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It turns out, they are the protagonists 110

Chapter 110: Your Crane Is Gone

“Huang Manting… If I remember correctly, she and the young master of the Mu family, as well as Ye Yu, all came from Tianxuan City, right?”

Seeing the woman gracefully walking down from the stairs of the high platform, these sect disciples couldn’t help but start discussing in low voices.

“Tianxuan City has a spiritual atmosphere and outstanding people. It’s not surprising that a few geniuses would emerge.”

Usually, it would already be quite good for a place to have one or two geniuses, but the people who came out of Tianxuan City, whether it was Ye Lingxuan, Ye Yu, or even Huang Manting and others, all had extremely high talent.

And if we trace back the reason, it was simply because Tianxuan City was close to the Two Polarities Sect and had abundant spiritual energy, so even just meditating and cultivating would be a bit faster than other places.

“Everyone, even if you fail, you can still more or less obtain some destiny. Although it’s not as good as the destiny left by Senior Spirit Dragon, it’s still better than nothing, right?” Mu Zhian smiled.

Just now, that stone tablet was left by the Spirit Dragon to test the sect disciples and examine if they were qualified to obtain the destiny inheritance.

And this process itself could allow them to gain some destiny.

When Mu Zhian said this, the disappointment in the hearts of many who failed was slightly relieved, and they suddenly had a few more traces of goodwill towards this unfamiliar sect disciple.

At first, they would turn a cold eye to Ye Yu and Gongsun Cheng’s words slandering Mu Zhian simply because Mu Zhian had no close relationship with them.

But Mu Zhian’s actions this time made quite a few people have a considerable change in their view of him.

Of course, there would still be a few people who were jealous and even suspected that Mu Zhian had already obtained the benefits of the destiny inheritance from the Spirit Dragon.

However, with Mu Zhian present now, he wouldn’t be “denounced” by others like just now.

After all, if the other party really had a good relationship with that Senior Spirit Dragon… No matter how you think about it, compared to being enemies with him, it was more correct to have a good relationship.

Whether it was people who disliked Mu Zhian in their hearts or people who sincerely thanked him, they all knew what to do now.

Mu Zhian watched Huang Manting gracefully walking down the steps, his eyes sweeping over this young lady’s body a few times.

The other party seemed to have noticed as well, and glanced over accordingly. After gazing at Mu Zhian’s eyes, she showed an extremely beautiful and charming smile.

Then, the two tacitly withdrew their gazes.

There were many people and eyes here. If others knew that Mu Zhian had just assisted her in “cheating”, things would be troublesome.

Both of them were smart people and knew what to do.

“Were you secretly helping her just now?” At this time, Wei Mengrou’s voice transmission suddenly came to Mu Zhian’s ears.

Mu Zhian smiled and glanced at the maidservant beside him, deliberately teasing, “Is Sister Mengrou jealous?”

“Don’t worry, the three portions of destiny inheritance given to me by Senior Spirit Dragon are all reserved for you. As for Huang Manting, I was just lending a hand.”

Wei Mengrou pouted and said disdainfully, “I was just asking.”

After a pause, out of “concern” for her young master, she still reminded, “Huang Manting’s personality is different from ordinary people. If you’re not careful, maybe one day you will be bewitched by her and fall at her feet.”

“I have my limits.” Mu Zhian smiled calmly.

A woman like Huang Manting had too strong of a desire for possession and was too S. She liked to train others, so she was not suitable to be a lover.

She was more suitable to play the role of a “friend”.

Moreover, if there were any special interests… Wouldn’t it be even better to find her to play after conquering Sister Mengrou in the future?

At that time, let her wear black silk stockings on one leg and white silk stockings on the other.

Tsk, I can’t start looking forward to it now. I have to take it step by step… Mu Zhian sighed inwardly.

There was no other way. I’ll just play with Ruoxi at night.

Looking at the disciples who were successively going up to the stage to test if they were qualified to obtain the destiny inheritance, Mu Zhian was thinking about such things in his heart.

“Young Master Mu, do you have time to accompany Manting for a cup of tea at night?”

At this time, a crisp and pleasant voice was transmitted to Mu Zhian’s ears. He swept his gaze over the crowd and saw Huang Manting, who had her arms crossed and was surrounded by a few people, wearing a gentle smile.

The black dress tightly hugged her alluring and enchanting figure. At this time, she seemed to be chatting and laughing with others, but her pair of charming and enchanting eyes were staring straight at Mu Zhian, extremely captivating.

“Some other time. I have some matters these days.” Mu Zhian replied with voice transmission.

His luck was not very good recently. The matter of the snow lotus had not been resolved until now. If people noticed him going to find Huang Manting late at night again, things would be troublesome.

He had to stabilize first.

