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It turns out, they are the protagonists 69

Chapter 69: Mu Zhi’an’s Imminent Harem Crisis

On the stage of the auction house, Lan Feiying looked at Ye Yu below with a smile. Although there was no disgust on her face, her impression of Ye Yu had worsened a lot.

As an auctioneer, the most annoying thing was someone interrupting the bidding rhythm midway like this.

Initially, her impression of Ye Yu was pretty good. Although he wasn’t handsome, he was at least pleasant to look at, and his talent was not bad either.

But who would have thought that Ye Yu would be so petty and had no consideration for her feelings on stage at all?

If it were normal for the rhythm to be interrupted midway, it would be fine, but today, her sister was watching from the private room. She wanted to show Lan Mulian her most outstanding side.

Thinking of this, Lan Feiying subconsciously raised her eyes and glanced at the private rooms on the second floor.

In front of a certain private room, the thin curtain was gently lifted, and a woman wearing light white cloud-embroidered shoes walked out of the private room.

Her gaze swept around, and her line of sight quickly settled on a certain private room. With graceful steps, she walked towards it.

Strange… does Sister have something to do? Lan Feiying’s eyes flashed with a bit of doubt.

Originally, because Mu Zhi’an had given her the Luminous Earth the day before yesterday, Lan Mulian had no intention of attending this auction again. But in order to see her sister’s elegance, she still came in the end.

Lan Feiying gently shook her head, dispelling the thoughts in her mind. She looked at the cultivators below and spoke again, drawing everyone’s attention back to the auction.

At this time, Mu Zhi’an was sitting in the private room, holding a teacup in one hand, while his other hand under the table was holding Ye Qian’s delicate jade hand, absentmindedly playing with it.

On the surface, he was as steady as an old dog, but his heart was in a panic.

Ye Yu was really too uncivilized. He couldn’t win the verbal battle, so he directly called someone over? Mu Zhi’an inwardly thought.

Since awakening his memories, most things had been under Mu Zhi’an’s control, whether it was diverting the attention of the Gongsun family and Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce, surrounding the black-robed men, or obtaining the Heavenly Dao Aura.

The only unexpected event was the appearance of the Anaconda Queen, but that time, the difference in strength between the two sides was too great, and there was no room for operation at all.

Only this time did he deeply realize that things were deviating from the predetermined trajectory he had originally arranged.

Ye Yu’s words just now were simply meant to ridicule Mu Zhi’an for spending over two thousand spirit stones to buy a useless piece of junk.

But in fact, Ye Lingxuan would still return the two thousand spirit stones to Mu Zhi’an later.

Mu Zhi’an could even use the matter of Ye Lingxuan returning the two thousand spirit stones to make another move, inviting her to a nearby building to have tea and chat, improving the girl’s favorability.

In other words, Ye Yu had always been on the first floor, while Mu Zhi’an was on the fifth floor.

However… if external factors were taken into account, Ye Yu’s attack this time would directly pierce from the first floor to the fifth floor.

Mu Zhi’an held the teacup and took a small sip of tea, pondering life.

“What’s wrong with you?”

In the private room, Ye Qian seemed to have noticed Mu Zhi’an’s abnormality and looked at him with concerned eyes.

Ye Lingxuan also glanced over, her brows slightly furrowed, and said softly, “If you’re not feeling well, don’t force yourself. We’ll send you back.”

Normally, hearing these sisters wanting to send him back, Mu Zhi’an’s heart would probably be somewhat joyful, as it meant his conquest plan had progressed another step.

But now…

Mu Zhi’an shook his head and smiled, “I’m fine, just thinking about some things.”

“But it seems like your palms are sweating, are you really okay?” Ye Qian asked in a small voice.

The hand that Mu Zhi’an was hiding under the table had been holding one of her hands the entire time, so Ye Qian naturally felt the change in his body temperature.

Mu Zhi’an waved his hand and said, “It’s really nothing, don’t worry about it.”

He had just finished speaking when he suddenly heard footsteps slowly approaching from not far away.

The auction was still going on below. Listening to the approaching footsteps, Mu Zhi’an lightly clenched his other fist and placed it against his mouth. Imitating the voice of a rough man, he coughed forcefully a few times.

“Cough cough cough…”

He had intended to hint to the girl outside that the private room she was looking for was not this one, but those few coughs directly brought Bai Ruoxi into the room.

She lifted the curtain, and a beautiful face appeared in the field of vision of the three.

Wearing a white low-cut long dress, paired with a pretty face, it made the originally gentle and weak Bai Ruoxi look even more pitifully charming.

To any man, Bai Ruoxi was the kind of great beauty that could arouse male protective instincts, making one want to hold her in their arms and dote on her.

But in Mu Zhi’an’s eyes, at this moment, Bai Ruoxi lifting the curtain and appearing in front of the private room was like the fuse of a bomb.

Bai Ruoxi’s normally cold and weak expression was gone. She looked at Mu Zhi’an expressionlessly, then scrutinized the Ye sisters.

Ye Lingxuan and Ye Qian also examined this famous beauty of Tianxuan City.

“Senior Sister Bai, do you need something?” Ye Lingxuan raised her head and asked with a gentle smile.

Bai Ruoxi’s gaze looked at Mu Zhi’an for a moment, then shifted to the purple-robed Ye Lingxuan. She smiled softly and said, “I’m here to find someone.”


Ye Lingxuan glanced at Mu Zhi’an inadvertently and asked, “Could it be Young Master Mu?”

She continued smiling, “I remember Young Master Mu pursued Senior Sister for a while before, but was always rejected.”

