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It turns out, they are the protagonists 112 p2


Along the way, Mu Zhian’s gaze swept around, and he suddenly asked, “Senior Sister, isn’t it rumored that the sect master of the Two Polarities Sect lives here? Why haven’t I seen her?”

“Master left two days ago and I don’t know where she went.” Lan Mulian answered.

“I see.” Mu Zhian was a little disappointed in his heart.

He still wanted to take this opportunity to see what his “pen pal” looked like.

The three unknowingly arrived in front of the pavilion, but Wei Mengrou didn’t sit down and temporarily left.

“Sister Mengrou’s personality is like this. Senior Sister doesn’t need to mind.” Mu Zhian smiled.

Lan Mulian nodded slightly, raised her white hand, and poured hot tea for him.

“I heard that the head seat of Boundless Sea Peak went to the Jade Glass Palace to find you yesterday?” Her crisp and cold voice sounded, getting straight to one of the main points as soon as she spoke.

Mu Zhian nodded slightly and said, “Senior Spirit Dragon took away the Eight Treasures Cranes yesterday, so it alarmed Senior Yi.”

“Just because of an Eight Treasures Crane?” Lan Mulian raised her eyes slightly.

In her impression, that Senior Brother Yi was not such a stingy person.

“Senior Spirit Dragon took away all the Eight Treasures Cranes yesterday.” Mu Zhian told the truth.

All the Eight Treasures Cranes… Lan Mulian’s eyes showed a trace of surprise.

No wonder it would make Senior Brother Yi go to the Jade Glass Palace specially…

If it was just one Eight Treasures Crane, it would be fine, but more than a dozen were all taken away… That was indeed something that had to be taken seriously.

Lan Mulian picked up the teacup and suddenly noticed that Mu Zhian was staring straight at her, seeming to expect her to lift her veil.

The corners of her mouth hooked into a faint arc, and she put down the teacup without any expression, smiling faintly, “Young Master Mu, you said that Senior Spirit Dragon was looking for you before. What was the reason?”

You were about to take it off but didn’t. Isn’t this deceiving my feelings… Mu Zhian was a little disappointed in his heart, but concealed it well. He took a sip of tea and said, “Senior Sister, do you still remember my destiny tested on the test tablet that day?”

Lan Mulian was an extremely intelligent woman. Hearing this, she immediately guessed something and said, “Senior Spirit Dragon is interested in your destiny… and even said that she knows what your destiny represents?”

As expected of Senior Sister, indeed, she is brilliant and quick-witted… Mu Zhian nodded slightly and said, “Senior Sister’s guess is basically correct. Senior Spirit Dragon came to find me precisely because of my destiny and even directly gave me the destiny inheritance in the grotto heaven at that time.”

After saying that, Mu Zhian opened his palm and took out two tokens.

“Tokens containing the Spirit Dragon’s destiny…?” Lan Mulian seemed a little surprised.

Mu Zhian nodded slightly, and then immediately said, “Senior Sister, if you need it, you can take one.”

Lan Mulian gently shook her head, “Although the Spirit Dragon’s destiny is precious, it has no effect on me.”

No effect… That means Senior Sister is also a person with great destiny, and her destiny has reached the peak… Mu Zhian understood in his heart.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed a cold gaze staring at him coldly. When he looked up, he found Lan Mulian smiling and saying, “Young Master Mu is really smart, actually trying to get information out of me.”

Although her voice was cold and pleasant, and she had a smile on her face, there was no trace of a smile in her eyes.

Mu Zhian respectfully said, “I was only out of good intentions, wanting to help Senior Sister.”

“And then give one token to Ye Lingxuan, one to Ye Qian, and another to your little lover, like how you sent the snow lotuses before?”

Lan Mulian’s voice changed, and she said softly, “Just like sending the snow lotuses before.”

That crisp and pleasant voice suddenly turned from soft to cold.

Mu Zhian’s heart trembled.

Although Lan Mulian never mentioned the snow lotus matter, she indeed cared about it…

Mu Zhian said helplessly, “Senior Sister, if… Miss Bai was extremely insecure before in Tianxuan City because her family was oppressed by others, and Ye Yu also accused her of being a demon cultivator, which made her even more inferior.”

“If I didn’t choose her at that time, I was worried…”

Mu Zhian sighed lightly, gently put down the teacup, shook his head and sighed, “Forget it, I know that no matter how much I say, it’s just an excuse. I’m already very satisfied that Senior Sister is willing to see me today.”

