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It turns out, they are the protagonists 107

Chapter 107: She’s Just My Sister 

The Spirit Dragon, as an auspicious beast that existed since ancient times, its existence itself was a sign of good fortune.

In the world of immortal cultivation, destiny was an extremely important thing. To reach the peak in this world, one needed talent and destiny.

And the Spirit Dragon could bestow the inheritance of destiny to some people.

This was a temptation that was hard to resist.

However, Mu Zhian’s actual interest in the inheritance of destiny was not great…

In this grotto heaven, the inheritance of destiny was indeed a treasure… but now, there was an even greater treasure here.

Mu Zhian secretly observed this existence that seemed to be from the same era as the Two Polarities Sect Master.

At this moment, the silver-haired beauty was holding a teacup with both hands, her gaze calmly looking at the front not far away. Her pair of gorgeous red eyes were clear and transparent, without any impurities, giving a silly and cute feeling.

Mu Zhian unintentionally glanced down from top to bottom.

Indeed, very big and white… probably even bigger than Bai Ruoxi’s.

At this time, Lin Ling seemed to have sensed something and slightly turned her head to look at Mu Zhian, tilting her head slightly, “Aaa?”

Mu Zhian also tilted his head, “Aaa?”

She lightly raised her finger and wrote on the table: You were staring at me just now, wanting to do bad things?

Mu Zhian was stunned for a moment, and immediately shook his head, saying, “Sorry, this is based on the most basic physiological instinct towards the opposite sex. I will try to restrain myself.”

Senior Sister Lan was indeed right. The Spirit Dragon could very keenly sense the “malice” of others.

Not only “malice”, but even some special thoughts, she seemed to be able to detect.

Fortunately, Lin Ling’s temper was obviously quite good. She just smiled slightly and did not directly kick Mu Zhian out like she did to the Third Prince.

She was very tolerant of the people she had taken a fancy to.

Mu Zhian took a sip of tea and looked at the two puppet dragons in the great hall.

These two puppet dragons were made quite casually, with one eye big and one eye small, just like “0.o”.

Although the shape was a bit funny, their combat power was extremely strong. At this moment, they flapped their wings and pounced on the crowd. The cultivators present were all at the Qi Condensation stage, and in the face of such a puppet dragon, it was completely difficult to resist.

Ye Yu’s side showed superior combat power, and he struggled to resist one of the big and small-eyed puppet dragons.

This Ye Yu looked quite silly usually, but his strength was not bad.

Mu Zhian’s gaze casually swept over Ye Yu and fell on the girl in the corner of the hall who was looking at Ye Yu.

Hmm… that girl beside him looks quite decent.

Mu Zhian looked at the female cultivator who was just beside Ye Yu a few times.

Although her appearance was only above average, her figure was quite good.

After scanning from top to bottom a few times, Mu Zhian casually withdrew his gaze and looked at the silver-haired girl beside him.

After slightly organizing his thoughts, Mu Zhian said,

“Senior Lin Ling, is your previous selection of me related to the destiny on my body?”

Lin Ling held the teacup with both hands, took a small sip, and made her lips look a few shades more vividly moist.

She raised her finger, and a line of text appeared on the table.

“Your destiny is very sweet.”

This is the first time I’ve heard that destiny can be sweet or not… Mu Zhian looked at the sect disciples who were fiercely fighting the puppet dragons and asked, “What does sweet destiny mean?”

It can’t be because my destiny is pink, so it’s sweet, right?

Could it be that the tastes of those destinies are different…?

If we have to say, isn’t the purple destiny lavender-flavored?

Lin Ling gently put down the teacup in her hand, moved aside, and approached Mu Zhian’s side.

A sweet fragrance masked the tea aroma and lightly drilled into Mu Zhian’s nostrils.

Lin Ling turned her head to look at Mu Zhian, leaned forward like a cat, stuck out her little tongue, and under Ye Lingxuan’s stunned gaze, lightly licked Mu Zhian’s face like a cat.

The tickling and moist touch made Mu Zhian stunned for a moment, and he subconsciously turned his head to look at the girl beside him.

Although he knew that the other party might not care, or had no experience in human love, but when he really saw such an intimate action, it still made one feel quite shocked.

If Lin Ling licked Mu Zhian’s face in the form of a spirit dragon at this time, this scene naturally wouldn’t have such a big impact.

But the problem was… she was in human form now!

And she was a silver-haired and red-eyed mature beauty!

This destructive power had increased by more than one level.

The maidservant was also a little shocked as she looked at this scene, her small mouth slightly open, wanting to speak a few times, but in the end, she held back.

And when Mu Zhian was still in doubt of “is she secretly in love with me”, Lin Ling had already sat upright again, with a shy smile on her face.

