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It turns out, they are the protagonists 101

Chapter 101: It’s a big deal, it’s spread throughout the sect 

After comforting Ye Qian to sleep, Mu Zhian left the room and arrived at another residence along the familiar path in the courtyard, where he saw Ye Lingxuan sitting by the window in a daze.

As if sensing Mu Zhian’s presence, Ye Lingxuan turned her head and looked over, puzzled, “It’s so late, what else does Young Master Mu need?”

“There is indeed something I want to tell you, and chat a little. Is it convenient for Sister Lingxuan to open the door now?” Mu Zhian looked up and smiled.

Ye Lingxuan shook her head slightly and said, “Just say it directly, I’m already preparing to rest.”

She always felt that if she let Mu Zhian in now, it wouldn’t be as simple as just chatting.

“I went to find Sister Qian’er tonight.” Mu Zhian gazed at Ye Lingxuan’s face and slowly spoke.

There was no surprise on her face, it seemed she already knew about this… After Mu Zhian finished speaking, seeing Ye Lingxuan’s expression without any fluctuation, he slightly understood in his heart.

“Young Master Mu went to find Qian’er, why did you come to tell me specifically?” Ye Lingxuan finally put down her small hand that was supporting her cheek and stared into Mu Zhian’s eyes.

Although this girl might be inexperienced in feelings, she possessed certain great wisdom in other aspects. If she experienced more things in the future and grew up, she would probably become very formidable.

Hmm… formidable in various senses.

Mu Zhian sincerely gazed at Ye Lingxuan’s lively beautiful eyes and said, “I want to face you openly and honestly, only hoping to have no regrets in the future.”

“Young Master Mu went to find Qian’er in the middle of the night, then ran over to tell me about it… This is what you call having no regrets?” Ye Lingxuan smiled faintly.

“Qian’er is a good girl and is easily hurt. I’m afraid she will think too much and get stuck in a dead end by herself.” Mu Zhian said helplessly.

Ye Lingxuan remained silent.

This was indeed true. She could be said to have grown up with Ye Qian, so she naturally understood that sister’s personality very well.

If Ye Qian was left alone in the room to let her imagination run wild, that simple sister might really take it too hard, so she hoped that Mu Zhian could go and comfort Ye Qian.

However, really hearing that he went to find Ye Qian made Ye Lingxuan feel an indescribable discomfort.

Mu Zhian glanced at the blue and white porcelain vase on the desk and the snow lotus inserted in the vase. His heart immediately felt at ease and said, “Today’s sect assessment consumed too much spiritual energy. Sister Lingxuan should also be tired. I won’t disturb you anymore.”

Ye Lingxuan’s eyes moved slightly, and she couldn’t help but look at Mu Zhian up and down a few more times.

Speaking of which, he did consume a large amount of spiritual energy today when he controlled the formation during the sect assessment… Ye Lingxuan hesitated for a moment, raised her right hand, took out a bottle of medicinal pills from her storage ring, and handed it to Mu Zhian through the window.

“This is…?” Mu Zhian looked up at her. His already slightly pale and handsome face seemed to have a few more traces of fragility under the moonlight.

Thinking that Mu Zhian would become like this in order to help her and Ye Qian pass the assessment, the trace of displeasure in Ye Lingxuan’s heart also dissipated. Her brows and eyes softened a lot as she said:

“There are probably three Spirit Replenishing Pills inside. Young Master Mu, take one pill tonight, and your spiritual energy should be fully recovered in the latter half of the night.”

Spirit Replenishing Pills… If he remembered correctly, it should be a fifth-grade medicinal pill. The price in most auction houses had reached over 20,000 to 30,000 spirit stones, and it was still in high demand… She was indeed a little rich girl.

Mu Zhian looked up at Ye Lingxuan’s exquisite face, grabbed Ye Lingxuan’s small hand with both hands, and said softly, “Sister Lingxuan, you are so kind.”

Ye Lingxuan’s eyes flashed slightly, and she said with restraint, “Young Master Mu, please restrain yourself.”

“You’re still angry with me, right?” Mu Zhian sighed lightly, “Actually, compared to the Spirit Replenishing Pill, if Sister Lingxuan could change the way you address me, it would be of greater help to my spirit.”

Feeling the warmth of Mu Zhian’s palm coming from her small hand and being stared at by Mu Zhian like this, even a girl as serene and elegant as Ye Lingxuan felt a little flustered. After stuffing the medicine into his hand, she gently withdrew her hand from his palm.

Then she turned her face away, only giving Mu Zhian a perfect side profile, and said softly,

“Young Master Mu, it’s late, please go back.”

Mu Zhian gazed at Ye Lingxuan for a long time, then sighed, “Then I won’t disturb you anymore, Lingxuan.”

With that, he turned and left.

