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I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions Chapter 2

Chapter 02: Ginko Sora’s Savior

“God of Shogi… wait, where is this?” Ginko Sora looked at the unfamiliar surroundings and frowned slightly.

Is this teleportation-like ability real or fake?

She didn’t flee. The term “God of Shogi” mentioned by Luo Feng made her unwilling to run away, like a drowning person grasping at straws.

“My residence.” Luo Feng said softly, “This is not an illusion. Everything here is real. I brought you here from the train. Tsk, what a hardworking child that makes one’s heart ache.”

Luo Feng didn’t know if she was really hardworking. He hadn’t seen the girl’s past and was too lazy to deduce it.

If everything relied on calculations, this world would become boring.

What he wanted was the elegance of a devil, not omnipotence.

Even without calculating, he knew that this girl must be very hardworking and have a strong obsession with shogi. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have walked to where she is today, and her heart wouldn’t have been filled with fear just now.

If something is trivial to a person, it is dispensable and won’t cause any emotions.

On the contrary, if something is very important to a person, then it becomes interesting.

It’s like the backbone of a family who has to pay car loans and mortgages every month suddenly losing their job; someone who has nothing but academic grades failing the college entrance examination; a spoiled second-generation rich who squanders money relying on their family going bankrupt.

If these things happen, it’s like the sky is falling.

But if it’s an experience-seeking second-generation rich who loses their job, a school dropout who didn’t want to study anyway failing the college entrance exam, a hardworking person whose parents go bankrupt when the family didn’t have much money, to begin with, then the impact wouldn’t be that great.

“Are you really the God of Shogi?” Ginko Sora confirmed again.

The concept of gods and spirits is completely a joke in the eyes of a group of atheists, right?

But what’s happening now can’t be treated as if it never happened.

She didn’t try to go out, or rather, she was a bit afraid to go out.

Like a person having a beautiful dream, not wanting to wake up, but her bottom line made her want to see if this was a dream.

She quietly touched the table and the door frame. They were all real.

Am I hypnotized? It can’t happen so quickly, right?

Could it be that I’m dreaming? She hurriedly pinched Luo Feng.

“Why did you pinch me?” Luo Feng was stunned.

I’m a devil, and you dare to pinch me?

“Sorry…” Ginko Sora knew she had lost her composure and quickly bowed to apologize.

She was used to pinching others and had never pinched herself.

Then… she was a bit dumbfounded.

Luo Feng’s hand was placed on her slender waist and gently pinched.


More than pain, it was mostly ticklish.

Ginko Sora stared at Luo Feng in astonishment. The last thing she expected was for him to pinch her back.

This also indirectly indicated that this wasn’t a dream.

“I don’t accept apologies.” Luo Feng snorted, “Whoever apologizes to me, I’ll feel like I’ve been taken advantage of.”

The hand feel isn’t bad.

“…” Ginko Sora felt that this self-proclaimed divine existence was very human-like.

“Don’t hold gods in too high regard. Gods are not entirely devoid of human qualities. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have come to help you.” Luo Feng waved his hand, and the table turned into a shogi board. “Shall we play a game? You should know your junior brother’s shogi style and strength, right? Whether I am a god or not, whether I can save you or not, I can prove it to you.”

Ginko Sora silently looked at the shogi board. She suddenly felt calm, and her mind was clear.

Is this the power of a god? Am I really favored by a god?

The previous anxiety seemed to have never appeared.

He wants to play shogi with me… then let’s play a game.

Not everyone gets to experience playing shogi with a god.

Since he wants to prove to me that he is a god, what am I hesitating for?

“You go first.” Luo Feng knelt on a meditation cushion that appeared out of nowhere.

Ginko Sora nodded and knelt down like him.

The moment she touched the shogi pieces, all her feelings came back.

Even though she had just finished an exhausting game, it was as if nothing had happened. Her condition had never been this good before.