She raised her hand, took out a black stone tablet, and handed it to Mu Zhian.

It was the test tablet that Lan Mulian used to test the assessment disciples before!

She means for me to test my destiny now?

Mu Zhian looked at the palm-sized test tablet and reached out to touch the surface of the test tablet.

A pink light quietly lit up on the surface of the test tablet, but this time it was different from before. Mu Zhian quickly noticed a wisp of purple aura wrapped in this pink light.

“Imperial purple aura?” Ye Lingxuan almost blurted out, her eyes fixed on the light shown in the test tablet.

If I remember correctly, there was no purple aura in Brother Mu’s test last time… Ye Lingxuan’s eyes flashed slightly, feeling a little puzzled in her heart.

Mu Zhian also stared at the wisp of purple aura that looked like a dragon in the test tablet. After a short gaze, he said softly, “No… this is not the imperial purple aura.”

He always felt that this wisp of purple aura gave a very familiar feeling, but he couldn’t remember where he had seen it before for a while.

“Senior, what exactly is this?” Mu Zhian looked up at Lin Ling and asked.

Lin Ling raised her finger and wrote four characters on the table.

Mu Zhian’s gaze slightly froze on the four big characters on the table. He was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously looked up at this woman who looked a bit silly.

“Heavenly Dao aura?!”

Yes, what Lin Ling left in his body just now was a small fragment of the Heavenly Dao aura!

No wonder he felt familiar. After all, Bai Ruoxi’s body also had the Heavenly Dao aura, and he had been assisting Bai Ruoxi’s cultivation frequently recently, so he was naturally familiar with the Heavenly Dao aura.

“You left a fragment of the Heavenly Dao aura in my body just now?” Mu Zhian looked up at Lin Ling, his eyes carrying a few traces of puzzlement.


In this world, there couldn’t possibly be such precious things that could be given to others for free. Mu Zhian always believed in this principle.

Lin Ling raised her finger and wrote a paragraph on the table.

“Too much Heavenly Dao aura, need to give some to others.”

Before Mu Zhian could understand the meaning of her words, Lin Ling’s lips parted slightly and she said softly, “This place is a thousand feet high.”

The environment in front of them changed again. Just now, they could still see the hall that was testing the sect disciples, but now they could only see the lingering clouds and mist in front of them.

They were now floating in midair!

Although this ability was very inconvenient, it was also very convenient… Mu Zhian looked around, feeling a little envious for a while.

At this time, Lin Ling raised her finger and lightly touched the test tablet she had personally refined.

In an instant, three strands of “aura” of different colors lit up in the test tablet.

Mu Zhian’s gaze froze on the light in the test tablet.

In Lin Ling’s body, there were actually three kinds of Heavenly Dao aura!

Spirit Dragon girl, you’re not a rich woman, you’re simply a rich woman’s mother!

Even Ye Lingxuan, who had seen all kinds of grand occasions since childhood following her father, was a little dazed.

The Heavenly Dao aura, those who obtained it would receive a boost in destiny. Even if all the cultivators in the entire immortal cultivation world were added together, there might not be six or seven portions, but this Spirit Dragon alone occupied three different kinds of Heavenly Dao aura.

And what was most surprising was that she could actually bear such overwhelming destiny.

At this time, Lin Ling continued to write on the table: You can devour a part of other people’s destiny.

Mu Zhian’s eyes moved slightly, and he thought inwardly: In that case… my destiny is indeed related to the girls around me?

The more girls I know, or rather, the more girls I pursue, the stronger my destiny will be?

Mu Zhian had this vague suspicion before, but at that time it was just a simple suspicion. Only now, after seeing Lin Ling’s answer, did he dare to be certain.

After all, in Mu Zhian’s own memory, his destiny was not particularly good when he was still a prodigal son in the past.

But since he got to know Bai Ruoxi, or rather, since his relationship with Bai Ruoxi had progressed by leaps and bounds and he had explored her depths, Mu Zhian could clearly feel that his destiny was much, much better than before.

No wonder my destiny is pink… It turns out that this destiny all comes from other girls.

At this moment, Mu Zhian had a sudden realization in his heart.

At the beginning, Mu Zhian was just a small villain supporting role in the “novice village”, and he was a small “supporting role” in the early stage. The destiny of such a supporting role naturally wouldn’t be very good.

His current pink destiny was most likely obtained from Bai Ruoxi, as well as the Ye sisters and Senior Sister.

“Will devouring other people’s destiny affect them?” Mu Zhian asked.

Lin Ling gently shook her head.

Normally, when destiny becomes strong to a certain extent, it will overflow and not continue to rise.

An inner doubt that had been lingering for a long time was answered. Mu Zhian felt refreshed all over, and then asked another question he was relatively concerned about, “What did Senior look for me for?”

