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It turns out, they are the protagonists 114

Chapter 114: Meeting the Empress 

That voice kept lingering in Mu Zhian’s ears. Under the bright sky, it made people inexplicably feel frightened.

Mu Zhian rubbed his arms while raising his head to look at the surrounding crowd.

Every sect disciple’s expression was no different from usual, looking at the sect master in front of the altar with a look of admiration, as if they hadn’t heard any sound.

“Child… I’m here…”

That old voice came to his ears again, causing Mu Zhian to break out in countless goosebumps at this moment, and he raised his head to look at the woman in front of the altar.

Senior Sister’s master is a top powerhouse in this world. She should be able to sense this voice… What exactly is this voice?

However, when Mu Zhian raised his head, he found that Shang Yanfei seemed to know nothing, her gaze calmly looking at the altar, performing the ancestral worship ceremony.

“My child…”

That voice was like a demon’s enchantment, causing Mu Zhian’s forehead to ooze a layer of cold sweat. In the cool autumn, his back had unknowingly been covered in cold sweat.

Wei Mengrou obviously also noticed this and said in a low voice, “Are you okay? If you’re not feeling well, don’t force yourself. Let’s leave first.”

Mu Zhian gently shook his head and stared intently at the altar.

Could it be that something is sealed inside here?

But even so, it doesn’t explain why only he can hear that voice while others can’t.

The Heaven’s Chosen Son should be Ye Yu… This “opportunity” should be sent to him, right?

No… This shouldn’t be called an opportunity, but rather a “unfortunate” event.

Could it be that I’m being punished by heaven because I flirted with too many girls?

Rarely at this time, Mu Zhian still had the mood to joke in his heart. He tightly covered his forehead, only feeling that the voice kept penetrating his brain, reaching his soul.

Everything in front of him seemed to become a bit blurry, as if covered by a layer of white mist.

Wei Mengrou turned her head to look at him, her usually indifferent eyes carrying a trace of concern.

At the same time, in front of the altar, Shang Yanfei seemed to have completed the ancestral worship ceremony and inserted three incense sticks in front of the altar.


Thunder rumbled in the sky.

At this moment, the voice that had been lingering in Mu Zhian’s ears suddenly disappeared, and the low whispers of the newly joined disciples beside him clearly entered his ears.

It’s just that at this time, beads of cold sweat had already oozed from Mu Zhian’s forehead.

Shang Yanfei stepped down from the altar and returned to the high platform. She glanced at the Grand Elder beside her and transmitted her voice, “Notify the others that the inner sect disciple selection ceremony will be postponed to two days later.”

The Grand Elder was obviously stunned for a moment, but he had no hesitation. He nodded slightly and immediately transmitted his voice to the person in charge of this sect opening ceremony.

Shang Yanfei’s gaze then fell on a cold and beautiful woman in a moon-white long skirt in the crowd.

Lan Mulian obviously noticed her master’s gaze. She looked up and happened to hear Shang Yanfei’s voice floating into her ears, “Bring Mu Zhian to the back mountain.”

Mu Zhian…?

Lan Mulian’s eyes showed a trace of doubt.

Why would Master know Mu Zhian’s name…?

And what did she want to find this young cultivator for…?


Although a little puzzled, Lan Mulian still maintained a respectful tone in her voice transmission reply.

Master’s orders, just execute them unconditionally.

As the person in charge announced that the subsequent inner sect disciple selection ceremony would be postponed, these sect disciples also left one after another, only discussing the reason for the postponement of the selection ceremony with their companions when leaving.

“I think it should be because there are too many geniuses among the newly joined disciples this time, so even the head seats need to carefully consider it again.”

“Hmm… Indeed, there are quite a few geniuses among the newly joined disciples this time. It can be called a golden age.”

“And there are also many beautiful junior sisters…”

The disciples couldn’t help but discuss such things when leaving the Pilgrimage Palace.

