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It turns out, they are the protagonists 102

Chapter 102: Your Sister and Ex-Fiancée Are Both Great! 

After leaving the room, Mu Zhian was about to go out along the path in the courtyard.

At this moment, the corner of his eye suddenly noticed Wei Mengrou, who had concealed her aura, not far away.

The maidservant had obviously also noticed the spirit dragon’s call this morning. At this time, she was looking up in a certain direction, seeming to be thinking about something.

“Sister Mengrou, what are you in a daze about?” Mu Zhian walked to Wei Mengrou’s side and took the initiative to greet her.

Wei Mengrou woke up from her previous trance, glanced at Mu Zhian indifferently, and said, “Your energy is quite good.”

These words were not without mockery towards Mu Zhian. Even without thinking, one would know that Wei Mengrou was talking about what happened between him and Bai Ruoxi last night.

However, Mu Zhian had already begun to gradually become immune to the maidservant’s mockery, and even enjoyed her gaze that could excite an M, and said with a smile, “Actually, my energy can be even better.”

“Even if there’s one more person, it’s not a problem.” As he said this, he stared intently at Wei Mengrou, trying to tease this maidservant.

Wei Mengrou sneered, “If one day the Ye sisters or Senior Sister come to find you at night, I won’t stop them. You’d better watch out for yourself.”

If the Ye sisters or Lan Mulian suddenly visited one night, and Wei Mengrou remained silent and pretended not to know… that could really cause a big problem.

After all, Mu Zhian worked hard every day for Bai Ruoxi’s cultivation, willing to help others. If he were caught red-handed, it would be very embarrassing.

“Who would come to find me in the middle of the night?” Mu Zhian smiled, seeming not to care.

In fact, he silently took note of this possibility in his heart.

This was the Two Polarities Sect. This residence was not the Mu family’s. It didn’t have that many formations set up. If someone came in and Wei Mengrou didn’t stop them…

If they heard some blood-boiling sounds coming from Miss Bai’s room outside the door…

Just thinking about this possibility made Mu Zhian feel a chill in his heart.

It seemed that he needed to find time to learn some formations… At least he had to ensure that when outsiders entered the residence he currently lived in, he could detect it at the first moment.

Being a time management master was really not easy…

Mu Zhian sighed inwardly and changed the topic, “The sound outside just now was from the spirit dragon, right? Sister Mengrou, do you want to go out and take a look with me?”

Wei Mengrou hesitated for a moment and gently nodded, “Okay.”

The two left the courtyard together. Wei Mengrou had hidden her presence early and silently followed behind Mu Zhian.

Stepping out of this ancient hall, what came into view were mountains and ravines.

White mist lingered everywhere, and cranes carrying immortal qi occasionally flew by in the sky.

Those were Eight Treasures Cranes. As the name suggested, they were immortal cranes with eight kinds of rich nutrition… To put it bluntly, they were treasures that could be eaten.

Of course, in the Two Polarities Sect, no one dared to secretly target the Eight Treasures Cranes.

Because these Eight Treasures Cranes were raised by the current Head Seat of Boundless Sea Peak to pay respects to his master and occasionally reward some outstanding sect disciples.

If someone were caught casually touching the cranes raised by the Head Seat, the consequences were obvious without thinking.

The mountain peaks were connected by a special golden talisman, forming a suspended “suspension bridge”.

At this moment, in front of the suspension bridge outside this hall, there were already many sect disciples gathering, trying to find that spirit dragon in the cliff.

There were even disciples who were already a bit restless, wanting to jump off the cliff to gain an adventure and be appreciated by that Spirit Dragon Senior.

Of course, being restless didn’t mean they would really act.

After all, if they jumped off this cliff, if Spirit Dragon(Lin Long) Senior discovered that they deliberately did this for an “adventure”, and if it didn’t send them back, wouldn’t they directly die?

No one wanted to take such a risk.

“There are really a lot of people… It will be even harder for me to make contact with Spirit Dragon Senior like this.”

Mu Zhian looked at the many sect disciples in front of the suspension bridge and couldn’t help frowning secretly.

Who knew why Spirit Dragon Senior suddenly roared last night…

Originally, Mu Zhian had planned to wait until the sect disciples gradually forgot about this matter before contacting the spirit dragon to inquire about the pink destiny.

But now… with so many sect disciples watching, he didn’t want to become the target of public criticism.

He had to think of a way… As Mu Zhian was thinking about this, he saw a youth in a black robe among the crowd.

He recognized the other party’s identity at first glance.

It was none other than the Heaven’s Chosen Son, Ye Yu.

If it was Ye Yu, he might really be appreciated by the spirit dragon… Mu Zhian couldn’t help but think inwardly.

Although Ye Yu’s usual performance was indeed quite stupid, it was undeniable that his destiny was indeed very strong… and there was also an old man inside his body to help him. He might really be able to obtain some immortal fortune from the spirit dragon.

Just as Mu Zhian thought of this, Ye Yu in the distance seemed to have also noticed someone’s gaze and turned his head slightly to look over.

His line of sight swept over Mu Zhian’s side, confirming that there was no figure of a girl behind this Young Master Mu. He couldn’t help but feel a little schadenfreude. He came to Mu Zhian’s front and said with a smile,

“It seems that what happened yesterday was quite a blow for Young Master Mu?”

