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It turns out, they are the protagonists 122 p1

Chapter 122: Ling Long(Spirit Dragon): Aaa? p1

As the Third Prince voiced his questioning, many people’s gazes fell on Mu Zhi’an.

His previous words actually contained a trap.

Asking Mu Zhi’an if he knew there was a demon cultivator in the Garden of Heavenly Harmony, if Mu Zhi’an denied it out of panic, it would be easy to handle afterward.

As long as the Third Prince used the Demon-Detecting Ruler to prove that Bai Ruoxi was a demon cultivator, Mu Zhi’an’s “lie” would fall apart on its own.

But if he nodded and admitted it at this time… Then he would be completely guilty of “harboring a demon cultivator”.

In other words, no matter what Mu Zhi’an did, this was a dead end.

Just as the Third Prince anticipated, when this resounding questioning fell, Mu Zhi’an’s expression changed. He subconsciously staggered back half a step, his body trembling slightly.

In the crowd, Ye Yu stared at Mu Zhi’an’s ashen face, feeling a bit of schadenfreude.

In Tianxuan City, your Mu family covered the sky with one hand, colluding with the major families of Tianxuan City, deceiving those above and below.

But what about in Two Polarities Sect?

Facing someone like the Third Prince who had a behemoth backing him, could he still call a deer a horse like in the past in Tianxuan City, lying with eyes wide open, insisting that Bai Ruoxi wasn’t a demon cultivator?

In the crowd, Huang Manting’s eyes also flickered slightly, tightly focused on Mu Zhi’an’s “panicked” appearance.

What exactly was this Young Master Mu trying to do?

Telling her to leak all the information about Bai Ruoxi and him to the Third Prince, voluntarily handing a knife to the Third Prince… No matter how one thought about it, it didn’t seem like something Mu Zhi’an would do.

But he really did it.

If someone unfamiliar with the details saw such a situation, they might think Mu Zhi’an had already been checkmated… But Huang Manting was part of Mu Zhi’an’s plan, so naturally, she was clear that he should still have a hidden card.

But once it was proven that Bai Ruoxi was a demon cultivator, what use would any hidden card be?

At this moment, Mu Zhi’an took a deep breath, slowly exhaled, raised his head to stare at the Third Prince, and said in a deep voice, “Third Prince, although we have some grudges between us, groundlessly slandering someone is not something a sect disciple should do.”

“Slandering?” The Third Prince laughed. “Does Young Master Mu mean to say you were unaware there was a demon cultivator hidden in the Garden of Heavenly Harmony?”

Mu Zhi’an fixed his gaze on the Third Prince. “I’ve lived in the Garden of Heavenly Harmony for so many days and have never heard of any demon cultivator in this courtyard house. In the end, this is Two Polarities Sect. How could any demon cultivator dare to brazenly run over to Two Polarities Sect?”

The Third Prince chuckled. “In the past, I also wouldn’t have dared to believe this was true, but -”

He slightly raised his finger, pointing at the Demon-Detecting Ruler slowly spinning in mid-air, indicating the Garden of Heavenly Harmony.

“The Demon-Detecting Ruler has never had any misjudgment. Could it be that Young Master Mu is questioning the master who crafted this ruler?”

The Demon-Detecting Ruler was a weapon personally created by the Chief of Metamorphic Jewel Peak.

With the appearance of the Demon-Detecting Ruler, demon cultivators had nowhere to hide.

Not only that, its own destructive power was also extremely strong. It was said that the Demon-Detecting Ruler in the hands of the Chief of Metamorphic Jewel Peak had already nurtured a “spirit” after being metamorphosed.

The Third Prince’s words just now directly brought out the “Chief”, indirectly accusing Mu Zhi’an of challenging the Chief’s authority.

As expected of someone from the imperial family, the way he put on this big hat was quite professional… Mu Zhi’an maintained an expressionless face and calmly said, “I naturally believe in the Demon-Detecting Ruler, but I really don’t know of any demon cultivator existing in the Garden of Heavenly Harmony.”

It’s already too late to think about shaking off involvement now… The Third Prince inwardly sneered and loudly said, “I naturally don’t want to wrong any good person and also feel that Young Master Mu shouldn’t have known about the demon cultivator hidden in the Garden of Heavenly Harmony.”

He paused, then continued, “Young Master Mu, do you dare let us enter the Garden of Heavenly Harmony to investigate?”

“If no demon cultivator is found, then I was wrong about you. I’m willing to apologize for the trouble I’ve caused Young Master Mu this time.”

“But if a demon cultivator is really found, especially if this demon cultivator has a close relationship with Young Master Mu…” The Third Prince smiled. “Then I’m afraid Young Master Mu will have to accept an investigation from Two Polarities Sect.”

“If you wronged me, just an apology is enough?” Mu Zhi’an suddenly asked.

The Third Prince raised his brows slightly. “Then what do you want?”

“I want to make a bet with Third Prince.” Mu Zhi’an raised his head to stare at the Third Prince.

“If there really is a demon cultivator in the Garden of Heavenly Harmony and they’re related to me, this junior will accept any punishment from the sect and give Third Prince 500,000 spirit stones.”

“If Third Prince’s troubles today are slandering an innocent person, I also don’t want to make things difficult for Third Prince. I only ask Third Prince to give this junior 1 million spirit stones within the next three days, of which 500,000 will be compensation for mental damages.”

1 million spirit stones!

Such an amount caused the cultivators present to be slightly moved.

Under normal circumstances, it was already quite affluent for an ordinary cultivator to have 20,000-30,000 spirit stones in a year. But the bet between these two directly raised the number of spirit stones to 1 million!

