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It turns out, they are the protagonists 53

Chapter 53: Be as Jealous as You Want!


With just a single sword, Gongsun Cheng was defeated head-on!


Even though Mu Zhi’an had long known that Bai Ruoxi’s current strength was extraordinary, he was still somewhat surprised.


He knew that the bronze sword brought great benefits to Bai Ruoxi, but he didn’t expect it to be this big.


“Young Master, are you alright?”


Not far away, two attendants hurriedly came to Gongsun Cheng’s side.


Gongsun Cheng clutched his chest and struggled to support himself with the help of the two attendants, but he nearly stumbled again.


He felt the spiritual energy in his body in turmoil like a raging sea. Noticing several gazes falling on him, he felt extremely ashamed and stared at the woman standing with a sword.


“Miss Bai, the Bai Family has just recovered a little in the past few days. Are you trying to stir up conflict between the Bai Family and the Gongsun Family again?!”


Bai Ruoxi frowned slightly, staring at Gongsun Cheng without saying a word.


Seeing this, Gongsun Cheng said coldly, “This was originally a matter between me and Young Master Mu. If you back down now, I can pretend this never happened.”


In the past few days, with the return of Bai Ruoxi’s father, the Bai Family seemed to have signs of fighting back. Gongsun Cheng’s words were actually just finding an excuse. On one hand, he could find a way to step down, and on the other hand, he could also suppress the Bai Family’s momentum.


Seeing that Bai Ruoxi had fallen silent, Gongsun Cheng showed a hint of a cold smile on his face and was about to continue speaking.


At this moment, Mu Zhi’an suddenly laughed and said, “After being crushed by someone’s personal strength, you’re starting to use your family to pressure others?”


“Can you represent the entire Gongsun Family?”


The Mu Family had only recently given authority to Mu Zhi’an, and there were still several Spirit Refinement realm elders in seclusion in the clan. If something happened, those elders could come out and clean up the mess.


But the Gongsun Patriarch had a total of six children, with Gongsun Cheng ranking fourth. The competition within the clan was already fierce. If Gongsun Cheng could represent the entire Gongsun Family, it would naturally be impossible.


In the end, he was just borrowing the tiger’s prestige to scare people.


“If you cause trouble outside like this, will Uncle Gongsun really not break your legs when he finds out?” Mu Zhi’an asked leisurely.


Right now, Gongsun Xiong probably wanted to keep a low profile and focus on recuperating. If he knew that Gongsun Cheng had provoked the young master of the Mu Family outside, he would definitely scold him when he returned.


Gongsun Cheng obviously understood this point as well. He just stared at Mu Zhi’an and said, “Young Master Mu, do you dare to have a match with me?”


“I don’t dare,” Mu Zhi’an spread his hands.


“Actually, there’s not much point in having a match. Your eighth level of Qi Refinement is too inflated. Being defeated by someone of the same generation with a single sword really doesn’t motivate me,” Mu Zhi’an added.


Saying this, he seemed to remember something important. He clapped his hands and said with a hint of concern, “Oh right, my manor has some medicinal pills for healing injuries. In a few days, I’ll have someone send them over to you, okay?”


Gongsun Cheng felt a sweetness in his throat, and the blood in his body was boiling.


“Young Master, calm down. He’s provoking you. Getting angry now will only harm your own body,” the attendant beside him said in a low voice.


Gongsun Cheng suppressed the anger in his heart and said coldly, “I acknowledge Miss Bai’s strength. Among peers, there may be no one who can rival her. But what does that have to do with you? A trash young master at the third level of Qi Refinement, you’re qualified to lecture me?”


Mu Zhi’an not only wasn’t angry but instead showed a gentle and refined smile, saying, “I indeed can’t beat Ruoxi, but you, an eighth level Qi Refinement cultivator, were also heavily injured by a single sword. What’s the difference between you and me, a third level Qi Refinement cultivator?”


“Either way, we’ve both been beaten into a miserable state. I might as well give it a try too.”


