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It turns out, they are the protagonists 121 p1

Chapter 121: The Old Ginger is Always Spicier p1

In this xianxia world, under the greater environment, at least in the Eastern Realm where all the cultivators were humans, privately sheltering a demon cultivator was definitely a major crime of colluding with the enemy!

If there really was demonic energy in Bai Ruoxi’s furnace, it would mean that the family behind her was also not clean.

And Mu Zhi’an, who was closely involved with her, would naturally be unclean as well.

After all, their relationship was so intimate. If it was ultimately discovered that Bai Ruoxi was a demon cultivator, there was no way Mu Zhi’an could shake off his involvement.

The Third Prince walked on the path leading to the Metamorphic Jewel Peak, sighing with a bit of regret in his heart.

Although it was a pity for a great beauty like Bai Ruoxi to be ruined like this… In any case, she wasn’t his woman, so he didn’t necessarily have to care.

Although Bai Ruoxi was good, she belonged to the type that was so cold it made people hesitate to approach.

What he liked was the kind of domineering, S-type beauty like Huang Manting.

Moreover, with Mu Zhi’an gone, his future sect life could proceed smoothly.

Ever since entering the sect, the Third Prince had been observing Mu Zhi’an. Later, he also obtained intelligence about him. He could almost be certain that Mu Zhi’an’s conduct and way of handling matters were quite similar to the current crown prince, his own elder imperial brother.

If there was any difference, it was probably that the current crown prince had absolutely no idea how to govern the court.

If in the future, when the Emperor abdicated and his imperial brother ascended the throne, he might not necessarily be able to sit stably in the position of emperor.

At that time, perhaps it would be his own opportunity…

Of course, thinking about these things now had no meaning, because what needed to be done now was to first deal with the enemy before his eyes.

If he couldn’t even handle the prodigal son of a family, how could he talk about dealing with his imperial brother after returning to the court in the future?

The Third Prince arrived at the Metamorphic Jewel Peak and spoke to the disciple standing outside the palace gates, “I’m here to see the Vice Chief.”

That disciple sized up the Third Prince, clearly aware of the close relationship between the Third Prince and the Vice Chief of Metamorphic Jewel Peak. So he nodded with a smile and said, “Please wait a moment, I’ll go in and report to the Vice Chief right away.”

Before the time it took to drink a cup of tea, that disciple returned to the front of the main hall and led the Third Prince inside.

The paths cultivated by the Nine Main Peaks of Two Polarities Sect were completely different. For example, the path cultivated by Metamorphic(Transmutation) Jewel Peak was the art of “metamorphosis”.

Metamorphosing(Transmutating) weapons, elixirs, and all kinds of items – this was the main cultivation path of Metamorphic Jewel Peak.

Spiritual weapons had intelligence, but most weapons, before being metamorphosed, were just ordinary weapons. Even if top-quality materials were used, they were still just ordinary weapons.

But after metamorphosis, whether it was weapons, elixirs or items, they could all potentially possess a “spirit”, which would accompany one for life.
Therefore, as long as the disciples who came out of Metamorphic Jewel Peak cultivated the Dao, in terms of popularity, they were definitely not inferior to alchemists.

At this time, in front of the main hall, the Vice Chief of Metamorphic Jewel Peak, Ning Shuwen, was leaning on the imperial seat. After dismissing the surrounding disciples with a wave of his hand, his gaze fell directly on the youth walking into the hall.

“In two more days, it will be the selection ceremony for inner sect disciples. Instead of focusing on cultivation, why have you run over to Metamorphic Jewel Peak?”

Ning Shuwen was the uncle of the current Emperor of the Great Qian Dynasty, so naturally he would take some care of his imperial nephew.

“Imperial Uncle, I recently investigated some matters regarding Mu Zhi’an and discovered some things… So I came specially to report to Imperial Uncle.” The Third Prince cupped his fists.

“Mu Zhi’an…?”

Ning Shuwen’s eyes held a hint of confusion.

“Who is Mu Zhi’an?”

“In the recent assessment of Boundless Sea Peak, he was the despicable person suspected of using an array formation to pass the assessment.” The Third Prince said, raising his head to stare at Ning Shuwen. “Imperial Uncle may not know Mu Zhi’an, but Mu Zhi’an’s dao companion is none other than the top genius among the new disciples this time, Bai Ruoxi.”

