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I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions 54

Chapter 054 – The Devil’s Trap

Luo Feng revealed a smile.

Yukino isn’t the type of keyboard warrior who just makes others pay, for something that doesn’t cost her much, she’s willing to help.

Many people only talk, but when it actually comes to paying even a little bit of a price, they’re not willing to.

One week’s time isn’t long for Yukino, this is a good start.

Let her see what price she pays, and what kind of result it can bring.

Suddenly, Luo Feng’s large hand lit up briefly, then dimmed, and time returned to normal.

“Resist… the media, right, and the media.” The girl opened Luo Feng’s hand, suddenly looked up: “I just need to find the media, I’ll report it, find the media, I’m not even afraid of death, what else am I afraid of?”

Courage is something hard to explain, some people are just naturally bold, some people are naturally more cowardly.

This can also be cultivated, not every daredevil is born that way, not everyone is coward because they were born that way.

Parental upbringing, the growth environment, all have a huge factor.

This girl is from a single-parent family, she must have gotten used to being looked down upon since she was little, her inherent cowardice is not hard to understand.

“Mm, keep it up, I’ll definitely help you with all my might!” Yukinoshita Yukino said.

After saying that, she couldn’t help but feel a bit sleepy.

Her physical strength isn’t very good, even after professional training, staking out for a day and night is still too much for her.

At this time, she usually would have already gone to sleep.

Just now it was because of excitement, so her spirit was in an excited state, but after the excitement subsided, she became a bit listless.

“Big brother, big sister, thank you.” The girl stood up: “I understand, I’ll fight to the end!”

“Go home and rest early, go find a reporter to expose her tomorrow.” Yukinoshita Yukino said: “Oh right, what school are you from? What’s your name?”

“My name is Miyaichi Rio, I’m from…”

She said the name of her school and even her class, took out her wallet, carefully said: “How much for the dinner?”

“2,000 yen, it’s been tough on you.” Luo Feng smiled: “At cost.”

2,000 yen is equivalent to over 100 RMB, not cheap but not expensive either, don’t be fooled by the little she ordered, everyone knows the most expensive thing in a restaurant isn’t the dishes, but the alcohol…

A plate of chicken skewers, a side dish, a bottle of sake, normally 3,000-4,000 yen isn’t excessive.

“Your phone number and email…”

“Can’t leave that.” Luo Feng raised his hand to stop Yukino: “It’s the rule.”

“Strange rule…” Yukino frowned slightly.

Could it be, he’s afraid his customers might contact each other?

Or he feels this girl might come make a deal with him, to avoid affecting him?

As long as I properly resolve this matter, this girl doesn’t need to make a deal with him, right?

Should be a rule they made to prevent this kind of thing, can only understand it this way.

“Thank you, you two are really good people.” Miyaichi Rio placed the money on the table, took her umbrella and left quickly.

After she left, Luo Feng returned to his seat, continued looking at the computer.

“You’re not an evil devil.” Yukino said as she cleaned up the table.

Although she comes from the Yukinoshita family, Japanese girls learn housekeeping when they’re in school, cleaning and so on, these basics of course she knows.

Plus Yukino moved out a long time ago and lives alone, she’s very self-sufficient.

Serving others is a bit unfamiliar, but she’ll figure out a way to adapt.

“Mm, I’m a great philanthropist.” Luo Feng smiled: “No one said devils must be incurably evil, right? After you’re done cleaning up, go home, you’ll have to keep that girl company in the media battle tomorrow.”

“Okay, thank you.” Yukinoshita Yukino said sincerely.

Luo Feng didn’t have her stay overnight, nor did he want to do anything to her, just had her work a bit at the izakaya like a normal part-timer.

Yukinoshita Yukino felt it was a bit unreal, Luo Feng really doesn’t seem bad, those things he said before, were just to scare me, right?

Mother’s soul and such, that was mother’s own willingness…

Yukino revealed a slight smile, or, does he have thoughts of pursuing me?

Yukino isn’t the type of girl who’s overly modest, she’ll acknowledge her own cuteness, excellence, even if a devil pursues her, she’s not too surprised.

As she was cleaning up, the rain gradually weakened, eventually stopped.

After Yukino finished cleaning up, she said goodbye to Luo Feng, wanting to leave the izakaya.

“Let me drop you off.” Luo Feng said softly: “This late, you didn’t drive and don’t have a gun, it’s not safe to be out.”

“Thank you.” Yukino looked at the time, and accepted.


After a finger snap, Yukino disappeared from the spot.

Watching Yukino disappear, the outside scenery changed.

Inside the shop it was hard to see the street, only the people outside were visible.

Luo Feng walked out of the izakaya, opened his eyes slightly wider.

The street was very clean, not a drop of rain, as if the torrential rain just now never existed.

Feeling the cold midnight wind, Luo Feng took a deep breath, contributing a bit to global warming.

His gaze was very cold, even colder than the sky.

Early the next morning, Yukinoshita Yukino came to the Public Security Bureau, prepared to look up the school Miyaichi Rio mentioned, then go find her.

After getting back home last night, she slept very well, it’s been a long time since she slept so comfortably.

Realizing Luo Feng isn’t bad, she didn’t feel any pressure.

“Morning, Yukinoshita.” A female detective greeted Yukino.

“Morning, the rain was really heavy yesterday.” Yukino casually remarked.

“Rain? What rain? You must have dreamed it.” The female detective covered her mouth and laughed.

“Huh? Didn’t you notice? The weather is drying up too fast now…” Yukino sat down at her desk, puzzled.

Chiba had rain, Tokyo didn’t? They’re not that far apart, how strange.

“There really wasn’t any rain yesterday.” The female detective looked at her puzzled: “Are you under a lot of stress lately.”

“Sorry, I was talking about Chiba.” Yukino sat at her desk.

“I see.” The female detective was a bit at a loss, muttered: “Chiba had rain?”

Yukino opened the computer, prepared to look up the school that girl mentioned last night.

But this search, she immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

This school… is in Hokkaido?

Why Hokkaido?

She’s certain Luo Feng’s shop was in Chiba, how did it end up in Hokkaido?

How, how am I supposed to contact her?

Even though she’s an excellent student, it’s impossible for her to remember the name of every school in Japan, if she could remember the name of every city, that would already be considered good at geography.

Plus she hasn’t been back to Chiba in a few years, didn’t even notice the school situation.

No no no, this problem is big!

The other side is a local force, I’m in Tokyo, the Yukinoshita family’s influence is in Chiba, even if the other party is just a small gang leader…

I’m just an ordinary person!

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Author: ,
As long as I don't have morals, morality can't hold me hostage. Do I need a strategy to deal with a lustful body? As long as she has dreams, she can't escape my demonic grasp. Are angels meddling? Then let the angels fall and become succubi. Sorry, I'm not a devil from a light novel, not an embarrassing devil, but a real devil. Luo Feng looked at Ginko Sora, who wanted to reach the pinnacle of shogi, at Yukinoshita, who wanted to change human nature, and at Raphiel, who wanted to protect her friends, revealing a delighted smile.


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not work with dark mode