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I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions 57

Chapter 057 – Do You Crave Power?

Soon, Hane Mihoko was brought to the interrogation room, face to face with Miyaichi Rio.

The other party was wearing the same school uniform as Miyaichi Rio, quite good-looking, with beautiful blonde hair, an elegant aura.

The police officer turned on the recorder and sat down beside them.

He can’t leave, otherwise if someone suddenly does something wrong, he’ll be implicated.

This isn’t a criminal case, just a civil dispute, and they’re both minors so they can’t handcuff them.

Hmm… we can’t, with the attention of the reporters.

“Hane Mihoko!” Miyaichi Rio glared at her, spoke her full name: “Just pay me back the money, why did you force me to go to those places?”

“Rio, what are you saying?” Mihoko looked afraid: “I, how could I do that to you? I really can’t lend you money anymore, I gave you all my allowance during that period…”

She didn’t expect the usually timid Miyaichi Rio to actually have the courage to go find the reporters, even dare to report it.

Because of this matter, her father severely scolded her, blaming her for being so brainless and not knowing that she should not push the person too hard, but rather do it little by little.

This time she pushed too hard, the other party wants to fish in troubled waters, their side also spent a lot of money to grease palms.

If she behaves well lately, when Rio gets into university, has a better life, one she doesn’t want to give up, then go threaten her, that would be so much better!

Mihoko planned to vent the fire from her father’s scolding on Miyaichi Rio.

But not today, the police are watching, this police officer hasn’t been bribed either, time to put on a show.

“Act, keep acting!” Miyaichi Rio said hatefully: “Dare to swear you’ve never extorted me? The money I earned working this past year, I gave it all to you, you used it to buy drinks, buy bags, all my money!”

“Rio, please, turn over a new leaf.” Mihoko’s tears were welling up in her eyes: “I used my own allowance, I couldn’t possibly give you my entire daily allowance…”

“Shut up!” Miyaichi Rio wanted to rush up, but she had just stood up when the middle-aged police officer pushed her back down, shook his head at her.

Miyaichi Rio glared at Mihoko again, continued the confrontation, but the other party just didn’t admit it and kept playing the victim to the end.

If the middle-aged police officer hadn’t seen a lot and was just an inexperienced young person, he might have really been fooled by Mihoko.

He can see it because of his many years of experience, but can the public see it?

The public is the most easily deceived, the most easily led.

As long as the media has a bit of authority, or the content interests them, they’re willing to believe.

Even if there are smart people, how many are there?

“Sir, we classmates haven’t properly guided Rio to the righteous path these past few years, it’s our fault.” Mihoko saw Miyaichi Rio had nothing more to say, stood up and bowed to the police officer: “That 500,000 yen I borrowed, I don’t want it back, as long as she can turn over a new leaf, I’ll do anything.”

“You scumbag, just confess yourself!” Miyaichi Rio growled.

“I know she’s a bit impulsive, sorry, I better not appear in front of her now, I feel her mental state isn’t good, maybe the pressure is too great…” Mihoko said as she left lightly.

Watching Hane Mihoko leave, the middle-aged police officer sighed.

“Since this matter is settled, you can let it go too.” The middle-aged police officer reminded, “Going on won’t benefit you either. At least the public opinion is out; she can’t openly harass you anymore. After you go to university, or get a job, move house, and learn some makeup, just avoid contact with her.”

“Let it go?” Miyaichi Rio murmured: “I paid back the money I owed long ago, that money was stolen by her. In the end my recommendation spot is gone, my mother got harassed, she might lose her job, everyone online is discussing me, as if it’s all my fault. I didn’t even provoke her, but she ruined everything for me and you said to just let it go? Is this… fair?”


The middle-aged police officer was a bit helpless; he also knew this girl’s life was basically ruined, but what could he do? He could only say she’s unlucky.

Want to help her? No evidence!

Evidence is so ridiculous, even for some murderers, great evildoers, some things are known to be their doing, but as long as there’s no smoking gun or no evidence, the police have to go protect them instead.

“I Can’t just let it go…” Miyaichi Rio suddenly thought of someone, that big brother with the warm smile last night.

She has a feeling, this person must be able to help her.

She wants revenge, revenge on the Hane family, revenge on that reporter, revenge on all the injustice in this world!

In the evening, Yukino went to Luo Feng’s izakaya immediately after getting off work.

Ginko was still on leave today, when Yukino arrived, only Luo Feng was there.

“Hey, you’re here.” Luo Feng glanced at Yukino, smiled: “How did it go?”

“Nothing, I was wrong before, you really are a devil.” Yukino glared angrily at Luo Feng.

“Seems this matter needs the boss to help the rookie employee clean up.” Luo Feng stretched: “Since you’re here, go to work.”

“What are you going to do?” Yukino asked excitedly.

“Work first.” Luo Feng’s indifferent voice sounded.

Yukino suddenly felt her body seemed to be out of her control, instinctively walked in front of Luo Feng, picked up the towel, then like a machine, went to the back and started wiping tables.

I, my body is no longer under my control? This is the binding power of the contract?

She not only can’t move freely, she can’t even speak.

The past few days Luo Feng didn’t summon her, and when he did, he didn’t make her do anything, she hadn’t shown any defiance.

But now, when everything is not under her control, she finally understood, how terrifying this devil is.

He didn’t use words and force to threaten,  he only used actions to show that you have to listen to him.

If you don’t listen, the contract will make you listen!

For this year, whenever Luo Feng wants Yukino to do something, she has to do it!

Yukino’s thoughts were racing, in less than ten minutes, she regained control of her body.

She opened her mouth, gritted her teeth, and continued wiping the tables.

Now is not the time to go against him, otherwise the one who will suffer the loss is definitely herself.

This feeling of everything not in her own hands, is really hateful!

She actually thought this guy likes her? Yukino felt her own thoughts were a bit ridiculous.

It was only 8 o’clock in the evening and outside the izakaya there was a new person, it was that girl from before, Miyaichi Rio!

“Big brother…” Her expression was cold, as if her heart was already dead: “I messed up the matter…”

“Then, do you want revenge? Do you crave power?”

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Author: ,
As long as I don't have morals, morality can't hold me hostage. Do I need a strategy to deal with a lustful body? As long as she has dreams, she can't escape my demonic grasp. Are angels meddling? Then let the angels fall and become succubi. Sorry, I'm not a devil from a light novel, not an embarrassing devil, but a real devil. Luo Feng looked at Ginko Sora, who wanted to reach the pinnacle of shogi, at Yukinoshita, who wanted to change human nature, and at Raphiel, who wanted to protect her friends, revealing a delighted smile.


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not work with dark mode