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I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions chapter 9

Chapter 09: Home Visit

The next afternoon, Luo Feng arrived at the Kiyotaki School’s dojo.

Ginko Sora came from the Kiyotaki School. When she was four years old, she lost a teaching game to Kousuke Kiyotaki(1)*. Afterwards, she found the address of Teacher Kiyotaki’s residence through the internet and went there every day by train to seek revenge. There was even a legend that “because her hands couldn’t reach the ticket machine, the station staff specially placed a platform in front of the machine for her.”

After Ginko Sora’s parents discussed with Teacher Kiyotaki, she eventually became Kousuke Kiyotaki’s disciple.

There were many shogi dojos like this in Japan, similar to chess and card rooms in China. However, the functions here were not as diverse; one could only play shogi here and not play cards or go.

The tatami room was densely packed with many shogi boards, and many seats were already occupied.

Most of the people active in such places were middle-aged and elderly. Young people still preferred to play online.

As soon as Luo Feng entered, a girl came to greet him.

She had brown hair and green eyes, dressed maturely, and was quite good-looking.

“Hello, customer. This is Keika Kiyotaki.” Keika Kiyotaki’s voice was very gentle, with a strong housewife vibe. “Are you here alone? Do you need me to arrange a suitable opponent for you?”

This customer’s attire is so strange. A trench coat, fedora, vest, shirt, and pocket watch, just like an English gentleman. The only thing missing is a cane. But judging from his appearance, he is an Asian.

Does he understand if I speak Japanese? Should I speak English?

New faces like Luo Feng were not common here, as most people who came were regulars and members. Keika Kiyotaki noticed him as soon as he appeared.

“Yes, my name is Luo Feng. I’m here alone. Are you a shogi player?” Luo Feng asked casually.

His Japanese was very fluent and even had a Kansai accent, which was the convenience of being a devil.

He had no interest in such a beauty.

He liked people like Ginko Sora, who had personality, their own pursuits, obsessions, and achievements.

If they couldn’t reach these standards, even if they were beauties, he wouldn’t bother letting them trade with him using their bodies, because he would even feel like he was getting the short end of the stick.

“You… want to play with me?” Keika Kiyotaki was stunned for a moment. “I’m a women’s professional shogi player… If you don’t mind, I’m okay with it.”

Women’s professional shogi players had always been looked down upon in the shogi world, and it was even worse in Japan, where women’s status was relatively low.

For example, in instructional games at events, women’s professional shogi players would be challenged in even games. Even strong amateur shogi players were not certain to lose to players like Ginko Sora.

Of course, such amateur shogi players themselves had the ability to challenge professionals. Amateurs were not guaranteed to lose to professionals.

If a woman won in a women’s game, the opponent might make excuses, saying they didn’t take it seriously because the opponent was a woman. If they lost, they might even say, “I’ll teach you how to play shogi,” and hand over a piece of paper with their address written on it. Regardless of winning or losing, they would be looked down upon.

“I only know the rules of shogi. Can you teach me?” Luo Feng showed a kind smile.

His level was indeed only knowing the rules. Let alone shogi, his go level was also just knowing how to play. As for Chinese chess, it was a bit better. At least if given a chariot handicap, he could play with the old men in the park.

When he played shogi with Ginko Sora before, he used other people’s abilities, not his own.

He was like using cheats, knowing how to make the right moves, but he didn’t know the significance of making those moves and couldn’t see the development dozens of steps later.

“Sure, I’d be happy to.” Keika Kiyotaki nodded.

Luo Feng was not bad-looking, and one could even say he was quite good. In addition, his unique aura and attire were also very attractive.

Since that was the case, even if he had ulterior motives and wanted to take this opportunity to pursue her, Keiko Kiyotaki had no resistance.

This was the advantage of good looks. If a handsome guy accidentally bumped into someone on the train, the other person might think it was unintentional. If it were a lecherous old man, they might think he was a pervert.

Soon, Luo Feng paid the fee and found a corner with Keiko Kiyotaki to start playing.

The dojo had more than just her as a service staff, so there was no problem with her playing shogi.

After sitting down, Luo Feng sniffed and said softly, “Have you been drinking?”

“Um… sorry, last night my father’s disciple became a 3-dan in the Reward Association, so we held a banquet to celebrate.” Keika Kiyotaki said apologetically.

“Oh, a 3-dan in the Reward Association.” Luo Feng chuckled.

“She’s a girl, you know. The first female 3-dan in the Reward Association.” When Keika Kiyotaki saw that Luo Feng seemed unimpressed, she quickly explained on behalf of Ginko Sora.

“That’s impressive.” Luo Feng nodded. “Do you want to become a 3-dan in the Reward Association?”

“Me? I’m way too far from that.” Keika Kiyotaki laughed bitterly. “Being able to become a women’s professional shogi player is already a blessing from the God of Shogi.”

Her rank was C1, with B2, B1, A2, A1, and S above her.

Only A-rank could enter the Reward Association, and that was the lowest 6-kyu. Above that, there were 5-kyu, 4-kyu, 3-kyu, 2-kyu, 1-kyu, 1-dan, 2-dan, and then Ginko Sora’s 3-dan.

“If you want, the God of Shogi will bless you.” Luo Feng smiled. “Let’s start the game.”

“Thank you for your kind words.”

Keika Kiyotaki didn’t pay much attention to Luo Feng’s consolation. She had heard such consolation countless times.

She had just become a women’s professional shogi player not long ago, and the road ahead was still long. She didn’t know if she could reach A-rank before retirement, let alone possess Ginko Sora’s current level.

Talent and aptitude were the biggest limitations. Those monsters were all talented and hardworking people.

As the two began playing shogi, Keika Kiyotaki truly let her guard down. Luo Feng was indeed a beginner who only knew the rules and couldn’t even tell the outcome.

As they played, she instructed him, telling him what situations were dead ends and at what point he didn’t need to make any more moves.

Luo Feng also maintained a learner’s attitude and played happily.

The two casually played three quick games, and then exclamations were heard from the dojo.

“The Snow White of Naniwa is here.”

“Miss Sora, congratulations.”

“The Dragon King is here too.”

“Oh, Gin and Yaichi are here. They will play a public game in the dojo today.” Keika Kiyotaki’s eyes lit up.

With such outstanding disciples, as a teacher, one definitely had to show off. Moreover, having them play shogi in this dojo could also attract more customers.

Even if Ginko Sora was unwilling, it was not good to disobey her teacher.

“You have a good relationship.” Luo Feng said softly.

“Yes, I’ve always treated them as my younger siblings. You probably don’t know yet, but Yaichi is the Dragon King. He’s a very impressive shogi player. Last year, he even defeated the godlike Meijin(Shogi title).”

“Is that so?” Luo Feng’s narrow eyes opened slightly. “I read related reports. He seems to be… a lolicon.”


Kousuke Kiyotaki(1)*



I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Author: ,
As long as I don't have morals, morality can't hold me hostage. Do I need a strategy to deal with a lustful body? As long as she has dreams, she can't escape my demonic grasp. Are angels meddling? Then let the angels fall and become succubi. Sorry, I'm not a devil from a light novel, not an embarrassing devil, but a real devil. Luo Feng looked at Ginko Sora, who wanted to reach the pinnacle of shogi, at Yukinoshita, who wanted to change human nature, and at Raphiel, who wanted to protect her friends, revealing a delighted smile.


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not work with dark mode