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It turns out, they are the protagonists 59

Chapter 59: As Cultivators, How Can We Be Lazy?!

The carriage stopped at the entrance of the Ye Manor. Ye Lingxuan lifted her skirt and got off the carriage.

Walking into the backyard, she occasionally saw groups of two or three clan members sparring.

The young men sparring in the clan noticed Ye Lingxuan’s presence, and for a moment, it was as if they had taken chicken blood. The originally casual sparring suddenly became much more serious, and spiritual energy burst out from their bodies.

Although their cultivation levels were not high, judging from this atmosphere, people who didn’t know might think it was a decisive battle between top experts, fighting until even the Great Dao was erased.

While sparring, the gazes of the young men were all involuntarily attracted by Ye Lingxuan.

Although the girl had always kept a low profile, the disciples in the Ye clan all ranked Ye Lingxuan’s beauty as number one in their hearts and had a strong admiration for this girl.

For these gazes, Ye Lingxuan only responded with a faint smile, then holding the snow lotus, she walked into the corridor of the backyard.

At this moment, in the shadows of the corridor, an old man in a plain long robe quietly appeared.

Ye Lingxuan turned her head to look, and although she was just a girl in her prime, she already had the aura of an empress. She quietly looked at the old man and said, “Elder Wei, what can I do for you?”

The old man referred to as Elder Wei shook his head slightly and said with a smile, “I was just worried about the young miss, so I wanted to ask about your situation.”

Ye Lingxuan’s brows relaxed, and her eyes carried a faint smile. She said, “Elder Wei, didn’t I tell you already? I just went to return the spirit stones Ye Qian owed to the other party. There won’t be any problems.”

Elder Wei smiled and nodded, saying, “That’s what you said, but the young miss also knows about Mu Zhi’an’s reputation. When the master let you come to the Ye family, he specifically instructed me to protect you well. If something unexpected happens, I won’t have the face to go back.”

As he said this, he noticed the snow lotus in Ye Lingxuan’s hand and couldn’t help but ask, “Young Miss, this flower in your hand… where did you pick it from?”

He remembered that Ye Lingxuan had gone to the Mu Manor… How come she brought back a flower on her return?

Could it be that someone gave it to her on the way back?

Ye Lingxuan smiled charmingly, “Mu Zhi’an gave it to me.”

The old man was obviously stunned for a moment and looked at this extremely beautiful girl with suspicion.

He knew that Ye Lingxuan went to the Mu Manor on behalf of Ye Qian today. If he remembered correctly, when the young miss mentioned Mu Zhi’an yesterday, she had a look of disgust.

How come after going there today… she doesn’t seem to dislike him that much anymore?

Ye Lingxuan hesitated and said, “That Young Master Mu is actually not as bad as imagined.”

Elder Wei was slightly stunned.

Before he could continue to inquire, Ye Lingxuan suddenly asked, “By the way, do you know how to preserve this snow lotus for a long time?”

The old man pondered for a moment and said, “Generally speaking, as long as there is liuguang soil, even without watering, the flower won’t wither within three months. However, this liuguang soil is relatively rare and the price is also a bit expensive, so it might be a bit troublesome…”

Pausing for a moment, the old man continued, “But if my memory serves me right, there will be a batch of liuguang soil at the Morning Glory auction in two days. If the young miss needs it, I can go to the Morning Glory Auction House that day.”

Ye Lingxuan thought for a moment, raised her head, and a pure smile appeared on her exquisite face. She said, “No need to trouble Elder Wei. At that time, I’ll let Qian’er accompany me to go for a walk. Come to think of it, it seems I haven’t gone out for a proper walk in a long time.”

Mu Zhi’an quietly pushed open the door and saw that Bai Ruoxi had already changed back into her moon-white dress.

The beauty sat in front of the tea chair, seemingly spacing out or thinking about something.

Mu Zhi’an felt a playful urge. He held his breath and quietly approached.

