at Yukinoshita, who wanted to change human nature, and at Raphiel, who wanted to protect her friends, revealing a delighted smile.


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not work with dark mode