Moreover, now his mind was filled with the cold and aloof appearance of Bai Ruoxi wearing that palace dress. He only wanted to savor the taste of beauty again tonight… As for Huang Manting, let’s talk about it later.

Noticing the cold gaze of the maidservant behind him, Mu Zhian explained with voice transmission,

“I have no interest in women. It’s just to return her a favor.”

“What does it have to do with me?” Wei Mengrou responded indifferently.

She paused and continued to ask, “When did you owe her a favor?”

“Didn’t I promise Old Master Huang before to take care of each other with his daughter?”

He looked at Huang Manting’s slender figure and smiled, “Isn’t this the best way to take care of her?”

On one hand, he returned the favor, and on the other hand… he gained some goodwill.

Although Huang Manting’s goodwill was not of much use, it was free anyway, so it was not a loss.

Time passed silently. One disciple after another went up to test, but the last wisp of purple aura still remained in the stone tablet.

Wei Mengrou subconsciously glanced at Mu Zhian, suspecting for a moment whether her young master was secretly playing tricks again.

But she quickly shook her head and denied this guess.

Mu Zhian didn’t need to do this on purpose. Giving the first destiny to Huang Manting was to return a favor, and as for the second destiny, as long as it didn’t fall into Ye Yu’s hands in the end, it could be given to anyone.

Seeing Ye Yu’s confident appearance, Wei Mengrou couldn’t help but inwardly curl her lips.

Although the destiny of this genius of the Ye family was strong, why was he so confident that he could obtain the destiny inheritance…?

Which of the people present was not a genius? No one else was so confident.

In the end, the second destiny inheritance was obtained by a girl from the Southern Realm.

This Southern Realm girl’s dress and appearance were quite different from the sect disciples present. She wore a veil on her head, had a mole between her eyebrows, and had a sweet smile on her face, giving her a bit of an exotic charm.

The Eastern Realm and the Southern Realm were far apart, and their customs were also different. Such an appearance might be quite novel for people from the Eastern Realm, but it was very common in the Southern Realm.

Mu Zhian looked at this girl from the Southern Realm a few times, and couldn’t help but sigh inwardly: This slender waist… it must be very exciting when twisted.

But it was quite rare for people from the Southern Realm to come to the Two Polarities Sect from afar… When Mu Zhian thought of this, he suddenly noticed a gaze staring intently at him in the crowd. He looked up accordingly and saw Ye Yu, who did not obtain the Spirit Dragon’s destiny inheritance.

Mu Zhian didn’t care about such a gaze. He withdrew his gaze indifferently and shook his head and chuckled inwardly.

For the second destiny, he only secretly made some moves when Ye Yu went on stage, but for others, Mu Zhian did not interfere. This Southern Realm girl obtained it by her own ability.

Actually, this was quite normal.

There were not only Ye Yu as a genius in this world. Ye Yu was just one of the geniuses with outstanding talent and destiny.

Ye Yu had the hope of obtaining the Spirit Dragon’s destiny inheritance, so naturally others also had hope.

But as long as Mu Zhian was here, no matter how outstanding Ye Yu’s destiny was, he couldn’t possibly obtain the Spirit Dragon’s destiny.

An hour passed unknowingly, and the sect disciples in the hall were successively sent out of the Spirit Dragon’s grotto heaven.

Mu Zhian also left together with the sect disciples.

Lan Mulian was already waiting at the door. She raised her hand to grab a cloud and sent these disciples away from here.

After today, the disciples who obtained the destiny inheritance from the Spirit Dragon’s grotto heaven abode would spread throughout the entire sect.

And these two disciples who obtained the destiny inheritance would also affect the inner sect disciple selection in a few days.

After all, being able to obtain the Spirit Dragon’s destiny inheritance, their future achievements would definitely not be low.

Even the head seats of the nine main peaks had to consider carefully.

Lan Mulian stepped on a cloud, only leaving Mu Zhian with a back view that gave people endless imagination.

She turned her head slightly, and her cold and pleasant voice said, “The Third Prince of the Great Qian Dynasty reported to me and Senior Sister Yan not long ago that you cheated in the grotto heaven abode, affecting everyone’s trial. Is this true?”

Why is this guy still playing the game of reporting… Mu Zhian said respectfully, “Senior Sister, you understand me. If I really cheated, Ye Yu and Gongsun Cheng would have been directly thrown out of the grotto heaven abode by me long ago.”

“Moreover, that was Senior Spirit Dragon’s grotto heaven. How could I cheat under her eyes?”

Lan Mulian nodded silently, seeming to agree with Mu Zhian’s words.

“It’s a pity that I didn’t obtain the destiny inheritance in the end. I’m a bit sad.” Mu Zhian said regretfully, hoping that Senior Sister would comfort him.


Who knew, Lan Mulian coldly chuckled and said, “If you were really the person Senior Spirit Dragon was looking for before, how could you not have gained any benefits?”

