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It turns out, they are the protagonists 65

Chapter 65: Heh, Naive Man

The problem itself was the batch of liuguang soil that could preserve the snow lotus for a long time.

The girls wanted to go to the auction not for the novelty, but simply to bid for the liuguang soil.

Young Master Mu specially went to negotiate with the people of the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce for the sake of the girls and obtained three scoops of liuguang soil… Doesn’t it sound very touching when put this way?

Upon hearing this, Wei Mengrou looked at Mu Zhi’an’s calm smile as if he had planned everything out, her beautiful eyebrows slightly raised.

After being silent for a moment, she seemed to understand something and asked, “You want to directly target that batch of liuguang soil?”

Mu Zhi’an shook his head and said, “Directly making a move would be too obvious, but if we go in advance to ask for three scoops of liuguang soil, it’s not a difficult matter.”

Wei Mengrou understood his intention and immediately gave him a contemptuous look, coldly saying, “If you are hunted down by them one day, I won’t save you.”

Mu Zhi’an said with a smile, “Sister Mengrou, don’t be so heartless… Didn’t my mother entrust you to protect me?”

Wei Mengrou glanced at Mu Zhi’an and said, “Madam said to protect your safety, but causing your own death doesn’t count.”

“Bai Ruoxi’s cultivation speed is very fast now. In a few months when she reaches the Spirit Refinement realm, I may not be able to protect you,” Wei Mengrou continued.

Mu Zhi’an asked in puzzlement, “Even with Ruoxi’s talent, it will still take a few months to reach the Spirit Refinement realm?”

Wei Mengrou nodded slightly, “The gap between the peak of Qi Refinement and Spirit Refinement is difficult to cross. Some people may not be able to break through even after closing up for several years. It depends not on cultivation talent but on one’s comprehension ability. A few months is already considered fast.”

“How long did it take Sister Mengrou to break through Qi Refinement back then?” Mu Zhi’an asked.

“Half a month,” Wei Mengrou said indifferently.

She paused and added, “I just happened to be lucky. At that time, I saw the battle between two Spirit Refinement realm demon beasts in a forest and gained insight. Otherwise, it would have taken two or three months.”

Coincidentally encountering an “opportunity” and then advancing to the Spirit Refinement realm… Could it be that you are also a chosen one?

“This is also because Sister Mengrou has good talent and puts in her own efforts. The heavens reward the diligent,” Mu Zhi’an threw out a bait.

The maid didn’t take the bait. Her face remained unchanged as she glanced at Mu Zhi’an indifferently and turned to leave the courtyard.

The young master of her family was indeed very smart. Up until now, it could be said that he had planned for everything.

However, can human emotions be controlled by calculations?

Moreover, it was a girl’s emotions.

Wei Mengrou understood everything but just didn’t say it.

She now wished that her young master would crash.

As for the reason… naturally, there was no need to say more. She simply found him a bit annoying.

Mu Zhi’an was already used to Wei Mengrou’s cold response, so he just smiled and watched Wei Mengrou leave.

“I should go to the Morning Glory Auction House tomorrow…” Thinking of this, Mu Zhi’an felt a slight chill as the night wind brushed past his cheeks. He got up and left the courtyard.

He quietly pushed open the door to Bai Ruoxi’s room.

The girl in a white dress with a delicate temperament was sitting cross-legged on the bed, her eyes slightly closed.

The room was filled with spiritual energy purified by the Heavenly Dao energy.

Don’t tell me that when I reach the fourth level of Qi Refinement, she will already be in the Spirit Refinement realm… Mu Zhi’an looked at Bai Ruoxi’s extremely beautiful face and silently thought to himself.

In terms of cultivation, he had no big solution. His positioning was originally a supporting role, and he was the supporting role who was slapped in the face by the protagonist in the novice village and used as a stepping stone.

Although he, as a supporting role, had good talent, he had wasted so much time in the past that he couldn’t expect to achieve great success in one go now.

The matter of cultivation could only be taken slowly.

Unless he could also have some great opportunities like Ye Yu.

Actually, if he had to say, there seemed to be such opportunities.

The bronze fragment, the Heavenly Dao energy, these were all opportunities he had strived to obtain… It’s just that he couldn’t use these opportunities.

But it didn’t matter. It was enough for Bai Ruoxi to obtain these opportunities.

Bai Ruoxi was a relatively gentle and obedient good girl. If she could step into the Spirit Refinement realm or even the Land Immortal realm in the future, it wouldn’t be a waste of these opportunities.

As for the Dao Realization realm or even the Dao Merging realm, it was a bit too far. Anyway, as long as she could reach the Return to Void realm, she could already strut around this entire cultivation world.

