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It turns out, they are the protagonists 55

Chapter 55: Bai Ruoxi’s Downfall

“Huang Manting, victory!”

After hearing the clear voice coming from the stage, Lan Mulian quietly got up and left.

If it weren’t for Bai Ruoxi’s performance just now, judging from the few matches today, the enchantress from the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce’s strength was still quite stunning.

But with the pearl and jade preceding her, even if this beauty in a black dress performed outstandingly, from a visual perspective, it was ultimately much inferior.

After all, the visual impact of defeating an opponent after a period of fighting and defeating an opponent with a single sword was completely different.

Huang Manting walked down from the martial arts stage, and her gaze immediately fell on the stone chair where Lan Mulian had just been sitting.

That examiner had already left.

It was not surprising. Anyone who had just seen Bai Ruoxi’s performance would probably lose interest in the subsequent sparring of others.

“Miss Huang, with your current strength, you’re probably ranked in the top three in Tianxuan City!” A young man came up beside her, smiling.

“Top three? Apart from the young lady of the Bai Family, Miss Huang’s strength should be the leading figure among the younger generation.”

Originally, according to the ranking in the minds of cultivators, the strongest among the younger generation should be Huang Manting from the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce, followed by Gongsun Cheng from the Gongsun Family, and then Bai Ruoxi.

However, Bai Ruoxi’s performance this time completely overturned everyone’s thoughts.

The power of that one sword could probably only be directly taken by cultivators in the Spirit Refinement realm.

Huang Manting glanced sideways at the few young men who were flattering her, her voice lazy, “We haven’t fought against each other yet, so it’s hard to say now.”

The bronze sword Bai Ruoxi unleashed at that time was indeed stunning, but as long as one could avoid it, there would be a chance to fight.

Gongsun Cheng was simply being arrogant, and he was also angered by Mu Zhi’an to the point of losing his mind at that time.

If it were her, she definitely wouldn’t underestimate the opponent like that and directly take on the bronze sword.

However, it was quite unexpected that Mu Zhi’an would actually be together with Bai Ruoxi.

Previously, Bai Ruoxi had been ignoring Mu Zhi’an, and it wasn’t the first time Mu Zhi’an was met with a cold response after showing enthusiasm.

In the end, he really won her over.

Moreover, judging from Bai Ruoxi’s reaction at that time, she was completely enamored.

“Mu Zhi’an…”

Huang Manting’s eyes flickered, and she became a bit more curious in her heart.

How did a third-level Qi Refinement realm cultivator manage to pursue Bai Ruoxi?

Just relying on his face?

Among the younger generation pursuing that number one beauty, there were plenty of handsome men, so it shouldn’t be for this reason.

After casually getting rid of the group of pursuers beside her, Huang Manting glanced at her subordinate beside her and said indifferently, “Go and find out when Mu Zhi’an had contact with Bai Ruoxi recently.”

Knowing oneself and the enemy was the key to victory… Regardless of whether it was Bai Ruoxi or Mu Zhi’an, anyway, she was determined to get the quota for the inner sect disciple.

Mu Manor.

After returning to the Mu Manor with Bai Ruoxi, Mu Zhi’an first sent someone to deliver a message to the Bai Family, stating that Bai Ruoxi would be staying at the Mu Manor for a few days, and then ordered someone to invite Bai Ruoxi to drink tea in the side hall.

Then, he found an excuse to leave the side hall and walked towards the study.

Mu Zhi’an’s operation outside today didn’t have any major issues.

However, if Lan Mulian had witnessed everything from the teahouse at that time… the problem with this operation would have been huge.

It wasn’t that Mu Zhi’an didn’t think that he might be seen by someone outside, but according to the original speculation, Lan Mulian was the kind of shut-in girl who shouldn’t have left the inn so early.

Moreover, that tea room with an excellent view, if one wasn’t a high-level figure in Tianxuan City, they wouldn’t even know its location. How did Lan Mulian know the location of that tea room?

Ever since Lan Mulian entered the city, Mu Zhi’an had felt that something was a bit off.

