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It turns out, they are the protagonists 49

Chapter 49: Demon, I Can See at a Glance That You’re Not Human!


“Strange, if there’s demonic energy in the Bai Manor, why didn’t I discover its existence when I came here for the first time before?” Mu Zhi’an walked to the window and looked up at the wispy pink mist rising in front of him.


Then, he swept his gaze over the surrounding spiritual energy that had been purified by the Heavenly Dao energy and quickly understood.


Previously, this demonic energy was hidden within the mixed spiritual energy, and the Bai Manor likely had some kind of barrier that concealed the demonic energy.


However, the Heavenly Dao energy that Bai Ruoxi had just used had “purified” the surrounding spiritual energy, which also exposed the demonic energy inside the Bai Manor.


“Is the Bai Manor secretly collaborating with demonic cultivators?” Mu Zhi’an thought to himself.


But he quickly shook his head, dismissing this guess.


No, if the Bai Manor had been collaborating with demonic cultivators, they wouldn’t have been suppressed so terribly by the Gongsun Family and the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce before.


At this moment, Mu Zhi’an suddenly remembered what the black-robed man’s accomplice, the Primordial Spirit, had said before.


It said that they had come to Tianxuan City to meet up with their companions and use Tianxuan City as a base to seize the Heavenly Dao energy.


In other words, they didn’t have a base in Tianxuan City yet…


So the question was, which person had made some big moves recently, wanting to occupy Tianxuan City as a base?


If one were to reason based on normal thinking, both the Gongsun Family and the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce had this possibility, but only the Bai Family did not have this possibility.


However, the problem was… the demonic energy had now appeared in the Bai Family, the least likely place for it to appear.


The Bai Family had been suppressed so badly, so if one were to think about a traitor, it shouldn’t be in the Bai Family…


No, that’s not right…


Suddenly, it was as if a blue lightning bolt flashed through Mu Zhi’an’s mind, and his body slightly stiffened.


If one had to say, the Bai Family indeed didn’t have this possibility, but what if it was someone within the Bai Family who did it?


During the recent suppression of the Bai Family, who had been secretly making some big moves?


This guess made Mu Zhi’an stand there for a long time, and it wasn’t until a good while later that he returned to reality from his previous train of thought.


Mu Zhi’an leaned on the table for support and jumped out of the window.


He stood in front of the corridor in the courtyard, glanced around to confirm that there were no patrolling servants nearby, then leaped onto the roof. His gaze quickly landed on a small house in the backyard not far away.


From the roof of that small house, a wisp of pink mist rose softly, giving off an indescribable sense of danger at first glance.


However, the mixed spiritual energy was gradually filling up this space again, and the originally misty pink mist was gradually concealed within this spiritual energy.


Demonic cultivators were indeed in the Bai Family…


Mu Zhi’an stared intently at that small house. After a long time, he no longer hesitated. He withdrew his gaze and quietly left the Bai Manor.


To confirm his guess, he needed Wei Mengrou’s personal protection.



In the side hall of the Bai Manor.


The Bai Patriarch turned his head to look at his daughter sitting beside him. She pressed her lips tightly, sitting gracefully with an expressionless face.


“Ruoxi, are you still angry with your father?” the Bai Patriarch asked in a gentle voice.


Bai Ruoxi’s face remained expressionless as she said, “I’m not angry with Father, but I find it strange that Father is acting like nothing happened. That day, Young Master Mu and I saw with our own eyes Mother and other men…”


She turned her head to stare into the Bai Patriarch’s eyes, biting her lip, and said, “You also know about this matter, don’t you?”


“Know… of course I know.” The Bai Patriarch poured himself a cup of tea and drank it all in one gulp.


“However, seeing with one’s own eyes may not necessarily be the truth… Let me ask you, when you saw your mother and Gongsun Xiong that night, did you personally witness them being intimate?”


Bai Ruoxi pursed her small mouth and said softly, “I didn’t see it, but I heard their conversation…”


The Bai Patriarch gently put down his teacup and slowly said to the empty side hall, “Madam, I’ll leave the rest to you.”


Bai Ruoxi slightly raised her head and saw a plump and beautiful woman walk out from the back door of the side hall.


Bai Ruoxi looked at her mother with a complex gaze.


To be honest, she hadn’t figured out what kind of attitude she should use to face her mother.


Mother and daughter looked at each other, but neither of them spoke.


Bai Ruoxi’s small mouth opened slightly, about to say something.


At this moment, Bai Yuanfeng took the lead and said something in a low voice.


Bai Ruoxi’s eyes slowly widened, as if she had heard something unbelievable.


She covered her small mouth, staring at this plump woman in shock.


After a long time, her eyes gradually became clear.


Not long after, Bai Ruoxi left the side hall. Her brows had relaxed a lot, but there was still a hint of worry in her eyes, as if she was concerned about something.


She walked along the corridor towards her room, pushed open the door, and was startled to find that Mu Zhi’an, who was supposed to be meditating in the room, had already disappeared.


It seemed that he had already left…


A trace of loss flashed in Bai Ruoxi’s heart, but she hid it well.


This was unavoidable. After all, she had been in the side hall for so long, so Young Master Mu had probably grown impatient waiting for her.


Moreover, she hadn’t figured out how to face Mu Zhi’an yet.


