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It turns out, they are the protagonists 100

Chapter 100: Sister Says Purple Is Very Elegant

Ye Yu quickly entered the residence where Ye Lingxuan lived. As he passed through the courtyard, he happened to see through the window the girl sitting in the room.

At this moment, Ye Lingxuan was sitting by the window with her chin in her hands, looking at the night sky outside, seeming to be in a daze.

Her sitting posture was serene, and her flawless exquisite face seemed to be dyed with a layer of silver glow under the moonlight, extremely beautiful.

Looking at Ye Lingxuan’s nearly perfect face, Ye Yu was stunned for a moment.

The more beautiful Ye Lingxuan was, the more he regretted that he had actually ignored such a beautiful girl beside him in the past, and instead was infatuated with Bai Ruoxi.

Obviously, Bai Ruoxi had already coldly rejected him back then, but he became even more obsessed… Recalling that past experience, at this moment, Ye Yu’s hatred for Mu Zhian deepened a few more degrees.

If it weren’t for Mu Zhian, Bai Ruoxi wouldn’t have written a letter of divorce no matter what.

In the end, Bai Ruoxi was a girl who listened to her parents very much. If it weren’t for Mu Zhian’s bewitchment, how could she have done that?

But fortunately, it’s not too late yet…

Mu Zhian publicly chose Bai Ruoxi not long ago. With Lingxuan’s noble and elegant character, she naturally wouldn’t be bewitched by Mu Zhian like Qian’er.

Rather, if Ye Lingxuan saw Mu Zhian running to comfort Ye Qian in the middle of the night, she would probably completely give up on Mu Zhian.

“Brother Ye Yu, it’s so late, what’s the matter?”

As if sensing Ye Yu’s presence, Ye Lingxuan turned her head slightly and looked at the boy standing in the courtyard, asking in a calm tone.

Looking at him, it was as if she was looking at a stranger.

“Lingxuan hasn’t rested yet so late?” Ye Yu showed the concern of an elder brother and looked at Ye Lingxuan with care.

However, Ye Lingxuan kept looking at him coldly and asked softly again, “Does Brother Ye Yu have something to do?”

Such a gaze made Ye Yu’s expression freeze. In the past, when she saw him, Ye Lingxuan would at least show a sweet smile, but now…

And all this was caused by Mu Zhian.

If it weren’t for Mu Zhian’s bewitchment, how could Ye Lingxuan’s impression of him be so bad?

Ye Yu suppressed the anger in his heart, raised his head to look at Ye Lingxuan, and went straight to the point, “Just now, Mu Zhian went to look for Qian’er. I wanted to stop him, but I failed in the end.”

As he spoke, he secretly observed Ye Lingxuan’s expression, trying to see a hint of anger or even loss on her face.

However, to his disappointment, there was still no change in expression on Ye Lingxuan’s pretty face. She only remained silent for a while and then softly said “hmm”.

“Hmm, I see.”

A faint response, as if she didn’t care about this matter at all.

This also made Ye Yu feel a little disappointed in his heart.

“Is he in Qian’er’s room now?” Ye Lingxuan suddenly asked.

Ye Yu felt as if hope had risen in his heart again and immediately said, “I just heard their intimate voices in the room.”

“That Mu Zhian is using sweet words to bewitch Qian’er.”

At this point, Ye Yu’s tone was full of indignation.

Ye Lingxuan gently nodded, smiled faintly, and said, “I see. It’s also late. Go back and rest, Brother Ye Yu.”

Ye Yu was stunned, as if he couldn’t believe it. He looked up at Ye Lingxuan and said, “Lingxuan, aren’t you going with me to stop Mu Zhian?”

Ye Lingxuan slightly looked away and looked at Ye Yu, her eyebrows and eyes curved into crescents as she smiled, “Love is free. Even if I’m Qian’er’s sister, it’s not good to interfere in such things, right?”

Ye Lingxuan paused and said softly, “Besides, I already guessed that he would go to Qian’er.”

Rather, if she knew that Mu Zhian didn’t go to Ye Qian, she would only be more disappointed in him.

Although now knowing that Mu Zhian was in Ye Qian’s room also made Ye Lingxuan very disappointed.

Girls are such contradictory creatures. Ye Lingxuan, on one hand, hoped that Mu Zhian could comfort her sister, but subconsciously, she didn’t want him to go.

In the end, whether he went or not, she would be disappointed in Mu Zhian.

“Brother Ye Yu doesn’t need to interfere in their matters either. We don’t have the right to interfere in their relationship, do we?” Ye Lingxuan said indifferently again.

The underlying meaning of these words was probably: Don’t worry about this matter, it has nothing to do with you.

However, Ye Yu was unconvinced and said, “No matter what, I’m also Qian’er’s cousin. Knowing that she is going to fall into Mu Zhian’s claws, how can I sit back and watch…”

Ye Lingxuan tilted her head slightly, puzzled, “If that’s the case, why did you ignore Mu Zhian who was intimate with Qian’er in the room and run to find me instead?”

Ye Yu’s mouth opened slightly, but in the end, he could only say, “I’ll go and check on Qian’er again. If that Mu Zhian is still there, I will definitely stop him!”

After saying that, he turned and left the courtyard.

Behind him, Ye Lingxuan, who was wearing a light purple short jacket and skirt, with an elegant and charming temperament, looked at her brother who had grown up with her in the clan since childhood, her eyes full of indifference.

Ye Lingxuan was not a fool. On the contrary, she was a very wise girl.

She was very clear about why Ye Yu came to find her tonight.

If he really wanted to stop Mu Zhian, why did Ye Yu have to come to her specifically?

