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It turns out, they are the protagonists 116 p1

Chapter 116: Holy Shit, Fox-eared Girl! p1

“How do you feel after meeting Master this time?”

On the way back, Lan Mulian, riding on a cloud, suddenly asked.

Very big, very white, and with a great figure. The only problem is that the pressure is too strong and ordinary people can’t handle it… Mu Zhian mumbled in his heart and respectfully said, “The sect master has peerless elegance, and her speech and behavior are very charming. She is a respectable person.”

Shang Yanfei was indeed an exceptional woman, but unfortunately, Mu Zhian didn’t know if it was because of her cultivation level or her own temperament, but no matter how you look at it, this woman didn’t seem to be a target that could be conquered at the moment.

Even if he could really pursue her in the future, she wouldn’t be easy to control.

Lan Mulian nodded slightly, her voice cold and pleasant, “She rarely meets people. This time, there must be some reason for her to meet you. Since it’s not convenient to say, I won’t ask.”

“However, if she entrusted you with something, be sure to keep it in mind.”

Senior Sister is indeed very concerned about what the sect master said to me and is trying to get information from me… Mu Zhian nodded slightly and respectfully responded “yes”.

Under Lan Mulian’s guidance, the two unknowingly returned to the Jade Glass Palace.

After Mu Zhian jumped off the cloud, he suddenly remembered something, raised his head to look at this cold and noble senior sister, and asked, “By the way, Senior Sister, I just picked two peach blossoms at the Pilgrimage Palace two days ago. It should be fine, right?”

Why pick peach blossoms for no reason… Lan Mulian smiled, “As long as you don’t pick all the peach blossoms, no one will say anything.”

“After all, the Pilgrimage Palace is a place for dao companions to chat during their spare time in cultivation. Occasionally, some people will do this besides you.”

Although she wanted to know what Mu Zhian was picking peach blossoms for, Lan Mulian didn’t ask out of courtesy. She glanced at Mu Zhian who was stepping on the golden talisman bridge and said, “Cultivate well these two days and don’t waste your talent.”

Obviously, he should be at least at the eighth stage of Qi Condensation now, but now he is at the fifth stage of Qi Condensation. This is the price he paid for indulging in beauty in the past.

When Lan Mulian thought of this, she was about to leave.

At this moment, Mu Zhian suddenly called out to stop her, “Senior Sister, wait!”

Lan Mulian turned her head and saw Mu Zhian walking up in small steps, then preciously taking out a narrow wooden box from his storage ring.

“This is…?” Lan Mulian’s eyes flashed slightly, a little puzzled.

She took the small wooden box and slightly pulled open the box. A pink flower petal hidden in the small wooden box entered her vision. It was stored in liuguang soil and nourished by the soil, so it hadn’t withered at all.

“Although this peach blossom is common in the Pilgrimage Palace, I still hope Senior Sister can accept it.” Mu Zhian looked at Lan Mulian’s veiled face and said seriously.

“Junior Brother Mu, could it be that you want to say that the peach blossom is very similar to me?” Lan Mulian put the lid of the wooden box back on and looked at him with a slight smile.

“The snow lotus represents Senior Sister’s reserved surface, while the peach blossom is actually Senior Sister’s heart.” Mu Zhian sighed lightly, “I naturally know that Senior Sister may not believe these words now, but even so, I still want to give it to Senior Sister, rather than keeping it in my storage ring to gather dust.”

When Mu Zhian said this, he looked up at Lan Mulian and said, “Senior Sister, can you let me see your face?”

The sudden “attack” made Lan Mulian hesitate slightly and remain silent.

Mu Zhian looked up at Lan Mulian and said softly, “If I can see Senior Sister’s face, I will also have more motivation to work hard for the inner sect disciple spot.”

Seeing that Lan Mulian still didn’t respond, Mu Zhian sighed lightly and turned around to return to the Jade Glass Palace.

At this moment, a cold and crisp voice suddenly came from behind, “If you can become an inner sect disciple later, I will give you a gift.”

Mu Zhian subconsciously turned his head to look, and Lan Mulian took off the thin veil on her face.

In an instant, even the peach blossom in her hand seemed to lose its luster.

Mu Zhian stared intently at Lan Mulian’s beautiful face. Although he had already roughly guessed that her appearance should be similar to Feiying based on his imagination, when he really saw her face, his gaze was still uncontrollably attracted.

Perhaps it was because she had just received someone’s peach blossom, or because she had taken the initiative to take off her veil, the aloof senior sister who was usually out of reach now had two faint blushes on her exquisite face.

This is more like a girl. Usually, she always maintains the noble reserve of a senior sister and doesn’t look like a cute girl at all. Now it’s perfect like this… Mu Zhian thought inwardly.

She had both aloofness and a few traces of a woman’s charm.

If there really was a jade beauty, it would probably be a woman like Lan Mulian.

Mu Zhian cupped his hands, “Senior Sister, I will work hard to become an inner sect disciple for you.”

Lan Mulian’s cherry lips parted slightly and said, “It’s not for me, it should be for yourself. Your goal was wrong from the beginning.”

A graceful lady and a gentleman are a good match. How can it be considered the wrong path… Mu Zhian stared at Lan Mulian’s cold eyes and said, “Senior Sister, I’m going back to meditate and cultivate.”

Lan Mulian nodded politely and watched Mu Zhian leave. Then her finger gently stroked the storage ring on her right hand.

In her storage ring, there were medicinal materials and formulas for advanced-grade pills…

This medicinal pill, when eaten at the Qi Condensation stage, could advance one stage, but it could only be used once.

