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It turns out, they are the protagonists 109

Chapter 109: The First Destiny Inheritor! 

Destiny inheritance, in the end, could be considered a kind of secret technique.

Normally, a person’s destiny at birth was already fixed.

But the existence of creatures like the Spirit Dragon itself represented the word destiny, so she naturally had secret techniques that could allow others to obtain the destiny she left behind.

This Spirit Dragon alone held three portions of Heavenly Dao aura, so her destiny was so strong that it overflowed and was even troubled by “karmic fire”… No wonder she left a portion of destiny inheritance for later generations every once in a while.

It wasn’t that the Spirit Dragon was considering the sect disciples, but simply that her destiny was too strong, so she used this method to alleviate her own strong destiny.

At this moment, Mu Zhian was leading the crowd on a certain path.

“Young Master Mu, whether we obtain the destiny inheritance or not in the end, we will all remember your kindness today.”

A sect disciple in the crowd sincerely said.

“That’s right. Young Master Mu could have gone to the location of the destiny inheritance by himself, but he specially came to this vicinity for us. Such magnanimity is truly admirable.”

Maybe he had already obtained the destiny inheritance… Gongsun Cheng really wanted to say that, but in the end, seeing this harmonious atmosphere, he still held back.

What he could guess, many others must have guessed as well.

It’s just that in this situation, no one cared, and no one would mention such things.

Not to mention whether Mu Zhian had obtained the destiny inheritance or not, even if he really obtained it… In this situation, Mu Zhian was still willing to come and be this “good person”, which was already a rare thing.

Everyone was a smart person. They were just following Gongsun Cheng and Ye Yu’s words just now simply because of psychological imbalance.

When slandering someone, even smart people would choose to turn a deaf ear.

“Young Master Ye, are we still going to follow them?”

In the back of the crowd, a female disciple with above-average looks and a coquettish voice slightly raised her head to look at Ye Yu, whose face looked unpleasant, and suddenly asked through voice transmission.

Ye Yu stared intently at Mu Zhian, who was surrounded by the crowd, only following at the back, but never spoke.

“Teacher, can you find out if there is a location nearby that has a destiny inheritance?” Ye Yu tried to ask this old man in his body for help.

After a long time, an old voice came floating lightly, “This place restricts cultivators above the Qi Condensation stage from performing normally. If you forcefully investigate, it might be possible, but you may be immediately detected by the Spirit Dragon and directly lose the qualification for the trial.”

Hearing this, Ye Yu stared at Mu Zhian, who was surrounded by the crowd, and his eyes were filled with a few more traces of unwillingness, “Didn’t he also rely on cheating to know the map of this hall? Why won’t he lose the qualification for the trial?!”

The old man was silent for a moment, and sighed, “That map was given to him by that Spirit Dragon examiner, right?”

Ye Yu seemed to be under a silence spell and didn’t speak for a long time.

Mu Zhian could be so “jumpy” now, wasn’t it precisely because he obtained the map of this hall from the Spirit Dragon and knew where the destiny inheritance was hidden here?

“I don’t believe Mu Zhian is the kind of good person who would give up the Spirit Dragon’s destiny and not inherit it himself, but instead lead the way for everyone.” Ye Yu said coldly.

He knew Mu Zhian too well. He was a person who put benefits first and would not do such a thing that was harmful and not beneficial.

But if so, why would he do this?

Not taking the opportunity to possess the destiny inheritance himself, but instead leading everyone to inherit it together… Was Mu Zhian really that good?

Could it really be as Mu Zhian said, because the destiny inheritance was determined by “compatibility”, so he brought everyone to go together?

Probably not, right?

And even if it was really determined by “compatibility” whether one could possess the Spirit Dragon’s destiny, Mu Zhian should have the idea of “if I can’t get it, others shouldn’t get it either”… If it were him, he would also do the same.

If he couldn’t get it himself, why should others be able to get that precious destiny?

When Ye Yu thought of this, he suddenly thought of another possibility in his mind, his eyes fixed on Mu Zhian’s back.

No… Maybe Mu Zhian had already obtained the destiny inheritance long ago, so now he was leading everyone to the location of the destiny inheritance.

