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It turns out, they are the protagonists 68

Chapter 68: Who Does the Heavens Spare? 

As Ye Yu lifted the thin curtain, the voices inside the private room abruptly ceased, and the scene within entered his field of vision.

The elegant and refined Ye Lingxuan was sitting on the soft couch in the private room. She was at the wonderful age of her youth, with eyebrows like distant ink, cherry-like lips, and delicate features.

Beside her sat another girl in a well-behaved posture, dressed casually. Although she was a year or two younger than her sister, the slightly protruding curves on her chest were much larger than her sister’s beside her, her graceful figure faintly discernible.

They were close in age, two beauties sitting together, and beside Ye Qian sat a rather handsome youth.

As the thin curtain was lifted, the voices in the private room quieted down. Mu Zhi’an raised his head, and upon seeing Ye Yu, he keenly noticed the jealous gaze in the other party’s eyes. Without changing his expression, he gently put down his teacup, looked at the two, and asked in confusion, “Miss Lingxuan, did you invite someone else as well?”

Ye Lingxuan shook her head slightly and raised her head, smiling reservedly, “Brother Ye Yu, is there something you need?”

Ye Yu stared intently at Mu Zhi’an, his voice unable to conceal the anger as he said, “Why are you with him?”

“Sister Lingxuan and I have never been to the auction house before, so we wanted to find someone to accompany us,” Ye Qian said softly and weakly. “I asked Brother Ye Yu a few times before, but you were always busy and we didn’t want to disturb your cultivation.”

In the past, Ye Qian had indeed invited Ye Yu, but Ye Yu had always declined on the grounds that he was cultivating.

In his subconscious, he felt that accompanying his cousin to the auction house was a pure waste of time. Moreover, they had never had much contact in the past, and they only invited him after he gained talent, which inevitably

made Ye Yu feel that his cousin was somewhat of a social climber.

As for Ye Lingxuan… She was an inherently proud girl and generally wouldn’t take the initiative to invite others. If it weren’t for Ye Qian this time, Ye Lingxuan wouldn’t have written that letter to Mu Zhi’an.

Bluntly put, Ye Yu simply didn’t want his sisters to leave him, but he also didn’t want to spend time on them.

Ye Yu stared intently at the carefree Mu Zhi’an and said in a low voice, “Anyone but him, he’s not a good person.”

Ye Lingxuan’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, but she still maintained her usual politeness and said, “Brother Ye Yu, Young Master Mu is a guest I invited. If there’s nothing else, please leave first.”

No matter what, Mu Zhi’an was a guest she had invited. Even if there was some conflict between Ye Yu and Mu Zhi’an, it shouldn’t be brought up in a public place like this.

Ye Yu’s brows were tightly knitted as he said, “If you had asked me, I would have made time to accompany you no matter what. You’re my sisters after all, wasting some time is nothing.”

Originally, with both sisters in the Ye family, Ye Yu subconsciously believed they wouldn’t leave. But seeing them together with Mu Zhi’an today… it finally gave Ye Yu a sense of crisis.

Mu Zhi’an remained silent the entire time, but upon hearing Ye Yu’s words, he almost couldn’t hold back his laughter.

Ye Yu might not be a fool, but his emotional intelligence was probably quite low.

Calling it a waste of time to spend time accompanying girls?

Even if he really felt it was a waste of time, he shouldn’t say it directly… Did he think he was some kind of protagonist from Yasha West, waiting for girls to actively pursue him?

Moreover, with girls like Ye Qian and even Ye Lingxuan, there was no shortage of male pursuers. If you don’t make a move, someone else will.

Ye Lingxuan indeed felt somewhat uncomfortable in her heart and said softly, “Brother Ye Yu, please leave first. Qian’er is safe with me protecting her. Besides, Young Master Mu will also send us back to the Ye residence later.”

“That’s right, after the auction ends, I’ll personally escort them back.” Mu Zhi’an raised his hand and gently rubbed Ye Qian’s head, smiling, “The Ye family’s carriage is still parked outside. Although it’s a bit small, Sister

Lingxuan and Sister Qian’er are both very slender girls, so it shouldn’t be too cramped.”

