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It turns out, they are the protagonists 63

Chapter 63: The Classic Three-Line Collapse

“A letter written by Miss Huang…?”

Mu Zhi’an frowned slightly and repeatedly looked at the servant standing in front of him.

This little bro doesn’t understand the situation… Is this the occasion to talk about it? Just so blatantly handing me a letter written by someone else?

“Oh right, the servant of Miss Huang also asked me to relay a message,” the naive servant seemed unaware of anything and spoke again.

“Two days later at the auction, please do not be absent. I will be waiting for him in the private room… These are Miss Huang’s original words.”

Suddenly, the courtyard became eerily quiet. A gust of evening wind blew, rippling the water surface in the courtyard. Snow lotuses in the water swayed gently, displaying their charming posture, as if mocking someone.

Are you really not a person from the Gongsun family sent to harm me? The way is narrow… Mu Zhi’an said in a deep voice, “I know, you may go.”

After the servant left the courtyard, Mu Zhi’an turned to look at the two women.

Bai Ruoxi’s eyes carried a hint of disappointment as she said softly, “It seems you had quite an enjoyable chat with Miss Huang today.”

These words gave the feeling of saying: Your relationship with the mistress you found outside is quite good.

Mu Zhi’an said helplessly, “Going to the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce today was purely for the three business districts of the Gongsun family. As for the casual chat with Huang Manting, it was just to pass the time. I couldn’t possibly sit there blankly without saying anything, right?”

Bai Ruoxi said expressionlessly, “Then what about going to the auction with her in two days?”

You chatted with Huang Manting for the sake of the Gongsun family’s three business districts, so what are you going to the auction for in two days?

Seeing this, Mu Zhi’an wanted to hold Bai Ruoxi’s small hand first, but she immediately withdrew her hand, not giving Mu Zhi’an a chance.

It was very obvious that Miss Bai was unhappy now.

Mu Zhi’an then looked at Wei Mengrou.

Noticing Mu Zhi’an’s gaze, Wei Mengrou didn’t even bother to make a sound. She just glanced at Mu Zhi’an with a contemptuous look as if looking at an insect, then turned around and quietly disappeared into the courtyard.

Sister Mengrou’s gaze is quite exciting to look at… Mu Zhi’an silently watched Wei Mengrou’s departing figure and thought to himself.

But fortunately, Wei Mengrou was not a jealous person. Although she didn’t like to talk and was a bit introverted, overall, the maid was a very understanding and mature woman.

Her leaving now was to give Mu Zhi’an and Bai Ruoxi some space to be alone together.

With only Bai Ruoxi here, it would be much easier to handle.

Bai Ruoxi’s personality seemed cold as ice on the outside, but in fact, her heart was very soft. This could be easily seen from her heart… As long as she was given a reasonable explanation, she wouldn’t be angry.

Noticing Bai Ruoxi’s gaze staring at him, Mu Zhi’an took out the letter Huang Manting had written him from his bosom and handed it to Bai Ruoxi.

Bai Ruoxi tilted her head slightly, obviously a bit puzzled, and said, “What does this mean…?”

Mu Zhi’an sighed lightly and said, “Ruoxi, I know that you’ve been feeling very insecure recently due to the changes in your family. Indeed, I neglected your feelings.”

“If you don’t believe me, let’s open this letter together and see what Miss Huang wrote.”

Bai Ruoxi was obviously a bit surprised. She raised her head and looked at Mu Zhi’an in astonishment, saying, “Is it okay to let me read the contents of the letter together?”

Mu Zhi’an gently held Bai Ruoxi’s soft little hand and said seriously, “As long as it can put your mind at ease, everything is worth it.”

This time, Bai Ruoxi didn’t struggle free, just shyly lowered her eyelids.

At the same time, Mu Zhi’an opened the letter. As the words appeared on the paper, Bai Ruoxi’s gaze also curiously fell on the contents of the letter.

“Young Master Mu:

To be honest, before writing this letter, I had the urge to directly visit you at the Mu Manor, but now I’m a bit calmer.