He paused, looked up at Lan Mulian who maintained a cold and aloof image, and said, “Senior Sister, the snow lotus matter was indeed my fault. Whether you want to scold me or punish me, I’ll accept it, but I only hope that in the future, I can still see Senior Sister.”

He took out dozens of paper cranes from his storage ring, lowered his eyes, looked at these paper cranes, and said softly, “I still want to continue exchanging paper crane messages with Senior Sister in the future.”

When he said this, there was no sound from Lan Mulian for a long time.

But Mu Zhian kept his eyes lowered and never looked up.

This Senior Sister was really too smart… Even if Mu Zhian acted so affectionately, she still maintained her reason and doubted his words.

Lan Mulian looked at Mu Zhian a few times with a slight smile, the corners of her mouth curled up, and she smiled faintly, “Young Master Mu is really good at making people happy.”

“Every word I said is from the bottom of my heart, Senior Sister.” Mu Zhian said sincerely.

After another moment of silence, Lan Mulian said softly, “Put away those paper cranes first. If Master happens to see them, it will be troublesome.”

Hearing this, Mu Zhian finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

These words from Lan Mulian also meant that the snow lotus matter was temporarily over.

Although this did not mean that the other party would not care about this matter from now on, at least he could come to “harass” this Senior Sister every few days in the future.

As long as the other party was willing to talk to him, he could slowly cultivate feelings…

“By the way, Senior Sister, is the head seat of Boundless Sea Peak very proficient in formations?” After chatting a few more words, Mu Zhian asked a question he was more concerned about.

“The head seat of Boundless Sea Peak?”

Lan Mulian frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and shook her head, “Senior Brother Yi is more skilled in talismans than formations.”

“Why did you suddenly ask this?”

“When I was in the Trial Forest before, I was fortunate enough to comprehend a little of the formation’s mystery, but I still have some questions, so I was curious to ask.” Mu Zhian said.

Lan Mulian pondered for a moment and said, “If you are interested in formations, you can go to the Book Pavilion and ask Senior Sister Yan. She is most familiar with the books in the Book Pavilion and can provide you with a lot of help.”

She paused and continued, “Or if you enter Boundless Sea Peak in the future and have the fortune to meet Senior Brother Yi’s master, you can also get answers.”

Mu Zhian was stunned, “Isn’t Senior Brother Yi the head seat? He still has a master above him…?”

Lan Mulian nodded slightly, “Senior Brother Yi’s master is the first-generation head seat of Boundless Sea Peak. His cultivation is supreme. Later, because he was in closed-door cultivation all year round, he handed over all the big and small matters of Boundless Sea Peak to Senior Brother Yi to manage.”

A word flashed through Mu Zhian’s mind.

“Traitor of the demon realm”.

The formation of Boundless Sea Peak was obviously laid down by a demon cultivator, so he, a young cultivator who had obtained a seal from the Demon Realm Empress, could comprehend that formation.

Mu Zhian was suspecting before whether the demon cultivator of Boundless Sea Peak was Yi Hao… But now it seemed that Yi Hao’s master was even more suspicious.

After all, according to Lan Mulian, Yi Hao was not proficient in formations.

“However, to meet Senior Brother Yi’s master, you need to at least have the opportunity to become an inner sect disciple.” Lan Mulian’s voice pulled Mu Zhian back to reality.

She played with the teacup in her hand, glanced at Mu Zhian, and smiled faintly, “You should first prepare for the inner sect disciple selection in four days.”

“At that time, the sect master will also make an appearance.” Lan Mulian spoke again.

The sect master will also come. Does this also mean that I can meet that “pen pal” who seems to be writing to me for fun at that time?

Thinking about such things, Mu Zhian absentmindedly finished his tea, then continued to chat with Lan Mulian until half an hour later before getting up to leave.

And in the next four days, Mu Zhian didn’t run around anymore but focused on meditating and cultivating in Bai Ruoxi’s room.

Four days passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, in front of the Pilgrimage Palace, the nine head seats, thirteen elders, twenty-six deputy head seats, and the pavilion masters of the major pavilions all stood in front of the high platform of the Pilgrimage Palace.

Such a lineup was a top existence in the entire Eastern Realm and even the immortal cultivation world.

In front of the square of the Pilgrimage Palace, thousands of sect disciples stood upright, raising their heads with burning gazes, looking at the dozens of cultivators on the high platform, their eyes filled with fanatical admiration.

And the opening ceremony of the sect also officially began!

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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