Ye Yu stared at Mu Zhian’s back, and the scene of him chatting with the female cultivators beside him from time to time, making them chuckle. He suddenly said,

“Young Master Mu, it’s really strange. Why do I feel that your destiny is a bit different from before?”

This abrupt voice also made the crowd subconsciously stop their steps and turn their heads to look at Ye Yu.

Mu Zhian stopped his steps and turned his head to look at the black-robed youth behind him.

“Young Master Ye, do you have any unique insights?” Mu Zhian smiled.

“It can’t be called an insight, but I’m just a little curious. Young Master Mu’s destiny seems to be a bit different from before… Did something happen?” Ye Yu stared into Mu Zhian’s eyes, trying to get him to take the bait.

He naturally couldn’t see the changes in Mu Zhian’s destiny, but he could bluff.

If Mu Zhian had really inherited the destiny inheritance, there should be at least a hint of fluster on his face.

“For example… did you obtain the destiny inheritance from Senior Spirit Dragon before coming here?” Ye Yu asked again.

That’s right… with Mu Zhian’s personality, how could he give up the destiny inheritance and not inherit it himself, but instead lead others there?

The only possibility was that he had already obtained the Spirit Dragon’s destiny!

Mu Zhian looked at Ye Yu in surprise and said, “You, you’ve already discovered it?”

Ye Yu obviously paused, seeming not to have expected that Mu Zhian would admit such a thing so frankly.

“I did obtain the destiny inheritance, so what?”

Mu Zhian continued smiling and asked, “Does Young Master Ye have something to express?”

The crowd looked at this scene with a cold eye, but no one spoke up.

Ye Yu was stunned for a long time, seeming a bit unable to understand why they had no reaction.

Only after seeing the smile on Mu Zhian’s face did he react.

No… it wasn’t that they had no reaction, but that these people had already been won over by Mu Zhian.

From the moment Mu Zhian personally came to this hall and offered to lead the way for them, whether he had obtained the Spirit Dragon’s destiny inheritance or not was no longer important.

The important thing was that he could really lead everyone to find the destiny inheritance location.

That was enough.

Ye Yu looked at this scene, and the crowd that remained silent. His face was extremely gloomy.

In the end, he said in a low voice with a tone of unwillingness, “…Nothing.”

Questioning Mu Zhian now was to go against everyone present… He wasn’t stupid to that extent.

Next, the crowd unknowingly arrived in front of a high platform amidst low whispers.

And on the high platform, there was a stone tablet engraved with ancient characters, and in that stone tablet, there was a wisp of purple aura that seemed to be able to arouse the sound of a dragon’s roar.

The Spirit Dragon’s destiny!

“It’s really here…”

“The destiny left by Senior Spirit Dragon… If one can obtain it, they will definitely rise to prominence in the future!”

The crowd’s eyes were fixed on the wisp of purple aura on the high platform, and they were a bit eager to give it a try.

Mu Zhian also raised his head to look at the high platform. After examining the wisp of purple aura for a few glances, he turned to the crowd, cupped his hands and smiled, “Everyone, I’ll go up and try first. If it doesn’t work, then everyone can try to see if they can obtain the destiny inheritance by drawing lots. How about that?”

“Let’s listen to Young Master Mu.”

“This is indeed fairer for us.”

After all, it was Mu Zhian who brought them here, so naturally no one had any objections.

Mu Zhian cupped his hands again, and then under the gazes of those people, he slowly walked up to the high platform, raised his head to look at the stone tablet, or rather, the purple aura stored in the stone tablet.

Only at this moment did he see the true appearance of this wisp of destiny.

This thing, isn’t it the purple aura left behind after the Spirit Dragon licked my face just now…? Mu Zhian looked at the purple aura in the stone tablet, and his fingers subconsciously touched the cheek that was licked just now, his eyes filled with a trace of strangeness.

The wisp of purple aura that the outside world was desperately trying to obtain, he could get more from the Spirit Dragon girl in the future…

And he didn’t know if it was because the Spirit Dragon had given him the power or what, but Mu Zhian could clearly feel that the wisp of purple aura sealed in the stone tablet at this moment seemed to be able to act according to his thoughts.

