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It turns out, they are the protagonists 51

Chapter 51: Miss Bai, I Want to See Your Tail


The next morning.


Mu Zhi’an finished a night of meditation and opened his eyes.


A faint knocking sound came from outside the room.


Did Bai Ruoxi come so early… Mu Zhi’an said in a deep voice, “Come in.”


The door opened, and a girl with an elegant bearing walked into the room. Judging from her attire, she seemed to be a maid of the Mu Family… but how come he felt like he had never seen this maid before?


Mu Zhi’an looked at her with some doubt in his eyes.


If there was such a beautiful maid in the Mu Manor, he wouldn’t have no impression of her.


“When did you come to the Mu Family?” Mu Zhi’an asked in puzzlement.


“I don’t seem to have seen you before… but it feels like I’ve seen you somewhere…”


“That sounds like you’re harassing someone,” Wei Mengrou suddenly stood at the door and commented indifferently.


Then she said, “She’s the young lady you saved from the Chen Manor before. Have you forgotten?”


Mu Zhi’an was stunned for a moment and looked at this maid a few more times.


She was indeed beautiful and had a good figure… Mu Zhi’an had a slight realization and finally recalled that this maid seemed to be the young lady of the Chen Manor who was almost assaulted by Gongsun Zan a few days ago.


“I’ve been under Miss Wei’s care recently. I wanted to thank you earlier, but Miss Wei said that Young Master Mu had been busy with other matters, so I didn’t disturb you,” the young lady of the Chen Manor bowed slightly and said in a gentle voice, “Thank you very much for saving me before, Young Master Mu.”


“Are you used to being here?” Mu Zhi’an asked with a smile.


The young lady of the Chen Manor nodded and said softly, “It was a bit difficult to get used to at first, but now I’m slowly adjusting.”


After all, she used to be a young lady who grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth. It was still somewhat challenging to get used to the life of a maid in a short period of time.


This is life. Perhaps one second you’re still a rich second-generation, but who knows if something will suddenly happen the next second.


It’s just as the black-robed man said before he died, this dynasty has already rotted a great deal. The emperor is incompetent and foolish. Since marrying a certain concubine, he has been indulging in beauty. The officials below are all very shrewd. On the surface, they have no intention of embezzling, but in fact, in recent years, they have been openly and righteously embezzling and profiteering under the banner of righteousness, earning a full pot and full bowl, each dripping with oil.


The Gongsun Family was not an official family, but as a cultivator clan, they had never broken ties with the officials in the court over the years. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to ransack a family every few days.


However, Mu Zhi’an didn’t know much about the affairs of the court, and he didn’t know why the Chen Manor was ransacked. Perhaps it was because the Chen Manor’s censor embezzled, or maybe he offended someone in the court.


According to speculation, the latter was more likely.


After all, the possibility of being ransacked just for embezzlement was basically zero. They must have offended someone in the court, so someone secretly plotted against them.


It was also because of this that the young lady of the Chen Manor almost suffered a tragedy in the manor.


“If you have any difficulties, you can tell the stewards of the manor,” Mu Zhi’an said.


After being ransacked, these women should have been taken to the brothel, but for the Mu Family, intercepting someone halfway was not a difficult matter.


Even if the higher-ups knew about it, they would turn a blind eye.


The young lady of the Chen Manor thanked him again, and Mu Zhi’an just responded with a smile.


The matters in the court were unpredictable. This second, the Chen Manor was being investigated. Who knew, the next second, a colleague might lend a helping hand, and from then on, they would rise to prominence.


Although generally speaking, once a family was ransacked, there was basically no chance of turning the tables.


However… just doing something one wants to do and being able to satisfy one’s inner desires a little is enough, isn’t it?


Mu Zhi’an never thought of himself as a good person, but he didn’t want to become a scumbag either.


After watching the young lady of the Chen Manor leave, Mu Zhi’an turned his head to look at Wei Mengrou and said, “Sister Mengrou, why are you here so early too?”


“Could it be that you’re here to serve me while I get dressed?”