Eating from the bowl while looking at the pot, wanting Ye Qian but unwilling to give up Ye Lingxuan, and even unwilling to give up Bai Ruoxi… Mu Zhian deserved to be reduced to his current state.

Mu Zhian was stunned for a moment, realizing Ye Yu’s sarcasm in his words, and sighed lightly, “It is indeed quite a blow. I have to comfort Qian’er and also comfort Lingxuan. It’s really not easy.”

He probably didn’t know that Lingxuan had already completely lost hope in him… Ye Yu sneered inwardly, but his face remained calm as he said, “Young Master Mu, it’s better to be more focused in the future. Don’t end up being abandoned by everyone, even Miss Bai leaving your side.”

A proud beauty like Bai Ruoxi would definitely not tolerate a man by her side who was fickle…

If he were to tell her about Mu Zhian going to find Ye Qian last night… Ye Yu’s eyes flashed, and a plan quietly formed in his mind.

At this time, Ye Yu also noticed that Mu Zhian’s aura seemed to be a little disordered. He looked at Mu Zhian a few times and sneered, “It seems that Young Master Mu didn’t have a good night’s sleep after returning last night.”

That’s right. If it were him, if he encountered such an experience yesterday, he would also have difficulty falling asleep.

Mu Zhian was not angry at all, just smiled faintly and said, “After all, I had to accompany Ruoxi for dual cultivation at night.”

Ye Yu’s smile froze on his face, his gaze slightly condensed as he stared at Mu Zhian.

Soon, he restored his usual calm smile and said, “Young Master Mu, regardless of whether you and Miss Bai really did dual cultivation last night, even if it’s true, Bai Ruoxi now has nothing to do with me.”

Mu Zhian nodded and smiled, “You’re right.”

He also had no interest in sharing with others how moist Bai Ruoxi was and how wonderful her figure was.

Letting Ye Yu hold the illusion that he had already “won” and continue to be self-satisfied was also quite interesting.

Mu Zhian withdrew his gaze and turned to walk in the direction of the suspension bridge.

He decided to walk around today to see if he could find a place nearby without sect disciples and try to communicate with the spirit dragon.

Before leaving, Mu Zhian suddenly remembered something, paused his steps, turned his head to look over, and said with a smile, “By the way, the taste of Qian’er’s rouge is quite good.”

Ye Yu just smiled faintly, not caring.

Mu Zhian thought he had everything under control. If he hadn’t gone to find Ye Lingxuan last night, perhaps Mu Zhian would have really won.

After all, that simple cousin had already been infatuated by Mu Zhian’s sweet words.

But if Ye Lingxuan also knew about this matter, it would be completely different…

Ye Yu looked at Mu Zhian’s leaving figure and sneered inwardly. He was about to withdraw his gaze.

At this moment, he suddenly saw Mu Zhian raise his hand and take out a jade bottle made of blue and white porcelain from his storage ring.

On the surface of that jade bottle, he clearly saw the character “Ye” engraved on it.

That was… the Ye family’s jade bottle!

Fifth-grade medicinal pill… Spirit Replenishing Pill?!

How could he have a Spirit Replenishing Pill?!

The Ye family didn’t have any fifth-grade medicinal pills at all. Even in Ye Yu’s hands, there were no fifth-grade medicinal pills, but Mu Zhian took out a Spirit Replenishing Pill so easily to consume.

Moreover, the jade bottle containing the Spirit Replenishing Pill clearly had the Ye family’s mark on it!

Obviously, Mu Zhian obtained this medicinal pill from someone in the Ye family.

Qian’er couldn’t possibly have such a precious medicinal pill in her hands.

But besides Qian’er, who else could take out such a precious medicinal pill from the Ye family…?

The answer was already very clear.

If we were to talk about a girl who could easily take out such a rare medicinal pill to give to someone, it could only be that Ye Lingxuan with a rather mysterious background.

The originally calm smile on Ye Yu’s face froze slightly. He stared at Mu Zhian’s back, his heart screaming frantically:

Lingxuan actually gave him such a precious medicinal pill?!

How is that possible? After she learned about Mu Zhian’s fickle and scumbag behavior last night, she couldn’t possibly give him such a precious medicinal pill!


This medicinal pill might not have been given last night, but much earlier by Lingxuan to Mu Zhian, and Mu Zhian only consumed it today…

When Ye Yu thought of this, his heart felt a little more relieved.

Just at this moment, the corner of his eye suddenly fell on the purple-skirted girl walking out of the hall.

Under the sunlight, a restrained and elegant sweet smile bloomed on her face as she walked over in graceful steps, her skirt fluttering.

Almost in that instant, many sect disciples couldn’t help but glance over.

A serene and elegant beauty like Ye Lingxuan was rare even in the Two Polarities Sect. Even though everyone was very concerned about the spirit dragon’s time at the moment, they couldn’t help but look at this girl’s pretty face a few more times.

Ye Yu raised his head, about to speak.

At this moment, Ye Lingxuan’s gaze suddenly fell directly on Mu Zhian, and her clear and pleasant voice called out:

“Brother Mu.”

After saying that, under Ye Yu’s dazed gaze, Ye Lingxuan ran to catch up with Mu Zhian.

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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