It was quite suitable for him.

However, giving such a precious thing to others would inevitably make him feel like he was being given charity…

Men’s self-esteem always explodes in strange places.

But if he could become an inner sect disciple, using this as an excuse, Mu Zhian naturally wouldn’t refuse anymore.

Lan Mulian rode on a cloud, turned around and left the Jade Glass Palace, flying towards the back mountain of Two Polarities Peak.

In the garden.

Mu Zhian naturally didn’t know what Senior Sister was thinking at this time. After returning to the small room, he came to a room and gently knocked on the door.

“Senior Lin Ling.”

The door silently opened a crack, and a bright red eye was secretly observing Mu Zhian in that crack.

After confirming the other party’s identity, it quietly opened the door.

Mu Zhian walked into the room and vaguely seemed to smell a meaty fragrance permeating the room. He subconsciously looked at Lin Ling sitting at the edge of the table.

Her expression was calm, lying on the table, her vulgar bust pressed on the table, her eyes looking a bit dazed, obviously lost in thought.

Her silver hair was scattered down to her waist, and she was not wearing shoes. Under her silk skirt, her fair and tender feet were swinging.

Hmm, this one is even more heavy. Her bust size is as vulgar as Ruoxi’s… Mu Zhian looked at Lin Ling lying on the table, but quickly realized the key point,

“Senior Lin Ling… Why do I feel that the spiritual energy of the Eight Treasures Crane in this room is so strong?”

“Did you just eat another one?”

Lin Ling slightly raised her eyes, glanced at Mu Zhian, and gently shook her head, pointing at the table: I didn’t eat it.

“Then who was it?” Mu Zhian asked curiously.

Lin Ling looked at him but didn’t say anything.

She meant she didn’t want to answer… Mu Zhian changed the topic, “Then the other Eight Treasures Cranes…”

Lin Ling took off the storage ring on her finger and handed it to him.

“After returning the Eight Treasures Cranes tomorrow, I will return the storage ring to you intact.” Mu Zhian said seriously.

Knock knock.

Lin Ling gently knocked on the table and pointed to the text that appeared on the table: Hungry.

“I understand. I will prepare dinner for you later.” Mu Zhian smiled.

Although he knew that an existence like the Spirit Dragon shouldn’t feel “hungry”, since she wanted to have dinner, preparing a meal for her was fine.

After all, cooking personally was also a way to gain favorability.

After saying goodbye to Lin Ling, Mu Zhian walked along the corridor towards Bai Ruoxi’s room. The corner of his eye saw a woman in a yellow skirt who was about to hide in the shadows.

Although he had seen this maidservant’s face for a long time, Mu Zhian was still stunned by her side profile for a moment. He said, “Sister Mengrou, is Ruoxi in the room?”

Wei Mengrou glanced over and said indifferently, “She is meditating in the room and seems to have touched the threshold of the second stage of Spirit Refinement.”

Mu Zhian: “?”

“I’m also about to reach the sixth stage of Spirit Refinement.” Wei Mengrou added.

Is this competing for favor with Ruoxi and comparing who is better… Mu Zhian said with relief, “Sister Mengrou’s talent is indeed amazing. Having you here really makes people feel at ease.”

The yellow-skirted maidservant, with her towering bust, walked over gracefully and stopped in front of Mu Zhian. Suddenly, she said, “Someone is investigating you.”

Just now, he was admiring the maidservant’s snow-white long legs under her gauze-like yellow skirt. Hearing this, Mu Zhian slightly collected his thoughts and said to himself, “Ye Yu shouldn’t have any power in the Two Polarities Sect, and Gongsun Cheng is the same… But if we’re talking about people I’ve offended recently, it seems to be only these two—”

Mu Zhian’s voice paused, and he said, “The Third Prince?”

Unlike those protagonists like Ye Yu, Mu Zhian took the “affinity” route. He tried his best not to clash with people if he could avoid it.

Not only did he not clash, but he would also get along well with others.

But there are so many people in this world, you can’t possibly satisfy everyone. There will always be some narrow-minded people who are jealous of you.

Ye Yu can be left unsaid. He is the protagonist, and the Heavenly Dao will always make arrangements in the dark for Mu Zhian to be Ye Yu’s stepping stone.

Gongsun Cheng was purely because there was some past grievance between the Gongsun family and the Mu family, and he was also a rather arrogant person.

As for the Third Prince… it was because of women.

Wei Mengrou silently nodded and said, “He seems to have some power in the Two Polarities Sect, so it’s only a matter of time before he investigates your life experience.”

Mu Zhian pondered for a moment and smiled, “Then let him investigate.”

Wei Mengrou hesitated, “Aren’t you afraid that your weakness will fall into his hands?”

“What weakness do I have?” Mu Zhian asked rhetorically.

“In the past, I was ignorant and addicted to beauty, going to the brothel or the song and dance hall every few days? Isn’t this something the entire Tianxuan City knows?” Mu Zhian said openly.

Wei Mengrou looked at him silently, her small mouth slightly open, but for a moment, she didn’t know how to answer.

Indeed, if we have to talk about a dark history, this young master only has this bit of dark history.

But for those disciples from wealthy families, this was not a big deal at all.

“However, I don’t have any problems, but the people around me may need to be careful.” Mu Zhian continued.

Wei Mengrou raised her beautiful eyebrows slightly, “Are you referring to… Bai Ruoxi?”

Mu Zhian nodded slightly.

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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not work with dark mode