No matter what era, the word “beauty” is always the most discussed topic among men.

Even in the immortal cultivation world, it is the same.

“But if we’re talking about the most beautiful junior sister, it should be Bai Ruoxi, right?” Suddenly, someone mentioned this name among the departing disciples.

“In terms of comprehensive factors, that young lady of the Bai family from Tianxuan City is indeed a great beauty. She can probably be on par with Senior Sister Lan…” Someone sighed.

“Didn’t Junior Sister Bai also come to attend the opening ceremony? Why didn’t I see her?”

“Isn’t she over there?” Someone looked in a certain direction not far away.

Many people’s gazes shifted to the side.

In the corner of the bustling square, the cold and fragile Bai Ruoxi was holding Mu Zhian’s arm, sitting on a step, gently wiping the cold sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.

The luxurious palace dress set off her snow-white skin. Even with light makeup, just her exquisite side profile made people yearn.

A young man who looked a bit weak was being carefully taken care of by such a great beauty. This scene would make any man a little jealous.

Many sect disciples who were about to leave subconsciously slowed their steps, looking at this enviable scene. Suddenly, they couldn’t help but ask in a low voice, “Who is that male cultivator beside her?”

“The young master of the Mu family. It is said that he used to be addicted to beauty. Who knows how he pursued Junior Sister Bai.”

“A genius at the Spirit Refinement stage was actually pursued by a cultivator at the Qi Condensation fifth stage… This Young Master Mu seems to know how to pursue girls.”

Hearing the low discussions of these disciples, someone who had received Mu Zhian’s favor before finally couldn’t help but speak up for him,

“Young Master Mu does have some skills. Before, he led us to pass the assessment of Boundless Sea Peak by himself, and it is said that he also had an outstanding performance in Senior Spirit Dragon’s grotto heaven before.”

“The assessment of Boundless Sea Peak?”

The crowd was moved, obviously knowing how perverted the sect assessment of that main peak was.

“A cultivator at the Qi Condensation fifth stage could lead a group of disciples to pass the assessment of Boundless Sea Peak?”

“Senior Spirit Dragon’s grotto heaven… I heard from Senior Brother before that most people can’t even pass the first barrier of the puppet dragon… How could he do it?”

These disciples’ whispers naturally and vaguely entered Mu Zhian’s ears.

Bai Ruoxi slightly frowned and said softly, “These people are so annoying.”

Obviously, Mu Zhian’s past performance was very outstanding, but in the mouths of some people, it seemed to be unsightly, and they even questioned him.

At this time, Mu Zhian was sitting on a step near the Pilgrimage Palace, with Bai Ruoxi sitting on his left and Wei Mengrou quietly standing beside him without saying a word.

Mu Zhian gently patted Bai Ruoxi’s small hand, shook his head and smiled, “People’s prejudice is a big mountain. My past performance and current difference are too big, so naturally, people will question me… Moreover, at the Qi Condensation fifth stage, under normal circumstances, it is indeed impossible to lead other disciples to pass the assessment.”

If it weren’t for the formation in Boundless Sea Peak, Mu Zhian wouldn’t be able to lead other disciples to pass the assessment together.

Moreover, among these people, some actually didn’t doubt him at all, but were just a little jealous seeing Bai Ruoxi sitting beside him.

This was also understandable… After all, a favored daughter of heaven and a prodigal son being together would indeed inevitably cause some criticism.

But at least these disciples were very smart and wouldn’t directly confront others like Ye Yu or Gongsun Cheng. At most, they would just talk about it privately.

Bai Ruoxi was a wise woman and naturally also knew that it was useless to just speak up for Mu Zhian now. It needed to be done slowly, little by little, to change the views of others.

She also believed that Mu Zhian would definitely be able to change the people who questioned him in the future.

After all, she was also like the others in the past, having prejudice against Mu Zhian, right?

As a result, only after being with him did she slowly understand his charm.

It was not his powerful strength, but being with him made people feel at ease.

