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I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions 45

Chapter 045 – Ongoing Strategy

“Seems like this is your fault, right?” Luo Feng’s red wine was already at the point where he could swirl it, he gently swirled it, with a half-smile: “This is the maid’s job, not the master’s.”

“But, you were here until 8 o’clock…”

Sora Ginko’s voice was very soft, so soft that she didn’t even know if she had actually said it, but Luo Feng still easily caught her voice.

Luo Feng stood up and walked step by step towards Sora Ginko.

Seeing Luo Feng approach, Sora Ginko instinctively backed up, but after just a few steps, her back hit the wall.


Luo Feng’s left hand was pressed against the wall, his right hand holding the red wine, slightly bowing his head, staring at Sora Ginko.

Sora Ginko gripped the towel tightly with both hands, not daring to look at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng looked at her adorable head and hairband, speaking softly: “You can work overtime, right? Don’t tell me Japan doesn’t have the concept of overtime.”

“You, you didn’t ask me to work overtime… the contract didn’t either…”

“Tsk, such an oblivious maid.” Luo Feng sighed: “Letting the master consider this is an embarrassment for the maid.”

“I’m not a maid…”

“Oh? Not a maid? Then what do you want to be?”

The devil’s whisper sounded in her ear, Sora Ginko suddenly realized: “No, I, I am a maid, from now on I will consider it carefully!”

“Good girl.” Luo Feng gently patted Sora Ginko’s little head: “Since they’ve gone to chat, come here, let’s play a few games.”

Luo Feng changed to a different table, in front of him was a shogi board.

Sora Ginko’s eyes lit up, the previous matters were instantly forgotten. Playing shogi with Luo Feng is completely enjoyable!

But she soon became alert again.

“Do I need to pay any price?” Sora Ginko, although she felt she had nothing left to lose, what if Luo Feng had his sights set on her lifespan, soul, and such?

No matter what movie, what the devils always love is the soul, just now when he wanted to trade, what he wanted was the soul, the rest were just extras.

She’s never signed a contract trading her soul, doesn’t know how terrifying it is, but she feels this thing shouldn’t be given away casually.

“No need.” Luo Feng said softly: “As I said, you don’t need to be so wary of me.”

Sora Ginko secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Thinking carefully, apart from last night, Luo Feng doesn’t seem to have done anything to her?

Even just now, he only wanted her to do what a maid should do.

In that case… I really only need to work normally?

Moreover, whatever I say, he’s fine with it, even if it hinders his work, or I even scold him a bit, he won’t get angry…

Sora Ginko knows what her temper is like, many times her brain doesn’t think of it, but the words have already come out, the actions have already been taken, this is a kind of quirky muscle memory.

Making her completely relax her guard against Luo Feng right now is impossible, but this kind of thing needs subtle influences, bit by bit, Luo Feng is also not in a hurry to play with her.

Using his words, since he’s already got her, who cares?

“Today, I’ll just use the blank’s ability to play with you, otherwise if I use white’s ability, white is equivalent to a super computer, you can’t possibly beat it.” Luo Feng smiled.

“Is that blank the brother and sister I saw?” Sora Ginko knelt in front of Luo Feng: “What kind of people are they?”

“In terms of this game alone, white can master 10 to the power of 110, have you heard of AlphaGo? It can defeat powerful computers at chess.” Luo Feng said: “To her, chess is just a simple right-or-wrong game.”

“A simple right-or-wrong… game?” Sora Ginko’s heart tightened.

“But she has a fatal flaw.” Luo Feng said: “She only knows how to calculate, not how to scheme, so as long as you use some incorrect moves to mislead her, you can still throw her into confusion.”

“Then what about the blank?” Sora Ginko suddenly thought of those moves that looked not quite right, but were actually quite incisive during their games, each move could be called a divine hand.

“The blank excels at scheming, not at calculating.” Luo Feng said: “The blank alone is not that strong, but the two of them together can even defeat the gods.”

“Why do you have their abilities?” Sora Ginko asked curiously.

“I’m just borrowing the projection they left in this world, I’m not sure about their current level, I’m not a systematic god.” Luo Feng said.

“Why would a Chinese person come to Japan to be a devil?” Sora Ginko got the answer and changed the topic.

“I can’t go ruin my own country, can I?” Luo Feng said softly: “Over here, I can ruin however I want without burden.”

As for why a Chinese person would become a devil, he’s not sure either, these are things only Heaven or if he becomes a true monarch can find out.

“Why don’t you go to America?” Sora Ginko glared at Luo Feng.

If she had never known him, maybe she would be like before? Not knowing anything, not understanding anything, living more carefree…

But how would she play in the 3-dan tournament without Luo Feng?

“Does America still need me to ruin it?”

“Mm… True, let’s start.”

Luo Feng didn’t actually teleport them to his bedroom, he was just teasing Sora Ginko a bit.

He just said he teleported them to a room, didn’t specify which room, that’s something Sora Ginko imagined herself.

When dealing with devils, just remember one thing, they won’t deceive you on the contract, that’s enough, it’s best to ignore the rest in daily life, otherwise you’ll easily fall into their trap.

But the ones who usually contract with devils are either at the end of their rope or have a strong desire, how many have the willpower to maintain their sanity?

Luo Feng’s little joke just now isn’t important, it’s just that Sora Ginko feels Luo Feng is really capable of doing that.

“Yukino, are you convinced now?” Yukinoshita Saori looked around this reception room, a proper Japanese-style reception room, with two cups of good tea on the table.

“…” Yukinoshita Yukino had been sitting quietly for ten minutes, her mother asked her three times before she finally snapped out of it.

Her lifelong atheism had just collapsed in this moment.

The contract that earlier made her tremble from the depths of her soul and her instinctive alert made her believe half of it, her ability to hold out this long just shows she hasn’t read enough novels and anime.

“He’s really a devil? What deal are you two making?” Yukinoshita Yukino’s delicate hands gripped her pants.

If it’s a scam, she can still take him to the police station, but how to take a devil?

If a bunch of police surround the place, who knows how far he can send them with just a snap of his fingers.

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Author: ,
As long as I don't have morals, morality can't hold me hostage. Do I need a strategy to deal with a lustful body? As long as she has dreams, she can't escape my demonic grasp. Are angels meddling? Then let the angels fall and become succubi. Sorry, I'm not a devil from a light novel, not an embarrassing devil, but a real devil. Luo Feng looked at Ginko Sora, who wanted to reach the pinnacle of shogi, at Yukinoshita, who wanted to change human nature, and at Raphiel, who wanted to protect her friends, revealing a delighted smile.


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not work with dark mode