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It turns out, they are the protagonists 58

Chapter 58: Deploy a Rush Magic Card: Enemy Controller!

Mu Zhi’an went to his room, tidied up his robes, and fixed his hairstyle before heading towards the main hall.

It wasn’t to leave a good impression on the girl or anything. After all, in the eyes of outsiders, he still represented the Mu family, so he still needed to pay attention to his image.

Compared to younger girls, Mu Zhi’an preferred mature and magnanimous older sisters.

Not only did they have big hearts, but they could also tolerate others and had a gentle and considerate personality.

Mu Zhi’an stepped over the threshold and entered the clean and elegant main hall. However, the person who came into view was not the pure and sweet beauty Ye Qian he met yesterday, but another girl.

If he remembered correctly, she seemed to be a member of the Ye family as well… Her name seemed to be Ye Lingxuan.

She was wearing a light purple short jacket with an already substantial bosom slightly bulging. Her gauze skirt was printed with violet patterns, and her beautiful hair was simply tied up with a jade hairpin, with a strand of black hair hanging down.

Although she was still at the age a blooming girl should be, just looking at her profile, it was not difficult to see that this little beauty would probably become a stunning beauty when she grew up.

The Ye family actually had such a beautiful girl…?

Mu Zhi’an was somewhat surprised.

This girl’s appearance was two or three points higher than Ye Qian, whom he met yesterday. If she fully grew up in the future, she might be able to compete with Bai Ruoxi in terms of appearance.

“Ye Qian is not feeling well today, so I’m here on her behalf. Young Master Mu won’t mind, right?” Ye Lingxuan noticed the young man at the door, turned her head slightly to look at him, and smiled faintly.

That smile was pure and sweet, making one feel a few points of favorability at first glance.

She’s guarding against me and is quite vigilant towards me… Although she had a faint smile, Mu Zhi’an still noticed the hostility in Ye Lingxuan’s eyes.

Even though Ye Lingxuan’s smile was pure and lovely at the moment, in the end, she was just a little girl and couldn’t completely hide her hostility.

“Health is important. Is Miss Ye Qian alright?” Mu Zhi’an said with a smile.

He naturally sat down on the tea chair beside Ye Lingxuan and asked the maid to serve tea.

Ye Lingxuan nodded with a smile, “Let her rest for a few days, and her body should recover quickly.”

After saying that, Ye Lingxuan raised her slender hand. The seemingly ordinary ring on her long, slender fingers quickly attracted Mu Zhi’an’s attention.

Profound-grade storage ring…?

No, this seemingly ordinary storage ring was actually earth-grade… How could this small Ye family produce an earth-grade storage ring?

Ye Lingxuan took out an exquisitely crafted sandalwood box from the storage ring and placed it on the table.

“These are the spirit stones for purchasing the Qi Refinement Pill, the cost of the medicinal materials, and the fee for refining the medicinal pill are all here.”

Mu Zhi’an opened the sandalwood box and took a look. Then he shook his head with a smile, “Just the cost of the Qi Refinement Pill is enough. The fee for refining the medicinal pill is not needed.”

“Miss Lingxuan should know that Elder Ren of my Mu family is an alchemist, right? For him, refining a Qi Refinement Pill is just a simple matter.”

After saying that, he took away half of the spirit stones and returned the box containing the other half of the spirit stones to Ye Lingxuan.

Ye Lingxuan’s beautiful eyebrows slightly frowned.

To be honest, she gave two fees because she didn’t want Ye Qian to owe Mu Zhi’an a favor. If Mu Zhi’an used this to make a big deal out of it in the future, the simple-minded Ye Qian might fall into his clutches.

However, seeing Mu Zhi’an’s gentle smile and sincere eyes at this moment, she couldn’t refuse, so she silently took the box and put it back into her storage ring.

After a moment of silence, she broke the silence and said, “Young Master Mu, Qian’er is a very simple girl. If possible, please don’t disturb her in the future.”

Mu Zhi’an laughed in surprise, “I have never forced anyone in the past. You seem to have too much misunderstanding about me.”

“Young Master Mu’s affairs, Lingxuan doesn’t care about.”

Ye Lingxuan’s tone changed as she said, “However, you invited Brother Ye Yu to the Dragon Head Forest and used him to surround and eradicate one of the demonic cultivators under the Seventh Seat of the Northern Realm. This is a fact, isn’t it?”

Mu Zhi’an’s heart trembled, but he calmly picked up the teacup, took a sip, and secretly observed the elegant and composed Ye Lingxuan for a few glances.

Even knowing about the Seventh Seat’s matter, this girl seems to be not as simple as imagined…

The Ye family in Tianxuan City could only be considered a second-tier force. The matter of the Seventh Seat was currently only known by Bai Yuanfeng and Mu Zhi’an.

Where did this Ye Lingxuan get the information from?

“Actually, I’m not interested in the matter of demonic cultivators or even the Seventh Seat. Young Master Mu, whatever purpose you have, Lingxuan doesn’t care.”

Ye Lingxuan drank some tea, gently put down the teacup, and said indifferently, “I just hope that Young Master Mu won’t disturb Qian’er.”

“If possible, I also hope that you won’t have any more conflicts with Brother Ye Yu.”

Your Brother Ye Yu is already obsessed, it’s not like I want to have conflicts with him. Every day when he sees me, he says one thing: come 1v1 solo, lose and call me daddy…

Mu Zhi’an smiled and said, “I’m afraid that’s not something I can decide. If you’ve inquired, you should know that I have never actively provoked Young Master Ye.”

Ye Lingxuan frowned slightly, obviously knowing that what Mu Zhi’an said was all true.

