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It turns out, they are the protagonists 126 p1

Chapter 126: This Woman Has a Destiny with Me! p1

The Third Prince sat in the side hall, the tea in his hand long gone cold.

His expression was extremely gloomy.

It was understandable, after all, that kind of thing had just happened yesterday.

…That was 1 million spirit stones!

Even as an imperial prince, it was very difficult to take out that many spirit stones at once.

But now, constrained by his “vow” and face, even if he had to grit his teeth and swallow this, he had to take out these spirit stones.

However, if this action spread, it might become a joke in the palace in the future.

Even within Two Polarities Sect, these past two days there were already rumors of him “slandering a fellow sect disciple”.

Bai Ruoxi was clearly a demon cultivator to begin with…

Recalling everything that happened yesterday, and Mu Zhi’an’s face when he schemed to frame him, the anger in the Third Prince’s heart burned uncontrollably. The force of his grip on the teacup increased.


The surface of the teacup developed a crack, and then it was completely crushed in his hand, tea spilling on the ground.

The Third Prince looked at the disciple walking in from outside with a blank expression and said, “What’s the matter?”

What are you pretending for even now… That disciple inwardly sneered, but on the surface he was still respectful. “Third Prince, the letter we sent to the palace yesterday seems to be able to be withdrawn early.”

The Third Prince was slightly stunned.

After returning yesterday, the Third Prince had already written a letter for someone to urgently deliver overnight to the Great Qian Dynasty to his trusted subordinate, telling him to prepare 1 million spirit stones.

But now, this disciple said that letter could be withdrawn?

“What do you mean?” The Third Prince asked coldly without raising his head.

“The Eldest Princess reportedly left the palace two days ago and arrived at the Two Polarities Sect this morning. She also seems to already know what happened yesterday…”

The anger in the Third Prince’s heart was like being doused with a bucket of cold water. He couldn’t help but be dazed and muttered, “Imperial Sister is here…?”

The Eldest Princess of the Great Qian Dynasty had a good relationship with many people in Two Polarities Sect, and was even friends with the Pavilion Master of the Book Pavilion, both of them fond of poetry and books. This Eldest Princess would also often visit Yan Ruyu at Two Polarities Sect.

This time she probably also came to find Pavilion Master Yan.

With the Eldest Princess’s status, she should indeed have 1 million spirit stones on her.

If he went to find the Imperial Sister now, he could avoid those future rumors in the palace.

After all, that the Imperial Sister wasn’t the kind of person who would gossip everywhere.

But if he went to find her… would she really lend it?

The Third Prince was born of the Noble Consort, while the Eldest Princess was the daughter of the Empress.

The gap between the two was not small, and his relationship with that Imperial Sister was very ordinary.

If he went to find her, he might not be able to avoid a scolding.

The Third Prince’s expression wasn’t very good. He said in a deep voice, “Where is the Imperial Sister now?”

“Someone saw her go to the Book Pavilion…” That disciple said.

The Third Prince was silent for a moment. “Forget it, I’ll go to the Book Pavilion then.”

“By the way, Prince, the Vice Chief specially entrusted me to tell you… Regarding Mu Zhi’an, you must not have any more conflicts with him.”

Just as the Third Prince got up, that disciple suddenly spoke again.

The Third Prince’s body stiffened slightly. He looked at the disciple and said in a deep voice, “The Vice Chief told you?”

Seeing that disciple slightly nod, the Third Prince’s expression instantly turned gloomy.

Mu Zhi’an’s residence clearly privately sheltered a demon cultivator, yet he had to forcibly hold back?

Obviously, because of Ling Long, that Imperial Uncle was also afraid.

Even the other Chiefs were the same…

This was understandable. After all, behind Mu Zhi’an was Ling Long.

But a demon cultivator was a demon cultivator… If it was confirmed that Bai Ruoxi was a demon cultivator, even with Ling Long’s existence, they couldn’t possibly lie with eyes wide open, right?

The Third Prince’s fists clenched tightly. He wiped the tea from his sleeve and strode out of the side hall.

After going through the corresponding procedures, Mu Zhi’an, under the secret agent’s lead, climbed the stairs to the top floor of the Book Pavilion. In the elegant main hall, he saw Yan Ruyu.

She was wearing a loose black robe, her beautiful hair naturally cascading down.

At first glance, she seemed to have no eye-catching features, but Mu Zhi’an, who had been in the flower fields for a long time, could roughly guess what kind of enchanting sexy curves were hidden under that black robe.

“Greetings, Pavilion Master Yan.” Mu Zhi’an cupped his fists.

Yan Ruyu raised her head to look over, smiled faintly, and said, “Sit.”

Her tone was quite gentle, without any airs of a senior. Her temperament was intellectual like a female teacher. At this moment, she wore a warm smile, sizing up this little boy who remained silent, seeming a bit nervous in front of her.

“No need to be nervous. You have a very good relationship with Bai Ruoxi who entered the sect this time, right? Just chat with me the same way you chat with her.” Yan Ruyu gently said.