I have to admit that I underestimated you. Miss Bai’s taste is actually not bad. Although you’re only at the third level of Qi Refinement, your brain is quite useful.

Specially visiting the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce to show the Gongsun family, taking away three business districts, you got all the benefits. But please don’t worry, I have no intention of blaming Young Master Mu. On the contrary, I now increasingly admire your actions. After all, you’re the first person to make Manting suffer a loss.

The day after tomorrow in the afternoon, Manting will be waiting for you in the private room of the Morning Glory Auction House. I hope Young Master Mu will surely give face.”

Even from the perspective of a bystander, it was not difficult to see the gritted teeth of the letter’s owner. Put yourself in their shoes for a moment. A prodigal son who is usually idle visits you, and you treat him as a fool to tease, but in the end, you find out that the fool turns out to be yourself…

Just thinking about it makes one’s blood pressure skyrocket.

If Mu Zhi’an wrote a letter back to Huang Manting at this time, it would be truly heartbreaking in the true sense.

Bai Ruoxi looked at the contents of the letter, then slightly turned her head to glance at Mu Zhi’an, her gentle and pleasant voice said, “You deceived her?”

For some reason, those eyes that were still a bit dark seemed to have regained some light, and even had a hint of excitement.

Mu Zhi’an shook his head with a smile and said, “I just had a casual chat with her. From beginning to end, I never lied to her about anything.”

Indeed, that was the case. He just went to the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce to chat with Miss Huang and satisfy her curiosity, that’s all.

“Although that’s true… I do feel a bit sorry for her,” Bai Ruoxi sighed lightly. “If the proud Huang Manting finds out that she was played like a fool, she probably won’t be able to sleep at night.”

Mu Zhi’an looked at Bai Ruoxi’s almost perfect and alluring profile and said with a smile, “Since you sympathize with her, why are you giggling?”

Bai Ruoxi frowned slightly and said, “I’m not giggling.”

After saying that, she lightly bit her lower lip, her small face serious, as if trying to maintain her cold and aloof image.

It’s just that recalling the contents of the letter just now and imagining Huang Manting’s impotent rage at the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce, Bai Ruoxi’s brows couldn’t help but relax, feeling particularly happy.

Mu Zhi’an was also in a great mood, gently hugging Bai Ruoxi’s waist.

The number one beauty of Tianxuan City felt a rush of shyness in her heart, but she didn’t struggle free. At this moment, it formed a strong contrast with her previous coldness towards Mu Zhi’an.

And just like that, a crisis was easily resolved.

“By the way, are you going to accompany her the day after tomorrow?” Bai Ruoxi suddenly asked.

Mu Zhi’an nodded with a smile and said, “If there’s nothing else, it’s fine to go… I’m also quite curious about what tricks Miss Huang wants to play.”

Bai Ruoxi was not happy and said in a low voice, “I also want to go to the auction.”

Liuguang soil was not particularly rare, but it was difficult to find near Tianxuan City. In order to preserve the snow lotus, she had to bid for a small amount of liuguang soil no matter what.

The underlying meaning of these words was also hoping that Mu Zhi’an could accompany her. Mu Zhi’an naturally understood.

After pondering for a moment, he nodded with a smile and said, “Alright, I’ll accompany you then.”

As for Huang Manting’s side, it didn’t matter. Anyway, he could just go meet her and leave.

If he had to choose between Huang Manting and Bai Ruoxi, it was not a difficult choice.

After all, the latter’s heart had already completely crushed Huang Manting’s, and Mu Zhi’an currently had no thoughts about Huang Manting.

Feeling the warmth in the young man’s embrace, Bai Ruoxi felt a rush of heat in her heart. She slightly raised her eyes to glance at him, then moved her body to let her shoulder tightly press against Mu Zhi’an’s shoulder, her head leaning on his shoulder, the corners of her mouth curving into a faint arc.

Yangfeng Inn.

Lan Feiying sat on the bed, watching her sister who was writing a letter at the desk.

