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I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions 51

Chapter 051 – The Benevolent Devil?

Yukinoshita Yukino passed these three days anxiously, but when she found that Luo Feng didn’t come find her again, she couldn’t help but relax.

If it wasn’t for the fact that the family’s situation has become better and even returned to how it used to be, she would have really thought it was just a dream.

The previous shooting case ultimately ended in failure.

She couldn’t possibly go ask Luo Feng, in the end she could only attribute it to a supernatural event, and sealed that file.

She drove her own car back home, planning to do as before, study some cases at night to improve her case-solving efficiency, but just like before, as soon as she opened the door, she found an unexpected guest in her home.

At this time she’s already off work, it’s impossible for her to be armed, her instinct was to back out and call the police.

She’s seen too many cases where the lone hero ends up being killed and the criminal getting away scot-free, absolutely can’t act rashly.

“You’re back?”

Luo Feng’s voice sounded from inside the room.

He didn’t turn on the lights, wasn’t watching TV, just playing with his phone: “Come in.”

“What do you want from me?” Yukino said warily.

Three days without seeing Luo Feng, she thought he had forgotten about her, just let her guard down, and he came to find her.

“What do I want? Guess?” Luo Feng’s gaze rested on Yukino, opening his squinting eyes a bit.

Because the room was dark, only lit by the phone’s glow, when he turned his head and opened his eyes, Yukino was startled by the gleam of crimson in his eyes, instinctively took a step back.

Seeing his gaze, Yukino pulled up her immaculate collar, gritting her teeth, seeming a bit wavering.

Is it finally time?

Seeing that Luo Feng had only come for this, Yukinoshita Yukino didn’t know why, but actually felt a sense of relief.

However, Luo Feng glanced at Yukino’s chest, revealing a somewhat disdainful expression.

You’re already working, the same size as Ginko, how can you have the nerve?

“You, what are you looking at!” Yukinoshita Yukino didn’t know what was going on, felt inexplicably angry being looked at by him.

Isn’t it because of this kind of thing that you contracted with me?

“Ginko took a leave today, you’ll do her work.” Luo Feng stood up, walked to Yukino.

“Leave?” Yukinoshita Yukino was puzzled: “What work?”

Hearing the words “leave” and “work” come out of Luo Feng’s mouth, she felt quite puzzled.

The girl she saw that day, it seemed she was just normally cleaning the house? The work he’s talking about is just this?

Could it be, this is a benevolent devil?

“Just to watch the shop with me, not a difficult task.” Luo Feng revealed a faint smile.

Leave like this, for such a minor matter, of course Luo Feng doesn’t mind.

He also knows this is Sora Ginko’s test, wanting to see what he’s really like for her, so Luo Feng generously gave her three days off, giving her a sense that taking leave is an easy thing.

When she has something important, will he give her this leave without any cost? No need to say.

“Okay.” Yukinoshita Yukino took a deep breath, knowing Luo Feng had paid such a big price, just for some minor things, even without the contract, she would have gone to help.

Or rather, having him ask her to do something, she actually feels more at ease, she doesn’t like owing others.

Since there’s a contract, she’ll definitely fulfill her responsibilities.


Luo Feng snapped his fingers, the next moment, Yukinoshita Yukino and Luo Feng appeared together in Luo Feng’s shop.

“You… I haven’t changed clothes yet.” Yukinoshita Yukino is currently wearing casual clothes, a beige suit, white shirt inside, beige trousers, very well-coordinated.

“It’s fine as is, if you don’t work when it’s time, I won’t be a good boss.” Luo Feng sat in his position, told Yukino: “You should know how a waitress should do it, wipe the tables, mop the floor, that’s enough.”

“Mm.” Yukino indicates, her cooking skills are actually pretty good too, especially the high-end ones, but there are no customers coming now, so she doesn’t mind.

Seems the previous worries were unnecessary, he really isn’t a bad devil, right?

Too bad about mother’s soul, if Luo Feng is really this easy to deal with, shouldn’t it not require such a painful price?

Yukinoshita Yukino couldn’t help but feel heartbroken, at the time she was just thinking about how evil the legendary devils were, without considering the possibility that he might be a benevolent devil.

Time passed quickly, half an hour later, Yukinoshita Yukino was wiping the floor, Luo Feng playing on the computer, neither hindering the other, a very harmonious scene.

In the dim light, after Yukino finished wiping the floor, she stood at the door, suddenly smelled the earthy scent mixed with dampness.

The next second, small black dots started appearing on the asphalt road.

Two dots, three dots… the number of black dots gradually increased, raindrops fell from the sky, making clear dripping sounds.

Finally, those black dots completely covered the ground.

Yukino looked at the weather outside, couldn’t help but be curious, in this weather, will anyone come?

Maybe they will, maybe they won’t.

Wait, Tokyo should have been sunny today, why did it suddenly rain?

When leaving work, the sky didn’t have any clouds, did the weather change this quickly?

Yukino didn’t pay much attention, this kind of situation should be quite common.

“With this weather, probably no one will come.” Yukinoshita Yukino said softly.

She gazed out the window, that sense of absurdity still hadn’t dissipated.

She’s a police officer living the life of a civil servant, yet without realizing it, she’s ended up in a devil’s shop, working as a waitress.

“Wanna bet? Someone will come before you get off.” Luo Feng said softly: “If you lose, sing the  “Xue Mao Jiao” (Meowing like a Cat) song to me in Chinese.”

“Huh?” Yukinoshita Yukino looked puzzled at Luo Feng: “If you want to hear it, this kind of non-illegal thing, with the contract binding me, I can’t refuse, right?”

“That’s too boring, I want you to sing it willingly.” Luo Feng thought about it, it’s been a long time since he’s been to a bar, letting Yukino wear a bunny girl outfit and go sing it, even better if her colleagues are there, won’t that be interesting?

“What if you lose?” Yukinoshita Yukino asked.

“I’ll tell you who the culprit was in last year’s serial murder case.” Luo Feng said casually.

Yukinoshita Yukino’s eyes widened.

She suddenly realized, Luo Feng’s abilities seem terrifyingly powerful!

She had thought about asking Luo Feng before, but thinking about the price, she was a bit reluctant.

If the work is just like this, exchanging her work time for case progress, absolutely not a bad deal, right?

Catching one more criminal, won’t that reduce the occurrence of tragedies?

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Author: ,
As long as I don't have morals, morality can't hold me hostage. Do I need a strategy to deal with a lustful body? As long as she has dreams, she can't escape my demonic grasp. Are angels meddling? Then let the angels fall and become succubi. Sorry, I'm not a devil from a light novel, not an embarrassing devil, but a real devil. Luo Feng looked at Ginko Sora, who wanted to reach the pinnacle of shogi, at Yukinoshita, who wanted to change human nature, and at Raphiel, who wanted to protect her friends, revealing a delighted smile.


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not work with dark mode