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It turns out, they are the protagonists 66

Chapter 66: Mu Zhi’an: I Just Want to Be a Good Person

After delivering one portion of the liuguang soil to Lan Mulian, Mu Zhi’an took a carriage back to the Mu Manor.

Senior Sister Lan’s personality was such that she didn’t like lively places. Similarly, she didn’t want to go to the auction house either. She was simply planning to go for the liuguang soil.

In other words, with the liuguang soil in hand, there was no point in her going to the auction.

Instead of taking her to a place with a lot of people, it would be more practical to find a time to take her to a quieter place.

As for Ye Lingxuan… Mu Zhi’an didn’t go to the Ye Manor.

After all, he had originally planned to have an opportunity to interact with Ye Lingxuan, and this was a rare chance.

At that time, after meeting Huang Manting, he would go and make contact with the Ye sisters and test the depth of Ye Lingxuan…

After bidding farewell to Lan Mulian, Mu Zhi’an sat in the carriage, thinking about such matters. Before he knew it, he had returned to the Mu Manor.

Pushing open the door, he happened to see the servant who had annoyed him twice today about to enter the courtyard.

The servant obviously noticed someone behind him. He turned his head to look and immediately said respectfully, “Young Master.”

Mu Zhi’an nodded slightly, glanced at the servant, and said, “Have you realized your mistake?”

The servant was unconvinced but didn’t dare to make a fuss. He said innocently, “Young Master, what did I do wrong?”

“The servants of our Mu Manor all step into the courtyard with their right foot first, but you lifted your left foot first,” Mu Zhi’an said seriously.

The servant was confused. He was a bit puzzled in his heart: When did the Mu Manor have such a rule?

“Think carefully about it.”

After saying that, Mu Zhi’an ignored the servant’s surprised gaze and leisurely walked into the courtyard, heading towards Bai Ruoxi’s guest room along the corridor.

The servant scratched the back of his head and looked in the direction Mu Zhi’an had left, still not understanding what the young master had just said.

At this time, a fellow servant came over and reminded him in a low voice, “The young master’s meaning is to let you know to read the faces of the master of the manor in the future and act according to the situation.”

These servants working in the manor not only had to complete their own tasks but also needed to read the atmosphere sometimes.

Mu Zhi’an’s temper was already quite good. If he were in the Gongsun family or the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce, being messed with like this by a servant, he would probably be able to pack his bags and leave the next day.

The servant then had a slight realization. When he looked at Mu Zhi’an again, his eyes were already filled with a bit of gratitude.

With Mu Zhi’an’s identity, there was no need for him to specifically remind him of such things, but he was still willing to spend some time to remind him, which made him feel flattered.

“But come to think of it, the young master has really changed a lot… He used to often go to the brothels and pleasure houses, but recently, he seems to have never been there,” the servant suddenly said in a low voice, as if sighing with emotion.

“Now that Miss Bai is staying in the Mu Manor, Young Master Mu doesn’t need to go to such places,” his companion replied.

“But he seemed to have gone to Yangfeng Inn in the afternoon, right?” the servant said in a low voice.

“If I remember correctly, the examiner from the Two Polarities Sect this time is staying there…”

“Shh… Don’t discuss such matters. We don’t need to know so much,” the companion reminded.

The two looked at each other and no longer dwelled on the matter.

Naturally, one shouldn’t discuss the master’s private matters in the master’s manor.

Especially such secretive matters.

Mu Zhi’an quietly pushed open the door and entered the room, seeing Bai Ruoxi sitting cross-legged at the head of the bed.

She sat upright, strands of her tied-up black hair hanging down. Below her snow-white neck, her delicate and alluring collarbones were vaguely visible. Further down was an uncontrollable bosom.

She wanted to quickly reach the peak of Qi Refinement to ensure that she could pass the sect assessment… Mu Zhi’an looked at the woman’s proud figure that was difficult to conceal under the thin collar and had a slight realization in his heart.

In fact, Bai Ruoxi was a bit too worried. With her current strength, among cultivators at the same Qi Refinement realm, there was simply no one who could compare to her.

Since Bai Ruoxi was still meditating, Mu Zhi’an didn’t make a sound to disturb her. Instead, he sat cross-legged beside Bai Ruoxi and also closed his eyes slightly.

According to the current progress, he felt that he might be able to break through to the fourth level of Qi Refinement in the next few days.

Time flew by, and before they knew it, it was the day of the auction.