Ye Lingxuan looked at Mu Zhian’s leaving figure. The moonlight shone down from the edge of the sky, but his tall and straight figure looked a bit alone in the quiet courtyard.

Ye Lingxuan’s small mouth opened slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end, she slowly closed it.

“…Brother Mu.”

Only when Mu Zhian was about to leave did a voice as faint as a mosquito’s hum float out from the room. Then, Ye Lingxuan quickly closed the window, as if she didn’t want Mu Zhian to see her expression at this moment.

Mu Zhian’s footsteps paused, but he didn’t look back. He left in a good mood with the Spirit Replenishing Pills.

Under the hazy night, Mu Zhian knocked on the door of Bai Ruoxi’s room and saw Bai Ruoxi meditating on the bed.

Perhaps because it was night, Miss Bai was wearing a loose white inner garment, outlining her extremely good figure proportions. Her temperament was as cold and frosty as snow.

In front of Bai Ruoxi, a sphere of light emitting a faint white glow was slowly rotating. Its light was quite gentle, transforming the mixed spiritual energy in the room into spiritual energy that could be directly absorbed into the body.

Mu Zhian walked slowly to the head of the bed and sat down beside her.

The moment he approached, Bai Ruoxi seemed to have sensed it. Her curly eyelashes trembled slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes.

She turned her head to look at the person beside her, seeming not very surprised, and said, “Mu Lang, where did you go tonight?”

“I went out to understand some matters in the sect. I think it will be of great help to us in the future.” After saying that, Mu Zhian turned his head to look at the beauty beside him.

She had obviously applied some makeup tonight. Her lips were charming, and under the candlelight, her originally slightly cold and beautiful face had a few more traces of charm because of that little bit of makeup.

“What matters?” Bai Ruoxi asked curiously.

Mu Zhian took off his robe and put it on her. Taking the opportunity, he pulled the beauty into his arms and said, “It’s nothing important, don’t mind it.”

Feeling the warmth of his chest, the idea of continuing to ask disappeared from Bai Ruoxi’s mind. She raised her head and looked at him affectionately, her eyes mesmerizing, her face flushed as if drunk.

Mu Zhian was not surprised by Bai Ruoxi’s reaction.

Although Miss Bai usually had a cold and aloof appearance, after getting along with her for a long time, one would know that she was actually a fragile beauty without much sense of security.

She found it difficult to resist Mu Zhian’s bold and intimate embrace, let alone reject it.

“You chose me today, Senior Sister Lan and the others should be very angry. Will it be alright?” Bai Ruoxi’s voice, like sleep-talking, came from beside his ear, her apricot eyes full of worry.

Mu Zhian looked down at her cold and beautiful face. A beauty like Bai Ruoxi usually looked cold and fragile, coupled with her monstrous talent. If an ordinary person was in front of her, they would only feel inferior.

But Mu Zhian was different. From the moment he entered the room, his mind was filled with the attitude of “what do we cultivators fear from strong opponents”. Not only did he not have a bit of inferiority, but he only wanted to suppress her to see her show a charming appearance completely opposite to her usual aloofness.

“The snow lotus is most similar to you. I’m just telling the truth.” Mu Zhian hugged her waist so that she could completely rely on his embrace.

“Most similar to me, then why did Mu Lang give it to other people?” Bai Ruoxi asked curiously.

“Senior Sister has helped us a lot in Tianxuan City in the past. Giving her precious pills inevitably has the meaning of bribery, but the snow lotus is different.” Mu Zhian said.

“What about Sister Lingxuan?”

“Sister Lingxuan was too hostile to me at the beginning. We are all fellow disciples in the future, so I hope to get along harmoniously with them.” Mu Zhian explained.

Bai Ruoxi’s face was buried in Mu Zhian’s embrace. She unconsciously pursed her lips, seeming unhappy.

The original weakness and shyness when leaning in Mu Zhian’s arms completely disappeared from her face.

She breathed in lightly and exhaled slowly. The expression on her face softened again, returning to her usual fragile state. She said softly,

“Offending Senior Sister this time, she may not pay attention to you if you look for her in the future.”

“Sister Lingxuan also seemed very angry at that time. Sister Qian’er seemed to be staring at me then.”

“Everyone is so scary, Mu Lang.”

“If you encounter difficulties in the future, come and discuss with me. We will work together and always find a way to solve the difficulties.”

That’s right, that’s right, everyone is so scary, only Ruoxi understands and cares about Young Master Mu the most. Calling him “Mu Lang” in front of everyone directly declared the position of the main wife, looking down on the group of women…

Mu Zhian inwardly mumbled to himself, lowered his head to look at Bai Ruoxi’s worried expression, and her soft lips that had changed lipstick.

Lan Mulian’s side was really not easy to deal with.

Although it could be remedied, it might take some time…

Mu Zhian thought while hugging Bai Ruoxi’s slender waist and going to bed.

