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I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions chapter 7

Chapter 07: Fallen Angel

Tokyo, an ordinary apartment, in a dark room.

The curtains were tightly drawn, and the flickering white light from the screen was a bit dazzling in the dim room.

A blonde girl sat cross-legged in front of the desk, her fingers rapidly clicking the left mouse button.

“Tsk, this game doesn’t have Richelieu, right? Definitely not, right? Why can’t I ever draw him…?” The girl looked at her depleted salary and sighed helplessly.

The girl pushed the mouse away, her face full of impatience as she grabbed her hair, reached out to grab the snacks beside her, and stuffed them into her mouth to eat.

She was playing a pay-to-win gacha game on a computer using a mobile game emulator. She had spent all her money but still didn’t draw the character she wanted.

“This trash world should just be destroyed!” She reached out to grab something but found nothing. Only then did she remember that her horn and divine power were gone.

Let alone destroying the world, she didn’t even have the strength to blow up that game company.

“Tsk, not an angel anymore, huh…?” She didn’t dwell on it for too long.

Life was about gaming. Instead of wasting time pondering whether she was still an angel or had allowance money, it was better to spend that time doing more meaningful things.

She opened a 2D side-scrolling game and grumbled, “Time to grind again.”

Knock, knock, knock! At this moment, a clear knocking sound suddenly rang out.

“Gabriel… hiss, are you there?” Raphi stood at the apartment door, her face slightly pale.

Footsteps sounded inside the room, and soon, the door was opened with a click. The blonde girl opened the door and saw her former classmate and current good friend.

She yawned, “You’re here, Raphi. Did you bring me food?”

“No, let’s talk inside.” Raphi shook her head.

The air was filled with a scent that smelled very fragrant at first, but after a few more sniffs, it became a bit sickening. It was the smell of instant noodles. The room was dark, with no lights on, and only the flickering white light from the laptop.

Next to the computer, there were a few opened bags of chips and two half-empty bottles of cola. The clothes taken off weren’t neatly folded but simply thrown on the bed. The slippers weren’t neatly arranged either, with one here and one there.

The blonde girl was wearing a red tracksuit top, with no pants on her lower body.

“Hiss… it’s cold. Come in quickly.” The girl hurriedly pulled Raphi in and closed the door.

Feeling the warmth inside the room, the girl sighed in relief.

“Gabriel, I’m here to bring you good news.” Raphi used her divine power to seal off her sense of smell.

When they were experiencing life in the human world before, they couldn’t easily use their divine power, but after becoming official angels, doing such small things was not a problem. This girl was the Gabriel that Luo Feng and Raphi had mentioned before, a fallen angel expelled from heaven, and a fallen angel without divine power.

“Sit. What’s the good news? Has heaven decided to restore my allowance?” Gabriel sat on the bed. Raphi tried to sit down, but as soon as she did, she jumped up like a startled cat.

“What’s wrong with you?” Gabriel looked at her puzzledly.

Raphi gritted her teeth. In order to secure this opportunity for Gabriel, she had gone through who knows how many back doors. Everything had been going smoothly until she encountered Luo Feng. Just now, Luo Feng had spanked her butt for ten minutes, a full ten minutes, from the initial pain to a strange feeling at the end. She wanted to use her own power to heal it, but she couldn’t.

Her butt remained fiery hot. At this moment, Raphi was thankful that she was an angel. Devils had a natural aversion and disdain for divine power. Otherwise, who knew what other terrifying things would have happened? In theory, he shouldn’t have done that! With the truce between heaven and hell, was he trying to provoke a war? During this sensitive period of competition, doing this was too disadvantageous for him, right? No, she had to protest. He should be waiting for punishment!

“It’s nothing.” Raphi took out a file from her cleavage and handed it to Gabriel.

“Heaven has decided to restore your divine power and help you become a true fallen angel to compete for one of the positions of the Seven Lords of Hell.”

“Lord?” Gabriel was stunned for a moment.

“What kind of joke is this? Those are the seven most powerful and authoritative devils in hell. How could I possibly run for the position of a lord?”

“Because Vignette became an archangel, so you can run for the position of a lord.” Raphi smiled.

“In the current heaven and hell, where is the absolute good and evil?” After becoming a true angel, she clearly knew that most of the things she learned before were useless. Whether angels or demons, their internal systems were divided into two types: warfare and civil service. Those in civil service, due to their insufficient purity of beliefs and kindness, had poor strength. Although Luo Feng had a high position and strong power, what he was doing now as a civil servant was the work of low-level devils. Compared to true civil servants, his behavior was more like entertainment.

Civil servants were like Raphi, who liked to use their brains and liked to be flexible. In other words, they were good at politics. The pure ones were like Vignette, who became an archangel. They gained tremendous power simply because of their kindness and righteousness. They were the symbol of heaven and were responsible for fighting.

“I don’t want to compete either…” Gabriel lay on the bed and rolled over.

“It’s so comfortable to play games all day. Now that I don’t have to follow heaven’s rules, I can just live peacefully like this for the rest of my life. This is my pursuit!”

“Gabriel, I paid a heavy price to get this for you.” Raphi’s smile gradually became strange.

“I don’t want to be a devil. I don’t want to. I don’t like tricking people into signing those weird contracts either…” “Being a devil, especially a lord-level devil, the most important thing is to be free-spirited. This position is very suitable for you.”

“Hmm, even if I become one, I’ll just be a figurehead, right? They won’t really consult me on important matters. Heaven doesn’t go to Vignette for important matters either. They just give her work that suits her, right?” Gabriel still didn’t want to take on this job. “I’m not good at being a spy.”

“Let’s talk about it after you become one.” Raphi grabbed Gabriel’s face, her pretty face close to hers.

“Do you know that for this contract, I even got beaten up by that damn Luo Feng?”

“Ah? The guy who defeated my sister?” Gabriel was shocked.

“Don’t you want to get revenge on him?” Raphi said. “We’ll ruin his plans, and then you can act in character. You’ll definitely become a qualified fallen angel.”

“No, no.” Gabriel’s head shook like a rattle drum. “He’ll tear off our wings and hang them up.”

“This isn’t a military competition. He won’t go that far.” Raphi held Gabriel down. “If I got beaten up for nothing… believe me, I’ll suck away all your luck. When your luck disappears, you should know what kind of gaming experience you’ll have.”

“…” Gabriel’s mouth gaped open. Without luck, let alone Richelieu, she wouldn’t be able to draw anything. It would be an eternal blue sky and white clouds.

“I can even cut off your internet connection.” Raphi continued to threaten. Gabriel’s body trembled. I’m definitely taking this lord position!

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Author: ,
As long as I don't have morals, morality can't hold me hostage. Do I need a strategy to deal with a lustful body? As long as she has dreams, she can't escape my demonic grasp. Are angels meddling? Then let the angels fall and become succubi. Sorry, I'm not a devil from a light novel, not an embarrassing devil, but a real devil. Luo Feng looked at Ginko Sora, who wanted to reach the pinnacle of shogi, at Yukinoshita, who wanted to change human nature, and at Raphiel, who wanted to protect her friends, revealing a delighted smile.


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not work with dark mode