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It turns out, they are the protagonists 54

Chapter 54: Classic Multithreading Operation


“In the end, Ye Yu’s luck is still good. As soon as his fiancée breaks off the engagement, a cousin immediately appears… Next, will there be a childhood sweetheart cousin or something…” Mu Zhi’an leaned on the stone chair, slightly raised his head to look at the two cultivators fighting on the stage, recalling what had just happened, and couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.


Thinking carefully, Ye Yu’s luck was indeed quite good, and there were quite a few beautiful girls around him.


It’s just a pity that the current Ye Yu was too obsessed with his fiancée and didn’t seem to realize the goodness of his cousin… That girl named Ye Qian was quite cute.


“What did you say to Ye Qian just now?” Bai Ruoxi slightly turned her head to look at Mu Zhi’an and asked softly.


Just now, not far away, she witnessed the movements of the two people. Although she didn’t know what Mu Zhi’an said at the time, judging from Ye Qian’s shy expression at that time, he obviously said something nice.


Mu Zhi’an came back to his senses, shook his head and smiled, “It’s nothing, just helping others.”


“So you gave her a Qi Refinement Pill?” Bai Ruoxi asked.


She even saw this… Mu Zhi’an explained, “It’s not giving, just simply selling it to her at the original price.”


Bai Ruoxi was not happy. She frowned slightly and said, “Selling it to her at the original price is not much different from giving it to her.”


In this world, alchemists were extremely rare.


Usually, when handing over medicinal materials to alchemists and asking them to refine pills, just the processing fee alone would be enough to purchase another set of the same medicinal materials.


Even in this vast Tianxuan City, there were only a handful of people with the identity of an alchemist.


In fact, what Bai Ruoxi said was not wrong. Selling the medicinal pill to Ye Qian at the original price was basically no different from giving it to her.


“Your relationship with Ye Yu is so bad? What’s the point of doing this?”


Bai Ruoxi looked at Mu Zhi’an’s profile and said softly, “Or… do you like that girl?”


As she said this, she slightly lowered her eyelids. Her long and curled eyelashes caught the light, and her eyes appeared a bit dim.


Why did it feel like she would unleash the bronze sword at any time… Mu Zhi’an said, “Ruoxi, you probably haven’t heard a saying.”


The light in Bai Ruoxi’s beautiful eyes recovered a bit, and she slightly raised her head to look at him.


Under the girl’s gaze, Mu Zhi’an continued, “Free things are the most expensive.”


Bai Ruoxi’s beautiful eyebrows frowned, still not understanding.


But Mu Zhi’an did not explain. He just gently pinched the beauty’s delicate little hand and said with a smile, “You’ll be staying at the Mu Manor later, right? You’ll know soon.”


If it was something worthless, it would be just given away for free.


But this Qi Refinement Pill was not something worthless.


Some seemingly free things actually already had their prices secretly marked.


Seeing that Bai Ruoxi still had some doubts, Mu Zhi’an leaned close to the girl’s ear and whispered, “You just need to know that having only you by my side now is enough.”


Bai Ruoxi’s small face turned slightly red. Feeling the warm hand gently holding her slender hand, she lowered her eyelids and softly said “Mm.”


Although she usually seemed cold, she was actually a beauty who was quite easy to get shy… Mu Zhi’an looked at Bai Ruoxi’s extremely beautiful profile and couldn’t help but show a knowing smile.


At this moment, countless gazes suddenly looked over in unison, staring at Mu Zhi’an in surprise.


Even though they already knew about the relationship between him and Bai Ruoxi, they were still so surprised… It seemed that the charm of Tianxuan City’s number one beauty was still hard for these people to let go.


For these people’s gazes, Mu Zhi’an was not bothered. He smiled slightly at the crowd, then withdrew his gaze and raised his head to continue watching the battle in front of the stage.


However, at this moment, Mu Zhi’an suddenly felt an inexplicable chill on his back.


Then, an indescribable coldness surged in his heart.


It seemed they were not looking at him and Ruoxi… Mu Zhi’an turned his head to look in the direction of everyone’s gazes.