On this morning, Mu Zhi’an changed his clothes and tidied his robes in front of the bronze mirror.

His quite handsome face seemed to carry a trace of fatigue.

This was quite understandable. In the past two days, as a natural furnace, Mu Zhi’an had been dedicating himself almost every day, contributing his own effort to Bai Ruoxi’s cultivation.

The contribution process was indeed dull and tasteless, often making Mu Zhi’an think about life in a dull manner while hugging Bai Ruoxi under the covers.

After tidying his robes, Mu Zhi’an turned around and glanced at Bai Ruoxi lying on the bed. Under the thin quilt, her snow-white shoulders were vaguely visible. She had her eyes slightly closed, looking particularly sweet in her sleep.

It was obvious that she was so tired due to excessive cultivation yesterday.

Mu Zhi’an showed a knowing smile and turned to leave the room.

And just as the door quietly closed, Bai Ruoxi’s eyelashes trembled, and she slowly opened her eyes.

Morning Glory Auction House.

Mu Zhi’an arrived at a classically and luxuriously decorated private room on the second floor and saw the wealthy and mature woman of the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce.

Huang Manting lazily leaned on the chair, her black hair loose, her legs crossed, wearing a black dress that set off her white skin. The toe of her foot under the skirt was hooked on the toe of her shoe. She smiled and said, “Young Master Mu, you’re quite punctual. You even arrived an hour earlier.”

Mu Zhi’an took a seat as arranged by the maid and also smiled, “Since I’ve already agreed to the invitation, I always like to arrive early.”

Huang Manting pursed her enchanting lips and said with a smile, “It seems that Young Master Mu and I are the same kind of people.”

Mu Zhi’an picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea, glanced at the guests who were gradually coming in below, and said with a smile, “Before the auction starts, why don’t Miss Huang get straight to the point? I have some matters to attend to later.”

Huang Manting tapped the armrest of the chair with her fingertips, picked up the teacup, took a small sip, and sighed faintly, “Young Master Mu, you really fooled Manting dizzy a few days ago.”

“Do you have anything to say to me about what happened a few days ago?”

Mu Zhi’an pondered for a moment, nodded with a smile, and said, “Thank you for your help a few days ago, Miss Huang. My family really likes the three business districts. Good review.”

The people of the Mu family were indeed very satisfied with the three business districts of the Gongsun family. Although they were not located in a prosperous area, they were still three entire business districts, which could bring quite a considerable cash flow to the Mu family every month.

Huang Manting’s smile froze slightly, and she stared at Mu Zhi’an with a deep gaze, saying, “When you came to find me a few days ago, you were indeed eyeing the three business districts of the Gongsun family, right?”

Mu Zhi’an took a sip of tea and said, “At that time, I did indeed want to answer Miss Huang’s inner doubts. Rather than letting you slowly investigate my affairs, I might as well open the door wide and let you ask to your heart’s content.”

Huang Manting stared into Mu Zhi’an’s eyes.

At this moment, she seemed to understand something. Her eyes showed a hint of anger and the fear hidden deep in her heart.

According to the rumors, the young master of the Mu family was indulgent in beauty and was a good-for-nothing… She had seen Mu Zhi’an a few times before and indeed found him to be as rumored.

But what if his past “good-for-nothing image” was completely his disguise?

When Mu Zhi’an came to the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce to find her a few days ago, firstly, it was for the three business districts of the Gongsun family; secondly, it was to warn her not to let her subordinates secretly investigate his affairs; and thirdly… it was revenge for being secretly investigated.

Moreover… that day at the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce, he even took advantage of her and touched her for free!

She thought she was teasing Mu Zhi’an at that time… but little did she know, it was Mu Zhi’an who was teasing her!

Huang Manting felt the anger in her chest burning uncontrollably. She stared at Mu Zhi’an’s eyes and said, “Young Master Mu, you’re really good at scheming.”

“Miss Huang, I was just helping others. You wanted to satisfy your own curiosity, and I satisfied it for you. Isn’t that enough?” Mu Zhi’an put down the teacup and said innocently, “I wanted to be a good person, but do good people… deserve to be bullied?”

“If it weren’t for our Mu family’s secret agent discovering that someone was secretly investigating me, were you planning to dig out even my birth date and eight characters?”

Huang Manting was speechless.

She was in the wrong in this matter to begin with. Mu Zhi’an’s subsequent actions were just a small revenge, which indeed left people with nothing to say.