Senior Lin Ling is really too generous… Mu Zhian quickly concealed his expression, stretched out his palm, simply touched the stone tablet, and then “gave up”.

Although the Spirit Dragon’s destiny inheritance was precious, he had already obtained three portions of destiny inheritance, and he could still exchange destiny with the Spirit Dragon girl in the future… There was no need to fight with them for this immortal fortune now.

After all, having taken so much immortal fortune, he should also know when to stop.

He didn’t know if this destiny had to be bestowed upon others by “licking”, and if so, after going back, he could send it to Ruoxi, Qian’er… and then send a portion to Sister Mengrou…

After Mu Zhian walked down from the high platform, he let everyone try it one by one according to the order of drawing lots.

Next, one cultivator after another went up to the stage in order. Until later, Gongsun Cheng also went up.

He touched the stone tablet with his palm, his eyes filled with a few traces of burning expectation, looking at the black stone tablet.

At this moment, the stone tablet suddenly lit up with a faint purple light, and then, that wisp of purple aura quietly flowed towards Gongsun Cheng.

“Success!” Gongsun Cheng’s eyes were filled with a trace of excitement, staring intently at the purple aura that was as lifelike as a dragon. It was slowly flowing in the stone tablet.

Those people just now did not make this wisp of purple aura react, but he succeeded!

The crowd immediately caused a commotion, whispering to each other in low voices, their eyes enviously looking at Gongsun Cheng’s back.

Huang Manting narrowed her beautiful eyes, also staring at Gongsun Cheng.

This guy… actually really inherited the Spirit Dragon’s destiny?

Ye Yu’s eyes were filled with a few traces of unwillingness and nervousness… If Gongsun Cheng inherited the first destiny, then there would only be another destiny left.

If that destiny was also obtained by someone else first… wouldn’t this trip be in vain?

“No… look, that wisp of purple aura didn’t enter Gongsun Cheng’s body!”

At this moment, someone in the crowd discovered the abnormality and pointed at the stone tablet on the high platform.

That wisp of purple aura that was originally about to enter Gongsun Cheng’s body was now staying in the stone tablet, constantly making movements as if wanting to leave the stone tablet, but stopped several times.

Gongsun Cheng’s face was pale, but he kept staring at the stone tablet, constantly injecting his spiritual energy into it to maintain the activated state of the stone tablet.

“Come in quickly! What the hell is this thing doing?!”

Gongsun Cheng shouted hard in his heart, staring intently at that wisp of purple aura.

However, no matter how much he shouted in his heart, that purple aura only wavered between “entering” and “not entering”.

Finally, the spiritual energy could no longer be maintained, and Gongsun Cheng staggered back, his lips pale as he fell to the ground.

And the next moment, he disappeared from the hall.

Gongsun Cheng was also eliminated!

The crowd’s faces showed relief, but at the same time, they also became more solemn.

Gongsun Cheng was a Qi Condensation eighth stage cultivator, but he still failed after struggling with that wisp of purple aura for so long…

The Spirit Dragon’s destiny was actually so difficult to obtain?

“The young lady of the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce went up.” Someone suddenly said.

The sect disciples all raised their heads to look. This young lady of the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce was wearing a black dress that was as thin as a veil, and the white skin under her skirt was faintly visible.

The black embroidered shoes set off her feet to be especially tender, white and crystal-like, and the curves of her back were slender and charming.

She stepped on the stairs and slowly walked up to the high platform. Her usually casual expression rarely had a few traces of solemnity, and her palm was about to touch the stone tablet.

At this moment, a voice transmission suddenly came to her ears,

“Relax your body, contain the spiritual energy in your dantian, and don’t try to pull it into your body with spiritual energy.”

It was Mu Zhian’s voice… Huang Manting’s enchanting peach blossom eyes flashed a trace of surprise, but she concealed it well. She stretched out her palm without any expression and touched the stone tablet.

The wisp of purple aura in the stone tablet was slowly moving like a swimming dragon, and then, under the eyes of the crowd, in less than a few seconds, it quietly drilled into Huang Manting’s palm.

The first destiny inheritor appeared!

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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