“Exchange a part of our destinies.” Lin Ling wrote this line of text on the table.

“Destiny is too strong, it will be disturbed by karmic fire, so a part of it needs to be transferred.” She wrote again.

The Spirit Dragon’s destiny was too vast, so she used this method to transfer her own destiny? Mu Zhian thought inwardly.

Thinking about it, it made sense. After all, if one person monopolized three portions of Heavenly Dao aura, a normal person probably wouldn’t be able to bear such great destiny.

“Senior wants to devour a part of my destiny and at the same time feed back a part of your own destiny to me?” Mu Zhian asked.

Lin Ling nodded her head, her pair of bright eyes staring straight at Mu Zhian, as if seeking his opinion, without any big shot’s airs at all.

No matter how you look at it, this is a deal where you can only profit and not lose… The existence of the Spirit Dragon itself represented “destiny”.

Except for existences like Lin Ling, who would complain about having too much destiny?

Mu Zhian took the posture of a junior and respectfully said, “I am willing to do my part for Senior.”

But speaking of which, how will she devour my destiny and feed destiny back to me at the same time…?

Could it be like just now, licking…?

Seeing Lin Ling’s face reveal an extremely beautiful shy smile, Mu Zhian couldn’t help but secretly think about such things in his heart.

This woman didn’t even know how to hide her inner emotions. Whether she was happy or unhappy, it would be directly shown on her face.

“By the way, I want to boldly ask Senior, when this girl beside me entered the grotto heaven just now, she seemed to feel that something was calling out to her. I don’t know what the reason is?” Mu Zhian suddenly asked.

Lin Ling tilted her head slightly and said, “Aaa?”

“Senior, you’d better write it down.” Mu Zhian smiled.

A line of text appeared on the table: “What is she to you?”

Ye Lingxuan also saw the text on the table and unintentionally glanced at Mu Zhian.

Mu Zhian gazed into Ye Lingxuan’s eyes and showed a gentle smile, “Lingxuan is my most important sister.”

Ye Lingxuan’s beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly, seeming dissatisfied with this answer, but she didn’t say anything and maintained her usual aloofness and elegance.

Lin Ling thought for a moment, turned her head to look at Ye Lingxuan, and pointed to the text that had just appeared on the table.

“Come with me.”

Ye Lingxuan subconsciously looked up at Mu Zhian, as if seeking his opinion.

Mu Zhian gazed at Ye Lingxuan’s pretty face and said softly, “Lingxuan, go with Senior. This is your immortal fortune.”

Hearing this, Ye Lingxuan bowed to this woman whose eyes were filled with gentleness and said, “I have to trouble Senior again.”

Lin Ling just lightly nodded, and was about to get up and leave.

At this moment, Mu Zhian suddenly asked, “By the way, Senior, what should be done with these disciples participating in the trial this time…?”

“Five portions of destiny inheritance, you make the decision.” A line of text appeared on the table.

Isn’t she afraid that I will swallow all five portions of destiny inheritance for myself… As soon as Mu Zhian thought of this, he saw Lin Ling blinking her silly red eyes and looking at him, and he was instantly relieved.

From the beginning, Senior Lin Ling didn’t open the grotto heaven to give the sect disciples destiny inheritance, so naturally she wouldn’t care about such things either.

As Lin Ling took Ye Lingxuan and left the pavilion, Mu Zhian quickly found that an ancient sheepskin scroll had appeared on the table at some point.

After opening the sheepskin scroll, what appeared in his sight was a map, and what was marked on it was surprisingly the locations of the five “destiny inheritances” in this grotto heaven.

Wei Mengrou glanced at it, then looked at Mu Zhian and said, “What do you plan to do?”

“Take three portions and give two portions.” Mu Zhian said after thinking for a moment.

He couldn’t be sure if the Spirit Dragon was testing his state of mind. If he swallowed all the destiny inheritances by himself, it wouldn’t be good.

But taking a part of it was quite good.

Wei Mengrou’s fingertips brushed over the teacup and she said softly, “This way, you might be held a grudge by others.”

Mu Zhian shook his head, looked at the cloudy sky, and smiled, “If they knew from the beginning that a total of five people could inherit the destiny inheritance, and at this time I suddenly told them that only two of them could get the destiny inheritance… they would be very unhappy and even hold a grudge against me.”

“But if I release the news in advance and let them know that originally only one person could get the destiny inheritance in this trial, but Mu Zhian pleaded with the Spirit Dragon girl and earned two portions of destiny inheritance for them.”

“At this time, they won’t have any objections.”

“No, it should be said…”

Mu Zhian lightly shook his head, turned his head to look at Wei Mengrou’s contemptuous gaze, and smiled gently,

“They will even thank me.”

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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