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It turns out, they are the protagonists 46

Chapter 46: A Person with Great Destiny


Why would Feiying be here…?


Logically speaking, this chief auctioneer had her own mansion, and she was rarely seen going to inns before… And the second floor of this inn should be the accommodation area.


Was she here to find someone?


Mu Zhi’an raised his head and discreetly scanned Feiying’s curvaceous figure from top to bottom. She was also obviously a bit surprised and couldn’t help but take a few more glances at Mu Zhi’an.


Very quickly, a charming smile appeared on Feiying’s face, and her soft and pleasant voice sounded, “Did you know that Sister was here, so you came specifically to bring me the storage ring?”


Mu Zhi’an took off the storage ring on his finger and handed it to Feiying, smiling, “Yes, I came here specifically because I knew Sister was here. Thanks a lot last time.”


“You’re always saying things to make girls happy.” Feiying coquettishly glared at Mu Zhi’an.


Her tone changed, “I heard you also went to Dragon Head Forest yesterday. How about going to the teahouse for a cup of tea and chatting with Sister?”


If it were any other time he was invited, Mu Zhi’an would have accepted.


But today he had other things to do, so he could only politely refuse, “Next time. I still have some matters to attend to.”


“Speaking of which, other than the brothel and red-light district, you don’t seem to come to inns… Why did you come to this inn today?”


Feiying paused and continued, “Could it be that you’re also here to find her?”


Mu Zhi’an didn’t deny it and smiled, “Could it be that Old Master Huang also asked you to invite that examiner?”


Feiying’s small mouth opened slightly, seeming to be stunned for a moment.


Then, her eyes, gentle as water, looked at Mu Zhi’an meaningfully and smiled, “So you really came to see her?”


How does it sound like you two are very familiar with each other… Mu Zhi’an smiled, “Sister Feiying, questions can’t be answered with questions.”


Feiying pursed her seductive lips and said, “I’m just here to see an acquaintance. It has nothing to do with Old Master Huang.”


After all, Feiying was not a servant of the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce. Usually, except for some important auctions, she didn’t need to do other things herself.


“Male or female?” Mu Zhi’an asked curiously.


Feiying glanced at Mu Zhi’an and said, “A relative of mine.”


A relative, then it’s fine… Mu Zhi’an smiled, “Then Sister Feiying, take your time. I have some matters to attend to upstairs first.”


Feiying lightly “hmm”ed. After seeing Mu Zhi’an go upstairs, she secretly shook her head.


Lan Mulian had a cold personality. This morning, she had already rejected the invitations from the Gongsun family and the Bai family. Although the Mu family had great influence in Tianxuan City, she didn’t really need anything from the Mu family. In order to avoid suspicion, even if it was an invitation from the Mu family, she probably wouldn’t accept it.


Feiying withdrew her gaze, turned around, and was about to go downstairs.


At this moment, she heard a slight sound of a door opening.


Her footsteps paused slightly and she subconsciously turned her head to look. She found that the door of the innermost room quietly opened.


When she saw Mu Zhi’an enter that room, Feiying was obviously stunned for a moment.


Only after a long time did she come back to her senses. She pursed her sexy red lips, turned around, and went downstairs.


This could also be considered a good thing… At least she had other acquaintances.




Mu Zhi’an looked around the luxuriously decorated room and his gaze quickly fell on Lan Mulian.


She was wearing a moon-white long dress, her hair naturally cascading down to her waist like a waterfall, the ends tied simply with a white hair ribbon, leaving a few strands of hair hanging down.


As pure and cold as a fairy in a painting.


No… Rather, this was indeed a fairy who had descended to the mortal world.


“Senior Sister, how was your sleep last night?” Mu Zhi’an smiled.


“I meditated last night.” Lan Mulian’s eyes were slightly relaxed, containing a faint smile, looking noble and cold.


Sure enough, the person in the letter and the person in reality are two different people… Mu Zhi’an continued to ask with a caring tone, “Is it because you’re not in the sect, so you didn’t sleep well?”


Lan Mulian gently shook her head, invited him to sit down, and said, “After reaching the Spirit Transformation stage, there’s no need for rest. You’ll know this when you enter the Spirit Transformation stage in the future.”


“I heard about your past experiences in Tianxuan City at the inn this morning. It was quite interesting.” Lan Mulian added.


Who’s so gossipy, why did they mention this for no reason…


Also, why is Senior Sister so nosy, as soon as she arrived in Tianxuan City, she starts inquiring about such things… Mu Zhi’an felt a bit regretful in his heart.


It seemed that inviting Lan Mulian to Tianxuan City was not entirely a good thing… This wave would greatly discount his image.


“According to what that black-robed man said before he died, there seem to be other demon cultivators in this city.” Lan Mulian’s beautiful brows slightly frowned as she changed the topic, “If possible, it’s best to find out their identities before the sect entrance exam begins.”


Demon cultivators and humans were incompatible. A suspected Spirit Transformation stage demon cultivator lurking in Tianxuan City was like a ticking time bomb that could explode at any time.


Mu Zhi’an nodded lightly and said, “I will have people from the Mu family investigate this matter.”


“If Senior Sister doesn’t mind, you can stay at the Mu residence temporarily. If there’s any news, it will also be convenient for me to notify you at the first opportunity.”


Lan Mulian shook her head and said, “If there’s anything, you can directly come to the inn to find me. I will be here during this period.”


As a sect examiner, it was still necessary to avoid suspicion appropriately. If she openly stayed at the Mu residence, after Mu Zhi’an entered the Two Polarity Sect in the future, there would inevitably be some gossip.


Mu Zhi’an didn’t dwell on this matter and chose to respect Lan Mulian’s decision.


