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It turns out, they are the protagonists 118

Chapter 118: Staying Away from Beauty, Mu Zhi’an

Mu Zhi’an once again unenthusiastically contributed his own effort to Bai Ruoxi’s dantian, and after spending some intimate time with this great beauty in bed, he got up feeling refreshed and left the room.

He had just agreed to have dinner with the spirit dragon young lady. If he broke his word now, she might come looking for him… or go after the Eight Treasures Crane again.

The Chief of Boundless Sea Peak would cry if he knew.

After leaving the room and arranging Ling Long’s dinner, Mu Zhi’an went to the study and lit a candle.

He sat at the desk, took out two paper cranes, and unfolded one of them.

Then, he began to write a letter.

This first one was addressed to the Sect Master, Shang Yanfei.

“Sect Master, to be honest, when you invited me to meet with you today, in addition to feeling excited and nervous, I was filled with anticipation. Actually, when I first arrived at the Two Polarities Sect, I had already guessed that the pen pal who had been writing to me might be the Sect Master. When this fact was confirmed today, my heart was not only pleasantly surprised but also a little worried.”

“After all, the gap in status between us is really too vast.”

“However, even so, conversing with you was still very enjoyable. Whether it’s the Sect Master’s experience or maturity in handling relationships, it’s all worth learning from for this junior.
By the way, I heard today that the Pilgrimage Palace in Two Polarities Sect is a good place for dao companions to meet. The Sect Master knows Two Polarities Sect better than anyone else. If there’s a chance in the future, I hope to have the opportunity to appreciate the peach blossoms on the trail of Pilgrimage Palace together with the Sect Master…”

“…Sorry, this junior has been disrespectful. However, if these feelings are not expressed through pen and ink, it would be equally agonizing to keep them bottled up inside. The words above are all this junior’s genuine feelings.”

“It’s just a pity that in the end, this junior was unable to remember the Sect Master’s appearance… Alas.”

After Mu Zhi’an finished writing, he read it repeatedly to confirm there were no major issues with the language and emotional expression. Nodding in satisfaction, he folded the paper crane and threw it out the window.

The Sect Master of Two Polarities Sect was a great white shark and difficult to handle, but maintaining contact was still very necessary.

Shang Yanfei’s personality in her letters was slightly different from meeting her in reality.

In the letters, she would occasionally say some teasing words, but the real-life Shang Yanfei had the majesty of a female emperor. Even if she acted casual, there was still an aura of authority that didn’t require anger.

Even an LSP like Mu Zhi’an felt tremendous pressure in front of her.

But when communicating with the Sect Master through letters, one could be a little more “bold”.

For example, this date invitation – the Sect Master of Two Polarities Sect definitely couldn’t go on a date with him, a mere disciple, to the Pilgrimage Palace. But extending such an invitation could reveal the infatuation and inner conflict of a pure-hearted boy who admired and secretly loved the Sect Master.

The better one’s reading comprehension, the more one could appreciate his sincerity.

After writing the first letter, Mu Zhi’an unfolded the other paper crane.

“Come to think of it, ever since entering Two Polarities Sect, Senior Sister and I have both been busy with our own affairs and haven’t had time to communicate via paper cranes. The long night seems endless, and unable to sleep, I entrust my longing tonight to this paper crane…”

After writing an “love letter” of 800 words, Mu Zhi’an paused for a moment, then continued putting pen to paper: “Seeing Senior Sister’s face today, when falling asleep at night, I couldn’t help but imagine the scene of strolling with Senior Sister inside the sect… I know this wish may be a bit far-fetched, but one should always have some small dreams. I hope there will be such an opportunity in the future.”

After folding the second piece of letter paper into a crane, Mu Zhi’an threw it out the window. Watching the two paper cranes disappear from sight, he stood up, stretched his waist, and left the study.

This Jade Glass Palace was built by someone unknown, with each room having its own separate celestial realm behind it.

This was the case for both Bai Ruoxi and Mu Zhi’an, as well as for other sect disciples.

Mu Zhi’an found Huang Manting’s residence. At the entrance, he saw a female disciple with quite a nice appearance.

After the female disciple went in first to report about Mu Zhi’an and received an affirmative reply, only then did Mu Zhi’an follow her lead and enter the side hall.