But as soon as he reached behind her, before he could even speak, Bai Ruoxi’s voice, tinged with a hint of laziness, gently rang out, “Young Master Mu, what’s the matter with you sneaking up behind Ruoxi?”

At the end, she slightly turned her head to look at Mu Zhi’an. In her usual delicate and cold demeanor, there seemed to be a different charm.

However, there was a hint of grievance in her eyes as she looked at Mu Zhi’an.

Last night, he clearly said that they would only cultivate in the room, but after just a short while, Mu Zhi’an couldn’t resist making moves.

If it weren’t for her retaining a bit of reason midway, she probably would have had to rest in the room for the entire day today.

Mu Zhi’an naturally knew the reason for Bai Ruoxi’s grievance. He walked over and sat beside her.

He took out the snow lotus from behind him, handed it to Bai Ruoxi, and said with a smile, “I just happened to see the carefully cultivated snow lotus when I passed by the flower pond of the Mu Manor, so I couldn’t help but think of you.”

“This snow lotus represents loyalty and purity in love, very suitable for you.”

“Snow lotus?”

Bai Ruoxi’s beautiful eyes gleamed as she looked at the snow lotus in Mu Zhi’an’s hand. She glanced at him again and quickly regained her composure. She nodded reservedly and said, “Thank you, I will take good care of it.”

With that, she took the snow lotus handed by Mu Zhi’an and lowered her head to sniff it slightly, smelling a faint fragrance.

“It smells very nice,” she said softly.

If only there was a way to preserve this snow lotus forever.

Mu Zhi’an took the opportunity to gently hold Bai Ruoxi’s small hand and said, “If you want, no matter how many, I can give them to you.”

Bai Ruoxi’s heart was filled with sweetness, and she lowered her head slightly.

Just as he was being intimate with Bai Ruoxi, there was suddenly a slight knock on the door outside the room.

Bai Ruoxi came to her senses as if awakening from a dream. She quickly tidied up her collar and hair, and Mu Zhi’an’s hands, which were about to continue feeling the greatness of her heart, had to stop.

Being disturbed by someone in the morning during his special cultivation naturally put him in a bad mood.

Who would come to disturb Ruoxi early in the morning?

No, it should be someone looking for him… After Bai Ruoxi finished tidying her dress, Mu Zhi’an said in a deep voice, “Come in.”

The door opened, and in his field of vision was a mysterious man wearing a hood, his face not clearly visible.

A secret agent of the Mu family.

“Young Master.”

The secret agent said, glancing at Bai Ruoxi unintentionally.

Although the two of them looked calm, judging from the ambiguous atmosphere in the room, perhaps… it was not that simple.

Bai Ruoxi seemed to understand his meaning and said in a clear and pleasant voice, “I won’t disturb you then.”

Watching Bai Ruoxi temporarily leave the boudoir, Mu Zhi’an’s gaze fell on the secret agent. He said, “What’s the matter?”

“Just now, according to the news from other comrades, it seems that someone is secretly investigating your affairs.”

Mu Zhi’an became more interested and said, “Who?”

The Gongsun family shouldn’t dare to make too much noise recently, and it was unlikely to be the Bai family. After all, secretly investigating others was something that greatly reduced favorability. With his current relationship with Bai Ruoxi, there was absolutely no need for this investigation.

The Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce… seemed impossible too. Old Master Huang was a smart person who knew what to do and what not to do.

Could it be Ye Lingxuan’s people? Mu Zhi’an thought to himself.

“It’s the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce,” the secret agent said.

Mu Zhi’an pondered, “It shouldn’t be Old Master Huang who sent people to investigate… Is it his subordinates acting on their own?”

Saying this, he thought of something again and continued, “Huang Manting?”

Yesterday, he went to the martial arts stage. The scene of him being together with Bai Ruoxi was naturally also seen by Huang Manting.

That enchantress had her eyes set on the quota for inner sect disciple. As the saying goes, “know yourself and your enemy, and you will never be defeated in a hundred battles.” It wouldn’t be strange for her to start investigating the important people around Bai Ruoxi.