The anger in Gongsun Cheng’s chest ignited in an instant, and an undisguisable killing intent burst out from his body as he stared at Mu Zhi’an’s eyes.




Mu Zhi’an seemed to not have noticed Gongsun Cheng’s gaze. He slightly turned his head to look at the beautiful woman beside him, whose temperament was now majestic. Under the gazes of everyone’s widened eyes, he gently held Bai Ruoxi’s soft little hand.


“Ruoxi and I don’t have any deep hatred or grudges, right?” Mu Zhi’an turned his head to look at her with a smile.


Countless gazes subconsciously fell on Bai Ruoxi. She just slightly lowered her eyelids, her small face flushed with a faint blush, but she didn’t brush off Mu Zhi’an’s hand or give him a sword strike as people hoped.


She just let Mu Zhi’an hold her hand under the countless jealous gazes, buried her small face, and softly said “Mm.”


At that moment, the people in front of the martial arts platform couldn’t sit still. They had an itchy feeling in their hearts, wishing they could kick Mu Zhi’an away and take his place.


Although it was already evident that the relationship between the two wasn’t that simple, when they actually saw Mu Zhi’an holding Bai Ruoxi’s little hand so openly, it was still a bit hard to accept and even made them have the same thought as Gongsun Cheng—to teach this young master of the Mu Family a lesson.


However, when they saw the girl beside him and recalled her identity, they all calmed down, but in their hearts, they all had countless sighs.


“Being at the same level of Qi Refinement, yet breaking Gongsun Cheng’s Golden Bell Buddha Strength with just one sword… Miss Bai is probably an unrivaled existence among peers.”


“Her technique seems a bit strange and probably can’t be used repeatedly… but if she can unleash that bronze sword a few times in a battle, who can block it?”


“Sigh, although the Bai Family’s fortune has declined, just relying on Bai Ruoxi alone, they will probably have quite an achievement in the future.”


“I wonder who will be able to pursue such a woman in the future.” Someone couldn’t help but sigh softly.


“Just look at who’s holding her hand now, and you’ll know.”


These words made the male cultivators present a bit unable to keep their composure, so much so that the arena was silent for a long time.


“Why do I suddenly feel that this Mu Zhi’an is so punchable,” someone suddenly said in a low voice, voicing everyone’s thoughts.


“Not just punchable. When he’s beside Miss Bai, he just feels so… I really want to smash his handsome face with a punch.”


“Why don’t you try it?”


“Try what? Why don’t you go?”


That person immediately snorted and retorted.


The strength Bai Ruoxi displayed today was enough to make her peers wary. Although they knew that the bronze sword behind her probably couldn’t be used repeatedly, no one knew how many times she could unleash the bronze sword in a battle.


Moreover, making a move against the young master of the Mu Family in Tianxuan City, did they not want to live?


Gongsun Cheng was simply too impulsive, and he relied on the fact that the Mu Family didn’t dare to launch a large-scale attack on the Gongsun Family, so he dared to be so unscrupulous.


But unexpectedly, this recklessness had made him pay such a big price.


If the matter of “the number one genius of the Gongsun Family being defeated by Bai Ruoxi with a single sword” were to spread, Gongsun Cheng wouldn’t be able to hold his head high in Tianxuan City in the future.


Even if he could enter the Two Polarities Sect in the future, this would still be a lifelong shame for him.


The two attendants from the Gongsun Family also knew that they couldn’t gain any advantage here today, so they supported Gongsun Cheng and planned to leave.


“Oh right, Young Master Gongsun.”


Seeing the genius young man of the Gongsun Family about to leave, Mu Zhi’an seemed to remember something important and suddenly said, “I think instead of idling around and meddling in other people’s affairs, you should go home more often.”


Gongsun Cheng’s footsteps halted, and he turned his head to stare at Mu Zhi’an, saying, “What do you mean?”


“It means… how strong you and I are individually doesn’t matter. What matters is the foundation,” Mu Zhi’an said with a smile.


Your family is about to collapse, yet you’re still thinking about having a one-on-one sparring match with me. What are you thinking?