Thinking of this, Mu Zhi’an withdrew his gaze and sat cross-legged at the foot of the bed.

Although his cultivation speed was not as exaggerated as Bai Ruoxi’s, at least when he was beside her, his cultivation speed would be much faster than that of ordinary cultivators.

Mu Zhi’an was a person who knew how to be content. After all, he was just a supporting villain in the early stage. He couldn’t expect to have talent like Ye Yu all of a sudden.

For Ye Yu to become stronger, he only needed to work hard in cultivation to achieve it, because he was the chosen one.

But for Mu Zhi’an to become stronger, he needed to spend more effort. What he needed to do was not only to work hard but also to use his brain and find ways to shear the wool off the fat sheep that was Ye Yu.

After all, as the chosen one, there should still be quite a lot of wool to shear.

Even if he couldn’t use the things he freeloaded, he could give them to the people around him.

The next morning.

Bai Ruoxi, who was meditating, let out a soft and lazy pleasant moan.

Her dense and curled eyelashes trembled slightly, and Bai Ruoxi slowly opened her beautiful eyes. She had meditated for the entire night, but her body was not tired at all. Instead, she felt refreshed.

She could clearly feel that she had already touched the threshold of the Spirit Refinement realm!

Although she was still at the ninth level of Qi Refinement, she had already gained a bit of insight into the Spirit Refinement realm.

After reaching the peak of Qi Refinement, she would probably be able to advance to the Spirit Refinement realm very quickly.

This was not a boost brought by the Heavenly Dao energy, but Bai Ruoxi’s own talent and comprehension ability.

This fact made her overjoyed. She slightly bent her knees, her fair toes stepping on the ground. As soon as she got out of bed, she happened to see Mu Zhi’an, who was sitting cross-legged at the foot of the bed and meditating at some unknown time.

That handsome side profile quickly attracted Bai Ruoxi’s gaze.

Not only did men like beautiful women, but girls also liked handsome men of the opposite sex. Of course, compared to women, normally, as long as a man dressed neatly and had a high EQ, he could win a girl’s favor even without being too handsome.

But Mu Zhi’an was good-looking and spoke well, which made it easier for him to attract girls’ affection.

As soon as Bai Ruoxi got out of bed, Mu Zhi’an seemed to sense her gaze and opened his eyes, quietly looking at Bai Ruoxi, saying with a smile, “Good morning, Ruoxi.”

Bai Ruoxi shyly said “Mm” and said, “Young Master Mu, good morning.”

“Why are you still calling me Young Master Mu? You should change the way you address me,” Mu Zhi’an gently grabbed Bai Ruoxi’s soft little hand.

The young lady of the Bai family blushed slightly, lowered her head and stood, gently holding Mu Zhi’an’s warm palm, and said in a soft voice, “Mu Lang(1)*… Good morning.”

That’s more like it… Mu Zhi’an felt very comfortable in his heart and said with a smile, “How was your cultivation last night?”

Bai Ruoxi hesitated and said, “It was quite good…”

Her eyes were shining brightly, and she was about to tell Mu Zhi’an that she had already touched the threshold of the Spirit Refinement realm.

But at this moment, Mu Zhi’an took the lead and comforted her, “Don’t be in a hurry. Take it slow. Sister Mengrou told me last night that advancing to the Spirit Refinement realm requires time to settle and self-realization. You’re still at the ninth level of Qi Refinement, so this kind of thing can’t be rushed.”

Although Bai Ruoxi’s talent was good, he was still worried that the girl would become obsessed and frustrated. After all, the Spirit Refinement realm relied not only on talent but also on self-realization. How could it be that easy?

But I already have a bit of insight into the Spirit Refinement realm in advance… Bai Ruoxi really wanted to say that, but when she saw the young man’s handsome face and his caring eyes, she eventually held back the words in her heart.

Indeed, with the Heavenly Dao energy, her cultivation speed was still so slow, so there was nothing worth boasting about.

It would be better to tell him after entering the Spirit Refinement realm in a few days.

At that time, she could also give him a surprise.

“Are you going out today too?” Bai Ruoxi suddenly asked.

Mu Zhi’an nodded with a smile, “I’m going to prepare a gift for you.”

“A gift?” Bai Ruoxi tilted her head slightly and repeated in puzzlement.

“What gift?”

Mu Zhi’an deliberately kept her in suspense, “I won’t say for now. I’ll tell you later.”

“Tell me now~” Bai Ruoxi said curiously, her usually cold expression carrying a hint of a little girl’s coquettishness, making Mu Zhi’an’s heart race.

However, this young lady probably didn’t realize how alluring her coquettishness was. She still looked into Mu Zhi’an’s eyes, hoping he would answer.