Only then did he discover that Lan Mulian, who was wearing a thin veil and had a cold expression, was sitting behind him at some unknown time, slightly raising her head, her cold eyes calmly looking at the sparring of the two young juniors on the high stage.


The charming and sexy Lan Feiying was sitting in the corner, her full legs crossed, seemingly watching the high stage, but her gaze had been on Mu Zhi’an from beginning to end.


She didn’t want the people of Tianxuan City to know about her relationship with her sister. On one hand, she didn’t want too many people with ulterior motives to approach her, and on the other hand… she also didn’t want others to compare her with her sister.


Of course, she just tried to avoid people knowing as much as possible, but she didn’t deliberately conceal it. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have come out with Lan Mulian today.


Why is she here…?


Mu Zhi’an asked in surprise, “Senior Sister, why are you here too?”


“The sect assessment is approaching. I want to confirm the quota of disciples participating in the sect assessment in advance, so I came early to take a look,” Lan Mulian said indifferently.


As the examiner of the sect assessment, it was indeed a matter of course to confirm the disciples participating in the assessment this time in advance.


After Lan Mulian answered, in the next dozen or so seconds, Mu Zhi’an first nodded slightly to show his understanding, then he seemed to realize something, and the smile on his face froze slightly.


He looked at Lan Mulian’s ethereal and elegant face with a somewhat dazed gaze, hesitated for a moment, and asked with difficulty, “When did you come over?”


Lan Mulian pondered for a moment, her eyes containing a hint of a smile, “A little earlier than you.”


So all my previous actions were seen by this woman… No, where exactly was she watching the martial arts platform from?


Mu Zhi’an still didn’t give up and said, “Why didn’t I see Senior Sister in front?”


If he had known that Lan Mulian was nearby just now, how could he have been intimate with Bai Ruoxi in front of her… At least he would have waited until he went back to make those little moves.


“There’s a teahouse nearby with a tea room that has a good view,” Lan Mulian said indifferently.


That teahouse was near Yangfeng Inn. Mu Zhi’an also knew about it. He had been to that teahouse before and sat in that tea room with an excellent view, watching the sparring on the martial arts platform, feeling quite comfortable.


He just didn’t expect that Lan Mulian actually knew about one of the “specialties” of Tianxuan City.


At this moment, the smile on Mu Zhi’an’s face was a bit hard to maintain.


However, Lan Mulian didn’t seem to mind what he had just done. She looked up at the beauty in a black dress on the stage and said, “Is she the enchantress of the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce, Huang Manting?”


Mu Zhi’an tried his best to stabilize his thoughts and raised his head to look. At this moment, on the stage, a girl wearing a black dress and looking enchanting was fighting with a cultivator of the same generation. The black dress made her skin appear exceptionally fair.


Mu Zhi’an nodded slightly, “It’s Huang Manting.”


He had met Huang Manting once, but the two were not familiar with each other.


Lan Mulian observed for a few more glances and nodded slightly, “Her talent is not bad.”


Then, her tone suddenly changed, “But in terms of talent, it seems that this Miss Bai beside you is better.”


With Bai Ruoxi’s performance just now, it was not surprising that Lan Mulian would say that.


If it were usual, Mu Zhi’an would have thought that Lan Mulian was sincerely praising Bai Ruoxi, but for some reason, when he heard these words this time, he always felt that there was more to what Lan Mulian said.


Bai Ruoxi turned her head slightly to look at this examiner, her eyes smiling, and said reservedly, “Ruoxi is quite happy to hear Senior Sister say that, but everything Ruoxi has today is all thanks to Young Master Mu.”


Lan Mulian seemed a bit interested. She looked at Mu Zhi’an a few times and said, “It seems that although Young Master Mu’s own cultivation level is not high, he is quite willing to help others. Going to the Two Polarities Sect that night was also to find a medicinal ingredient to save someone, right?”


Mu Zhi’an smiled reservedly, not saying a word.


For the first time in his life, he felt a great psychological pressure.


