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I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions Chapter 1

Chapter 01: The Newly Appointed Devil

In an unremarkable izakaya in Tokyo, Japan, Luo Feng looked at the sign and shook his head. “Blade, this name… forget it, I’m too lazy to change it. Let’s just go with it.” He stepped into the izakaya that now belonged to him.

His hair was meticulously combed, and he stood over 1.8 meters tall. He wore a black vest, a wine-red shirt, and a tie. His lower body was clad in black trousers and leather shoes, giving him a very gentlemanly appearance.

Upon entering the izakaya, he felt the warm, dim lighting and saw the neatly arranged ceramic bowls and plates, along with the clean and tidy wooden bar counter.

This place could instantly relax the tense nerves of city dwellers, allowing them to enjoy the comfort brought by food and alcohol.

Life has a hundred flavors, all contained within this small restaurant.

The only regret was that the izakaya currently had no customers.

He sat behind the cash register. Since he had just arrived in the human world of this world today, he needed some intelligence.

Luo Feng turned on the computer and started watching the evening news program. He could obtain more of the intelligence he wanted on the computer.

He was a devil, a devil from China. Because he didn’t want to bring disaster to his hometown, even if it was a parallel world’s hometown, he came here.

Since he was playing the role of a devil, naturally, he had to do what a devil should do, which was to deceive mortals and sign unequal contracts with them.

Thinking about how they would sell their souls, sell their lifespans, and become his workers or food for Cerberus, Luo Feng’s mouth curved into a delighted smile.

What kind of people would be the most interesting to make deals with?

Politicians who wanted to be promoted, business tycoons who were struggling to survive, those who wanted to turn over a new leaf… forget about that last one.

In any case, it would be more fun to make deals with famous people. If he encountered lucky viewers or unlucky fellows who came to his store, he wouldn’t mind favoring them a bit.

“Starting from April, you will participate in the 3-dan league. At the fastest, you can become a professional shogi player in half a year. How confident are you about this?”

“The 3-dan league is full of unknowns for me, so it’s hard to say. I can only say that I will strive to win every game in front of me.”

This was an interview-style news segment. The person answering the question was a young girl with beautiful silver hair and a cute appearance like an artist. She was wearing a black sailor uniform.

“She’s a high school student, right?” Luo Feng seemed to open his eyes, but also seemed not to have opened them.

Or rather, he had a pair of slanted eyes.

“Have you set a goal for yourself, like becoming a 4-dan by a certain age?”

“The 3-dan league is a notch higher in level than all the competitions I’ve participated in so far, so for now, my goal is to secure a victory in the first match.”

“The 3-dan league and the women’s shogi tournament are happening simultaneously. Won’t it be a bit difficult?”

“I don’t think so. I believe more games are beneficial to my growth.”

“The schedules of the 3-dan league and the women’s title defense match will clash. Won’t you feel a bit overwhelmed at that time?”

“Both are very important matches. I can only give my all in both.”

“The challenger for the Queen’s Tournament may be your fellow disciple, Yashajin Ai(1)*, the female shogi player. What are your thoughts on this?”

“No matter who sits across from me, I only play my own shogi.”

Luo Feng looked at the news headline: Ginko Sora, the strongest female player in the 1400-year history of shogi, and the first-ever female 3-dan in the reward association.

He couldn’t help but feel a bit surprised. In a game like shogi, women were at a great disadvantage when playing against men, just like female table tennis players against male players.

This girl was so calm, but her calmness was like a soulless shell, which piqued Luo Feng’s interest.

He placed his right index finger on his temple, wanting to listen to the girl’s inner thoughts.

‘That’s not true. I don’t have the strength of a 3-dan.’

‘Today’s victory was just good luck. With my current level, there’s no way I can make it through the 3-dan league…’

‘The opponents I will inevitably face in the league next are all shogi players who have reached 3-dan through their true abilities, step by step, unlike me who jumped up through luck.’

‘Moreover, my shogi style has been completely exposed to everyone.’

‘Those people definitely don’t want to be the first 3-dan to be defeated by a woman, right?’

‘I, who am barely clothed and unarmed, have been thrown into a den of beasts.’

‘Will the God of Shogi favor me?’

‘No, how could there possibly be a god!’

“There may not be a god, but there is a devil.” A strange smile appeared on Luo Feng’s face.

The higher she stands now, the more painful her fall will be in the future.

She lacks confidence in her shogi skills and abilities, and is in a state of anxiety, like an employee who is suddenly promoted to a high-level position and then discovers that their abilities are far from sufficient to handle the role, and this position is also related to their life and death.

There was another lengthy segment of the interview, about her favorite foods, favorite artists, and other things unrelated to shogi.

“The next question will be the last one. Do you have any shogi players you aim to be like?”

“I don’t have any shogi players I aim to be like.” After a moment of contemplation, Ginko Sora said word by word, “But there is one shogi player whom I want to play against after becoming a professional.”

The atmosphere in the venue changed.

“Who is it?”

“The title holder?”

“Or your teacher?”

“Could it be the Meijin?”

Ginko Sora stood up and bowed deeply, “I’m sorry. I will tell everyone on the day I become a professional shogi player.”

Luo Feng stood up and walked towards the outside.

The news wasn’t live but edited after the interview before being broadcast.

If he didn’t act soon, what if someone else saved her?

The moment he stepped out the door, the outside scene changed. He was no longer in the previous neighborhood.

For a powerful devil, even without anyone summoning him, he could go anywhere.

Luo Feng abruptly appeared on the train, but no one noticed this incongruity, as if he was supposed to be there.

In front of him was a young girl, the same Ginko Sora from the news just now.

Her hand tightly gripped the handrail in the train, like a broken machine. Her eyes were hollow, and her expression was dazed, not knowing what she was thinking.

“Young lady, you need salvation.”

Startled by the sudden conversation, Ginko Sora instinctively took a step back.

With this step, her back was right against the train door.

Luo Feng had a kind smile on his face, “What kind of computing power do you want? I can satisfy you with anything.”

“What do you mean? Who are you?” Ginko Sora had a wary expression.

No matter how fearful she was or how much turmoil she had in her heart, she was previously able to properly accept the interview without losing too much composure. She was thinking about whether the person in front of her was her fan or a reporter of some sort.


Luo Feng snapped his fingers.

In a flash, Ginko Sora and Luo Feng appeared in his small shop.

“Gods do exist. I am the God of Shogi.”



Characters from the Anime : Ryuuou no Oshigoto! 



Ai Yashajin

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Author: ,
As long as I don't have morals, morality can't hold me hostage. Do I need a strategy to deal with a lustful body? As long as she has dreams, she can't escape my demonic grasp. Are angels meddling? Then let the angels fall and become succubi. Sorry, I'm not a devil from a light novel, not an embarrassing devil, but a real devil. Luo Feng looked at Ginko Sora, who wanted to reach the pinnacle of shogi, at Yukinoshita, who wanted to change human nature, and at Raphiel, who wanted to protect her friends, revealing a delighted smile.


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not work with dark mode