Mu Zhi’an raised his hand and gently stroked Bai Ruoxi’s smooth and flawless face, saying softly, “If you give me a kiss now, I’ll tell you.”

“What are you saying so early in the morning…” Bai Ruoxi’s cheeks turned slightly red as she glared at Mu Zhi’an.

Although her strength was comparable to the Spirit Refinement realm, in terms of emotional matters, Bai Ruoxi probably only had the level of the Qi Condensation realm.

Mu Zhi’an looked at her, her cold and extremely beautiful profile, her nose upturned, her cherry-like lips slightly pursed.

Girls like this, who looked cold and delicate on the outside but were naturally charming, were extremely alluring when they were shy.

Mu Zhi’an took half a step forward and lightly kissed her delicate face, deliberately teasing, “If someone sees us, I wonder if they will think I’m threatening you?”

Bai Ruoxi’s cheeks turned even redder. She tried to change the subject and said, “Can you tell me what gift you’re going to buy now?”

Mu Zhi’an shook his head with a smile and said, “What just happened doesn’t count. I said for you to kiss me, not for me to kiss you.”

Bai Ruoxi glanced at him, unhappy, and lightly pushed him away, “If you don’t want to say it, forget it. You should leave quickly. I’m going to continue cultivating later.”

“Let me give you a little reward for being so diligent,” Mu Zhi’an gently hugged Bai Ruoxi’s waist, letting her lean against his embrace.

“What kind of reward is this?” Bai Ruoxi symbolically pushed Mu Zhi’an, but she wiggled her waist in his arms, subconsciously acting coquettishly.

After the two of them had an intimate interaction in the room for a while, Mu Zhi’an left the room with satisfaction.

He was going to the Morning Glory Auction House to find Feiying and operate behind the scenes to buy some liuguang soil.

This was not a difficult matter. The young master of the Mu family’s face would be given by anyone to some extent in Tianxuan City.

Morning Glory Auction House.

Lan Feiying was lazily sitting on a chair, her legs crossed, her body tightly wrapped in a cheongsam, outlining her perfect and sexy voluptuous curves. Her snow-white long legs were taut, and the tight-fitting cheongsam gave the woman an extremely seductive and enchanting figure.

She held a teacup in one hand, leisurely drinking tea.

At this moment, a servant suddenly came to the side hall and said in a low voice, “Miss Feiying, the young master of the Mu family is looking for you.”

“Mu Zhi’an?”

Lan Feiying’s eyes carried a hint of doubt, and then a charming smile appeared on her face, “Please invite him in.”

It just so happened that there was nothing much to do at the auction house in the morning, so she might as well pass the time.

Before long, under the guidance of the servant, Mu Zhi’an walked into the side hall and saw this woman wearing a cheongsam.

Today, she was wearing a jet-black cheongsam embroidered with plum blossoms, the skirt reaching her thighs. The black attire made the woman’s skin appear even more fair and smooth.

“Sister Feiying has become even more beautiful,” Mu Zhi’an sized her up and down a few times and couldn’t help but sigh.

Lan Feiying glanced at him charmingly and said, “You only know how to say things that please girls.”

Mu Zhi’an said with a smile, “I’m just telling the truth.”

Lan Feiying poured a cup of tea for Mu Zhi’an. After he was seated, she rested her chin on her hand, sizing him up while asking, “You don’t usually come to find Sister for a chat. There must be something, right?”

“I don’t usually disturb you because I know Sister Feiying is busy with affairs,” Mu Zhi’an took a sip of tea and continued, “If Sister Feiying has free time in the future, I’ll invite you to Chaohai Inn to eat pastries. The osmanthus cakes there taste good.”

“Osmanthus cakes?”

Lan Feiying savored Mu Zhi’an’s words, the corners of her mouth curving into a charming arc. She said in a soft voice, “Speaking of which, I just ate the osmanthus cakes from that place last night.”

“The osmanthus cakes at Chaohai Inn usually require a reservation. Sister Feiying seems to know the owner there too?” Mu Zhi’an asked.

Lan Feiying shook her head and said with a hint of teasing smile, “Someone else sent them.”

Mu Zhi’an asked curiously, “Male or female?”

Lan Feiying gave Mu Zhi’an a meaningful look and said, “Male.”

“However, it can also be said to be female.”

“That man bought a portion of osmanthus cakes and gave them to a certain girl, and I happen to have a good relationship with that girl, so I ate some at her place,” Lan Feiying explained.

Seeing the pensive look in Mu Zhi’an’s eyes, Lan Feiying casually changed the subject and said, “By the way, what did you come to find Sister for? It can’t be as simple as just chatting with Sister, right?”

Mu Zhi’an came back to his senses and said with a smile, “The main reason is to accompany Sister for a chat, and incidentally, I want something.”