Wei Mengrou glanced at him.


“The young lady of the Bai Family is here to see you. She’s in the backyard now.”


“Oh… speaking of which, I sent someone to invite her to the Mu Family this morning. I didn’t expect her to come so early,” Mu Zhi’an yawned and stretched his waist.


“You go first. I’ll go to the backyard to find you guys after I change my clothes.”


After Wei Mengrou left, Mu Zhi’an got up to change his clothes and tidied his hair in front of the bronze mirror.


After all, when meeting a girl, one still had to ensure one’s image.


After tidying up his hair and attire, Mu Zhi’an left the room and came to the pavilion in the backyard.


The morning sun was warm, and the leaves rustled under the sunlight. Bai Ruoxi, dressed in a white long skirt and looking elegant and intellectual, sat under the pavilion, holding a book in her hand. Her black hair hung down in strands, revealing her long, crystal-clear neck.


Wei Mengrou was nowhere to be seen, either hiding in the shadows or not yet in the backyard.


Mu Zhi’an held his breath and quietly approached.


Bai Ruoxi seemed unaware, her head lowered as she read the book, her slender fingers turning the pages. It was only when Mu Zhi’an was getting close behind her that her weak and cold voice sounded, “Young Master Mu, are you sneaking up on Ruoxi by concealing your aura because you want to do something?”


Mu Zhi’an’s footsteps paused slightly, and he looked at Bai Ruoxi in surprise.


Both of them were in the Qi Refinement realm, but Bai Ruoxi’s perception was actually this strong?


Bai Ruoxi turned her head to look, a faint smile in her eyes, and said, “If it were this time yesterday, I probably wouldn’t have detected your aura, but when I woke up this morning, I found that I had already reached the ninth level of Qi Refinement.”


“The effect of this Heavenly Dao energy is really good,” Mu Zhi’an said sourly.


Bai Ruoxi’s eyes also contained an undisguised joy, but she nodded reservedly.


Then she said, “The boost from the Heavenly Dao energy is very strong, but being able to advance to the ninth level of Qi Refinement might be because you came to the Bai Manor yesterday.”


“What does my coming to the Bai Manor have to do with your advancement to the ninth level of Qi Refinement…?” Mu Zhi’an asked in puzzlement.


Yesterday, he only went to the Bai Manor to investigate Madam Bai’s matter, and incidentally got intimate with Bai Ruoxi… Other than that, he didn’t do anything else.


Bai Ruoxi’s small face turned red, and her calm voice contained a hint of shyness, “You’re a natural furnace.”


Mu Zhi’an hesitated for half a second before finally understanding what Bai Ruoxi meant.


So that’s how it was. Just kissing could trigger the effect of a “natural furnace”?


Mu Zhi’an had a slight realization, and then he looked at Bai Ruoxi’s face and her buttocks sitting on the stone chair, pressing down on a perfect curve.


Hmm… he didn’t seem to see any ears or tail.


Was Bai Ruoxi really born from that three-tailed fox and a human… Mu Zhi’an felt a bit regretful.


Bai Ruoxi obviously noticed Mu Zhi’an’s gaze, and her cold face was tinged with two faint blushes. She said in a low voice, “Why do you keep staring at my head and…”


She was too embarrassed to say that word.


She felt that Mu Zhi’an was a bit strange today. From the moment he saw her, he had been staring at her head and buttocks… Could it be that after the intimacy yesterday, he had thoughts of going further?


“It’s nothing, don’t mind it,” Mu Zhi’an came back to his senses and smiled. “I just wanted to see if you have fox ears and a tail or something.”


Fox ears and a tail…?


Bai Ruoxi was slightly stunned. Associating it with the demonization her mother had shown her in the side hall yesterday, her eyes slowly widened as she stared at Mu Zhi’an blankly, “You know everything?”


“Isn’t it normal to know? Didn’t you want to tell me about this yesterday?” Mu Zhi’an said with a smile.


Bai Ruoxi fell silent.