At this moment, Bai Ruoxi gently held Mu Zhi’an’s arm, raised her face, looked at Lan Mulian, and said with a faint smile, “If Senior Sister is interested, next time when you come to the Mu Manor, I’ll accompany Senior Sister to chat. I’ll be staying at his manor during this period.”


The cold Senior Sister Lan raised her beautiful eyebrows slightly, looked at Bai Ruoxi with a hint of a smile, and said, “Alright.”


Mu Zhi’an basked in the warm sunlight, but he felt his scalp go numb and his back slightly cold.


He could compete in wits and courage with demonic cultivators and even the Gongsun Family, and he could roughly guess what they were thinking… but he couldn’t guess what these two women were thinking now and what the meaning of their words was.


Women’s thoughts were much harder to guess than Gongsun Xiong and the demonic cultivators.


“Senior Sister, it’s getting late. I have some matters to attend to, so I’ll leave first. I’ll contact you by paper crane later,” Mu Zhi’an decisively chose to take his leave.


If staying here and being intimate with Bai Ruoxi was quite enjoyable just now, then now it was completely unenjoyable… For Mu Zhi’an, this was simply a kind of torture.


Lan Mulian didn’t even lift her eyelids, as if she hadn’t heard anything, and just indifferently said “Mm.”


Mu Zhi’an politely smiled, no longer hesitating, got up and left the martial arts platform.


Outside, a carriage that had been waiting for a long time was parked. Mu Zhi’an lifted the curtain and got into the carriage, and Bai Ruoxi slightly bent down and followed him into the carriage.


Neither of them spoke.


It wasn’t until the carriage started moving slowly that Bai Ruoxi finally said faintly, “That Senior Sister seems to care about you quite a bit.”


Her tone seemed to carry an emotion different from usual.


Mu Zhi’an reached out to grab Bai Ruoxi’s little hand, but the girl immediately withdrew her hand, not letting him touch.


In the carriage, Mu Zhi’an didn’t have so many scruples. Seeing that Bai Ruoxi didn’t let him touch her hand, he simply reached out directly over her waist, gently placed his hand on her fragrant shoulder, and then lightly pulled her towards himself.


Bai Ruoxi’s shoulder was pressed tightly against Mu Zhi’an’s shoulder. In the dim light, her clear and beautiful face was filled with displeasure.


“What exactly is your relationship with Senior Sister?” As Bai Ruoxi said this, she raised her eyelids, her peach blossom eyes appearing a bit dark.


These words sounded more like she was asking: Do you and that woman have a secret relationship?


Mu Zhi’an said helplessly, “I seem to have told you before that the medicinal pill I refined to treat your father’s injuries was missing the Beast King Vine ingredient, and that ingredient was eventually given by Senior Sister.”


Even the Beast King Vine was directly given. Sure enough, their relationship is really good… Bai Ruoxi closed her eyes, then returned to her usual gentle and delicate appearance, and said softly, “Senior Sister is really good to you. I wish I could help you in the future.”


Mu Zhi’an gently hugged Bai Ruoxi’s waist, leaned close to her ear, and said softly, “You being able to accompany me now is already a great help.”


Feeling the young man’s warm breath enveloping her and hearing the gentle voice beside her ear, the cold beauty from outside just now seemed to no longer exist. Her heart softened, and she nestled in Mu Zhi’an’s warm embrace.


The somewhat displeased mood from just now also gradually eased with this warmth.


Mu Zhi’an felt Bai Ruoxi’s delicate body through a layer of clothing, as well as the faint fragrance from her body that was enough to intoxicate people, but he was a bit absent-minded. He turned his head to look at the street view gradually moving backward outside the carriage and sighed helplessly in his heart.


Both Lan Mulian and Bai Ruoxi were very smart beauties. He began to worry that his dual-threaded operation would eventually lead to his own demise.



Ye Manor.


After returning to the Ye Family with the exquisite small box, Ye Qian ran all the way to her room, but she recalled the young man’s charming and gentle smile just now.


