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It turns out, they are the protagonists 47

Chapter 47: “The Proper Use of an Innate Cauldron Furnace”


Bai Manor.


Mu Zhi’an was guided by a maid to the private chamber of Bai Ruoxi, the young mistress of the Bai family. After knocking on the door and receiving a response, he pushed it open and saw the voluptuous young lady.


She was wearing a white long dress without any other decorations. Her lips were coated with a glossy rouge, making her look alluring and supple. Compared to her usual dignified appearance in public, her attire at home seemed a bit more casual, but her natural beauty was still captivating even without makeup.


After dismissing the two maids, Bai Ruoxi asked, “Has Young Master Mu come to see me regarding my mother’s matter?”


Mu Zhi’an nodded and said, “I’m just curious if there has been any reaction from your mother’s side.”


Bai Ruoxi hesitated before replying, “They are still the same as usual.”


This was quite strange. Normally, a man who had been so thoroughly cuckolded would not be able to hide his emotions, let alone treat his wife the same as before. Especially since Bai Ruoxi’s father was a crude and reckless man, he should be even less adept at concealing his feelings.


Could there be some hidden secrets involved?


Mu Zhi’an pondered for a moment and said, “If you have any news, please let me know as soon as possible.”


It seems this matter requires further investigation. There might be some secrets surrounding Bai Ruoxi’s mother.


Bai Ruoxi nodded slightly, and then suddenly changed the topic, asking, “By the way, did you go to the Radiant Phoenix Inn today?”


Mu Zhi’an noticed that Bai Ruoxi’s usually lively eyes had become somewhat gloomy when she looked at him. This question gave the impression of, “Did you go to have an affair with someone else this morning?”


Compared to her unwillingness during their first encounter in the carriage, Bai Ruoxi’s attitude had undergone a drastic change.


If it had been in the past, Mu Zhi’an’s intimate interactions with other girls would not have bothered Bai Ruoxi at all, and she might have even preferred him to go and cling to someone else instead of disturbing her.


Mu Zhi’an sighed helplessly, “I went to see Senior Sister Lan, since she is one of the supervisors for the sect’s assessment. With my Qi Condensation at only the third level, I need to get on her good side, or else I might not even be allowed to enter the sect.”


“My father also sent someone to invite her this morning, but they were rejected without even seeing her.”


Bai Ruoxi’s expression remained cold and gloomy as she softly said, “As one of the assessment supervisors, that Senior Sister naturally understands the need to avoid any suspicion… Did you manage to meet her at the inn today?”


Mu Zhi’an shook his head and sighed, “No, she has no intention of receiving anyone.”


He didn’t expect Bai Ruoxi to be so concerned about this matter, and for the news to spread so quickly. It seems the situation in the Bai family has indeed improved since Bai Ruoxi’s father returned.


It makes sense, as with Bai Ruoxi’s father, the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce would not dare to attack the Bai family commercially as they had before. In other words, the Chamber of Commerce had hastily fled.


After all, the Gongsun family’s patriarch had been overthrown, and he had held all the power in his own hands, so they were too preoccupied with internal strife to bother the Bai family, who had regained their patriarch.


The Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce would not be able to make a move for the time being.


Most importantly, Bai Ruoxi is closely associated with the Mu family, which also makes them wary.


Mu Zhi’an thought the usually cold and indifferent Bai Ruoxi would not care about such trivial matters, but she continued, “The Mu family has always had a free admission quota for the sect. If you keep bothering that Senior Sister, you might end up annoying her and inadvertently causing some trouble for yourself on the way.”


It sounded like she was concerned, but the underlying meaning was clear: Don’t go bother the Senior Sister.


Mu Zhi’an was a bit surprised by the strong-willed side of the delicate-looking Bai Ruoxi, but he nodded silently, “I’ll take your advice into consideration and won’t disturb the Senior Sister’s rest from now on. I’ll just send her a spirit letter.”


Bai Ruoxi responded with a soft “Mm.”


She then took out a milky-white spiritual orb and gently said, “If Young Master Mu is worried about being looked down upon for only being at the third level of Qi Condensation when entering the sect, you’re welcome to cultivate here in my room.”


“I can control the Heavenly Dao Aura to continuously nourish the spiritual energy around you, refining it into your body.”


First, she criticized the Senior Sister, and then she expressed the meaning of “only I will care for you.” Although Mu Zhi’an knew it was a scheme, he couldn’t help but feel a bit more affection for her.


Mu Zhi’an looked at the Heavenly Dao Aura in Bai Ruoxi’s palm, pondering: To have Bai Ruoxi stay by my side to control the Heavenly Dao Aura and accelerate my cultivation… Is this a form of dual cultivation?


But thinking about it, if he wants to speed up his cultivation in the future, he’ll have to stay by Bai Ruoxi’s side.


Regardless, he nodded, “Then let’s give it a try.”


