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I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions 49

Chapter 049 – Sisters

When Yukinoshita Saori returned home, the first thing she saw was Haruno lying on the sofa, seeming a bit listless.

After all, she witnessed a shooting murder, and it was Luo Feng manipulating it all along, killing the only hope of the Yukinoshita family, now she doesn’t even want to move.

What other option is there? What other option can there be?

Time to think about which family is worth relying on, at least need to ensure survival.

“Haruno.” Yukinoshita Saori sat down next to Haruno, with an elegant smile on her face: “The matter is resolved, there’s investment, it’s a loan, a one-year loan.”

The previous fear and unease, the hellish scenes, have all been thrown to the back of her mind, what remains is only yearning for the future.

People like them are very good at adjusting their mindset, if they think about bad things every day, wallow in self-pity, it would be hard to succeed as well.

She has no intention of telling Haruno about her and Yukino going to see Luo Feng.

Luo Feng can think of Haruno’s fondness for her sister, of course Yukinoshita Saori can too, keeping it from Haruno for now, get through it then deal with it.

Yukino won’t lie, but she can withhold information.

Yukinoshita Saori believes Yukino will understand, and won’t let Haruno suffer.

Yukinoshita Saori has this all calculated clearly, Haruno’s abilities must be utilized, otherwise in the future even with more investment the Yukinoshita family still can’t truly rise up.

“Loan? What loan?” Yukinoshita Haruno was taken aback: “What’s the interest rate?”

“Whew, it’s an old friend of mom’s, this loan is interest-free.” Yukinoshita Saori said softly: “But if we can’t pay back the principal in a year, the Yukinoshita family might have to become his vassal.”

The interest is your mother’s soul… this interest is more valuable than money.

To say this money is free, definitely can’t fool someone as sharp as Haruno, but by stating a price she can understand, she should be able to accept it.

Just like when she buys things, she absolutely won’t buy the free ones, because the free ones may have an unimaginable price behind them.

What she said doesn’t have any problem, if they can’t pay back in a year, the Yukinoshita family could indeed become a vassal, but that’s just one of the options she won’t choose.

“Vassal…” Yukinoshita Haruno murmured: “An extra year of buffer? How much was borrowed?”

“It’s all in this card, check for yourself?” Yukinoshita Saori placed the card in front of Haruno.

Yukinoshita Haruno perked up, quickly sat up, checked online, seeing the numbers in front of her, her eyes widened: “This much? Two billion more than what was lost in the stock market.”

What shooting case, what Ishiyama, what do those have to do with her?

With this money, it’s really possible for the Yukinoshita family to get through, even if only for a year!

“Mm, how much you can earn back in a year to make up for the losses in the stock market, depends on your abilities, I don’t want the Yukinoshita family to become a vassal, and even less for them to take back this capital and us still can’t hold on.” Yukinoshita Saori smiled.

“But, isn’t this too cheap for us?” Haruno still found it hard to believe.

“Not that cheap.” Yukinoshita Saori shook her head, instructing Haruno: “Mom has put in a lot of effort for this capital, and after the US stock market crash, the impact is on the global economy, making money this year will be very difficult, he thinks we can’t earn it, and in the end when we have no other choice, we’ll still rely on him, no matter how you look at it, relying on someone else is better than relying on someone willing to bring firewood in the snow, right?”

“That makes sense…” Yukinoshita Haruno said thoughtfully: “You’ve already agreed to him that if we have no other choice, we’ll rely on him, right?”

“Mm.” Seeing Haruno had already imagined the terms herself, Yukinoshita Saori couldn’t help but be very gratified, no wonder she’s the daughter I personally raised.

“Moreover, if this capital has too much loss, he might withdraw it at any time.” Yukinoshita Haruno said: “Just don’t know where his bottom line is, can you tell me his family?”

“Don’t know the bottom line, can’t tell you his family, he doesn’t want people to know our relationship.” Yukinoshita Saori said seriously: “Especially you two.”

Yukinoshita Haruno’s eyes widened, suddenly felt her father’s head might have a bit of green?

Yukinoshita Saori’s old face flushed a bit, she knew what Haruno was thinking, but at this moment she really couldn’t refute it.

Yukinoshita Haruno shook her head, whatever, the family is almost gone, how could she possibly consider her mother’s romantic affairs? She’s never noticed it, it’s really well hidden.

Right, the family is basically all under mother’s control, father is like a puppet, after all mother is too domineering.

“I’ll just pretend I don’t know about this.” Yukinoshita Haruno said: “I’ll operate well, but you have to promise me, even if we become vassals, you and father can’t get divorced.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t let the Yukinoshita family be disgraced.” Seeing she didn’t pursue the question, Yukinoshita Saori couldn’t help but feel relieved.

Yukinoshita Haruno means, you’ve already brought disgrace, am I and Yukino really father’s biological daughters? Not half-sisters from different mothers?

She casually picked up the phone and called Yukino.

Yukinoshita Saori immediately tensed up, this is the most difficult hurdle, must ensure Yukino doesn’t cause any trouble!

Her plan is good, but imagination and actual implementation can’t be completely the same.

“Hello, sister, sorry, I’m still investigating the shooting case.”

“It’s not about that.” Yukinoshita Haruno said a bit excitedly: “The family matters, mom has resolved them. As for the shooting case, just investigate it casually, I’m not hurt.”

“No, even if I’m not hurt, it’s still a life, my leave of absence delayed the case progress, I must thoroughly investigate.”

“This kind of case is hard to get results, Japan’s public security is just good on the surface.”

“This is my responsibility.”

“Okay, since you like it, go investigate.”

Haruno thought for a bit, these are trivial matters, and Yukino doesn’t know about Luo Feng, can’t find anything on him either, better not let her know about this.

Also need to tell mother, since there’s another way, absolutely don’t go find Luo Feng, and don’t tell Yukino about that person’s existence, that person is too dangerous, she saw with her own eyes how Luo Feng trades, doesn’t trust him at all, even this lifetime doesn’t want to see him again.

“How did mother resolve the family matters?”

“Just a business partner investing, all kinds of twists and turns.”

“Mm, I understand.”

“You should sleep early too.”

Haruno hung up the phone, heaving a sigh of relief.

The younger sister wants to protect the older sister, the older sister wants to protect the younger sister, what a harmonious scene.

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Author: ,
As long as I don't have morals, morality can't hold me hostage. Do I need a strategy to deal with a lustful body? As long as she has dreams, she can't escape my demonic grasp. Are angels meddling? Then let the angels fall and become succubi. Sorry, I'm not a devil from a light novel, not an embarrassing devil, but a real devil. Luo Feng looked at Ginko Sora, who wanted to reach the pinnacle of shogi, at Yukinoshita, who wanted to change human nature, and at Raphiel, who wanted to protect her friends, revealing a delighted smile.


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not work with dark mode