The auction hall had gradually seen many people participating in the auction, and the noisy voices of those people could be vaguely heard in the private room.

Silence permeated this elegant and classic private room.

After a long while, a charming and beautiful faint smile reappeared on Huang Manting’s face. She said faintly, “Privately investigating Young Master Mu was indeed Manting’s fault. I’ll toast you a cup.”

Mu Zhi’an raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, “Using tea instead of wine?”

Huang Manting smiled faintly, “I’ll invite Young Master Mu to our chamber of commerce to drink wine another day.”

“The Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce brings various fine wines from all states. I heard that Uncle Huang has a collection of many good wines. I’m looking forward to it,” Mu Zhi’an said with a smile.

The atmosphere between the two seemed to have suddenly become extremely relaxed, making it impossible to feel even a hint of the previous gunpowder smell.

“But there’s one thing that makes me quite sad,” Huang Manting suddenly sighed faintly. “In your heart, am I not even worth three mere business districts, Young Master Mu?”

Although her words seemed to be accusing Mu Zhi’an, her voice sounded soft, making people feel as if she was acting coquettishly, causing one’s bones to soften.

Mu Zhi’an turned his head to look at her. Seeing her eyes glistening with moisture, looking pitiful, paired with that enchanting face with light makeup, it indeed made one’s heart flutter.

Mu Zhi’an showed a gentle smile, “The three business districts cannot be compared to you.”

“Then why did Young Master Mu take advantage of me?” Huang Manting’s voice was still soft and sweet, but for some reason, the atmosphere in the private room had a hint of danger.

Mu Zhi’an gently put down the teacup and sighed, “Miss Huang, according to your intention that day, you wanted me to be your Dao companion, right?”

“No,” he shook his head and continued, “With Miss Huang’s personality, if we were together in the future, I’m afraid I would have to be your ox and horse.”

“But you want the horse to run, yet you don’t give the horse grass. You tell me, compared to the grass far away and the business districts right in front of you, which choice is more in line with the interests?” Mu Zhi’an asked.

Huang Manting narrowed her eyes slightly, and her fair and soft slender jade hand gently rested on the back of Mu Zhi’an’s hand. The fingernails on her fingertips gently scratched his hand, giving a heart-tickling feeling.

“So, if I give Young Master Mu the corresponding benefits, the person you choose will be me and not Miss Bai Ruoxi~?”

Mu Zhi’an withdrew his hand without any change in expression and said with a smile, “Of course, with Miss Huang’s charm, if there are benefits that can move my heart, I know who to choose.”

Seeing Mu Zhi’an’s unyielding expression at this moment, and recalling his shy appearance like a pure and innocent virgin when facing her that day, Huang Manting’s smile almost couldn’t be maintained, feeling a pain in her heart as if pierced by needles.

Being played to this extent, if word got out, she would probably be laughed at.

Huang Manting’s fair toes hooked on the black embroidered shoes with cloud patterns. She reached out again and placed her hand on the back of Mu Zhi’an’s hand, saying softly, “If Miss Ruoxi knew that we were so intimate in the same private room, she probably wouldn’t be angry, right?”

“No, she’s quite confident in her own beauty,” Mu Zhi’an said with a smile.

If it were usual, Mu Zhi’an would probably take the bait and play along with Huang Manting’s teasing.

However, after staying in Bai Ruoxi’s room for a long time these past few days, he temporarily lost those worldly desires.

Moreover, in terms of family background, Bai Ruoxi was not inferior to Huang Manting. In terms of appearance and charm, she was a few points higher than Huang Manting, and even her figure was also superior to her… Plus, she had a cold and delicate temperament that easily aroused men’s desire to protect. There was no need to consider who to choose at all.

Huang Manting looked down at the auction hall below from the private room and suddenly changed the topic, saying, “Young Master Mu, what plans do you have after entering the Two Polarities Sect in a few days?”

“What other plans can I have? I’ll do whatever I should do. Don’t tell me you’re planning to establish another mountain gate in the Two Polarities Sect?” Mu Zhi’an joked.

Huang Manting shook her head and said, “After entering the Two Polarities Sect, our identities in Tianxuan City will naturally lose their significance. I think we can help each other then.”

“I’m just a small cultivator who hasn’t even reached the fourth level of Qi Refinement. How can I help you?” Mu Zhi’an laughed in surprise.

“It’s fine to help when you can. As for when you can’t help…” Huang Manting paused, took a sip of tea, raised her clear eyes to look at him, and said in a soft voice, “You can still help me.”