It’s just that sometimes he liked to stop halfway to tease others when in bed, which was a bit annoying…

As if thinking of some not-so-good scenes, Miss Bai’s face couldn’t help but be dyed with a shy blush.

She wiped the cold sweat on Mu Zhian’s face with a handkerchief, gazing into his eyes, barely containing her messy thoughts just now, and said, “Young Master Mu, what happened to you just now? Why are your lips so pale?”

Those bright eyes carried undisguised concern.

Mu Zhian looked at this peerless beautiful face and the concern in the girl’s eyes, shook his head and smiled, “It’s nothing, not a big problem.”

Hearing this, although Bai Ruoxi’s eyes still carried a few traces of worry, after hearing Mu Zhian say this much, she didn’t continue to ask, but quietly stayed by Mu Zhian’s side, waiting for him to recover some strength before leaving the Pilgrimage Palace.

And not far away, Ye Yu in a black robe looked at this scene in the crowd, especially when this ethereal great beauty showed concern for Mu Zhian with such a little girl’s attitude, revealing her gentle side, he couldn’t help but recall her cold and heartless appearance when she handed him the divorce letter in the past.

The contrast between the two made Ye Yu’s heart filled with endless anger.

As if sensing Ye Yu’s gaze, Mu Zhian looked up and happened to see Ye Yu in the coming and going crowd.

Ye Yu also noticed Mu Zhian’s gaze, his lips moved slightly, and he mouthed two words: Deserved it.

Obviously, the “deserved it” Ye Yu said naturally referred to Mu Zhian’s current “weak” state.

Naturally, Mu Zhian didn’t care about this. After all, with Bai Ruoxi accompanying him now, how could he pay attention to a jealous person?

He was about to withdraw his gaze.

At this moment, a crisp voice like a silver bell suddenly came from the distance, “Brother Mu.”

Mu Zhian raised his head and saw Ye Qian running over in a pair of cloud-embroidered short boots, her skirt fluttering, vaguely revealing a pair of snow-white and smooth calves, her bosom slightly shaking with her running.

She came to Mu Zhian’s side, slightly bowed down, looked at his pale face, and asked with concern, “Are you okay, Brother Mu?”

Mu Zhian forced a smile, gently shook his head and said with a smile, “It’s fine, thank you for your concern.”

After saying that, he let Ye Qian sit beside him, then raised his head to look at Ye Yu who was staring at him intently, and also responded with his mouth: Your sister is so cute.

Seeing Ye Yu’s body obviously stiffen and his expression also become a bit unnatural, Mu Zhian smiled indifferently and withdrew his gaze.

Although he felt a bit tired in spirit because of that strange voice just now, the two girls beside him now, plus the caring eyes of Sister Mengrou beside him, were already enough to heal everything.

It’s a pity that Lingxuan and Senior Sister are not here, otherwise it would be even more perfect… As soon as Mu Zhian thought of this, he suddenly felt that the surrounding sounds suddenly quieted down.

Behind him, a shadow seemed to quietly cover him.

Mu Zhian subconsciously turned his head to look.

Lan Mulian was standing not far behind him, her cold and beautiful face covered with a thin veil, her red and moist little mouth moved and said,

“Come with me to the back mountain.”

Like the cold voice of ice cubes being thrown into a glass, full of the charm of a cold and beautiful woman, it also made Mu Zhian’s body slightly stiffen for a moment, experiencing the feeling Ye Yu just had.

Then, he suddenly reacted.

No… At this time, why does Senior Sister want me to go to the back mountain?

“Senior Sister, why do you want to go to the back mountain now?” Mu Zhian asked through voice transmission.

“Master is looking for you.” Lan Mulian also transmitted her voice.

Senior Sister’s master… the sect master of the Two Polarities Sect just now?

Mu Zhian was dumbfounded.

Fuck… I’m not mentally prepared to meet the “great white shark” yet…

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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