Feiying smiled charmingly, “What do you want?”

“I heard that there will be a batch of liuguang soil that can preserve flowers for a long time at the auction the day after tomorrow?” Mu Zhi’an asked knowingly.

Feiying raised her eyebrows and said, “What do you want liuguang soil for?”

Mu Zhi’an didn’t explain and only said, “Can Sister sell me some privately?”

Lan Feiying sized Mu Zhi’an up and down a few times and said with narrowed eyes and a smile, “If the amount is not large, it should not be a problem. However, I’m still very curious about what exactly your purpose is for wanting liuguang soil.”

“I will definitely tell you next time,” Mu Zhi’an said.


Lan Feiying glanced at him, obviously not believing him.

She asked instead, “How much liuguang soil do you want?”

Mu Zhi’an pondered for a moment and said, “Five portions.”

Although there were only three people who needed liuguang soil, keeping two portions as backup might come in handy in the future.

Lan Feiying slightly raised her proud snow-white chin, gesturing for the servants to go and make arrangements.

Five portions of liuguang soil were not much. She could indeed give Mu Zhi’an a back door deal.

She actually had a general guess of what Mu Zhi’an wanted to do.

But seeing through it didn’t mean she had to say it outright.

However, come to think of it, he just said he wanted “five portions” of liuguang soil… This amount was a bit concerning.

Lan Feiying narrowed her eyes slightly, silently pondering.

In the afternoon, Mu Zhi’an returned to the Mu Manor in the sunlight.

He saw Bai Ruoxi in the courtyard admiring the snow lotuses. She strolled leisurely by the pond, a thin silk belt around her waist outlining her slender serpentine waist and accentuating her full bosom, creating an alluring figure that was unmatched in ancient and modern times.

Bai Ruoxi turned her head slightly to look. When she saw Mu Zhi’an, a faint smile appeared on her face.

Mu Zhi’an also smiled at her, then came to Bai Ruoxi’s side and took out an exquisite small box.

“What is this?” Bai Ruoxi looked at the box Mu Zhi’an handed to her and subconsciously asked.

“Open it and take a look,” Mu Zhi’an said with a smile.

Under Mu Zhi’an’s gaze, Bai Ruoxi opened the box. Inside the box was a scoop of sand that looked like twinkling stars, attracting one’s gaze at first glance.

“This is… liuguang soil?!” Bai Ruoxi slightly raised her head, her eyes flashing with joy.

So he went to the auction house to buy this liuguang soil in the morning… Bai Ruoxi raised her moist eyes that gleamed with crystal, and said softly, “Thank you.”

“For you, everything is worth it, Ruoxi,” Mu Zhi’an looked at the girl affectionately.

Then, he suddenly continued, “I recently discovered that the osmanthus cakes at Chaohai Inn taste quite good. I happened to have reserved two boxes today. I’ll go buy them and enjoy them with you in the evening.”

Bai Ruoxi’s eyes showed a hint of shyness as she softly said “Mm.”

After watching Mu Zhi’an’s figure leave, she looked down at the box in her hand and the sand that looked like stars, not knowing what she was thinking.

After a long while, Wei Mengrou came out of the courtyard, looked at Bai Ruoxi, and noticed the box in her hand. As if understanding something, she said, “He went to the auction house to buy liuguang soil and gave it to you?”

Bai Ruoxi didn’t look happy. Looking at the liuguang soil in the box, she snorted, “He would rather go early to buy liuguang soil than accompany me to the auction… He just simply hopes that I won’t go to the auction house the day after tomorrow, right?”

That originally soft and weak face showed a hint of dissatisfaction.

Wei Mengrou looked at this scene and was silent for a moment. A feeling of inexplicable joy arose in her heart, but her face remained expressionless as she said, “What do you plan to do?”

Bai Ruoxi said coldly, “If he doesn’t want me to go, I’ll go even more.”

Just a Huang Manting, she could handle Gongsun Cheng, so she could naturally handle Huang Manting as well.

Miss Bai now not only had an imposing bosom but was also unrivaled among peers in strength. Naturally, she was not afraid of a Huang Manting.

Wei Mengrou silently looked at the fair and beautiful Miss Bai, the corners of her mouth unknowingly curving into an alluring arc.

So she had said long ago… Never try to speculate about people’s hearts, especially women’s hearts.

Women’s IQ is negative when in love.

But when catching a cheating partner, heh…

What a naive man.




Mu Lang(1)*:  láng n. (old form of address) my dear husband (of a woman in ancient times)

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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Ye, he ain’t getting out of this easily, hope he gets caught, but well, we know he most probably will get out of this ┐(°~°)┌

Last edited 29 days ago by Soul


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