Looking at Mu Zhi’an’s smile, for some reason, Gongsun Cheng suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.


After Gongsun Cheng left with difficulty under the support of his servants, Mu Zhi’an withdrew his gaze, turned to the crowd, cupped his hands, and said, “Today’s incident has made everyone laugh. Ruoxi and I only came to watch the sparring of the younger generation, so we won’t take up everyone’s time any further.”


The crowd also cupped their hands in response, considering it a perfunctory gesture.


Since the young master of the Mu Family had already given face, they naturally wouldn’t give any attitude.


After all, not everyone was like Gongsun Cheng and Ye Yu, who had a problem with Mu Zhi’an.


Although seeing Bai Ruoxi beside him indeed made people a bit jealous…


The sparring of the crowd continued, and people also chatted about what had just happened.


And Ye Yu, who was originally praised for his astonishing talent, seemed to have suddenly lost his luster and was forgotten by people.


People were no longer focused on Ye Yu defeating a Qi Refinement realm cultivator with his peak Qi Condensation realm strength, but instead began to discuss the matter of Bai Ruoxi and Mu Zhi’an.


After all, compared to a genius beauty like Bai Ruoxi, Ye Yu’s talent seemed to have dimmed a bit.


Moreover, a ninth level Qi Refinement realm cultivator being together with a third level Qi Refinement realm wastrel… and that person was even Bai Ruoxi. Just this point alone was enough to make people gossip endlessly.


Mu Zhi’an pulled Bai Ruoxi’s hand and walked to a nearby stone chair to sit down. The usually cold beauty now appeared shy and lovely, and this shyness was only shown to Mu Zhi’an.


The sunlight quietly shone on the ground, and in the distance, horse carriages occasionally passed by on the streets. Ancient-style buildings were located here.


Mu Zhi’an leaned on the stone chair, basking in the sun, holding Bai Ruoxi’s fair little hand with one hand. He turned his head to look at her and said with a smile, “Ruoxi, have you secretly hidden your tail? Take it out and let me see it.”


Outside, Bai Ruoxi was obviously much more reserved. She just gently shook her head and said, “I really don’t have any tail or ears. Young Master Mu, don’t make fun of me.”


“I don’t believe it unless you let me see it.”


Bai Ruoxi glared at Mu Zhi’an.


How else could she let him see? The ears could be seen directly, but the tail…


“Oh right, before the sect assessment begins, you should stay at the Mu Manor first,” Mu Zhi’an suddenly said.


Joking should be done in moderation. If he really made Bai Ruoxi unhappy, it would be a loss.


Bai Ruoxi hesitated and said, “Why stay at the Mu Manor…?”


Mu Zhi’an leaned close to the young lady’s ear and whispered, “The Heavenly Dao energy will purify the surrounding spiritual energy and also expose the demonic energy on your mother’s body.”


Bai Ruoxi’s eyes slowly widened, and she subconsciously turned her head to look at Mu Zhi’an.




“Otherwise, how do you think I discovered your mother’s secret at that time?” Mu Zhi’an said.


No wonder he could find out about my mother’s matter at that time. It was because of the Heavenly Dao energy… Bai Ruoxi fell silent and then nodded slightly.


“Then I’ll have to trouble you during this period.”


Just as she said this, she felt the young man playing with her little hand. She felt even more embarrassed in her heart. She timidly glanced around to make sure no one was paying attention to them before feeling relieved.


Mu Zhi’an was already so bold before living in the Mu Manor. If she really stayed at the Mu Manor during this period, would he really not misbehave?


Bai Ruoxi had a slight worry in her heart about her “safety” issue.


Mu Zhi’an didn’t know that Bai Ruoxi was worrying about her “safety” issue. At this moment, he was holding the little hand of this beauty, playing with it while watching the sparring of the younger generation on the martial arts platform, appearing quite leisurely.


“Ye Yu, victory!”


A clear and bright voice came from the martial arts platform in the distance, which also attracted Mu Zhi’an’s attention.


He slightly raised his head to look. 

