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I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions 50

Chapter 050 – Fear

Early the next morning, when Haruno walked out of the Yukinoshita family villa, she suddenly felt something was off, her expression instantly turning cold.

The things her mother said last night were very logical, seemed to withstand scrutiny, Yukino’s performance was very good, no matter how you look at it, she doesn’t seem like someone who’s seen a devil.

But… mother’s old friend? What a joke.

If such a person really existed, she would have gone to find them on the first day!

She knows her mother too well, that’s someone who doesn’t shy away from underhanded tactics, she absolutely wouldn’t care about face.

Why didn’t she think of it last night? Still believed her lies? Was this the devil’s doing?

In this matter, Luo Feng has helped Raphiel take the blame, it’s purely because of the feather left over from Raphiel’s visit here last time, telling them not to send…

Haruno was constrained by common sense at the time, plus the guidance of the angel’s power, so she didn’t think of it, the principle is the same as why Kiyotaki Keika and Kuzuryuu Yaichi didn’t go find Luo Feng that day.

But when she walked out of this villa, she was completely awake.

Haruno stomped her foot, damn it, judging from her mother’s behavior, she must have taken Yukino to make a deal with the devil, Yukino’s performance last night was perfect, but precisely because it was too perfect, her tone was less nervous.

How could Haruno, who has known her for so many years, not notice the problem after waking up?

What to do now? Go directly find Luo Feng? That’s simply going to be slaughtered!

Negotiation, transaction, requires capital, and the current Yukinoshita family simply doesn’t have any negotiating capital.

Especially after observing Luo Feng’s trading methods, Haruno has to be cautious.

It’s basically impossible to get anything out of her mother about what kind of deal she made, it would just be alerting the snake.

Wait until these past few days’ matters are dealt with, get through it, try to get the details out of Yukino, or try contacting others who have had dealings with Luo Feng, see what the specific terms of the transaction are.

Only by knowing the specific terms can she try to come up with a solution.

And there’s also a prerequisite, that is the Yukinoshita family must be stable.

Absolutely can’t touch the stocks, they’ll probably continue to plunge, better stick to the orthodox path first.

Damn it, she should have realized earlier that her mother’s personality would set her sights on Yukino, but didn’t expect it to be so fast, she’s still dealing with the family’s problems on her end, and her mother went directly.

Plus the shooting case, she was taken back for questioning, missed the best opportunity…

Stay calm, must stay calm…

Can’t show any abnormalities lately, can’t let Yukino worry.

I’ll handle it well, I’ll definitely handle it well.

Yukino, wait for me.

At the same time, at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Yukinoshita Yukino went to work with a somewhat anxious heart, her eye sockets now sporting dark circles, clearly she didn’t sleep well last night.

In the process of investigating the case yesterday, the more she thought about it, the more worried and unnerving it became.

As long as it doesn’t violate the law, there are still many things that can harm her, making her shout “I’m flat-chested” on the street is just embarrassing, but what if he makes her work part-time at a brothel or something?

Just thinking about it makes her afraid!

Although Yukinoshita Yukino is upright and proud, that doesn’t mean she’s fearless.

In wartime, so many hardened men couldn’t endure it, how could she, born in peacetime, endure it?

Especially since Luo Feng doesn’t approach her, doesn’t say to make her do anything, this makes her even more prone to overthinking.

At first when signing, it was fine, at that time she was already subdued by her mother, no choice but to sign, but after signing she realized how deep the trap was.

That contract indeed doesn’t have legal effect, but tell the devil about the law? Is it useful?

Thinking about it now, if Luo Feng only lusts for her body, that would actually be the best outcome?

Although she hasn’t had a boyfriend all these years, to do that with him… is a bit of a pity, but she’s an adult, the responsibilities she should bear, she must bear.

“Yukinoshita, Yukinoshita?”

“Yes, is there something?” Yukinoshita Yukino sat behind her desk, her superior called her name a couple of times before she reacted.

She is a detective in the First Investigation Division’s Special Investigations Fourth Section of the Metropolitan Police Department, equivalent to Satou Miwako’s position in Detective Conan, at such a young age securing this position, in a few years becoming an assistant inspector can be said to be an absolute certainty, the prerequisite being the Yukinoshita family doesn’t have any problems.

“Why do you look so bad?” The superior frowned slightly, then relaxed: “Your sister must have been shocked yesterday, right?”

“My sister is fine.” Yukinoshita Yukino shook her head.

“Mm.” The superior nodded: “Don’t worry, this is the Metropolitan Police Department, if you want to help her, this is the place that can help.”

“I understand.” Yukinoshita Yukino couldn’t help but relax a little.

Right, this is the Metropolitan Police Department, even if that guy is supernaturally powerful, how could he influence this place?