“Bai Ruoxi…” Ning Shuwen showed some interest. “The matter you want to speak of is related to her?”

This time, the Chief had specifically instructed his subordinates that in the inner sect disciple selection two days later, if Bai Ruoxi agreed to become an inner sect disciple of Metamorphic Jewel Peak, she would be gifted a weapon that had a spirit metamorphosed into it.

The type of weapon would be of her choosing.

With Bai Ruoxi’s aptitude, she was indeed worthy of such a weapon.

After all, that woman was not only a top genius among geniuses, her appearance and beauty also outshone all other women.

If Bai Ruoxi entered Metamorphic Jewel Peak, she would also attract many disciples to choose Metamorphic Jewel Peak.

But he never expected that she already had a dao companion… Moreover, it was a disciple he had never heard of before.

The Third Prince cupped his fists. “According to the investigation, that Bai Ruoxi is very likely a demon cultivator.”

Ning Shuwen slightly narrowed his eyes, looking at this Third Prince with a hint of surprise in his gaze.

“What do you plan to do?” Ning Shuwen asked.

“Eradicating demons and upholding the Dao is the lifelong pursuit of us cultivators. Since it has been discovered, naturally it must be exposed!” The Third Prince appeared righteous and imposing.

Ning Shuwen slightly nodded. “You can handle this matter yourself, but remember, don’t make too much of a commotion. Two Polarities Sect is not the imperial court. Be sure not to directly take action within the sect.”

If Bai Ruoxi was a demon cultivator, even if she entered Metamorphic Jewel Peak in the future, she would be exposed. That would waste a spot for an inner sect disciple.

If the Third Prince slandered her, then when the time came, if the Chief of Metamorphic Jewel Peak stepped forward to help her, this favor would make it very clear which main peak she would choose in two days for the inner sect disciple selection.

As for giving the Demon-Detecting Ruler to the Third Prince and bringing trouble to Bai Ruoxi, let him temporarily play the villain role, then have the Chief come forward to play the good guy… That was also fine.

As long as the result was good, that was enough.

Ning Shuwen raised his hand and threw out a ruler that looked about the size of a finger.

“This is the Demon-Detecting Ruler. If there really is a demon cultivator in the Jade Glass Palace, it will point out the location of the demon cultivator for you. If it doesn’t point it out, then it means your intelligence was wrong. At that time, put away these thoughts of revenge and focus on cultivation.” Ning Shuwen said.

The Third Prince’s eyes lit up with delight. He took the Demon-Detecting Ruler and cupped his fists. “I will follow Imperial Uncle’s teachings!”

Raising his head to look at this Imperial Uncle, the Third Prince’s eyes held a few more traces of anticipation.

Mu Zhi’an’s weakness couldn’t be grasped, but what about the people around him?

Jade Glass Palace.

In a meticulously cultivated courtyard house, Mu Zhi’an was strolling in the garden with Ye Lingxuan, listening along the way to the girl’s insights during her secluded cultivation.

“Little Sister Lingxuan, the Chief just said you have an innate spiritual body, right?”

Mu Zhi’an held Ye Lingxuan’s small hand, turning his head to look at this slender little beauty. His gaze lingered on her snow-white profile for a moment before he continued with a smile, “Did you awaken this physique in the celestial abode?”

Ye Lingxuan slightly nodded, her clear and pleasant voice saying, “I don’t know where Senior Ling found that pool. When I approached it at that time, the Dragon Soaring Whiskers seemed to come alive.”

“And after that, I vaguely felt that I seemed to have signs of a breakthrough, so I meditated nearby…”

As Ye Lingxuan spoke, she hesitated for a moment, her footsteps slowly coming to a halt. She raised her head to look at Mu Zhi’an and softly said, “I’m sorry… Originally, Brother Mu only temporarily entrusted the Dragon Soaring Whiskers to me for safekeeping, but in the end, it independently merged into my body while I was meditating.”

Mu Zhi’an’s eyes shifted slightly. “So you mean the Dragon Soaring Whiskers have now been completely absorbed by you?”

Ye Lingxuan gently nodded, filled with apology. “I’m sorry… I will definitely compensate Brother Mu for this later.”

This time, no matter what, she had to provide compensation equal in value to the Dragon Soaring Whiskers…

And while Ye Lingxuan was thinking about this, Mu Zhi’an lowered his head to look at the exquisite beauty before him.


It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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