Suddenly, the embroidered shoe hooked on Huang Manting’s toes fell to the ground. With the crisp sound, it seemed to add a hint of indescribable ambiguity to the atmosphere in the private room.

Huang Manting lowered her eyelids to look at her toes and said softly, “I won’t ask Young Master Mu to leave Miss Bai. It’s fine if you occasionally come to accompany me.”

Mu Zhi’an stared straight at this enchanting and charming profile. After being silent for a long time, he said, “Miss Manting’s suggestion is really tempting.”

Huang Manting’s eyes were gentle. She turned her head to look at him and said, “So you accepted?”

Seeing Mu Zhi’an’s infatuated gaze, she already knew the result. She just wanted to hear Mu Zhi’an say it himself.

When a charming woman took the initiative to say such words, any man would be unable to resist the temptation.

And this just happened to be the first step for Mu Zhi’an to fall into the trap.

At first, she said she “had no intention of breaking up your Dao companion pair,” but in the end, Mu Zhi’an would enjoy the thrill of secretly being intimate with other girls, and even eventually fall under her pomegranate skirt.

Huang Manting indeed knew men quite well.

Under Huang Manting’s direct gaze, Mu Zhi’an lightly nodded.

Before Huang Manting’s smile could fully bloom, she heard him continue, “I refuse.”

Seeing Huang Manting’s frozen smile on her face, Mu Zhi’an drank the tea in one gulp and stood up.

Huang Manting’s charming eyes carried a hint of anger. She suppressed the anger in her heart and tried to make him stay, “Young Master Mu, the auction is about to start. Won’t you stay and watch?”

“I have an appointment later. I won’t take up more of your time,” Mu Zhi’an said with a smile.

Under Huang Manting’s deep gaze, Mu Zhi’an lifted the curtain and left the private room in a cheerful mood.

For a tricky woman like Huang Manting, if he really accepted her temptation, he could indeed take some advantage of her at the beginning.

However… for a woman like her, if one really wanted to have her in the end, one would definitely have to pay a huge price.

Moreover, compared to Miss Huang’s rouge, Bai Ruoxi’s rouge was indeed more delicious.

Mu Zhi’an stood in front of the second-floor corridor, casually scanning the rows of seats below, looking for the figures of the Ye sisters.

However, after searching for a long time, he didn’t find Ye Lingxuan and Ye Qian.

“Strange… Have the Ye sisters not arrived yet?”

Or were they also in a private room on the second floor?

Just as Mu Zhi’an thought of this, at this moment, the corner of his eye suddenly fell on a private room not far away on the second floor.

In front of that private room, he saw a beautiful woman wearing a moon-white long dress with a veil on her face. Her clear eyes like a cold lake were unforgettable at first glance.

Lan Mulian.

Fuck… Why is Senior Sister here?!

According to Senior Sister’s personality, she shouldn’t like such a lively place, but why…

Mu Zhi’an’s footsteps abruptly stopped. He hesitated for a moment and turned around, intending to go downstairs in another direction.

However, just as he turned around, he saw another familiar figure not far behind him.

Bai Ruoxi, dressed in a plain palace dress with a delicate temperament, was talking with Wei Mengrou. The two of them were scanning their surroundings, seeming to be looking for something.


Mu Zhi’an was silent for a moment, then immediately turned around and lifted the curtain to return to the private room.

Huang Manting raised her head and looked at him coldly without saying a word.

“Miss Huang, I’m back,” Mu Zhi’an wasn’t embarrassed either. He greeted with a smile and then sat back in his original seat.

“Didn’t Young Master Mu plan to go back? Could it be that you changed your mind?” Huang Manting’s voice was cold, and her pretty face no longer had the initial calmness, covered with a layer of frost.

“Um… Something unexpected happened.”

Mu Zhi’an answered absent-mindedly and fell into a long contemplation.

He suddenly realized that things seemed to be gradually getting out of his control.

And Huang Manting beside him had already regained her composure. She propped her chin with her hand and gave Mu Zhi’an a meaningful glance. Seeing the hint of worry in his eyes, she couldn’t help but narrow her eyes slightly.

Something was off.

He had clearly planned to leave just now, but he suddenly turned back… From the looks of it, could there be something outside that could make even Young Master Mu afraid?

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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This is so close to becoming a fire dumpster 🤣


Thx for chapter


not work with dark mode