Lan Mulian first stayed at the Longfeng Inn with an excellent environment, then went to a nearby teahouse by herself and even found that tea room with a great view.

Could it be that she was also from Tianxuan City?

Or, did she have acquaintances in Tianxuan City?

While pondering along the way, Mu Zhi’an unknowingly arrived in front of the study.

Pushing open the door, he saw two paper cranes perched on the desk.

Mu Zhi’an unfolded the paper cranes and was surprised to see only one sentence on the letter paper: Young Master Mu, the Two Polarities Sect is different from other places. If you stay in the Qi Refinement realm for too long, I’m afraid it will be difficult to become an inner sect disciple. Work hard for yourself, so that you can have a better future.

These words carried a hint of concern from an elder to a junior… It should be a paper crane sent yesterday.

After all, judging from Lan Mulian’s attitude today, it was unlikely that she would send a paper crane.

Thinking of this, Mu Zhi’an spread out the letter paper and replied: Thank you for Senior Sister’s concern. I will work hard in cultivation and catch up with Senior Sister’s steps to accompany you by your side as soon as possible. By the way, the osmanthus cakes at the Chaohai Inn in Tianxuan City taste good. If Senior Sister has time these few days, I’ll bring some osmanthus cakes for you to try.

After throwing the paper crane out the window, Mu Zhi’an spread open another letter.

“The fragrance of the snow lotus is nice, I like it very much. Unfortunately, it withered soon after being sent.”

Mu Zhi’an was slightly stunned, and his eyes showed a hint of doubt.

I remember that when I sent the snow lotus to Senior Sister before, it was still alive and well. At that time, I even saw the snow lotus inserted in a vase… Despite his thoughts, Mu Zhi’an still wielded the brush and wrote an emotionally charged short essay on the letter paper.

He could see that Lan Mulian was not as cold as he had imagined, but instead, she was a bit introverted.

According to his previous impression of Lan Mulian, she should be the kind of person who wouldn’t directly praise the snow lotus even after receiving it. However, in this letter, she directly expressed her fondness.

This meant that he could further express his “feelings” towards her.

After writing two letters, Mu Zhi’an raised his head to look at the two paper cranes flying in mid-air, withdrew his gaze with satisfaction, left the study, and walked towards the side hall.

However, Mu Zhi’an did not notice that when the two paper cranes flew into the air, one flew towards the Yangfeng Inn in Tianxuan City, wrapped in immortal energy, while the other quietly flew out of the city gate…

Bai Manor, in the main hall.

“Madam, Master, a letter sent by someone from the Mu Manor.”

A servant handed over a letter with both hands. After Bai Ruoxi’s father took the letter, he quietly withdrew.

Bai Ruoxi’s father opened the letter and glanced at the contents.

He couldn’t help but frown and said, “Nonsense. A young lady, instead of staying in her own boudoir, runs to someone else’s manor to stay, and even plans to stay there until the sect assessment officially begins?”

The beautiful woman gently put down the teacup and said faintly, “This is probably Mu Zhi’an’s idea… Ruoxi has always been obedient and smart since childhood. She’s not the kind of person who would act on her own.”

Bai Ruoxi’s father was burning with anger, feeling like his own Chinese cabbage had been eaten by a pig. His face turned livid, and he slammed his fist on the table.

Wood splinters flew everywhere, and the table legs instantly collapsed.

The servants outside were startled and subconsciously looked over.

The beautiful woman sat upright, as if she was used to it. She waved her hand and said, “You can all withdraw. There’s nothing going on here, no need to pay attention.”

After the servants had withdrawn, Bai Yuanfeng looked at Bai Ruoxi’s father, who had an angry expression, sighed, and said, “Master, aren’t you curious about how the young master of the Mu Family discovered the demonic energy on my body at that time?”

The crude and uncouth brute had no brains at all. At this moment, when asked this question, his mind directly crashed.

“Deep within the Bai Family, the barrier can conceal one’s own demonic energy. Even if one leaves and goes outside, unless they are a land immortal, it would be difficult to detect the demonic energy on my body from the mixed spiritual energy.”

