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It turns out, they are the protagonists 120 p1

Chapter 120: Ye Lingxuan, The Second Protagonist p1

At this moment, the gazes of the cultivators on Boundless Sea Peak were involuntarily attracted by her.

Even if Ye Lingxuan was usually low-key, under the current circumstances, there was no way for her to keep a low profile.

Ye Yu also stared intently at that pillar of light and the slender, beautiful purple figure of the girl within it.

For some reason, he felt that the medicinal fragrance emanating from Ye Lingxuan at this moment seemed to have a familiar feeling.

I seem to have smelled this medicinal fragrance somewhere before… Ye Yu muttered in his heart.

“It’s Dragon Soaring Whiskers.” An aged voice slowly spoke up from within his body.

Dragon Soaring Whiskers…

Ye Yu was slightly stunned for a moment, then, as if recalling something, his gaze tightly focused on Mu Zhi’an’s back.

Previously at the Morning Glory Auction House, Mu Zhi’an had snatched two auction items from him. One was a bronze fragment, and the other was the Dragon Soaring Whiskers.

The bronze fragment was gifted by Mu Zhi’an to Bai Ruoxi, making the current Bai Ruoxi a top genius…

The Dragon Soaring Whiskers I had my eyes on back then, not only did he give them to Lingxuan as a gift to capture her heart, but now they’ve actually been activated by Lingxuan?!

Ye Yu suppressed the anger in his heart, but his fist gripping the Jade Countenance Pill subconsciously tightened. He watched as Ye Lingxuan slowly floated up to the peak from that pillar of light.

She opened her eyes, her exquisite pupils calmly surveying the crowd silently watching her.

Then, when she noticed the gaze of a certain youth in the crowd, those originally calm eyes seemed to soften a bit.

Stepping on dainty, exquisite short boots, she gracefully walked over.

“It seems your secluded cultivation has ended?” Mu Zhi’an looked at Ye Lingxuan’s approaching figure and smiled.

Ye Lingxuan gently “Mm”-ed, her face carrying a shy yet joyful faint smile. “It’s all thanks to you.”

Previously, Senior Ling had taken her to an ancient pool that existed since ancient times. In that pool, she could feel the Dragon Soaring Whiskers hidden within her body showing signs of awakening.

Not only the Dragon Soaring Whiskers, but her own physique was also quite affectionate towards that pool.

Afterwards, Senior Ling let her soak in the pool by herself and left.

All of this was due to Mu Zhi’an… Otherwise, with Lin Ling’s personality, she definitely wouldn’t actively bring an outsider into that pool.

No matter how powerful the forces behind Ye Lingxuan were, they didn’t have much significance to Lin Ling.

After all, Lin Ling didn’t care about social niceties. In a sense, Lin Ling was very similar to Ye Yu. The only difference was that Lin Ling was a girl, cute in appearance and powerful in strength. So even if she didn’t actively get close to others, people would still find ways to approach her.

“An innate spiritual body, I have to say she truly lives up to being his daughter. With this kind of talent, I’m afraid quite a few main peaks will fight over her this time.”
At this time, a sighing voice seemingly full of emotion came from mid-air. The crowd of disciples looked up and immediately cupped their fists respectfully. “Chief!”
The person currently suspended in mid-air was indeed the Chief of Boundless Sea Peak, Yi Hao.

“Uncle Yi.” Ye Lingxuan spoke with a smile, her voice clear and pleasant.

Yi Hao slightly nodded. Looking at Ye Lingxuan, his eyes were filled with emotion and admiration as he smiled. “I didn’t even notice you’ve already grown to this extent.”

The last time Ye Lingxuan came to Two Polarities Sect, he still remembered she was just a little girl. But now, she had already become a graceful young lady.

With this kind of appearance, in a couple more years, she might be able to rival Lan Mulian in beauty.

“It’s all thanks to Uncle Yi’s good guidance.” Ye Lingxuan said with a gentle smile.

Yi Hao was obviously quite pleased, but he kept a straight face and said, “You just know how to say nice things.”

Then, he couldn’t help but reveal a few more smiles as he continued, “For the inner sect disciple selection of the Nine Peaks this time, you can consider Boundless Sea Peak.”

“The resources and strength of the Nine Peaks are the same. I dare not make other promises, but as long as you are in Boundless Sea Peak, if there are any elixirs, medicinal materials or cultivation techniques you need, I can fight for them on my end.”