Should she tell him the truth about her mother’s situation?


If she told him directly, what would he do?


Would he report this matter directly to Senior Sister Lan?


If that were the case, she would have to make a choice between the two sides in the future…


Bai Ruoxi lowered her brows and eyes, her expression as cold as frost and snow, extremely beautiful, but at this moment, her eyes were filled with conflict.


She sighed softly and shook her head to dispel the thoughts in her mind.


Then, she took out the Heavenly Dao energy. After using the Heavenly Dao energy to purify the spiritual energy, the surrounding spiritual energy gradually entered her body.


Two more hours passed unnoticed, and the sky outside had already darkened.


The big trees in the courtyard rustled in the wind, their shadows swaying.


Bai Ruoxi slowly opened her eyes, changed into a white robe, had the maid light the sandalwood incense, dismissed the servants, and was about to go to sleep.


At this moment, she suddenly heard a slight commotion coming from outside the window.


Bai Ruoxi immediately became vigilant and looked up, only to see a young boy jump in through the window.


“Young Master Mu…?”


Bai Ruoxi subconsciously gripped the quilt in front of the bed, looking at Mu Zhi’an who had entered the room, and asked hesitantly, “How did you get in…?”


“I told the two maids earlier that I was here to see you, so they let me in,” Mu Zhi’an said with a smile, while observing the beauty under the candlelight.


The young lady of the Bai Family was sitting in front of the bed, her body curves graceful, her black hair contrasting with her white robe. Under the candlelight, her skin was fair and white, giving off a sense of a delicate and weak beauty.


Mu Zhi’an walked over to the bedside and sat down, turning his head to look at the girl and said, “You don’t seem to be in a good mood. Did your father say something that upset you this afternoon?”


Bai Ruoxi’s face was hesitant, her heart struggling. She sometimes looked at Mu Zhi’an and sometimes lowered her eyes.


Finally, she gently shook her head, “My father didn’t say anything that upset me.”


“Then did he say something that surprised you or made you feel uneasy?” Mu Zhi’an asked with a smile, changing the question.


Bai Ruoxi was obviously startled and subconsciously turned her head to look at him.


She looked at the smile on the young man’s face and the concerned look in his eyes as he stared at her. At this moment, the softness deep in her heart seemed to be gently poked.


Bai Ruoxi’s small mouth opened slightly and said, “Young Master Mu, I want to tell you something.”


“This afternoon, my father found me and said something about my mother—”


Before she could finish her sentence, Mu Zhi’an’s index finger pressed against Bai Ruoxi’s soft lips, and a gentle smile appeared on his face like a spring breeze.


“Don’t say anything. What you need to do now is sleep.”


Bai Ruoxi gently pushed away Mu Zhi’an’s hand and said softly, “But what I want to say might be very important to you—”


Mu Zhi’an waved his hand to interrupt, “It is very important, but you don’t need to tell me.”


“Someone will come and tell me soon,” he continued.


It sounded as if he already knew something… Bai Ruoxi raised her head and looked at Mu Zhi’an in conflict, asking, “Is there anything I can do?”


Mu Zhi’an pondered for a moment and asked sincerely, “Can I sleep in your room tonight?”


Bai Ruoxi was stunned for a moment and subconsciously gripped the hem of her clothes.


Wasn’t this progressing a bit too fast… and with so many things happening today, she wasn’t in the mood to do anything.


She seemed to have overthought it… Mu Zhi’an noticed the implications of Bai Ruoxi’s reaction and explained, “If I wander around outside the Bai Manor, it’s easy to be discovered, but if I stay in the room of the young lady of the Bai Family, no one will guess.”


“Is that okay?” Mu Zhi’an asked.


Did I misunderstand his intention… Bai Ruoxi slowly let out a sigh of relief in her heart and gently nodded, “It’s okay… but why do you want to stay at the Bai Family at night?”


She really agreed… I can trick this young lady into bed more than ten times… Mu Zhi’an deliberately kept her in suspense and said, “You’ll know when night comes.”


Bai Ruoxi didn’t ask further and just nodded lightly, then said, “Is there anything else you need my help with?”


Actually, Bai Ruoxi wasn’t a naive and sweet girl. It was just that the recent interactions had made her choose to unconditionally trust Mu Zhi’an. If he wanted to suppress the Bai Family, he could have done so a long time ago, but he never did.


Mu Zhi’an observed the young lady of the Bai Family. In modern terms, she probably belonged to the mature and charming type. Her face was round, her expression cold and clear, possessing a huge heart, polite to everyone, but difficult to approach.


“There’s one more thing that only you can do,” Mu Zhi’an said seriously.


Bai Ruoxi looked at him curiously, “What is it?”


“I want to know what it tastes like without rouge,” Mu Zhi’an said with a serious expression.


Bai Ruoxi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly saw Mu Zhi’an pressing on her shoulders, gently pushing her to lean back on the bed behind her.


“Mmm…” Bai Ruoxi was about to speak, but her small mouth was already blocked, and she could only let out a small whimper.


Her hair spread out on the bed, her lively eyes staring straight at the face that was so close to her, feeling the warm hand gently holding her small hand. Her eyes gradually became hazy, and she finally gave up resisting.


However, she suddenly began to doubt whether Mu Zhi’an had come to do serious business… or to do something naughty.


It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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