Perhaps it was because too many things had happened today, causing physical and mental fatigue, or for some other reason, as a Qi Condensation cultivator, Ye Lingxuan actually felt a little tired, so much so that she couldn’t help yawning slightly, feeling a wave of sleepiness coming over her.

Ye Lingxuan stood up and stretched her beautiful figure, slightly raising her head to look at the night sky outside the window.

She couldn’t sleep yet.

Because she wanted to know if Mu Zhian would lie to her again.

“Old Wei, did Brother Mu go to Qian’er tonight?” Ye Lingxuan suddenly asked.

In the shadows of the courtyard, an old man appeared silently in view and respectfully said, “That young master of the Mu family did indeed go to Miss Qian’er tonight.”

Seeing Ye Lingxuan remain silent, Old Wei hesitated and said, “Miss, aren’t you going to check?”

“No need.”

Ye Lingxuan turned her head to look at the old man, her face calm, and smiled, “I’m waiting for someone to come and explain this matter to me.”

At the same time, on the other side, after Ye Yu left, he didn’t go to Ye Qian’s residence but directly returned to his own room.

Doing this much tonight was already enough.

Now he didn’t need to do anything extra, he just needed to peacefully meditate and cultivate.

Lingxuan was a very smart girl. With the conversation reaching this point, even if she didn’t go to Qian’er to personally verify the truth, as long as she asked someone to inquire, she would know whether Mu Zhian went to find Ye Qian tonight.

Although he lost a cousin, it gave him the possibility to pursue Lingxuan… From this perspective, it wasn’t a loss at all.

In the end, a cousin can only be doted on… but Lingxuan can be pursued.

Thinking of that girl whose appearance was not inferior to Bai Ruoxi’s ethereal beauty, Ye Yu’s heart suddenly became hot.

Thinking about it now, he felt that his past self was so stupid. Bai Ruoxi was beautiful, but Ye Lingxuan was also not inferior to her at all. Why did he persistently pursue Bai Ruoxi in the past?

No, not only Ye Lingxuan but also that enchantress from the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce, and even Senior Sister Lan were all beauties who could topple countries and cities…

Mu Zhian pursued a tree, but he could pursue a forest!

Relying on his talent and his identity as an alchemist, it was not impossible to distinguish himself in the Two Polarities Sect.

Mu Zhian thought he had won, but in fact, he had already been defeated tonight!

Ye Yu let himself calm down. He sat cross-legged at the head of the bed, absorbing the miscellaneous spiritual energy around him into his body, and began to work hard to improve his cultivation level.

Some people were working hard to cultivate, but naturally, some people were also muddying the waters.

No, this wasn’t muddying the waters either. According to Mu Zhian, this was called alternative cultivation.

He was a natural furnace. Although the spiritual energy in the other furnace couldn’t be extracted into his own body, it could contribute to the cultivation of other girls.

As a helpful and kind person, Mu Zhian had always liked helping others.

In the room, the candlelight illuminated the space.

Mu Zhian looked at Ye Qian, whose small face was shy under the candlelight, her eyes avoiding his gaze. He asked softly, “Qian’er, have you finally forgiven me?”

Ye Qian sat upright on the chair, lowering her head to look at the tips of her toes, but could only see the two soft, mature bosoms.

She seemed a little nervous and uneasy, feeling the boy playing with one of her small hands. She was even more shy in her heart and said softly, “I said, Brother Mu and I have no relationship—”

Mu Zhian gently pinched Ye Qian’s palm, raised his hand to gently stroke her pretty and smooth face, gazing at that pure and charming face that was now flushed with a faint blush, and said, “Why are you still saying such things, Qian’er?”

“Have you forgotten what I said to you just now?”

Ye Qian was stunned for a moment. Recalling Mu Zhian’s sweet words just now, and the deep affection he had when gazing at her at that time, she felt a little moved in her heart. The trace of anger she had towards Mu Zhian in her heart also completely dissipated.

But thinking of how he had wantonly bullied her not long ago, she snorted softly and scolded weakly, “You’re just good at making girls happy.”

…Phew, it seems there’s no problem.

Seeing this scene, Mu Zhian finally let out a long sigh of relief in his heart.

In this way, the problem on Ye Qian’s side was temporarily solved.

Ye Qian was a very simple girl. It wasn’t difficult to make her happy.

But one had to find the right way. If it was a fool like Ye Yu, Ye Qian probably wouldn’t even see him once.

Of course, it was also thanks to Ye Yu that he could get Ye Qian’s forgiveness so quickly… To be honest, he was really fortunate this time because of him.

“Qian’er, if there’s nothing else, I’ll go back?” Mu Zhian asked.

Ye Qian let out a soft “hmm” and then gently wiped away the remaining trace of rouge on the corner of her mouth with her finger, glancing at Mu Zhian with some resentment.

“How annoying, now I have to reapply rouge.” Her tone was full of resentment, but her eyebrows and eyes carried tenderness.

But she was originally planning to rest… so it didn’t matter.

Mu Zhian closed the door and left. As he passed through the courtyard, he looked left and right. Confirming that there was no one around, he immediately turned back and returned to Ye Lingxuan’s residence.

Although he had already gone once today, to be on the safe side, he still had to make another trip.

As for the reason…

Firstly, Ye Lingxuan’s intelligence network was vast, and he could vaguely sense Ye Lingxuan’s importance to this sister of hers, as well as her guilt towards Ye Qian.

Secondly, if he were Ye Yu and wanted to secretly sow discord, going to Ye Lingxuan or Bai Ruoxi to inform them of this matter tonight would be the best plan.

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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