This simple sentence nearly made Ye Yu break down. In his mind, he imagined the scene of them ‘frolicking’ in the carriage on the way back, and in an instant, his eyes burned with an undisguised fury as he looked at Mu Zhi’an.

“One thousand seven hundred spirit stones, any higher bids?”

At this moment, Feiying’s charming and pleasant voice suddenly rang out from below. Just now, there had been two or three more people bidding in succession, driving the price of the Dragon Rising Root up to one thousand seven hundred spirit stones.

Upon hearing the bidding voice beside him, Ye Yu also calmed down a bit.

Just now, seeing his two sisters being so intimate with Mu Zhi’an in the private room, he was so angry that he almost forgot his true purpose in coming to find Ye Lingxuan.

Compared to the Dragon Rising Root, everything else was completely irrelevant… No matter how lecherous Mu Zhi’an was, he definitely wouldn’t dare to make a move on Ye Lingxuan and Ye Qian.

The current priority was to win the Dragon Rising Root.

This fool has no idea of its true value… Ye Yu’s gaze fell on Ye Lingxuan as he said, “Lingxuan, do you have any extra spirit stones?”

Ye Lingxuan’s delicate eyebrows furrowed slightly as she subconsciously glanced at Mu Zhi’an.

She knew Mu Zhi’an also wanted that root. If she lent money…

Ye Yu’s expression was fully visible to Ye Lingxuan. He subconsciously looked at Mu Zhi’an and said, “So it was you bidding against me just now?”

Mu Zhi’an smiled, “Actually, I’m also a bit interested in that root.”

Ye Yu’s eyes suddenly turned cold.

What interest in the root, this Mu Zhi’an was clearly targeting him!

But he had no way to deal with it… With Mu Zhi’an’s financial ability, he was completely no match.

But even so… At the very least, he had to make Mu Zhi’an bleed heavily this time.

Ye Yu looked at the elegant purple-robed girl and said, “Lingxuan, can you lend me some more spirit stones?”

Ye Lingxuan’s delicate eyebrows furrowed.

Ye Yu’s words were equivalent to pushing Ye Lingxuan to the cusp.

Lending spirit stones to Ye Yu was equivalent to targeting Mu Zhi’an, but if she didn’t lend… it seemed a bit inappropriate. After all, they had grown up together in the Ye family since childhood and saw each other all the time.

In fact, if someone was clever, they shouldn’t have asked Ye Lingxuan for this at all.

But Ye Yu had clearly lost his mind after seeing Mu Zhi’an. He had been targeted by Mu Zhi’an several times and now even saw his two former sisters in the same room with him. Naturally, the jealousy in his heart was hard to extinguish.

At this moment, Ye Lingxuan suddenly felt her delicate hand under the table being quietly held tightly by a warm palm. Her heartbeat slowed for a beat as she subconsciously glanced at Mu Zhi’an. At first, resentment flashed in her eyes.

But then, when Mu Zhi’an’s gaze met hers, he inadvertently nodded his head.

He meant for me to lend spirit stones to Brother Ye Yu… Ye Lingxuan understood Mu Zhi’an’s intention and was stunned for a long time before slowly coming to her senses. She took out a small box from her spatial ring and handed it to Ye Yu.

“These are the two thousand spirit stones I brought with me, I’ll lend them to Brother Ye Yu for now.” Her voice had already gained a hint of coldness that rejected people a thousand miles away.

Ye Yu’s originally tightly knitted brows relaxed, and he glanced at Mu Zhi’an as if wanting to see the uncontrollable fury in his eyes.

However, Mu Zhi’an’s expression remained calm and at ease as he leisurely took a sip of tea, looking completely unbothered.

Trying to put on the appearance of a wealthy young master in front of Qian’er and Lingxuan, but they don’t like wealthy sons… Ye Yu inwardly sneered and took the box, smiling, “Lingxuan, I’ll return these two thousand spirit stones to you when we get back to the Ye residence.”