Bai Ruoxi let out a small cry of surprise. By the time she reacted, she was already lying on the bed. She looked at Mu Zhian shyly, her eyes flashing with embarrassment. She turned her face slightly and said in a low voice, “Mu Lang… what are you doing?”

“Cultivating.” Mu Zhian said seriously.

Bai Ruoxi was stunned and asked in confusion, “Why do you need to lie on the bed to meditate—”

Mu Zhian covered Bai Ruoxi’s small mouth and said in a low voice, “Don’t talk, feel this beautiful atmosphere.”

With that, he lowered his head to kiss her face, and finally moved slowly to capture her lips.

At dawn, the sky gradually brightened.

Mu Zhian lay in the quilt, tired and satisfied, feeling the delicate body of the beauty in his arms, and was about to fall asleep.


At this moment, a beautiful singing voice suddenly came from beside his ear, which also made Bai Ruoxi, who was about to rest, wake up in an instant. She turned her head slightly to look outside the door.

That voice came from outside.

“…Is that the spirit dragon?” Bai Ruoxi said subconsciously.

“It’s okay, rest for a while first.” Mu Zhian gently hugged Bai Ruoxi’s slender waist so that she could nestle closer to his embrace.

Ye Yu slowly opened his eyes.

Not only Mu Zhian but all the disciples in the sect heard the lonely and sorrowful singing voice of the spirit dragon at dawn.

Ye Yu naturally heard it too.

“Master, what does this spirit dragon mean?” Ye Yu tried to ask the old man in his body.

“It is said that there is a spirit dragon in the Two Polarities Sect that has existed since ancient times. It favors people with great destiny and will bring them overwhelming fortune. If you can gain its favor, it will be of great help to your future cultivation.” The old man said slowly.

“Spirit dragon!” Ye Yu’s heart was filled with a few more expectations.

Yesterday, after he passed the sect assessment, he had been meditating and cultivating in the room, so he didn’t see the spirit dragon’s figure.

However, Ye Yu also learned from other sect disciples that the spirit dragon had appeared yesterday and even seemed to have taken a fancy to Bai Ruoxi, but for some reason, it went back in the end.

Obviously, Bai Ruoxi was not the spirit dragon’s target.

If he guessed correctly, Bai Ruoxi’s great destiny attracted the spirit dragon’s attention. As for why the spirit dragon gave up on her in the end, it was probably because Bai Ruoxi still couldn’t fully gain the spirit dragon’s recognition.

This time, there were three people with great destiny tested in Tianxuan City, but the real person with great destiny… should only be him.

If the spirit dragon appears again today, it will be my chance to show myself.

The next day.

Mu Zhian woke up early.

Not to mention that after reaching the Spirit Refinement realm, cultivators could go without rest, even Qi Condensation cultivators didn’t need to rest for long at night.

Cultivators spent more time meditating or walking on the edge of the sword, such as dual cultivation.

Mu Zhian glanced at the beauty who seemed to be still in deep sleep and quietly got up to get out of bed.

At this moment, Bai Ruoxi stretched out a jade-white hand from the quilt, grabbed Mu Zhian’s wrist, pulled him to sit on the head of the bed, and then leaned her fair face on his chest. Her soft and pleasant voice said, “Mu Lang, where are you going?”

Although she initially had a cold appearance last night, at this time, whether it was because she had just woken up or for some other reason, Miss Bai showed a clingy attitude that made people’s hearts flutter, like a kitten trying to please its owner.

This was probably the charm of contrast… Mu Zhian silently felt the wonderful sensation brought by Bai Ruoxi’s soft and delicate body, gently stroked her hair, and said, “Didn’t the spirit dragon call out ‘Aaa’ this morning? I want to go out and take a look.”

He had an agreement with the spirit dragon to find it two days later, but the spirit dragon had already called out impatiently this morning, not knowing if it was getting impatient.

It seemed that he needed to find time to make contact with the spirit dragon in advance.

“The inner sect disciple selection ceremony is in a few days. Mu Lang, don’t forget to meditate and cultivate.” Bai Ruoxi gently reminded.

Mu Zhian nodded with a smile and said, “Don’t worry, I have my own plans.”

After a pause, he continued, “For your inner sect disciple spot, I will continue to help you at night.”

Mu Zhian had come to terms with it. Since being a natural furnace had no amplification effect on him, and dual cultivation only worked for the other person, he might as well help the people close to him improve their cultivation first.

Of course, such things couldn’t be rushed.

Before cultivation, there was another matter that needed to be dealt with early.

After the spirit dragon’s call this morning, more people would probably go to the cliff to try their luck.

If this continued, let alone two days, even after a few more days, there might be no way to make contact with the spirit dragon without anyone knowing.

He had to quickly think of a way… Mu Zhian hugged the beauty in his arms, feeling the greatness of the human heart while lost in thought.

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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