The elders of the clan always said that the young master of the Mu Family was a wastrel who did a lot of evil, but no matter how she looked at him today, he didn’t seem like a bad person… Rather, he was like a very gentle older brother.


Ye Yu’s indifferent attitude towards his cousin when he stepped down from the martial arts platform just now, compared to Mu Zhi’an’s gentle smile, the contrast was a bit obvious.


I’ll bring spirit stones to him first thing tomorrow morning to pay him back… As Ye Qian thought of this, her deerskin short boots stepped on the floorboards as she walked towards her room. Just then, Ye Yu, who had just gone to the main hall to meet with the elders, walked towards her.


“Cousin,” Ye Qian called out in a clear voice.


Ye Yu’s expression was much more relaxed than just now. It seemed that he had calmed down on the way back. He said, “Qian’er, in a moment, send the medicinal ingredients for the Qi Refinement Pill to the door of my room.”


He wanted to apologize for his indifferent attitude in front of the martial arts platform just now, but he held back for the sake of his pride.


Anyway, refining a Qi Refinement Pill for his cousin could be considered an indirect apology.


However, Ye Qian’s small face showed a hint of hesitation, and she politely refused, “It’s no longer needed. Thank you for your kind intentions, Cousin.”


After saying that, she passed by Ye Yu with the small box in her arms and gracefully left.


Her back view was extremely beautiful. Her long hair cascaded down to her waist, like a flower bud waiting to bloom. The short jacket accentuated the already substantial curves, and under the gauze skirt, the snow-white skin of her calves could be vaguely seen, having a semi-transparent beauty under the sunlight.


Ye Yu frowned slightly, but he didn’t say anything else.


Ye Qian was at the age of a blooming young girl. She probably didn’t know how many spirit stones it would cost to have an alchemist refine a Qi Refinement Pill. After she went to the auction house tomorrow to inquire, she would probably regret it.


And when Ye Yu turned around and returned to his room, at the same time, on the other side, Ye Qian had also just arrived at the door of her room, but she happened to see another girl from the same clan.


She was wearing a light purple short jacket and skirt, with a light purple thin silk belt tied around her waist, outlining the girl’s graceful curves that were waiting to bloom. Her clear and beautiful face had a faint smile, and her temperament was elegant and charming.


“Lingxuan, what a coincidence?” Ye Qian looked up at the girl in purple and said with a smile.


Ye Lingxuan, on the surface, she was the second genius of the Ye Family, but Ye Qian and Ye Lingxuan had grown up together since childhood, and she knew very well in her heart that her good friend was actually the true number one genius.


It’s just that Ye Lingxuan was usually low-key and didn’t like to compete with others, so most of the disciples in the clan only remembered her appearance, but overlooked her monstrous talent.


Ye Lingxuan smiled and nodded, then glanced at the small box in Ye Qian’s arms, raised her beautiful eyebrows, and said, “Has Brother Ye Yu already refined the Qi Refinement Pill for you?”


Facing her friend who had grown up with her since childhood, Ye Qian hesitated for a moment, but still chose to tell the truth, “This wasn’t refined by Cousin… It was sold to me at the original price by the young master of the Mu Manor just now.”


Ye Lingxuan frowned slightly and said, “The young master of the Mu Family… Mu Zhi’an?”


That Mu Zhi’an was not a good person… Why would he be so kind-hearted?


“Have you given him the spirit stones?” Ye Lingxuan asked softly, her voice clear and crisp.


Ye Qian gently shook her head, “I plan to bring the spirit stones to the Mu Manor tomorrow.”


“That Mu Zhi’an is not a good person,” Ye Lingxuan said with a slight frown, “Let me go to the Mu Manor on your behalf tomorrow.”


Ye Qian was too simple-minded. She was worried that if she went to the Mu Manor tomorrow, something might happen.


Who knew, maybe when the time came, that Mu Zhi’an would show his true colors and bully Ye Qian, relying on the power of the Mu Family.


It would be safer for her to go instead.


Others might be afraid of the Mu Family, but… she was not afraid.


It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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