“To be honest, I’m quite happy,” Mu Zhi’an suddenly said.


Bai Ruoxi was willing to tell him the truth, indicating that she believed he wouldn’t disclose it. The feeling of being trusted by someone was very wonderful.


“What do you plan to do?” Bai Ruoxi raised her head and gazed at Mu Zhi’an.


“Are you going to tell that senior sister about this matter?”


Mu Zhi’an shook his head, “Senior Sister is currently busy with the sect assessment. It’s better not to trouble her.”


Bai Ruoxi secretly let out a sigh of relief in her heart.


Actually, she had been feeling a bit uneasy even on the way to the Mu Family just now because she had a vague premonition in her heart that Mu Zhi’an knew the truth.


Now, hearing his answer was like taking a pill to calm her nerves, allowing the tensed nerves of the young lady to slowly relax.


Mu Zhi’an gently held Bai Ruoxi’s delicate jade-like hand and looked up at her fair face, saying, “Ruoxi, can I ask you something?”


Suddenly, her slender hand was grabbed, and she noticed that Mu Zhi’an was staring at her intently. Bai Ruoxi lowered her eyes in embarrassment, her beautiful peach blossom eyes gleaming with a shy light. She said in a soft voice, “What is it?”


Mu Zhi’an asked seriously, “Do you actually have fox ears and a tail or not?”


Bai Ruoxi was slightly stunned, looking at Mu Zhi’an with a confused gaze.


“Is this matter… very important?”


“Important, very important,” Mu Zhi’an said with great seriousness.


Whether she was a fox-eared girl or not was a very important matter.


Bai Ruoxi gently shook her head, “I don’t know.”


She hesitated for a moment, glanced at Mu Zhi’an, and said softly, “But I remember sometimes feeling itchy on my head before. I don’t know if it has anything to do with the fox ears you mentioned…”


“Is that so…”


Mu Zhi’an became a bit interested, sat beside Bai Ruoxi, leaned forward slightly, and observed the young lady’s flawless face with a curious gaze.


The young lady’s collar was completely unable to conceal her full bosom, vaguely revealing a hint of snow-white under the sunlight.


Mu Zhi’an couldn’t help but glance a few more times, which made Bai Ruoxi even more embarrassed. She lowered her eyes, not even noticing that the book she had been holding had fallen to the ground.


Compared to the cold and aloof attitude of “no disturbance from strangers” when she first treated Mu Zhi’an, the young lady who had fallen in love obviously didn’t have such a psychological defense line. Even being approached so intimately by him at such close range didn’t make her feel any resistance. She only felt a bit shy and at a loss in her heart.


“I don’t see any fox ears…” Mu Zhi’an muttered to himself. The distance between the two had unknowingly become very close.


Being so intimate with a member of the opposite sex in front of the pavilion, Bai Ruoxi, who had never had a romantic relationship before, couldn’t help but feel a rush of shyness in her heart. Her face was blushing, and she slightly turned her face away, tightly pursing her lips.


A strand of hair slipped from her forehead and gently rested on her flushed face. From the side, she had a sense of three-dimensionality like a mixed-race beauty.


Mu Zhi’an approached a little closer again and gently kissed her snow-white jade neck, causing Bai Ruoxi’s shoulders to tremble subconsciously. She turned her head to look at Mu Zhi’an and said, “Are you done observing? Even if you keep observing, you won’t see any fox ears—”


“Not yet, let me take another look…” Mu Zhi’an was not discouraged.


“I already said there aren’t any…” Bai Ruoxi had just raised her head when she felt her lips being gently occupied by someone. Her heart instantly felt a rush of heat. Her back was tightly pressed against the stone pillar behind her. Slowly, her tense body gradually softened.



After fooling around for a while, Mu Zhi’an sat on the stone chair under the pavilion and sighed with satisfaction.


The ancients said that a beauty’s appearance was as delicious as food. He originally thought it was just an exaggeration, but now it seemed…


The ancients did not deceive me.