Ye Yu, dressed in a black long robe, had just defeated another Qi Refinement realm cultivator. Mu Zhi’an also recognized that person. If he remembered correctly, he should be a second level Qi Refinement realm cultivator.


Ye Yu’s strength seemed to have become a bit stronger than before… Mu Zhi’an pondered.


Just then, Ye Yu also noticed Mu Zhi’an’s gaze. He slightly turned his head to look over, the corner of his mouth curling up. He raised his thumb towards Mu Zhi’an and then slowly lowered it.


Someone who doesn’t even dare to accept a sparring challenge from a peak Qi Condensation realm cultivator, Mu Zhi’an, is just at this level… Even without thinking, one could guess the meaning expressed by Ye Yu’s gesture.


As for this kind of low-level provocation, Mu Zhi’an naturally just smiled it off.


Under Ye Yu’s gaze, Mu Zhi’an slightly turned his head, gently brushed aside the hair on Bai Ruoxi’s forehead, and kissed the beauty’s flawless face.


Then he raised his thumb towards Ye Yu.


The “pattern” was thus established.


“What are you doing…” Bai Ruoxi glared at Mu Zhi’an, her tone sounding a bit displeased.


“It’s nothing. You’re too cute, so I couldn’t help it,” Mu Zhi’an held the girl’s hand and gently coaxed her.


On the stage, Ye Yu’s body slightly stiffened in place, staring at this scene in a daze for a long time without making a sound.


Even now, he couldn’t understand where he was inferior to Mu Zhi’an… Even a discerning person could see that his talent far surpassed Mu Zhi’an’s, and his future achievements would be even higher than Mu Zhi’an’s.


But Bai Ruoxi still chose Mu Zhi’an instead of him… Ye Yu’s fists quietly clenched, and a jealous flame uncontrollably ignited in his heart.


“Brother Ye Yu, the elders of the clan want you to return to the manor. It seems they have something to tell you.”


At this moment, a clear, sweet, and pleasant voice suddenly came from below the stage.


Mu Zhi’an looked over and saw a rather cute girl wearing a light blue short-sleeved shirt and skirt, with a thin belt tied around her waist. Her black long hair hung down in front of her slender waist, and she wore a pair of deerskin short boots.


In modern terms, the feeling she gave was probably that of a sweet and adorable junior schoolmate.


If he remembered correctly, she should be Ye Qian, the daughter of the Ye Family’s Great Elder.


Ye Yu was obviously in a bad mood. After jumping down from the martial arts platform, he glanced at his cute-looking cousin and said in a deep voice, “Do you know what it’s about?”


Ye Qian shook her head, “I’m not sure. The elders didn’t say.”


Ye Yu lightly said “Mm” and turned to leave.


Ye Qian hesitated for a moment, looked at her cousin who was leaving, and suddenly said, “Oh right, Brother Ye Yu, I remember you’re an alchemist. I’m already at the peak of Qi Condensation. Can you help me refine a Qi Refinement Pill later? I’ll give you the processing fee and the cost of materials.”


Ye Yu didn’t answer and just said indifferently, “Let’s talk about it when we get back.”


During the period when he became useless in the past, Ye Qian’s relationship with him had always been quite average. It was only recently that the two had some interaction. Moreover, he had just been provoked by Mu Zhi’an’s action, so Ye Yu naturally wasn’t in the mood to chat with his cousin.


Ye Qian looked up at Ye Yu’s departing figure and couldn’t help but lower her head, a trace of disappointment showing in her eyes.


If her cousin was unwilling to help, she would have to ask the alchemist of the Morning Glory Auction House to do it…


Although the price would be a bit expensive, the Qi Refinement Pill was still very necessary to ensure that she could break through to the Qi Refinement realm.


Ye Qian sighed in her heart, walked gracefully in the direction Ye Yu had left, and prepared to return to the Ye Family.


At this moment, she suddenly saw a tall figure appear in front of her.


Soft hair, wearing luxurious robes, looking like a gentleman, with a refreshing smile on his face.