She paused, then changed the topic and continued, “If you obtained the destiny inheritance, keeping a low profile is also a good thing. There are other royal nobles from the Great Qian Dynasty in the sect. Although there are rules prohibiting private fights from forming factions, remember to keep an eye on the people around you and don’t let them catch your weakness.”

Senior Sister’s meaning was very clear. The Third Prince had people above him, but they wouldn’t openly deal with me in the sect.

But if I was caught with a weakness, it would be different…

Senior Sister treated me as one of her own. Otherwise, she wouldn’t specifically mention such things… Mu Zhian sincerely thanked, “Thank you for the reminder, Senior Sister.”

Lan Mulian indifferently “hmm”ed.

“By the way, why didn’t I see Pavilion Master Yan?” Mu Zhian suddenly asked.

That charming woman just now clearly came together with Lan Mulian, but she was nowhere to be seen now, which was indeed a bit strange.

“Senior Brother Yi Hao just came by and invited us to enjoy the Eight Treasures Crane together. Senior Sister left first.”

When Lan Mulian said this, seeing Mu Zhian looking a bit puzzled, she added, “Yi Hao is the head seat of Boundless Sea Peak.”

Yi Hao… Is he the one who made such a perverted sect assessment… Mu Zhian remembered this name.

“Senior Sister is not going? I heard that the Eight Treasures Crane is a treasure among treasures. Eating a part of it can greatly increase one’s cultivation.” Mu Zhian asked.

Lan Mulian said casually, “The Eight Treasures Crane has no effect on the peak of the Spirit Refinement stage, and if Senior Sister Yan leaves, someone has to stay to send you away from here.”

“Senior Sister is so kind.” Mu Zhian sincerely praised, taking the opportunity to flatter Senior Sister.

Lan Mulian nodded reservedly, “Regarding the matter of Senior Spirit Dragon, although I don’t mind, it’s of great importance to you. If you are free tomorrow, come to Two Polarities Peak to find me as soon as possible.”

Don’t mind? Why do I feel like you want me to tell you about the Spirit Dragon in detail right now if possible… Mu Zhian inwardly retorted.

“I understand. I will rush to Two Polarities Peak early tomorrow.” Mu Zhian said.

The two chatted for a while more. At this time, Lan Mulian suddenly seemed to have sensed something and raised her head to look behind Mu Zhian.

Not far behind him, a silver-haired beauty was slowly floating over. Her dress was quite clean and simple, her pair of red eyes did not contain any impurities, her beautiful hair was simply tied up with a ribbon, letting down strands of silver hair, her figure was excellent, and she also gave people a gentle and lovely feeling.

And in her hand… she was holding a colorful immortal crane!

Eight Treasures Crane!

Even Lan Mulian was stunned for a moment. Looking at the silly-looking silver-haired woman, she hesitated for a moment and respectfully said, “Senior.”

“Senior Lin Ling.” Mu Zhian followed and called out respectfully.

Then, he looked at Lin Ling a few times and asked in confusion, “Where is Sister Lingxuan?”

Lin Ling pointed to the grotto heaven under the cliff.

Mu Zhian guessed, “You mean she is still in the grotto heaven?”

Lin Ling nodded her head, looking quite obedient and cute.

At this time, Lan Mulian suddenly hesitated and said, “Senior, you are holding this Eight Treasures Crane in your hand… What do you plan to do with it?”

“Aaaa?” The silver-haired beauty tilted her head slightly, looking like “I don’t understand human language, what are you talking about”.

Lan Mulian smiled faintly and said, “I understand. Since Senior is interested in the Eight Treasures Crane, I’ll go to Boundless Sea Peak later to explain.”

Senior Spirit Dragon had been in closed-door cultivation for many years to suppress the karmic fire. It was rare for her to come out this time. If she wanted to eat an Eight Treasures Crane, it was not a big deal.

Even if the head seat of Boundless Sea Peak knew that an Eight Treasures Crane was taken away by the Spirit Dragon, he wouldn’t mind.

No matter how precious the Eight Treasures Crane was, it couldn’t compare to the Spirit Dragon.

Not long after chatting, Mu Zhian bid farewell to Lan Mulian and left with Wei Mengrou.

When he stepped on the flying sword, he always maintained a “safe distance” with Wei Mengrou, showing a posture of not being close to beauties.

Lan Mulian quietly watched this scene, her expression still cold.

However, when she withdrew her gaze, she suddenly found that Lin Ling, who was still beside her, had long disappeared.

Several snow-white feathers slowly fell from the sky.

Usually at this time, there should be flocks of Eight Treasures Cranes flying by. Why didn’t she see a single one today… Lan Mulian’s clear eyebrows showed a trace of confusion.

Then, she turned her head slightly and looked in the direction where Mu Zhian left.

For some reason, she suddenly had a vague bad premonition in her heart.

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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