She had someone investigate Mu Zhi’an’s affairs and also learned about the several conflicts between Mu Zhi’an and Ye Yu. Each conflict was initiated by Ye Yu’s provocation.

On this matter, they were not in the right.

However… it doesn’t matter about Brother Ye Yu’s matter.

As long as Qian’er won’t be “tricked” by this person, it’s fine.

Ye Qian and she grew up together since childhood. To Ye Lingxuan, Ye Qian was like a younger sister.

As an older sister, naturally, she had to take more care of her younger sister.

As for Brother Ye Yu’s side… help if possible, if not, she didn’t have much of a solution.

Since Ye Yu became useless, they had no contact.

It wasn’t that Ye Lingxuan or Ye Qian didn’t communicate with Ye Yu. It was just that Ye Yu, who had become useless at that time, was so self-abasing that he almost became a recluse and refused to communicate with anyone.

It wasn’t until this year when his talent returned that he slowly came out of his reclusive state and had some interactions with the clan members.

However, Ye Yu seemed to think that these people didn’t want to interact with him when he became useless, and after his talent returned, having some interaction was flattering him. Therefore, he often showed a cold attitude towards them.

Little did they know, it wasn’t that everyone was taking advantage of him. It was just that Ye Yu, who was completely reclusive at that time, refused to communicate with others, which led to the current situation.

From beginning to end, no one looked down on Ye Yu.

It was Ye Yu who looked down on his past self.

If possible, Ye Lingxuan naturally hoped that the people who played together since childhood could live well. However, during this period of time, Ye Yu had been obsessed with the matter of his fiancée breaking off the engagement.

Such repeated self-isolation naturally made people feel a bit tired of it.

“If it weren’t for Miss Bai breaking off the engagement, Brother Ye Yu wouldn’t be like this now,” Ye Lingxuan suddenly said.

Mu Zhi’an snorted and said with a smile, “Then if we assume that you, Miss Lingxuan, were my fiancée, and you particularly disliked me, would you want to marry me or break off the engagement?”

Anyone can criticize other people’s mistakes, right?

But if something really happened to oneself, would one be able to make the so-called “correct” choice that people idealize?

Ye Lingxuan was silent for a long time.

After a long while, she held the teacup with her small hands, slightly lowered her head to look at the tips of her feet, and said, “Sorry, it seems I was thinking too simplistically.”

Come to think of it, Bai Ruoxi’s marriage was a childhood arrangement made by her parents. Now that she had grown up, she didn’t want such a marriage and chose to break off the engagement… Was it wrong?

Perhaps it was wrong, but if this matter happened to her, she would also make the same choice as Bai Ruoxi.

Which girl doesn’t want a beautiful and rosy romantic relationship? No one wants to have their marriage decided from the beginning, then follow the established path to the end, and marry someone they don’t like.

Thinking of this, Ye Lingxuan felt much more at ease in her heart.

One of the reasons why she originally had an extremely bad impression of Mu Zhi’an was because of Bai Ruoxi breaking off the engagement.

But now that she thought about it, Bai Ruoxi’s actions were also understandable.

Ye Lingxuan slightly raised her head, her moist eyes staring straight at Mu Zhi’an, and said sincerely, “Coming to the Mu Manor this time has been very beneficial. Lingxuan has some matters to attend to later, so I’ll visit again another day.”

She originally thought that Mu Zhi’an was an ostentatious and wicked young master who indulged in beauty, as rumored by the outside world. However, after interacting with him today… the rumors seemed to be just rumors.

At least what Mu Zhi’an showed was more like a friendly and gentle boy next door.

Mu Zhi’an smiled and said, “I’ll see you out.”

Although Ye Lingxuan was still a bit vigilant towards him, at least she didn’t have as much hostility as in the beginning.

That was already enough.

Watching the girl turn around and leave gracefully, with her slender and beautiful back view, Mu Zhi’an pondered for a moment, took a snow lotus from a nearby vase, and slowly followed.

He sent her to the door of the Mu Manor and placed the snow lotus in her hand.

Ye Lingxuan raised her head and looked at him in surprise.

Mu Zhi’an smiled and said, “Miss Lingxuan, you don’t need to worry about favors or anything. The snow lotus represents loyalty and purity in love. I just simply think this flower suits you.”

These words didn’t sound like sweet talk, just a simple compliment.

No one would dislike other people’s praise, and Ye Lingxuan was no exception.

Her eyes softened a lot, and she reservedly nodded slightly at Mu Zhi’an, gracefully walked down the steps, and entered the carriage.

After the carriage slowly drove away from the Mu Manor, Mu Zhi’an finally withdrew his gaze.

Ye Lingxuan was as intelligent as ice and snow, and she was very vigilant. A frivolous attitude or even showing goodwill towards her would only arouse her vigilance or even disgust.

But if he infiltrated like water without a sound, she wouldn’t be averse to it.

At least after today’s interaction, her hostility was no longer that great.

Moreover, Ye Lingxuan was so vigilant towards him… What about Ye Qian?

However, such matters couldn’t be rushed. It was good to take it step by step.

Moreover, in fact, Mu Zhi’an had no interest in young beauties. He just wanted to test what kind of forces were behind Ye Lingxuan.

From her words and actions just now, as well as the intelligence she knew, it could be confirmed that Ye Lingxuan was definitely not as simple as just a member of the Ye family.

Mu Zhi’an thought about these things while turning around and returning to the manor.

When passing by the lotus pond, his footsteps paused slightly. After thinking for a moment, he stepped forward, picked a snow lotus, and then walked towards Bai Ruoxi’s room.

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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