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It turns out, they are the protagonists 103 p1

Chapter 103: Rich Girl, Hungry, Food

Noticing the girl running up from behind, Mu Zhian stopped his steps and deliberately waited for her.

Only when Ye Lingxuan approached did he open his mouth and smile, “Have you finally decided to call me Brother Mu?”

Ye Lingxuan raised her head and smiled charmingly, “Isn’t this what you hoped I would call you?”

Indeed, that’s right, but why do I feel that this “Brother Mu” from you doesn’t quite fit your reserved and slightly tsundere young lady character… Mu Zhian smiled, “That’s also true.”

“But is this really okay? Your Brother Ye Yu seemed to be glaring at me just now. So scary.” Mu Zhian said with concern.

Ye Lingxuan glanced at Mu Zhian, seeing his leisurely and carefree appearance. She couldn’t help but cover her mouth and chuckle, “Does Young Master Mu still care about other people’s opinions?”

She knew that Mu Zhian was a person who put benefits above all else and didn’t care about other people’s gazes or reputations.

Otherwise, with Mu Zhian’s past influence in Tianxuan City, if he wanted to “whitewash” himself, it wouldn’t have been difficult.

After all, when a “bad person” wants to whitewash themselves, they only need to put down the butcher’s knife to receive praise from people.

“By the way, where is Young Master Mu planning to go?” Ye Lingxuan asked with a smile.

Why are you calling me Young Master again? Didn’t you say you would call me Brother? Why is this girl so disobedient… Mu Zhian pondered for a moment and transmitted his voice, “How much have you heard about the spirit dragon?”

Is he going to target the spirit dragon…?

Ye Lingxuan’s eyes moved slightly and also transmitted her voice, “The spirit dragon is an ancient auspicious creature that has existed since the founding of the sect. Gaining its favor can bring overwhelming fortune, but it rarely values anyone… In the end, the outside rumors say that the spirit dragon values great destiny, but that’s not the case.”

“What the spirit dragon truly values is whether it likes the look of someone or not.”

“In that case, does it think I’m handsome?” Mu Zhian realized.

Ye Lingxuan immediately gave Mu Zhian a blank look.

Then, she quickly reacted and stared at Mu Zhian in surprise, transmitting her voice, “So the spirit dragon really chose you?”

Mu Zhian nodded slightly, “The spirit dragon appeared yesterday, and at that time, it transmitted its voice to me.”

“But there were too many eyes around at that time, so I wanted to find a time when no one was paying attention to go see it, but…”

Mu Zhian shook his head lightly and sighed, “That call from the spirit dragon this morning attracted the attention of even more disciples.”

There was no other way. He could only go find the spirit dragon as soon as possible.

Hmm… hopefully it’s a beautiful lady.

Ye Lingxuan pondered for a moment and offered her suggestion, “You can try calling the spirit dragon at the cliff near Two Polarities Peak. Disciples rarely pass by there.”

“I can’t enter Two Polarities Peak. There are formations there.” Mu Zhian said helplessly.

Moreover, if he accidentally ran into Lan Mulian’s master and let her realize that he was her “pen pal”, wouldn’t it be very awkward?

Mu Zhian wasn’t ready to raise a great white shark in his own fish pond.

His fish pond was too small. Not to mention that the sect master’s level was too high, even if he really managed to conquer her, the other little fish would probably be eaten clean.

Who knew, Ye Lingxuan immediately said, “I have a way to take you into Two Polarities Peak.”

“You’re willing to help me…?” Mu Zhian looked at Ye Lingxuan’s side profile and couldn’t help but ask.

Ye Lingxuan nodded reservedly, “After all, you’ve helped me and Qian’er so much… Giving you a little reward is only appropriate.”

As she spoke, she glanced at the nearly illusory and invisible beautiful woman behind Mu Zhian and continued, “I can also take Sister Mengrou into Two Polarities Peak, but we can’t go too deep.”

Mu Zhian thought for a moment and finally nodded seriously, looking at Ye Lingxuan with a smile, “Thank you.”

“Sister Lingxuan is so kind.”

Ye Lingxuan raised her snow-white chin reservedly, pretending to be indifferent, and simply “hmm”ed.

She glanced at Mu Zhian and said, “Even if I didn’t help you, you would have figured out a way yourself later, right?”