It was mid-autumn. Lan Mulian was wearing a moon-white embroidered long dress, her back curves graceful, the ribbon outlining her slender serpentine waist. Her temperament was clear and cold. Although her appearance was extremely beautiful, most people would only feel inferior when seeing her and not dare to look up at her.

“Is Sister writing a letter to the young master of the Mu family?” Lan Feiying suddenly asked.

Lan Mulian’s action of writing the letter paused slightly. After a long while, she just indifferently said “Mm” and said, “He wrote a letter to me, so replying is just out of courtesy.”


Feiying responded to her sister in a subtle tone.

With Lan Mulian’s identity, she didn’t believe that no one had written letters to Sister before, and she had never seen Sister reply to anyone.

Of course, it was good to be aware of such things in one’s heart. Lan Feiying saw through it but didn’t say it.

Her gaze casually fell on the opened box of osmanthus cakes on the desk. She narrowed her eyes slightly and said with a smile, “These osmanthus cakes were also sent by the young master of the Mu family, right?”

“Mm, if you like them, you can try some. He said they are famous pastries in Tianxuan City,” Lan Mulian didn’t deny it.

“They are indeed quite famous. The osmanthus cakes from this place taste great. I occasionally go to Chaohai Inn to taste them when I’m free.”

Feiying said, and her gaze casually fell on the snow-white lotus flower inserted in the vase on the desk.

“This flower was also sent by him? Tsk tsk… It seems that fellow has really taken a liking to Sister. But speaking of which, Sister is already twenty-three years old this year, a few years older than him, right? If I remember correctly, the young master of the Mu family is probably only—”

She deliberately paused. When she noticed her sister’s gaze unintentionally glancing over, the corners of her mouth curved into an arc, and she continued, “But for cultivators, age doesn’t matter. As long as they love each other, that’s enough.”

Lan Mulian glanced coldly at her charming and affectionate sister and said, “He and I are not in that kind of relationship.”

After saying that, she ignored her sister.

Lan Feiying smiled charmingly, lazily sitting on the chair, supporting her chin. She poured herself a cup of tea and took out a piece of osmanthus cake for an evening snack.

Her gaze casually fell on the snow lotus beside her, and she suddenly said, “Speaking of which, our auction house recently acquired a batch of liuguang soil. If Sister is interested, you can go take a look then.”

Liuguang soil was not particularly rare. Lan Feiying was also clear that with Sister’s identity, it would not be difficult to obtain a batch of liuguang soil.

But now that Lan Mulian was still in Tianxuan City, by the time Lan Mulian returned, the snow lotus given by Mu Zhi’an would probably have long withered.

“But I’ll be hosting the auction at that time, so I won’t have time to take you there. If you don’t know the way, maybe you can consider inviting him to take you.”

Lan Feiying continued with a smile, “I can arrange a private room for you two where no one will disturb you. That way, Sister won’t have to worry about too much attention focused on you and feeling uncomfortable.”

Under the flickering candlelight, Lan Mulian’s beautiful eyes flickered slightly, rippling the calmness of her heart like an ancient well.

Lan Feiying’s suggestion indeed made her a bit tempted.

If she were in the Two Polarities Sect now, she would naturally have ways to preserve the snow lotus permanently, but the problem was that she was in Tianxuan City now. To extend the shelf life of the snow lotus, only liuguang soil could do it.

And it was indeed a bit unreasonable to stay in the inn every day despite rarely coming down the mountain…

Looking at the paper crane that was already folded, after pondering for a long time, Lan Mulian spread it open again and wrote an invitation to Mu Zhi’an.

At the same time, in the Ye Manor.

Under the hazy moonlight, Ye Qian, who had been meditating and cultivating all day, was hugging Ye Lingxuan’s arm, her lovely and cute face pressed tightly against her fragrant shoulder.

“Sister, how about we go to Chaohai Inn together next time? The osmanthus cakes there really taste great,” Ye Qian suddenly said.