If one could really obtain this 1 million spirit stones, they probably wouldn’t have to worry about “money” for a very, very long time in the future.

The Third Prince slightly narrowed his eyes, staring at Mu Zhi’an in surprise and uncertainty.

He wasn’t a fool. At this moment, he had already begun to vaguely feel that something wasn’t quite right.

Was Mu Zhi’an being self-destructive, or was he trying to use this method to intimidate him into retreating?

1 million spirit stones, even as the Third Prince of the Great Qian Dynasty, he couldn’t take out that much at once.

But if he retreated just like this today, wouldn’t he become a huge joke?

Right now, there were so many cultivators watching. If he retreated because of Mu Zhi’an’s “threat”, how could he gain a foothold in Two Polarities Sect in the future?

“The high-stakes bet Young Master Mu proposed is indeed surprising, but do you currently have 500,000 spirit stones on you?” At this time, a youth in the crowd suddenly asked.

Mu Zhi’an turned his head to look. It was Ye Yu, dressed in black robes.

“I don’t have 500,000 spirit stones on me, but if Third Prince confirms there is a demon cultivator in the Garden of Heavenly Harmony, I will take out the heavenly materials and earthly treasures in my storage ring to exchange for spirit stones.” Mu Zhi’an calmly said.

When he came to Two Polarities Sect, he brought about 100,000 spirit stones. It wasn’t that the Mu family lacked these spirit stones, but like some modern freshmen entering school, Mu Zhi’an also didn’t like to take spirit stones from home.

“In other words, Young Master Mu doesn’t have 500,000 spirit stones on him at all?”

The Third Prince immediately found a point to attack and laughed, “Since you don’t have that many spirit stones, what’s the point of Young Master Mu’s bet?”

“How about this, if today I’ve slandered Young Master Mu, I’ll apologize to you in front of everyone and offer 50,000 spirit stones. What do you think of that?”

He believed in the judgment of the Demon-Detecting Ruler but also didn’t want to gamble so big.

1 million spirit stones, if he really lost the bet, he might have to send someone back to the Great Qian Dynasty… If it turned out like that, he would become a laughingstock of the imperial family in the future.

“Let’s still follow the previous bet.”

At this moment, a clear and pleasant voice suddenly came from not far behind the crowd.

The crowd turned to look. At the very back of the crowd, a girl in a light purple dress was gracefully walking towards them.

Ye Yu’s gaze instantly froze.

…It was Ye Lingxuan.

Under everyone’s gaze, Ye Lingxuan gracefully walked to Mu Zhi’an’s side and smiled, “Brother Mu didn’t bring that many spirit stones with him, but with the Mu family’s power, it’s not difficult to take out 500,000 spirit stones.”

“However, since Third Prince doesn’t believe him, I’ll advance the 500,000 spirit stones first. Is that alright?”

As Ye Lingxuan finished speaking, she handed the storage ring in her hand to Mu Zhi’an.

“If there really is a demon cultivator in the Garden of Heavenly Harmony, the spirit stones in this storage ring will all be given to Third Prince.”

Ye Lingxuan turned her head to look at the Third Prince, her tone suddenly shifting as she calmly said, “But if Third Prince’s trouble this time is just to settle a private grudge against Brother Mu, then please offer 1 million spirit stones, slap yourself ten times, and admit your mistake. How about that?”

The Third Prince’s expression changed slightly. He obviously didn’t expect this girl who suddenly barged in to instantly change the situation.

“Little Sister Lingxuan, aren’t you afraid of wasting 500,000 spirit stones?” Mu Zhi’an helplessly looked at the girl beside him and sighed softly.

Ye Lingxuan’s eyes carried a smile as she gently said, “I believe Brother Mu is innocent.”

As she said this, she raised her head to look at the Third Prince, smiling, “Since Third Prince is so certain there is a demon cultivator in the Garden of Heavenly Harmony, you shouldn’t not dare, right?”

The Third Prince’s face stiffened slightly.

Her confident appearance actually made him lose some confidence.

But looking up at the Demon-Detecting Ruler in mid-air directly pointing at the Garden of Heavenly Harmony, he gritted his teeth and said, “Fine! If today I’ve wronged Young Master Mu, I’ll slap myself ten times and offer 1 million spirit stones within three days!”

“Words are cheap. Why not make a vow?” Ye Lingxuan stared at the Third Prince expressionlessly.

Although she usually looked like a sweet and pure beautiful girl, the aura she emitted at this moment was more like an empress, aggressive yet irresistible.

It feels like Little Sister Lingxuan is also dark inside.. Mu Zhi’an looked at the girl’s flawless and delicate profile, inwardly remarking.

The Third Prince took a deep breath and said, “If no demon cultivator is found in the Garden of Heavenly Harmony today, I’ll slap myself ten times and offer 1 million spirit stones within three days. If I break this vow, may the heavens strike me with lightning!”

Mu Zhi’an followed, “If Third Prince’s words are proven true, I’m willing to offer 500,000 spirit stones and accept any punishment from the sect.”


A loud thunderclap resounded across the sky, as if witnessing the vows made by the two.

In the cultivation world, if a cultivator’s vow was not fulfilled in the future, they would suffer the wrath of heaven.

Even if they survived the heavenly tribulation, their future lightning tribulations would be several times more difficult than ordinary people’s.

Once a vow was made, it could no longer be changed.

Ye Yu stared at Ye Lingxuan who was extremely close to Mu Zhi’an, and her focused eyes when looking at him. His heart couldn’t help but twist.

No matter if Mu Zhi’an was guilty or not in the end, either the Third Prince or Mu Zhi’an dying would be fine.

Of course, it would be best if Mu Zhi’an died…

This time, he only needed to be a spectator!

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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