Bai Ruoxi looked at Mu Zhi’an with a faint glance, her eyes full of grievance. She silently took out a handkerchief and wiped the remaining rouge on her lips.


When she first interacted with Mu Zhi’an, he still had the appearance of a gentleman, but after kissing yesterday, he seemed to have fewer and fewer reservations than before.


This was the pavilion in the backyard. How embarrassing would it be if the servants saw them?


Mu Zhi’an noticed Bai Ruoxi’s aggrieved little glance but pretended not to notice. He lightly coughed and said, “Let’s go and take a look at the martial arts platform. These few days, there should be quite a few young cultivators from the city competing there.”


“We might be able to see some old acquaintances there, who knows?”


Bai Ruoxi looked at Mu Zhi’an deeply and silently nodded.


Come to think of it, with the sect assessment imminent, the talented youths of Tianxuan City must be eager to have a go. The daily sparring sessions would not be any less. It would be good to go out and take a breather, allowing herself to calm down a bit.



Yangfeng Inn.


This inn was located not far from the center of Tianxuan City. Not far from the inn, there was a teahouse that was said to have a history of over a hundred years, with a constant stream of customers every day.


Lan Mulian, dressed in a moon-white long dress, sat in a quiet and elegant tea room, her fingertips caressing the rim of the cup. She slightly turned her head and casually gazed at the martial arts platform in the distance.


On that martial arts platform, a rather handsome young man was sparring with a certain youth from Tianxuan City.


Lan Mulian didn’t hear their conversation, but judging from the fierce attacks between the two, it seemed that they had some deep grudge.


The tall beauty sitting opposite her played with the teacup in her hand, her fair legs crossed as she sat. Her red cheongsam accentuated her alluring figure, and her charming eyes, seemingly full of affection, stared straight at Lan Mulian.


Lan Feiying, the chief auctioneer of the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce.


“This teahouse should have the best location in Tianxuan City, and it’s close to the martial arts platform. Sister can watch the competitions of these talented youths of Tianxuan City from here and have a sense of what to expect in the upcoming sect assessment,” Lan Feiying said softly.


Lan Mulian nodded slightly.


This was a relatively secluded tea room, so there was no need to be concerned about the gazes of outsiders. Therefore, Lan Mulian also took off the thin veil on her face.


Her features were extremely beautiful, but what was even more impressive were her eyes, which were as cold as an icy realm.


These two sisters, one was an ice mountain beauty, while the other was charming and enchanting.


If one looked closely, one would find that Lan Mulian’s appearance was remarkably similar to Lan Feiying’s, only their temperaments were different.


And what attracted people the most was not their appearance, but the identity of the sisters.


With this identity added, the meaning became completely different.


“That person is Ye Yu, the genius of the Ye Family. He once fell into the abyss due to certain reasons and became a waste, but this year, he only used less than half a year to return to the peak of the Qi Condensation realm,” Lan Feiying said.


“Only a few months to reach the peak of Qi Condensation, even just a step away from the Qi Refinement realm…” Lan Mulian muttered to herself, her eyes carrying a hint of contemplation.


Such talent was indeed quite rare.


“However, it’s worth mentioning that a few days ago, Ye Yu reportedly had a sparring match with someone in the Dragon Head Forest, and Ye Yu was defeated miserably in the end,” Lan Feiying teased, wanting to hear her sister continue to ask.


However, Lan Mulian didn’t seem interested. She just calmly watched Ye Yu, who had just defeated a fellow cultivator in front of the martial arts platform, her eyes showing a hint of thoughtfulness.


Lan Feiying rested her chin on her hand and subconsciously leaned closer to the tea table, her heavy bosom also lightly pressing on the tabletop.


She casually looked out the window at the martial arts platform, and then her gaze suddenly fell on Mu Zhi’an, who had just arrived at the martial arts platform not far away.


“Why did he come too?” Lan Feiying suddenly muttered to herself.


Lan Mulian followed her sister’s gaze and looked, her eyes narrowing for a moment. That cold gaze rippled as she turned her head to look at her sister, her voice chilly, “You know him?”


It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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