The secret agent nodded without comment and tentatively asked, “Do we need to stop her?”

Mu Zhi’an shook his head and said with a smile, “Let her investigate. Anyway, there are no big secrets worth hiding.”

He changed the subject and said, “Compared to such trivial matters, I have another task for you.”

Under the secret agent’s puzzled gaze, Mu Zhi’an continued, “Go to the Gongsun family and ask for some medical expenses.”

“Yesterday’s battle between Ruoxi and Gongsun Cheng gave the young master and Miss Bai a bit of a fright. They need a little compensation. Afterward, the young master will go to the Two Polarities Sect to recuperate for three months… Just say it like that.”

The secret agent hesitated, “What compensation does the young master want?”

“Three business districts,” Mu Zhi’an said.

The secret agent was obviously stunned for a moment, then cautiously asked, “The Gongsun family probably won’t agree to such a request, right…?”

The Gongsun family only had ten business districts in total, and the young master directly wanted three of them. The Gongsun family was not foolish, so how could they agree?

“The mental damage may not be worth three business districts, but three months of breathing room, how can it be just that little?” Mu Zhi’an took a sip of tea and said, “Moreover, the Gongsun family won’t agree, but Gongsun Xiong will.”

In modern times, Gongsun Xiong would be a true capitalist.

What is a capitalist?

A complete egoist.

The people under him were eyeing the position of patriarch like tigers, and Gongsun Xiong was unwilling to give up the position. However, he also didn’t want to be disturbed during this period, so he had to pay a little price.

“But I still need to make a trip to the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce,” Mu Zhi’an continued.

With just the Mu family and the Bai family, Gongsun Xiong might hesitate over whether to give these three business districts. After all, once the Mu and Bai families joined forces, the Gongsun family would inevitably pull in the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce.

Even if they couldn’t defeat the Mu family, at least they could ensure the safety of the Gongsun family and the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce.

But if the Mu family also pulled in the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce… that would be completely different.

“Old Master Huang probably won’t meet anyone now,” the secret agent said.

Old Master Huang was a very shrewd person. The more critical the situation, the more he would hide and not come out. Even if Mu Zhi’an personally went to the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce now, the other party would probably refuse to meet him to avoid suspicion.

Mu Zhi’an played with the teacup in his hand and said, “What about Miss Huang?”

“Isn’t she trying to investigate me? I’ll let her investigate.”

“Not only will I let her secretly investigate, I can even let her ask any questions in front of me.”

Unexpectedly, as soon as he went to the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce, this news would immediately reach the Gongsun family.

Right now, Gongsun Xiong was like a startled bird. Once he saw the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce letting someone in, he had to think more.

“In two hours, go to the Gongsun family and ask Uncle Gongsun for the business districts.”

“You just need to tell him what I said earlier, and he will agree. After all, he is a decent person.”

“What if he doesn’t want to be decent?” the secret agent subconsciously asked.

Mu Zhi’an gently put down the teacup, raised his head, and said with a smile, “If he wants to be decent, let him be decent.”

“If he doesn’t want to be decent, then you help him be decent.”

After the secret agent left, not long after, Bai Ruoxi pushed open the door and returned to the room.

Mu Zhi’an was sitting at the head of the bed, seemingly thinking about something.

Bai Ruoxi turned around, closed the door, then walked gracefully to his side and sat down. She said, “Did something happen?”

Mu Zhi’an sniffed slightly, smelling a faint fragrance coming from beside him. He returned to reality from his previous thoughts and said with a smile, “It’s nothing. I was just thinking about how to broach the subject when I go to the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce later.”

“Why are you going to the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce for no reason?” Bai Ruoxi asked in puzzlement.

She added, “If it’s inconvenient to say, you don’t have to force yourself.”

She was simply asking out of concern. If Mu Zhi’an was unwilling to say, she wouldn’t continue to inquire.