“Big Sister is still bathing. Sir Mu, please wait a moment.” That female disciple bowed politely, her gaze secretly sizing up Mu Zhi’an with a hint of hostility.

It seemed Huang Manting indeed had some ability… Previously in the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce was one thing, but she was actually able to take on a “little sister” even within Two Polarities Sect.

And quite a nice-looking one at that… Mu Zhi’an poured himself a cup of tea and appraised this female disciple’s figure.

She looked quite voluptuous, with some meat on her thighs… Mu Zhi’an imperceptibly withdrew his gaze.

Looking a few more times was a show of respect for a beauty; staring would be lewd.

After waiting in the side hall for nearly half an hour, he finally saw Huang Manting emerge.

Perhaps knowing Mu Zhi’an was coming, or maybe just a personal habit after bathing, Huang Manting intentionally wore a loose and casual robe, revealing a pair of round, firm long legs, a slender waist, and full, perky breasts.

She sat down gracefully at the table, her posture upright. Crossing her left leg over her right, she swung her fair, delicate feet, deliberately tempting Mu Zhi’an.

Huang Manting considered herself a heavenly beauty, but that lady of the Bai family was already by his side. If she still acted reserved and “ladylike” as before, she might never be able to hook up with him in this lifetime and have him kneel at her feet.

It was for this reason that when she heard Mu Zhi’an was visiting while soaking in her rose bath, she simply changed her attire.

Although this Mu Zhi’an was quite smart, he had been so enthralled by female charms in the past that it was impossible for him to reform so quickly.

Moreover, just a few days ago she had heard that Mu Zhi’an’s relationship with the Ye sisters was also quite close.

However, to Huang Manting’s disappointment, after she sat down, Mu Zhi’an’s gaze only glanced over her body once before quickly withdrawing.

Clearly, due to Bai Ruoxi and that maidservant Wei Mengrou at home, Mu Zhi’an had already developed a strong immunity to female beauty.

But… she wouldn’t give up so easily on the prey she had set her sights on.

Huang Manting raised her eyes and gave the female disciple beside her a look. That disciple seemed a bit reluctant but eventually nodded and left the side hall.

Huang Manting lifted her slender hand and poured Mu Zhi’an a cup of tea, smiling as she said, “Sir Mu, I haven’t seen you come looking for me since entering the sect. What wind blew you here today?”

“Or -”

She gently placed her delicate hand on the back of Mu Zhi’an’s hand, smiling coquettishly. “Have you changed your mind and decided to give up on Miss Bai to come to me?”

Mu Zhi’an shook his head with restraint. “Miss Huang, I came to find you because I have important matters to discuss. Don’t, don’t be like this.”

If he wasn’t familiar with Mu Zhi’an before, Huang Manting would probably have really been fooled.

Now seeing his “reserved” behavior, she couldn’t help but recall how he had played hard to get like this previously at the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce. Her eyes narrowed slightly.

She crossed her other leg and raised her teacup, her eyes brimming with charm and allure as she sighed softly, “Sir Mu, you didn’t come find me just to show off your acting skills, right?”

She turned her head to look at him shyly, biting her lip as her gentle voice said, “A moment of spring night is worth a thousand gold, Sir Mu~”
As she spoke, her fingertips tugged at her collar, vaguely revealing a hint of snow-white skin.

Mu Zhi’an quickly glanced over, then lightly shook his head. “Miss Huang, I really didn’t come to find you for that kind of thing…”

“It’s fine, we can discuss business first, then chat about wind, flowers, snow and moon~” Huang Manting smiled enchantingly.

“The third prince would be heartbroken if he saw this.” Mu Zhi’an said.


The corners of Miss Huang’s mouth curved into a disdainful arc as she chuckled. “What does his heartbreak have to do with me?”

If it was the crown prince… no, if it was that eldest princess, she might consider it.

The Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce had branches all over the Eastern Realm. Huang Manting wasn’t lacking in any material goods. She simply wanted spiritual satisfaction.

And boot-licking dogs couldn’t give a goddess spiritual fulfillment.

“But speaking of which, it seems there’s a certain Vice Chief supporting the third prince from behind.” Huang Manting added.

“Sir Mu should be careful.”

Mu Zhi’an’s expression didn’t change much.

He had heard Lan Mulian vaguely warn him about this before, so naturally he knew.

