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I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions Chapter 3

Chapter 03: The Devil’s Trap

Looking at this chess piece, Ginko Sora’s pupils slightly contracted.

This move shouldn’t have been played at all, right? It’s a dead end…

Wait, he has a chance to win now. He’s turning the situation around from a desperate position.

It’s that incredible move she saw earlier! Move after move, Ginko Sora realized that she had lost.However, she was overjoyed by her loss.

She lost to a god, but she won against her junior brother’s avatar.

Moreover, unlike before, where she couldn’t even tell if she had won or lost until the last move when she got lucky, this time she clearly saw the outcome.

“I lost. Thank you for the lesson,” Ginko Sora bowed slightly.

“How does it feel? It’s very comfortable, isn’t it?” Luo Feng said softly, “This is the power of the God of Shogi. It can improve you without limits.”

“Really?” She suddenly raised her head.

But… this is unfair to others.

Whether it’s fair or not, if I have this computational ability, along with the latest strategies, it would elevate the shogi world. It’s not just about me. They’re born shogi prodigies. That’s unfair to me too!

Ginko Sora was tempted.

She wasn’t borrowing someone else’s talent, but rather facing others with a stronger version of herself.

Moreover, this was a gift from a god!

Rather than simply advancing in ranks, she wanted to understand the kind of game she had just witnessed!

It was a divine game that transcended mortals.

“I accept!” Ginko Sora said earnestly.

“Then let’s talk about the price.” Luo Feng showed a benevolent smile.

“P-price?” Ginko Sora looked puzzled.

Why would a god discuss the issue of price?

“People live for a breath, and Buddhas fight for incense. You don’t think you’re special, do you? There are plenty of people who work harder than you. Why should I help you and not them? Just because you’re cute?”

“Even gods must follow the principle of equivalent exchange. For example, if a god favors a human and casually gives them 50 years of life, it’s fine if they’re an ordinary person. But what if they’re someone like Gilgamesh? What would happen if he lived an extra 50 years?” Luo Feng said.

Ginko Sora generally understood. There’s no such thing as a free lunch in this world.

She carefully thought about it. She definitely wasn’t the highest-paid shogi player, but in this circle, she was definitely the one who earned the most through shogi.

A talented and beautiful girl was more likely to be favored by advertisers.

“How much money…” Ginko Sora was a bit apprehensive, afraid that the other party would name a price she couldn’t afford. With this kind of opportunity finally here, would she let it slip away?

If it were anything else, Ginko Sora wouldn’t hesitate, but this was shogi.

It’s like giving a truly world-minded scientist a hundred million dollars. It definitely wouldn’t be as satisfying as giving him an inspiration to solve a technical problem. This was pursuit.

She was just struggling with whether this was cheating, but now she was afraid of the opportunity flying away. She didn’t know if this was the only chance for her to become strong, the only chance to see that kind of game again.

That kind of shogi, she wanted to see it again…

“Money? Don’t underestimate the gods.” Luo Feng smiled, “Work for me for a year, and I’ll give you the computational power from before and let you see those kinds of games.”
Luo Feng didn’t want lifespan or souls for now.

What he wanted was pleasure. As for wealth? Unless wealth was her lifeblood, Luo Feng wouldn’t want it. What he wanted, besides pleasure, was the most important thing to others.

Why did he favor this girl? Of course, it was because she was cute.

“Work?” Ginko Sora blinked her big eyes, not quite understanding the term.

“Yes, work.” Luo Feng said with deep meaning.


This time, Ginko Sora understood. Her hands slightly tightened, and her expression turned somewhat indignant and embarrassed. “You… You’re a god. How can you…”

“Well, this is the price for your initial probing and attacking of a god.” Luo Feng raised the corner of his mouth.

“I already apologized, and you… You pinched me back.” Ginko Sora felt her impression of the God of Shogi crumbling.

This wasn’t a god at all, but a devil!

Only a devil would tempt someone like this, making them pay such a price for these things!

Instead of that, she would rather offer her lifespan, all the money she earned, and even become disabled.

“That’s not right. Shouldn’t an apology involve showing your breasts?” Luo Feng said, “If a verbal apology worked, what would the police be for? Look at criminal cases nowadays. Do the perpetrators avoid jail just by apologizing? If I commit a crime against you now, can I get away with just an apology?”

“This is different. I just…”

“You are disrespecting a god, young lady.” Luo Feng showed a delighted expression.

“I won’t make a deal!” Ginko Sora stood up directly.

Shogi was very important, but what Luo Feng said was too impactful.

Making her make such a decision in such a short time, asking her to sell herself, she couldn’t do it. Even in the face of a god, she had her own stubbornness.

“Alright, if you don’t want to make a deal, I won’t take back the power I gave you for now. I’ll let it stay in your body for three days as a trial.” Luo Feng’s narrow eyes opened slightly.  “You can come chat if you have nothing to do. If you want to make a deal, find me anytime.”

Nowadays, people were much bolder than before. In the past, if a god wanted someone to die, they had to obediently go die.

This was good. Atheists with personality were more interesting to corrupt.

It was unknown whether Ginko Sora heard him or not. She abruptly turned around and quickly walked out of the small shop.

Luo Feng let this girl leave. He believed that she would come back to find him.

This kind of ability was of no use to him, but it was like giving chips to a gambler or fine wine to an alcoholic. It was something addictive to her.

Her current strength made her feel like she was in heaven. After three days, would she be able to adapt to her mediocre talent?

Well… she was still the first-ever female 3-dan in the reward association, so it couldn’t be called mediocre. It was just that compared to the male shogi players in the circle, she still fell short. To reach her position today, she must be shouldering the expectations of many people, right?

Those expectations might become the straw that breaks her back.

“No, this is too strong. What if she directly realizes her dream?” Luo Feng’s finger drew in the air, and he lowered her computational power a bit.

It was a trial card, after all. How could it be that strong?

“Let’s take it bit by bit.” Luo Feng showed a delighted smile.

“The game has just begun. Being too fierce all at once will break her. We need to let her accept reality gradually. Anyway, once she experiences the benefits, she will definitely propose a deal. Human desires are endless. Moreover, she’s just a fifteen-year-old child. Tsk, I don’t feel guilty at all.”

If you want to destroy someone, first make them go crazy. Obsession is the most important and most terrifying thing for humans.

Luo Feng stretched and returned to behind the cash register. The chessboard that had transformed earlier reverted to its original state.

Wait, did that little girl leave something here? Looking at the folding fan on the ground, Luo Feng pondered for a moment.

Tsk, I’ll deliver it to her.

As for his labor fee, it would be included in the future interest.

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Author: ,
As long as I don't have morals, morality can't hold me hostage. Do I need a strategy to deal with a lustful body? As long as she has dreams, she can't escape my demonic grasp. Are angels meddling? Then let the angels fall and become succubi. Sorry, I'm not a devil from a light novel, not an embarrassing devil, but a real devil. Luo Feng looked at Ginko Sora, who wanted to reach the pinnacle of shogi, at Yukinoshita, who wanted to change human nature, and at Raphiel, who wanted to protect her friends, revealing a delighted smile.


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not work with dark mode