Mu Zhi’an shook his head and said, “It’s not something that needs to be specifically hidden. I plan to go to the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce later.”

As he spoke, his hand gently wrapped around the beauty’s waist, sniffing her fragrance. The entire action was natural, so much so that Bai Ruoxi seemed to not have reacted.

She pondered for a moment and asked, “Are you going to see Old Master Huang?”

Mu Zhi’an shook his head, “I’m going to see Miss Huang.”

He could clearly feel Bai Ruoxi’s body stiffen slightly, and it took a while before she slowly recovered.

She glanced at Mu Zhi’an unintentionally and asked, “What business do you have with Miss Huang?”

“Nothing,” Mu Zhi’an smiled. “But I must go.”

Going to the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce was to put on a show for the people of the Gongsun family to see. No matter what, he had to go for a visit.

“…I see.”

Bai Ruoxi lowered her eyelids, puffed out her cheeks, and gently brushed off Mu Zhi’an’s hand on her waist. She said, “Since Young Master Mu is still busy, go ahead. I’m going to continue meditating and cultivating later.”

Mu Zhi’an looked at her profile. Her beautiful eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and she was pursing her lips, seemingly a bit unhappy.

Mu Zhi’an gently hugged Bai Ruoxi in his arms, lowered his head to look at the girl in his embrace, and said softly, “Don’t you believe in my feelings for you, Ruoxi?”

The warm breath and gentle words made Bai Ruoxi’s peach blossom eyes instantly sparkle. She raised her eyelids and looked at him in a daze, not saying a word.

Mu Zhi’an also lowered his head to gaze at the beauty in his arms.

For a girl like her who was usually cold and clear, once she became shy, she was simply enchanting and alluring, making it difficult for people to take their eyes off her.

Mu Zhi’an slightly lowered his head and gently touched the girl’s soft lips with his own.

He gazed into Bai Ruoxi’s eyes and said softly, “Do you believe me now?”

Bai Ruoxi’s eyes flickered, seeming as flustered as a little deer, but with nowhere to escape. She could only turn her face away and say in a low voice, “I didn’t say I don’t believe you…”

After saying that, she quickly lowered her head.

It was proven that a ninth-level Qi Refinement realm cultivator was indeed no match for this third-level Qi Refinement realm junior cultivator. At least Bai Ruoxi had absolutely no way to deal with Mu Zhi’an.

It seemed that this silence was a bit awkward. She slightly raised her head, about to speak, but happened to meet Mu Zhi’an’s eyes.

Those deep, affectionate eyes made her gaze involuntarily attracted. Bai Ruoxi slightly pursed her lips, her heart carrying a hint of nervousness and anticipation. She closed her eyes, as if waiting for something.

Mu Zhi’an also understood her meaning, so he lowered his head again and occupied the girl’s lips.

A long time later, their lips parted. Bai Ruoxi gently pushed Mu Zhi’an away, buried her face, and said softly, “Alright, you go and take care of your matters. I want to meditate and cultivate during the day.”

Mu Zhi’an gazed at the girl affectionately and said seriously, “No need. As cultivators, how can we be lazy because it’s daytime?”

Bai Ruoxi glared at him, and after a moment of silence, she suddenly said, “Won’t it delay your time?”

For some reason, feeling Mu Zhi’an’s burning gaze, she felt a little panic in her heart. Her small hands lightly gripped the fabric of her skirt.

Mu Zhi’an looked solemn and said, “In order to let you enter the Spirit Refinement realm as soon as possible, nothing is a delay. Everything is worth it, Ruoxi.”

Half an hour later, Mu Zhi’an sat in front of the bronze mirror, tidying his hair.

Then, he looked back at the girl who seemed to be resting under the covers and said, “I’m going out first.”

Bai Ruoxi remained silent, covered by the quilt, like an ostrich.

It wasn’t until a good while later that she softly said “Mm.”

Mu Zhi’an left the room feeling refreshed. He ordered someone to prepare the carriage and set off for the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce.

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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