“Is Sir Mu really not considering staying here tonight?” Huang Manting looked up at Mu Zhi’an, her eyes shimmering. She changed the subject.

Mu Zhi’an shook his head helplessly. “Miss Huang, I’m really not that kind of person…”

The main reason was that after sharing affection with Bai Ruoxi several times today, Mu Zhi’an had temporarily entered sage mode.

Besides, if he really accepted Huang Manting’s “request”, she would probably toss him aside without mercy after playing around for a while.

This woman was only so enthusiastic towards him right now purely because he was someone Huang Manting couldn’t obtain.

If she really had him, she wouldn’t cherish him as much.

In short, Mu Zhi’an was the fisherman, and Huang Manting was the fish in the water.

And now, the fish in the water was inviting Mu Zhi’an to jump in.

But what Mu Zhi’an wanted was to reel the fish onto shore.

Seeing Mu Zhi’an’s dispassionate eyes, Huang Manting bit her lip, looking as if she was about to cry. “Sir Mu is so heartless. And to think I was planning to firmly refuse providing the third prince with information about you.”

Who knew that Mu Zhi’an would turn to look at her and smile. “Whatever the third prince asks you, just tell him everything you know.”

“Honestly tell him about the details regarding me and Ruoxi.”

Huang Manting suspiciously sized up Mu Zhi’an a few times. Seeing he wasn’t joking, she couldn’t help but ask, “Why?”

Mu Zhi’an revealed a faint smile. “You’ll know later.”

“Tell me now, otherwise why should I listen to you?”

“Or stay and chat with me tonight.” She lightly tugged on Mu Zhi’an’s sleeve, raising her dewy eyes.

Mu Zhi’an solemnly shook his head. “Next time. Definitely next time.”

Huang Manting silently stared at Mu Zhi’an’s serious expression, feeling increasingly unable to see through him.

According to the original investigation, Mu Zhi’an should have been a man who enjoyed female charms. But despite her seduction tonight, he still didn’t take the bait… How could a normal man possibly resist her?

Finally, Huang Manting sighed deeply. “For the sake of the destiny inheritance, I’ll do you this favor… But next time, Sir Mu has to properly accompany me.”

“However, is Sir Mu really so certain the third prince will come to me to inquire about information regarding you?” She asked again.

“He will come.” Mu Zhi’an stated with certainty.

Men loved to show off in front of the women they fancied.

If he wanted to demonstrate how tough his fists were in front of Miss Huang, this was a rare good opportunity. How could he miss it?

After seeing Mu Zhi’an off, Huang Manting took a sip of tea, then noticed the scorching breath beside her.

She lowered her eyes and glanced at the pretty-looking female disciple kneeling at her feet, gently saying,

“My feet are a bit sore. Give me a massage.”

After speaking, she withdrew her gaze. Her fingertips played with a lock of hair as she silently pondered Mu Zhi’an’s words tonight.

Honestly tell the third prince about matters concerning him…? Wasn’t this handing a knife to someone else?

What exactly was Mu Zhi’an trying to do?

Moreover, how could he be so sure the third prince would come to see her?

After about the time it took to burn one incense stick, a female disciple suddenly hurried over from outside. First enviously glancing at the girl kneeling by Huang Manting’s feet, she then turned to Huang Manting and said,

“Master, the third prince is outside seeking an audience.”

He really came… Huang Manting’s eyes flashed, the corners of her mouth soon curving into an extremely beautiful arc.

“Please invite him in.”

In any case, she would quickly find out what Young Master Mu was up to, right?

As for who to help… Actually, it had been quite clear from the start.

They both belonged to Tianxuan City, so helping each other was only natural.

The third prince obviously never imagined that the goddess he pursued was actually pursuing another man behind his back.

At the same time.

Mu Zhi’an returned to the courtyard house, pushed open Miss Bai’s door, and lazily laid on the bed, resting against Bai Ruoxi’s thigh. Watching the beauty who had begun to meditate and cultivate, he couldn’t help narrowing his eyes in comfort, inhaling her faint fragrance and feeling the wondrous sensation of her smooth skin.

He had already done what needed to be done. The remaining matter was returning those Eight Treasures Cranes to the Chief of Boundless Sea Peak… This had to be done soon, lest Young Lady Dragon Spirit really devour all the cranes.

Then, he could watch his enemies perform.

As for having someone in your corner… Who didn’t?

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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