That’s true, but the method I would have thought of might have been to shift the blame onto others… For example, Gongsun Cheng, Ye Yu, or the Third Prince.

Mu Zhian smiled without speaking.

He had never been a good person. If others were black, he would only be blacker than them.

“In any case, let’s go to Two Polarities Peak first.” Ye Lingxuan said.

She turned her head to look at Wei Mengrou, who had been silent all along, and smiled politely, “Sister Mengrou, I’ll have to trouble you again.”

Wei Mengrou let out a soft “hmm”, raised her hand to form a seal, and a flying sword hovered in midair.

Mu Zhian skillfully stepped onto the flying sword, then reached out his hand to Ye Lingxuan and smiled, “Let’s go.”

Ye Lingxuan reached out her hand, and Mu Zhian grabbed her small hand, bringing her behind him. He held her small hand preciously and firmly, saying seriously, “Sister Lingxuan, you have to hold on tight.”

Ye Lingxuan secretly gave him a blank look. She knew this guy just wanted to take advantage, but it was not good to expose him, so she could only let him make those little moves.

Two Polarities Peak!

Lan Mulian’s embroidered shoes stepped on the ground, her skirt fluttering, graceful as a fairy.

Beside her, a female pavilion master with a good figure and an intellectual and charming dress sat at the table, looking at Lan Mulian with a smile.

Yan Ruyu looked to be in her early thirties, no longer a young girl in her prime, but at the most full and voluptuous period of a woman, as if she could be squeezed and water would come out.

Her skin was tender and firm, the corners of her mouth carried a gentle smile, and her eyes revealed an intellectual beauty, with watery light in her eyes. The years did not leave any wrinkles on her face, but instead precipitated the mature charm of a beautiful woman, which was most able to attract the eyes of young men.

This was not surprising. Although she had entered the sect for a long time, age was not actually important in the cultivation world. For example, one of the current Dao Merger realm powerhouses, the sect master of the Two Polarities Sect, had an age so mysterious that few people knew it.

Even many elders in the sect had grown up under the watch of that sect master.

In general, in the world of immortal cultivation, age was just a number and did not represent anything.

The two women complemented each other. Putting aside the sect master, in terms of appearance among her peers, Yan Ruyu could be said to be the most capable.

Beauty was one aspect, but more important was her temperament.

It was an intellectual beauty that could only be exuded after extensive reading. If placed in modern times, Yan Ruyu would probably be a mature female teacher wearing a tight-fitting OL uniform skirt, gold-rimmed glasses, and holding a ruler.

Not to mention among peers, even looking at the entire Two Polarities Sect, there were only a few who could compete with her.

“Senior Sister Yan specially came to Two Polarities Peak to find me today. Is there something you want to say?” Lan Mulian asked with a smile, her voice pleasant.

Usually, Yan Ruyu rarely purposely left the Book Pavilion, because compared to the interactions between cultivators, she preferred to read.

Yan Ruyu’s smile was gentle, and her warm and pleasant voice said, “Can’t I find Junior Sister Lan to chat and talk if there’s nothing important?”

Lan Mulian lightly picked up the thin veil and poured a cup of tea for Yan Ruyu, smiling, “How could that be? Senior Sister Yan is joking. It’s just that Mulian is a little surprised that you would leave the pavilion to find someone to chat idly. If you don’t mind, let’s sit in the pavilion and chat. It just so happens that Master has something to attend to and left.”

If Mu Zhian were present, seeing the appearance of this Senior Sister Lan, he would probably widen his eyes and find it hard to look away.

Even after seeing a high-value beauty like Bai Ruoxi, seeing Lan Mulian would still be shocking.

A cold and fragile Bai Ruoxi was already enough to make people intoxicated. If you add a cold and aloof senior sister… it would be a completely different experience.

Yan Ruyu took a small sip of tea and sat in front of the pavilion, chatting idly with Lan Mulian.

“Yesterday, the spirit dragon appeared from the cliff and seemed to have taken a fancy to a disciple who passed the sect assessment this time, but later it left for some reason, which was indeed a bit strange.” Yan Ruyu mentioned yesterday’s matter.

Lan Mulian’s eyes moved slightly, seeming a little surprised. She turned her head to look over and said, “The spirit dragon appeared yesterday and really took a fancy to a certain disciple?”

She had vaguely guessed it yesterday, but after really hearing Yan Ruyu’s words, she was still a little surprised.


It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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