He knew Mu Zhi’an would continue to bid against him later. Borrowing money now was just to make Mu Zhi’an bleed a bit and incidentally show Mu Zhi’an: The one they truly cared about was him, not Mu Zhi’an.

Between Mu Zhi’an and him, the one Ye Lingxuan and Ye Qian would ultimately choose was him, not Mu Zhi’an.

Bluntly put, he wanted to deal a blow.

When he returned to his seat, Ye Yu immediately raised his head and shouted, “Two thousand three hundred spirit stones.”

Sure enough, the maid beside Huang Manting once again spoke up and raised the bid, “Two thousand four hundred spirit stones.”

Ye Yu inwardly sneered and didn’t raise the price again this time.

On the other side, Ye Lingxuan turned to look at Mu Zhi’an, her eyes showing a hint of apology for the first time, “Sorry for making you spend nearly two thousand spirit stones.”

She had originally just wanted to purchase some Luminous Earth at the auction house and relax a bit… She didn’t expect to put the person accompanying them through such a frustrating situation.

Ye Qian’s eyes also held an apologetic look, her delicate eyebrows tightly knitted.

Mu Zhi’an gently put down his teacup, shook his head, and smiled, “I’ve said before, the matters between Ye Yu and me have nothing to do with you and shouldn’t involve you.”

“Sorry, I’ll return the two thousand spirit stones to you when we get back,” Ye Lingxuan said.

Ye Lingxuan was an extremely intelligent girl and naturally understood that Mu Zhi’an, this sucker, was doing this for them.

“If spending an extra two thousand spirit stones can allow you to get along harmoniously when you return, it’s worth it.” Mu Zhi’an smiled.

This time, it seemed like he had spent two thousand spirit stones, but that wasn’t the case.

Glancing at the apologetic Ye Lingxuan beside him, and the somewhat sullen Ye Qian, Mu Zhi’an silently took a sip of tea.

He then poured a cup of tea for the two and smiled, “Don’t be so gloomy. Since you can be unhappy because of one thing, why can’t you be a bit happier because of another?”

Upon hearing this, Ye Lingxuan’s gaze softened a bit.

Come to think of it… Although borrowing money made one feel a bit depressed.

But from another perspective, having someone consider her feelings and even be willing to be the sucker… This gentle consideration, permeating like water, inevitably warmed one’s heart.

She would just return the two thousand spirit stones to Mu Zhi’an later.

For Ye Lingxuan, that bit of spirit stones was nothing.

Ye Qian suddenly felt the back of her hand being lightly touched by a palm. Her heart jumped, and she subconsciously glanced at Mu Zhi’an. His handsome profile, his tall nose, like the boy next door, made one’s heart race.

Ye Qian’s eyes flashed, and she guiltily glanced at her sister, but didn’t struggle, only lowering her head without a word.

It seemed like Ye Qian was the kind of extremely pure “little sister” type, just as he had initially judged. She was very easy to conquer. As long as one knew how to talk, was good-looking, and treated her well, there was no problem.

At the same time, the Dragon Rising Root being auctioned below was also finally bought by Mu Zhi’an for two thousand four hundred spirit stones.

Ye Yu raised his head and looked towards a certain private room, smiling, “Young Master Mu spent two thousand four hundred spirit stones to buy a piece of junk, how generous.”

In the private room, Mu Zhi’an was playing with Ye Qian’s soft little hand. Upon hearing this, he inwardly sneered.

This idiot Ye Yu still thought he had profited, but in reality, his home had been stolen.

Then, he suddenly remembered something important, and the smile on his face gradually froze.

Damn it… no, that’s not right…

If it were normal, Mu Zhi’an would have won a great victory this time.


Mu Zhi’an vaguely seemed to hear someone gently lifting the thin curtain of the private room outside, and the sound of approaching footsteps reached his ears. Mu Zhi’an felt a chilling sensation from head to toe.

This time, Ye Yu had indeed won.

This reckless lad had completely exposed the fact that he was accompanying the Ye sisters at the auction house.

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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