“First, accept this level of computing power before playing.” Luo Feng chuckled.

Instantly, Ginko Sora felt as if her soul had left her body. She seemed to have left this room, left this planet, and even crossed countless dimensions.

What caught her eye was a shogi match in the void.

On one side were a big and a small, a man and a woman.

On the other side was a guy dressed a bit strangely, with heterochromatic eyes and poker card marks all over his face. If he changed his makeup a bit, it wouldn’t be wrong to call him a clown.

The game had now reached around sixty moves.

Ginko Sora took a look and frowned slightly. Was this played by beginners? She was clear about how to proceed from here. As long as…


The strangely dressed guy made a move. Ginko Sora was stunned. Was this suicide?

Ginko Sora felt as if she had received the baptism of the God of Shogi. Her brain became active, and this activity could even be called crazy!


From this move, she saw the infinite possibilities extended from it. Many of them were both offensive and defensive, with a high chance of winning. This wasn’t suicide!

Why had no one ever thought that it could be solved this way at this point?


The young man made a move, another play that Ginko Sora couldn’t understand. But her computing power was improving now, and she quickly realized the intent behind this move. It was to lure the opponent to attack… right?

No, it wasn’t to lure the opponent to attack but to make the opponent defend? Because defense was the true dead end…

Why was there no defense or attack, but setup instead? This… was there such a way to play?

With each move they made, Ginko Sora’s brain felt like it was going to explode.

Every move she saw was one she dared not make, did not know how to make. It was a strategy that did not exist currently, but each move seemed to be the most correct one.

What kind of realm was this?

Were gods playing against each other?

“Wake up, don’t explode.”

Luo Feng’s voice interrupted Ginko Sora, and she woke up from her trance.

At this moment, her only thought was that the game she had just witnessed would overturn the current shogi world and must be recorded!

If it were just her previous computing power, she wouldn’t have been able to see how deep the water really was. But now that she had evolved, her brain was like a computer.

“There are many such games. I am the God of Shogi, after all. Don’t mind this one game.” Luo Feng smiled benevolently, “I can show you more.”

“Mm, I understand.” Although Ginko Sora was dissatisfied with being interrupted, her eyes burst with endless hope.

She really believed that the existence in front of her was the God of Shogi!

“Play well.” Luo Feng said casually.

With each move Luo Feng made, Ginko Sora saw the shogi pieces on the board, and countless game records flashed through her mind. Countless possible game scenarios also appeared in her mind.

She could clearly feel the strength of her opponent. He said he would play against her using her junior brother’s shogi strength. It was as if he had really become her junior brother. His moves and strength were indeed worthy of the title “Dragon King.”

What a pity…

She had turned on cheats!

She had already jumped out of her previous way of thinking. Playing shogi was like being a shadow of that pair of siblings.

A game that would have been exhausting had become incredibly relaxed at this moment.


Ginko Sora placed a piece called “Silver” on the board.

She revealed a victorious smile. She had won.

At this moment, she no longer had any doubts. Every step she took had been repeatedly calculated by her.

Only a god could make her shogi skills become like this, right?

“You think you’ve won?” Luo Feng casually placed another piece and said softly, “The one you played against just now was your junior brother. The one you’re playing against now is Tet(3)*. You’ve only improved your computing ability, not… you haven’t really become a blank slate.”


Character from the anime: No Game, No Life

Wiki Link : Tet

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Author: ,
As long as I don't have morals, morality can't hold me hostage. Do I need a strategy to deal with a lustful body? As long as she has dreams, she can't escape my demonic grasp. Are angels meddling? Then let the angels fall and become succubi. Sorry, I'm not a devil from a light novel, not an embarrassing devil, but a real devil. Luo Feng looked at Ginko Sora, who wanted to reach the pinnacle of shogi, at Yukinoshita, who wanted to change human nature, and at Raphiel, who wanted to protect her friends, revealing a delighted smile.


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not work with dark mode