Ye Lingxuan glanced at the pure and lovely girl and said, “Is it the taste of the osmanthus cakes that’s good, or because those osmanthus cakes were sent by the young master of the Mu family, so you think they taste good?”

“What is Sister talking about…” Ye Qian lightly pushed Ye Lingxuan’s arm, seeming a bit unhappy.

Ye Lingxuan looked at her sister with a smile. Seeing that her seemingly unhappy little face seemed to be a bit shy, she couldn’t help but sigh in her heart.

This sister who had grown up with her since childhood was really too simple-minded… She was actually bought over by a Qi Refinement Pill and a meal from that Mu Zhi’an.

If she wasn’t here, who knew, in a few more days, both her person and heart might be taken away by him.

“Oh right Sister, there’s an auction in two days. How about we go take a look?” Ye Qian suddenly asked.

“I heard from the clan members that a batch of liuguang soil that can preserve flowers for a long time will be auctioned then.”

“You brought back such a beautiful snow lotus from the Mu Manor. It would be a pity if it just withers like this.”

Ye Lingxuan pondered for a moment and gently nodded in agreement.

She originally had the intention to invite her sister to go together. She didn’t expect Ye Qian to take the initiative to bring it up.

“But does Sister know the rules of the auction and such?” Ye Qian asked.

As far as she could remember, Ye Lingxuan seemed to have never gone to any auctions. Whenever she wanted something, there would always be a mysterious person bringing it to her. Therefore, Ye Lingxuan never lacked anything and naturally had no need to go to auctions.

Ye Lingxuan shook her head slightly, “I’m not sure.”

She paused for a moment and suddenly said, “Let Brother Ye Yu take us?”

Ye Qian frowned slightly and said in a low voice, “It’s up to Sister to decide.”

Although she said that, she didn’t seem very happy.

Ye Lingxuan saw her sister’s reaction clearly. She changed the subject and said, “The young master of the Mu family is idle every day. Or maybe I can write a letter later to invite him to try?”

Ye Qian slightly raised her head to look at her sister, her eyes shining, and said, “Won’t this trouble him?”


Ye Lingxuan was speechless for a moment and silently looked at the pure and innocent girl.

Although she always felt that Mu Zhi’an had ulterior motives, seeing Ye Qian’s completely different reactions when mentioning Ye Yu and Mu Zhi’an, it was not good for her to speak ill of him now.

“I’ll have the servant deliver a letter to him later,” Ye Lingxuan sighed lightly.

Never mind. That Mu Zhi’an was a smart person. She had already given him a bit of “deterrence” before, so he should know to restrain himself a little.

Besides, the snow lotus was extremely rare in Tianxuan City, so it was worth putting in some effort to cultivate it well.

At night, Mu Zhi’an had just finished his meditation and incidentally contributed to Bai Ruoxi’s cultivation.

The desireless him sat in the moonlight of the backyard, his hands behind his head, leaning against the stone pillar behind him. He held a paper crane he had just received in his hand, seeming to be struggling with something.

At this moment, a faint footstep sounded vaguely beside him.

The servant who delivered the letter during the day walked up to him.

“Why are you here again?” Mu Zhi’an frowned slightly.

The servant hesitated for a moment and respectfully handed over a letter, saying, “The servant of the Ye Manor just sent a letter, saying it’s a letter written by Miss Ye Lingxuan of the Ye family to you.”

Mu Zhi’an was stunned. He took the letter and, after dismissing the servant, opened the letter and took a look.

After remaining silent for a long time, he silently opened the paper crane he had just received.

Then, he spread out the three letters at the same time.

The first letter was Huang Manting’s invitation. The second was Lan Mulian’s paper crane letter today, inviting him to attend the auction of the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce together the day after tomorrow at the end of the letter.

The third was written by Ye Lingxuan, also inviting him to attend the auction.

Looking at the three invitation letters in front of him, and recalling Bai Ruoxi’s invitation tonight, Mu Zhi’an couldn’t help but fall into a long contemplation.

“Oh no… Am I really going to crash?”

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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Hahaha this guy is fck


not work with dark mode