For a young girl like Ye Qian who was experiencing her first love, Mu Zhi’an simply met all the fantasies of a girl in the springtime of her youth, so much so that her gaze couldn’t help but linger on his face for a long time.


Then she came back to her senses, quickly shook her head, and said with a hint of vigilance in her transparent deer-like eyes, “Young Master Mu, is there something you need?”


She knew that her cousin and Mu Zhi’an didn’t get along well, and she was also aware of Mu Zhi’an’s various actions in Tianxuan City in the past.


The elders of the clan had reminded her more than once that she must not have any intimate interaction with Mu Zhi’an.


Ye Qian had always kept this in mind, so this was also the first time she had direct contact with Mu Zhi’an.


Mu Zhi’an smiled, “Don’t be nervous. Ye Yu and I just have a personal grudge. You don’t need to be so highly vigilant towards me.”


Under Ye Qian’s vigilant gaze, Mu Zhi’an took out an exquisite small box from his storage ring and handed it to her.


What is this… Ye Qian frowned slightly, glanced at Mu Zhi’an, and opened the small box.


Inside the box was a medicinal pill with a smooth and lustrous color… It was the Qi Refinement Pill!


“Young Master Mu, I can’t accept this,” Ye Qian immediately returned the small box to Mu Zhi’an, firmly refusing.


Mu Zhi’an maintained a gentle smile, “If you don’t want it now, in a few days, you’ll still have to go to the auction house to bid for materials and find someone to refine it. This will cost a lot of time and money. I’m not giving you this Qi Refinement Pill for free, but selling it to you at the original price.”


“As for the spirit stones, you can have someone send them to the Mu Manor next time.”


He doesn’t seem as fierce and ruthless as rumored, but instead is a good person…? Ye Qian looked at Mu Zhi’an’s gentle smile and the sincere look in his eyes. After hesitating for a moment, she finally silently accepted the Qi Refinement Pill with both hands.


“I didn’t bring spirit stones out today. I’ll bring the money to you tomorrow.” After saying that, Ye Qian bowed slightly to Mu Zhi’an, hugged the small box with both hands, and ran away.


The deerskin short boots stepped on the ground, and the skirt swayed gently with the breeze, vaguely revealing a glimpse of the snow-white skin of her thighs.


Mu Zhi’an watched this scene, and a happy smile also appeared on his face.


Hmm… Helping others really makes one’s mood better.


He withdrew his gaze, returned to sit beside Bai Ruoxi, leisurely watched the sparring of the younger generation on the stage, and occasionally teased the girl beside him. It was quite a pleasant experience.



In the teahouse.


“Sister, after watching this time, what do you think of the performance of the young master of the Mu Family?” Lan Feiying asked with a smile.


Lan Mulian casually withdrew her gaze, her tone indifferent, “Pretty good.”


“Good talent, very smart, as for character… it’s debatable. He can be considered a good seed.”


After watching the martial arts platform this time, Ye Yu and Gongsun Cheng’s performances were somewhat disappointing.


Although their talent was good, their mentality was really too poor.


A true cultivator’s state of mind shouldn’t be so easily affected by others.


“What about Bai Ruoxi?” Lan Feiying asked next.


Lan Mulian was silent for a long time and said, “If Master saw her, he might have the idea of accepting her as a disciple.”


Based on Bai Ruoxi’s performance just now, saying she was unrivaled among peers was not an exaggeration… The power of that bronze sword, among cultivators in the Qi Refinement realm, probably no one could directly take it head-on.


Lan Feiying glanced at the enchantress from the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce who had just stepped onto the martial arts platform and said with a smile, “It seems we’ve finished our tea here. Why don’t we go down and take a look? Sister, you probably also want to personally understand that young lady of the Bai Family, right?”


For some reason, when saying this, Lan Feiying’s gaze at her sister seemed to be somewhat meaningful.


Lan Mulian was unaware and sipped her tea by herself.


Then, she casually glanced at the extremely beautiful girl in a white dress at the bottom of the teahouse and nodded slightly, saying softly, “Alright.”


It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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