Mu Zhi’an sat down on the bed, and Bai Ruoxi began to use hand seals to guide the Heavenly Dao Qi to the front of Mu Zhi’an.


The Heavenly Dao Aura started to rapidly absorb the spiritual energy around it and refine it. Mu Zhi’an’s cauldron furnace within his body began to operate, absorbing the purified spiritual energy.


No wonder so many people want this… Even a pig would become a spirit cultivator if it could obtain the Heavenly Dao Aura.


While Mu Zhi’an was still marveling, the Bai Ruoxi controlling the Heavenly Dao Qi suddenly looked a bit surprised as she stared at Mu Zhi’an.


Strange… Why does it feel like the spiritual energy refined by the Heavenly Dao Aura is not being fully absorbed into his body?


Bai Ruoxi’s brows furrowed slightly as she looked at the meditating Mu Zhi’an.


It’s not that the spiritual energy is not being absorbed into his body, but rather… Mu Zhi’an has two cauldron furnaces within him?


Normally, a cultivator would only have one cauldron furnace that has condensed during the Qi Refinement realm, but Bai Ruoxi clearly sensed two cauldron furnaces operating within Mu Zhi’an.


She sat down on the soft couch, carefully reaching out her delicate jade-like hand to touch Mu Zhi’an’s face.


This handsome face that she had previously disdained was now becoming more and more pleasing to her eyes, even captivating her.


No, this is not the time to think about that… Bai Ruoxi shook her head slightly, her gaze falling on Mu Zhi’an’s chest, where she saw two faint streams of spiritual energy gradually being absorbed into his body.


An Innate Cauldron Furnace…


Bai Ruoxi’s flawless and beautiful countenance revealed a look of surprise for the first time.


No wonder there are two streams of spiritual energy being absorbed into his body – Mu Zhi’an’s body itself is a cauldron furnace!


If she remembered correctly, an Innate Cauldron Furnace is normally not very useful, but if there is some intimate contact with a female cultivator… Then the value of this constitution becomes completely different.


Sometimes, a simple intimate contact could allow a peak Spirit Transformation Realm female cultivator to break through the bottleneck and become a Celestial Immortal.


If this constitution were to be discovered by others…


Bai Ruoxi’s eyes flashed with complexity as she stared at Mu Zhi’an’s handsome face.


At this moment, Mu Zhi’an suddenly opened his eyes.


Bai Ruoxi’s heart jumped, her eyes darting away in a panic, almost as if she had been electrocuted. She tried to speak in as calm a voice as possible:


“Young Master Mu, why did you stop meditating so soon?”


“I felt someone touching my face from the outside, so I wanted to check if there were any intruders in the room.”


Mu Zhi’an looked at the slightly turned Bai Ruoxi. Her beautiful jaw line, her straight nose, her slightly pursed cherry lips – a strand of hair had fallen across her cheek, adding a touch of classical beauty.


The delicate beauty seemed a bit flustered, but she tried to remain calm as she said, “I noticed that Young Master Mu’s body seems to have two cauldron furnaces, so I just wanted to confirm it… I’m sorry for interrupting your cultivation.”


“It’s best to keep the other cauldron furnace hidden, in case it’s discovered by others, as it might attract unwanted attention.”


Although this constitution has no use for male cultivators, for female cultivators, it’s a completely different story…


As Mu Zhi’an remained silent, Bai Ruoxi was about to turn her head to look at him.


Suddenly, she felt a warm hand cover her own hand. Instinctively, she looked up and found herself staring into Mu Zhi’an’s smoldering gaze.


Bai Ruoxi’s heart skipped a beat, and she wanted to withdraw her hand, but for some reason, she was also reluctant to do so, and remained motionless.


Mu Zhi’an stared at Bai Ruoxi’s slightly flushed face.


A young lady like the Bai family’s young mistress, who is usually so unapproachable and has a delicate aura, looks quite alluring when flustered.


Mu Zhi’an moved closer, his hand shifting from covering hers to interlocking their fingers.


As his face drew nearer, Bai Ruoxi felt like a trapped little rabbit, her small hand instinctively gripping the bedding behind her, trying to back away, but finding her back already against the bed frame.


Finally, Bai Ruoxi’s back was pressed against the bed frame, and she looked up to see Mu Zhi’an’s handsome face just inches away. She involuntarily lowered her eyelids, her long lashes trembling.


“May I?” Mu Zhi’an whispered, his face now mere inches from hers.


Bai Ruoxi slightly raised her eyes to meet his burning gaze, and a warm current seemed to flow through her heart. Her cheeks flushed as she softly murmured, “Mm.”


Mu Zhi’an no longer hesitated, his other hand gently embracing the delicate figure of the young lady, and he leaned down, capturing her plump and alluring lips.


He had no other intentions, he just simply wanted to taste what flavor of rouge Bai Ruoxi was using.


It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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