Ye Lingxuan subconsciously glanced at Mu Zhi’an. Seeing that he didn’t say anything, she replied reservedly, “Thank you Uncle Yi, I want to carefully consider it some more.”

Yi Hao slightly raised his brows and imperceptibly glanced at Mu Zhi’an.

As a seasoned expert like Yi Hao, he could naturally see that Ye Lingxuan seemed to greatly depend on Mu Zhi’an.

This was a bit rare… He could naturally tell that Ye Lingxuan was actually an extremely proud girl.

The kind of people such a girl would look down on the most should be prodigal disciples… Although Mu Zhi’an couldn’t really be considered a prodigal disciple now, Ye Lingxuan and Mu Zhi’an both grew up in Tianxuan City in the past. She should have heard plenty of rumors about Mu Zhi’an.

It seems this young friend Mu, if nothing else, has quite good luck with women…

When the Chief of the Nine Main Peaks selected a certain inner sect disciple, that inner sect disciple actually had the right to refuse.

It’s just that under normal circumstances, no disciple would do so. After all, that would offend too many people.

In the previous sect competition, the top two of the Nine Main Peaks had the right to choose inner sect disciples first.

With Ye Lingxuan being such a coveted candidate, it was impossible for her to be left until the end for Boundless Sea Peak to choose.

The only way was for Ye Lingxuan to choose Boundless Sea Peak herself.

Yi Hao’s eyes flashed. He smiled and nodded, taking the initiative to throw out an olive branch. “Then think it over carefully. The doors of Boundless Sea Peak are always open for you.”

Just as he said this, Ye Yu’s respectful voice suddenly came from the side. “Chief.”

Yi Hao turned his head slightly to look. It was Ye Yu, the young cultivator who had just refined a fifth-grade elixir.

He glanced at the elixir in Ye Yu’s hand and spoke with a hint of praise, “Not bad. Being able to refine a fifth-grade elixir at such a young age, if you cultivate diligently in the future, perhaps there will be a place for you in the Alchemy Pavilion.”

Ye Yu immediately cupped his fists. “Thank you Chief for the praise. This junior will definitely do his utmost to bring glory to Boundless Sea Peak.”

As he said this, he inadvertently glanced at Ye Lingxuan, but found that this girl had no change in expression from beginning to end, as if she didn’t care at all about the “fifth-grade elixir”. Her gaze was always focused on Mu Zhi’an, as if in a daze.

This scene also caused the smug smile on Ye Yu’s face to stiffen slightly. The Jade Countenance Pill in his hand nearly shattered from his uncontrolled grip.

This was a fifth-grade elixir!

One had to know, there were only nine grades of elixirs, from first to ninth grade. Above that were heavenly-grade elixirs, which were no longer within the scope of what “cultivators” could refine.

Every time a heavenly-grade elixir was refined, it would startle the heavenly dao and trigger a vast lightning tribulation.

Generally speaking, one needed to be at least at the seventh level of Qi Condensation or above to refine a fifth-grade elixir. Yet he had refined it with just the cultivation of the third level of Qi Condensation.

Recalling the hint of surprise in the gazes of those female cultivators looking at him just now, and then seeing Ye Lingxuan’s current indifferent expression, the contrast between the two created a huge rift in Ye Yu’s heart, making him feel insecure.

At this time, Yi Hao had already come before the crowd of disciples. After chatting with them about the bright future of the cultivation path and giving encouragement, he left the peak of Boundless Sea Peak.

Ye Lingxuan, Bai Ruoxi, and Wei Mengrou – he had to try to get at least one of these three this time. This was also in preparation for the next sect competition.

What he needed to do now was provide conditions that could move the hearts of these three… For example, precious elixirs or cultivation techniques.

Time was tight… He had to quickly discuss with his junior martial brother and make a decision soon.

With Yi Hao’s departure, the gazes of these sect disciples also fell on Ye Lingxuan not far away.

Occasional strong winds blew across the peak, causing this slender girl’s light purple dress to flutter back, her collar tightly pressed against her chest, the thin fabric outlining her developing figure.

Little Sister Lingxuan’s bust size should be about one-third of Ruoxi’s… Mu Zhi’an sized her up a few times and inwardly remarked.

Mm… But big has its merits, and small has its charm. Besides, this girl is still developing. Her future size has unlimited potential.

Moreover, later he could also provide her with some little help…

He couldn’t say it would surpass Ruoxi, but at least it could grow a bit more…

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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