Usually when I chat with Ruoxi, we often end up going to bed for a detailed chat… Mu Zhi’an maintained a humble attitude and respectfully said, “Senior is still senior after all. The respect that should be shown must be shown, otherwise this junior’s heart would be uneasy.”

Mu Zhi’an paused, continuing reservedly, “However, chatting with Pavilion Master Yan indeed makes one feel very relaxed, just like talking to the big sister next door.”
Saying this, he seemed to truly feel this way, sighing with heartfelt emotion.

Yan Ruyu slightly narrowed her eyes, seeming very pleased with Mu Zhi’an’s words. She poured him a cup of tea and said, “A lot happened in the Garden of Heavenly Harmony yesterday.”

Mu Zhi’an imperceptibly took a sip of tea and sighed, “Actually, this junior just wanted to be a good person, but always encounters some troubles.”

Yan Ruyu slightly nodded. “Conflicts between disciples are inevitable, but in the sect it won’t be like the outside world with fighting and killing.”

As she said this, her tone shifted. “For this inner sect disciple selection, do you have a main peak in mind that you want to choose?”

Mu Zhi’an smiled helplessly. “Senior is joking. With this junior’s aptitude, being selected would already warrant thanking the heavens and earth. How could I think about choosing a main peak myself?”

Yan Ruyu chuckled lightly. “Besides the Nine Main Peaks, my place here and the Enforcement Hall also have the qualifications to recruit inner sect disciples.”
In these words, there seemed to be a hint of implication.

“But didn’t I hear that Senior hasn’t actively recruited inner sect disciples for a long time?” Mu Zhi’an said in surprise.

The Pavilion Master of the Book Pavilion was a very Buddhist-minded person, not very interested in the sect competition or cultivating disciples. In recent years, when the major main peaks were fighting over spots, it was still peaceful here.

But unexpectedly, she had thoughts of recruiting inner sect disciples this time?

“Haven’t actively recruited for a long time, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have thoughts of recruiting inner sect disciples now.”

Yan Ruyu sat with a straight posture, wearing a warm smile. “I have a close relationship with Junior Sister Lan. I believe in her judgment.”

The current signs indicated that Mu Zhi’an still had some big secrets on him, and these secrets even made the three Chiefs present yesterday have no choice but to take him seriously.

Just this piece of information was already enough to make people pay attention.

“If I could become an inner sect disciple of the Book Pavilion, this junior would definitely work like an ox and horse for Senior.” Mu Zhi’an immediately cupped his fists to express his loyalty.

Yan Ruyu charmingly smiled. “No need to answer in a hurry. You can think it over carefully.”

She paused, continuing in a tone of a senior’s concern for a junior,

“After becoming a sect disciple, you can go to the Book Pavilion to obtain a cultivation technique. You probably haven’t gone yet, right?”

Seeing Mu Zhi’an slightly nod, Yan Ruyu continued, “You can go to the third floor of the Book Pavilion and try. If you find a cultivation technique that suits you, just reach out and take it. Consider it my gift for our first meeting.”

Mu Zhi’an revealed a joyful expression and respectfully said, “Many thanks, Senior!”

The Pavilion Master of the Book Pavilion, even if not a great white shark like the Sect Master, was at least a big fish…

With Yan Ruyu’s appearance and attire, if placed in the modern world, the most suitable would probably be a female teacher holding a ruler, with an voluptuous figure, wearing gold-rimmed glasses.

Her temperament and appearance were both top-notch. The only flaw was that her age might be several times that of Mu Zhi’an’s… But this wasn’t a problem. After all, in the cultivation world, age and such weren’t an issue at all.

Yan Ruyu smiled faintly. “Go.”

With that, she waved her hand.

Mu Zhi’an felt as if everything in his field of vision suddenly shifted like the stars. The previous moment he was still in the top floor hall of the Book Pavilion, but the next moment, he appeared in a place that looked quite spacious.

Occasionally, he could see a few sect disciples in twos and threes around. From time to time, jade slips, books, and even sheepskin scroll-like cultivation techniques would appear out of thin air, then quickly fly past Mu Zhi’an’s eyes and disappear from sight.

The surrounding sect disciples would occasionally raise their hands to grab at those cultivation techniques, but most could only grab an illusory shadow of the technique.

The third floor of the Book Pavilion contained a large number of cultivation techniques, including quite a few first-grade techniques. Those were top-grade techniques that could accompany one for life in the future.

And the disciples entering the sect this time all had one chance to enter the Book Pavilion.

But whether one could obtain a top-grade technique depended on “destiny”.

If one’s destiny was sufficient, they could attract top-grade techniques.

This was also why many cultivators wanted to obtain Ling Long’s destiny inheritance. After obtaining the destiny inheritance, it would greatly benefit one’s various cultivations on the future path of cultivation.

Of course, if one didn’t want a top-grade technique, they could also choose techniques from the second floor’s technique area.

It was just that the techniques stored on the second floor were at most sixth-grade. Fifth-grade and below could only be obtained by luck on the third floor.

At this moment, a jade slip happened to fly by. Mu Zhi’an reached out to grab it and easily caught it in his hand.

Taking a closer look, what was written on it was surprisingly four big characters.

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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