This is the national law enforcement agency, a place impervious to all evils.

“About last night’s shooting case, your sister was also at the scene, any clues?” The superior sat down in front of Yukinoshita Yukino.

“Can’t find any, I looked at the statements, when they went in, no one should have noticed the presence of the gun, no possibility it was brought in through the entrance. When in the garden, he didn’t contact anyone, nor did he leave anyone’s sight.” Yukinoshita Yukino thought.

If it was before, she should have thought the other party’s methods were superb, had some details she didn’t know.

But after meeting Luo Feng, she feels this might be a supernatural case?

His gun, could it really have appeared out of thin air?

“An untrained person having this kind of marksmanship, it just doesn’t seem right, was he hiding it extremely deep, or just extremely lucky?” The superior was a bit puzzled.

Every shot hit, the target was shot in a symmetric pattern after being hit, if it was just luck, the chance of being struck by lightning every day would be higher, right?

“The cause has been investigated.” Yukinoshita Yukino said: “It was a revenge killing, Ishiyama had an affair with the criminal’s wife and sister.”

“Mm, now we just need to find the source of the gun.” The superior stood up: “This incident is extremely heinous, we must investigate thoroughly.”

“I think he deserves to die.” Yukinoshita Yukino muttered softly.

“We are the police.” The superior said seriously: “Even if he deserves to die, he should die by the law, not by revenge, one thing is one thing.”

“I know.” Yukinoshita Yukino nodded.

The superior left Yukinoshita Yukino’s side.

The only special thing about this case is that Haruno just happened to be at the scene, and there were previous call records with Ishiyama, but no matter how they investigated, this line was broken, impossible to have anything to do with Yukinoshita Haruno.

The superior came to ask Yukino, not because of her high clearance rate, but simply to see if Haruno had any clues he didn’t know about.

After all, the bigshots they brought back for questioning yesterday, they couldn’t ask them in detail.

Investigating in Tokyo is really absurd, because many cases can’t really be solved at all.

Yukino looked at the files in front of her, for some reason, she had a rather absurd idea, she wanted to call Luo Feng and see if he knew any clues.

As a police officer, she has always been very qualified, serious in her work, not bureaucratic, impartial, leading by example, her mother has hinted a few times about using her position for convenience, but she has always evaded it.

Even, she has turned around and advised her mother not to do those things.

In Yukinoshita Saori’s eyes, she is definitely not a good daughter, but at least among the civilians, she can find some fairness here.

“Sigh, I don’t even know that guy’s phone number.” Yukino muttered softly to herself.

“I can tell you.”

“Ah!” Yukino was startled by the suddenly appearing voice, stood up immediately.

She suddenly found that all the people in the police station were not moving, except her and Luo Feng, everyone else’s colors had turned to black and white.

“You, you…” Just now, Yukino was thinking this was a law enforcement agency, how could a devil sneak in like this?

Where are the local deities of Japan? Just watching idly?

Moreover, since there are devils, shouldn’t there also be espers and such? Drive him away!

“What do you want from me?” Yukino calmed herself down.

“Nothing, just came to tell you my phone number.” Luo Feng casually wrote his phone and email on her notebook: “I didn’t stop the flow of time in this world, I just slowed yours down to almost a stop, they’re fine.”

After writing down the number, Luo Feng looked at Yukino and smiled: “Remember to call me if you have anything.”

“Was this case done by you.” Yukino, since Luo Feng came, asked the questions troubling her: “Is it the work of a supernatural being?”

“Guess.” Luo Feng lowered the brim of his hat: “If you want to know the answer to anything, you can ask me, the prerequisite is to make a deal with me.”

“I, I didn’t already…”

“Not that deal, your soul is mortgaged to me, I only took one year of your service, how about it, want to renew the membership?” Luo Feng raised his head: “Understand the annual membership?”

“I won’t continue signing.” Yukinoshita Yukino took a deep breath and said decisively.

“Hmm, I see.” Luo Feng turned and left: “I’ll be going first, still considering what to make you do, like, doing a pole dance in the Metropolitan Police Department? Tsk, seems quite interesting.”

Yukino was shaking all over, she doesn’t know if Luo Feng will really do that!

What she can be certain of is, Luo Feng can do it…

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Author: ,
As long as I don't have morals, morality can't hold me hostage. Do I need a strategy to deal with a lustful body? As long as she has dreams, she can't escape my demonic grasp. Are angels meddling? Then let the angels fall and become succubi. Sorry, I'm not a devil from a light novel, not an embarrassing devil, but a real devil. Luo Feng looked at Ginko Sora, who wanted to reach the pinnacle of shogi, at Yukinoshita, who wanted to change human nature, and at Raphiel, who wanted to protect her friends, revealing a delighted smile.


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not work with dark mode