Bai Yuanfeng crossed her legs and said faintly, “But there are always exceptions to everything.”

“The Heavenly Dao energy on that kid from the Ye Family can purify the surrounding spiritual energy and directly absorb it into the body.”

“After the mixed spiritual energy disappears… the demonic energy naturally becomes apparent.”

Bai Ruoxi’s father gradually calmed down. After pondering for a long time, he said, “Madam, you mean to say that the Heavenly Dao energy is on Mu Zhi’an?”

He quickly shook his head, “Impossible. At that time, Gongsun Xiong and the others secretly inspected Mu Zhi’an. If he had the Heavenly Dao energy hidden on him, it would have been discovered long ago.”

Refining the Heavenly Dao energy required some time. At that time, in the Dragon Head Forest, time was tight, and Mu Zhi’an didn’t have any time to refine the Heavenly Dao energy at all.

Bai Yuanfeng suddenly said, “What if the Heavenly Dao energy is not on that Mu Family kid?”

“Could it be that the enemy who stole the Heavenly Dao energy is hiding in the Bai Family, deliberately trying to expose Madam?” Bai Ruoxi’s father frowned tightly. “But to hide in the Bai Family without being noticed… Does such a person really exist?”

Bai Yuanfeng lazily glanced at Bai Ruoxi’s father, seemingly a bit tired of explaining. She sighed, “Our daughter is staying in the manor. Does she need to specially hide?”

“Of course, our daughter doesn’t need to—”

Bai Ruoxi’s father suddenly froze and finally reacted. He subconsciously turned his head and said, “You mean, Mu Zhi’an gave the Heavenly Dao energy to Ruoxi?”

“This is the only possibility that can explain why my demonic energy was exposed in the Bai Manor at that time,” Bai Yuanfeng said.

Bai Ruoxi’s father’s expression was obviously a bit off. He said, “What exactly does Mu Zhi’an want to do? He can even give away something like this?”

Then, his originally livid face suddenly became much more relaxed. He said, “If that’s the case, handing Ruoxi over to Mu Zhi’an would indeed put my mind at ease.”

Being able to give the Heavenly Dao energy to Bai Ruoxi was enough to show how much Mu Zhi’an liked her.

It’s just a pity that Mu Zhi’an’s cultivation level was ultimately too low. If he were at the ninth level of Qi Refinement like Bai Ruoxi, they would be a match made in heaven.

Bai Ruoxi’s father couldn’t help but feel a bit regretful in his heart.

“By the way, the Bai Family probably won’t be able to swallow some of the Gongsun Family’s businesses,” Bai Yuanfeng suddenly said.

Bai Ruoxi’s father was stunned and said, “Didn’t you say that the Meridian Connecting Pill has already been given to Gongsun Xiong?”

“Gongsun Xiong will be seriously injured, but the task of annexing part of the Gongsun Family’s businesses afterward will be handed over to the Mu Family… and we have to help.”

Before Bai Ruoxi’s father could speak, Bai Yuanfeng continued, “Mu Zhi’an’s kindness to the Bai Family cannot be discussed together with Ruoxi.”

The Bai Family is the Bai Family, and Bai Ruoxi is Bai Ruoxi.

If Bai Ruoxi and the Bai Family were tied together, it would naturally be fine, and Mu Zhi’an probably wouldn’t say anything. But this would ultimately make the feelings between the daughter and Mu Zhi’an change in nature.

Therefore, it’s better to let the Meridian Connecting Pill be “sent” to the Mu Family in this way in the end.

Just as Mu Zhi’an had said to Bai Ruoxi in the beginning.

The Bai Family provided benefits that could move the Mu Family’s heart, and the Mu Family could rescue the Bai Family.

The benefits obtained from the Gongsun Family were the benefits that could move Mu Zhi’an’s heart, or rather, the Mu Family’s heart.

Now, the Bai Family had fulfilled its promise.

It’s just that… not only the huge benefits brought by the Meridian Connecting Pill but also Bai Ruoxi’s heart had been taken away by someone.

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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