At this moment, the corner of his eye fell on the jade bottle beside him, on which a pure and flawless snow lotus was placed.


The delivery speed of this paper crane is indeed very fast… Mu Zhi’an said, “Then Senior Sister, let’s continue to communicate with paper cranes in the future.”


Lan Mulian “hmm”ed.


Compared to chatting, she still preferred to express her feelings through writing letters.


It was just that this way, it was necessary to reset the position of the paper crane.


Now no matter how many paper cranes were sent, they would only fly to the back mountain of the Two Polarity Sect. Only when she fixed her spiritual sense in this inn would the paper cranes fly here.


But in order to exchange letters, it wasn’t a problem to take a little trouble.


After chatting with Lan Mulian for a few more words, Mu Zhi’an found an excuse to leave the inn.


He originally came to find Lan Mulian for another matter he wanted to mention, which was about that beautiful snake.


However, in the end, he held back.


If he told Lan Mulian about this matter now, this senior sister would probably inform the higher-ups of the Two Polarity Sect.


However… what if there were demon cultivators among the higher-ups of the Two Polarity Sect?


If there were demon cultivators among the higher-ups, Mu Zhi’an’s report could directly make him reincarnate.


Never treat your enemies as fools.


Since that beautiful snake dared to openly rope him in and asked him to provide intelligence, she naturally had countermeasures.


In any case, that “Empress” said to report intelligence once every three months. After entering the Two Polarity Sect, he would first find out the identities of the demon cultivators lurking in the Two Polarity Sect, and then consider it.


As for now… the priority was to find out who exactly was the third demon cultivator in Tianxuan City.




Ye Family.


Ye Yu sat cross-legged at the head of the bed, his eyes tightly closed. His brows were tightly furrowed, and he obviously looked a bit absent-minded.


After a short while, he slowly opened his eyes, his black pupils filled with unquenchable flames of anger.


“Calm down a bit. It’s not entirely a bad thing that the Heavenly Dao Aura was stolen this time.” An old voice slowly sounded in his body, which also slightly calmed the flames of anger in Ye Yu’s heart.


“What do you mean by that, Master? Could losing the Heavenly Dao Aura still be a good thing?” His tone of voice was even trembling a bit, and he was even more regretful in his heart.


At that time, he was blinded by anger and didn’t think about why Mu Zhi’an set the location of the competition in Dragon Head Forest. It was only until he heard the buzzing news outside this morning that he finally came to his senses.


The competition was just a front. Mu Zhi’an’s goal was those two demon cultivators and the Heavenly Dao Aura on his body.


Now the Heavenly Dao Aura was most likely in Mu Zhi’an’s hands!


“Losing the Heavenly Dao Aura will indeed slow down your cultivation progress, but it was precisely because of that Heavenly Dao Aura that I couldn’t pass on my secret techniques to you before.” The old voice in Ye Yu’s body slowly said.


“Secret techniques?” Ye Yu repeated, “What secret techniques?”


Could there be any secret techniques that could compare to the Heavenly Dao Aura?


“The Heavenly Dao Aura will automatically remove all impurities from your body and supply you with refined spiritual energy. The secret techniques I teach you require taking in mixed spiritual energy into your body, walking the evil path… It may be a bit arduous, but your future achievements may be even higher than when you had the Heavenly Dao Aura.”


“However, this process will be very painful. Consider it carefully first. Tell me when you’ve made up your mind.”


Ye Yu immediately replied, “Master, I want to learn those secret techniques!”


The old man chuckled, “I believe in your perseverance. Since you’ve made up your mind, then close your eyes. Next, I will pass on these secret techniques to you.”


Hearing this, the originally dim eyes of Ye Yu reignited with the flames of war, and he quietly clenched his fists.


This time he indeed lost, but it might not be the case during the sect entrance exam!


After enduring for a few more days, once he entered the Qi Condensation stage and passed the sect entrance exam, and gained the favor of that examiner, he could directly skip the outer disciple stage and become an inner disciple of the Two Polarity Sect!


Even without the Heavenly Dao Aura, he was still a genius!


Ye Yu closed his eyes, adjusted his breathing, calmed his mood, and quietly listened to the secret techniques being taught by the old man in his body.




Bai Family.


Bai Ruoxi sat in her boudoir, cross-legged on the bed.


The Heavenly Dao Aura crazily refined the surrounding spiritual energy and absorbed it into her body. This cultivation speed was three to four times faster than before!


After half an hour, Bai Ruoxi slowly opened her eyes.


Those eyes were extremely complex, with joy, helplessness, and pain.


The joy was because her cultivation speed was now shockingly fast, while the helplessness and pain were because of her mother.


Not long ago, she returned to the Bai family with a restless heart. She originally thought she would see her parents quarreling, but to her surprise, her father and mother in the main hall were still as harmonious as usual, as if nothing had ever happened before.


Obviously, her father already knew about the matter between Gongsun Xiong and her mother, but why…


At that time, she really wanted to go up and ask her mother, but she couldn’t say it.


If it were Young Master Mu, what would he do at that time?


Thinking of this, Bai Ruoxi couldn’t help but sigh softly.


She didn’t know when it started, but she found that she seemed to subconsciously rely on that person a bit.


Even though her realm was much higher than his.


Knock, knock.


When Bai Ruoxi was absent-mindedly thinking about these things, a slight knocking sound suddenly came from the door. Then, the maid’s voice at the door followed, “Miss, the young master of the Mu family is outside seeking an audience.”


Why did he come so early…?


Bai Ruoxi’s eyes flashed, and for some reason, there was inexplicable joy in her heart. Even her tone unconsciously became a bit more cheerful, “Please let him in.”


She thought for a moment and continued, “By the way, don’t disturb Master and Madam. Bring him to my room through the back courtyard.”

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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