“But I also heard that you two were intimate at the martial arts arena a couple of days ago and seemed to be together. Is that true?”

Bai Ruoxi didn’t answer. Her eyes glimmered as she swept her gaze over the two girls in the private room.

She first saw this elegant and polite-looking young miss of the Ye family. She had a smile on her face, wearing a purple dress with a ribbon outlining her slender waist. A small section of her snow-white calves was exposed under the skirt, giving off a serene aura.

Bai Ruoxi’s gaze passed over Ye Lingxuan and looked at her sister Ye Qian beside her. The pure and lovely Ye Qian had long since pulled her hand out of Mu Zhi’an’s grasp and was now slightly lowering her head.

Noticing the gazes of the two, she smiled, parted her small lips, and was about to speak.

At this moment, Mu Zhi’an poured a cup of tea for Bai Ruoxi, trying to interrupt the rhythm, and said, “Ruoxi, why did you come to the auction house so early today? Could it be that there’s something you want to buy?”

“In any case, sit down and have some tea first.” As he spoke, he raised his head, looked at Bai Ruoxi, and smiled gently.

Bai Ruoxi’s gaze looked at Mu Zhi’an for a moment, then inadvertently glanced at the Ye sisters.

At Mu Zhi’an’s invitation, she took a seat. Surprisingly, she didn’t start questioning Mu Zhi’an about why he was accompanying other girls to the auction.

She only leaned forward slightly, picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea. This action made her peerless chest press against the table, completely crushing the two pretty girls beside her.

The atmosphere felt a bit awkward.

But this awkward atmosphere made Mu Zhi’an feel somewhat relieved.

He wasn’t afraid of an awkward atmosphere. He was just afraid of Bai Ruoxi aggressively and relentlessly questioning him.

Just now, Bai Ruoxi was clearly about to say something “dangerous,” but fortunately, he interrupted her midway.

Bai Ruoxi’s personality was just as he had guessed, leaning towards weakness and passivity. Unlike others, she would only feel distressed for her own Young Master Mu.

Ye Yu’s move seemed to have broken through the stratosphere, but in fact, it was still within a manageable range.

At this time, he needed to take control of the situation and ease the atmosphere a bit… Mu Zhi’an showed a smile and was about to speak.

At this moment, the curtain swayed gently, and someone outside lightly lifted the curtain.

Appearing in their field of vision was a beautiful woman wearing a moon-white long dress. Her hair was simply tied up with a white silk ribbon, and her black hair cascaded down like a waterfall. Her pretty face was covered with a layer of thin gauze.

Her gaze inadvertently looked at the few people in the private room, then she looked at Mu Zhi’an with a cold gaze, her eyes carrying a hint of mockery and anger.

Senior Sister Lan?!

Mu Zhi’an’s smile completely froze on his face, his body slightly stiffened, like a statue that might scatter with the wind at any moment.

Ye Lingxuan and Ye Qian were also surprised to see this woman.

They were clear about her identity, but they never expected that this examiner for the sect assessment would appear at this auction and even come to this private room.

Did she enter the wrong private room, or was she also here to find someone, like Bai Ruoxi?

The gazes of the Ye sisters simultaneously turned to Mu Zhi’an without a word.

Senior Sister Lan’s relationship with Young Master Mu is indeed not that simple… Bai Ruoxi slightly raised her eyes, and her originally clear and bright eyes lost some of their luster.

Mu Zhi’an, under these gazes, calmly put down the teacup in his hand. With a flawless, indifferent smile on his face, he said,

“Se- Senior Sister, why are you here? Didn’t you say you had no interest in auctions?”

Lan Mulian surveyed the few people in the private room. Under the thin gauze, the corners of her mouth curved into a faint arc as she said, “I came to the auction house to find someone. I didn’t expect to coincidentally run into you here.”

“A couple of days ago, you said you probably wouldn’t be able to accompany me to the Morning Glory Auction House today. At first, I thought you had important matters to attend to. It turns out you had already made plans with others?”

As she said this, her eyes, cold as a deep pool, looked at him indifferently.

“He said something similar to me a couple of days ago as well.” Bai Ruoxi sighed lightly. Let alone men, even the girls present couldn’t help but feel their hearts flutter upon seeing this scene.

She looked at Mu Zhi’an and asked softly, “Mu Lang, why aren’t you saying anything?”

The private room was as silent as death.

With a simple form of address, the entire private room fell into a deathly stillness.

Mu Zhi’an never expected that the form of address he had previously used to “tease” Bai Ruoxi would be uttered by this beauty at this moment.

In this era, when a woman addressed her beloved, she would add “Lang” after his surname.

This form of address both casually indicated her stance and wouldn’t make the man feel annoyed because it was what Mu Zhi’an had asked Bai Ruoxi to call him before.

Although she usually appeared weak, Bai Ruoxi’s move this time was at a much higher level than the others.

Ye Qian had just experienced the feeling of love. Upon hearing Bai Ruoxi’s form of address, her face suddenly darkened, and she lowered her head without a word.

When she was in a bad mood, she wouldn’t directly express it and would just endure it silently.

Ye Lingxuan’s face was also cold as ice as she silently looked at Bai Ruoxi.

She could feel that Bai Ruoxi’s form of address seemed to be declaring her sovereignty.

Just now, Mu Zhi’an’s “heartwarming” move had given the girl a bit of a favorable impression. Even though Ye Lingxuan didn’t have romantic feelings for Mu Zhi’an yet, upon hearing Bai Ruoxi’s declaration-like words, she also felt somewhat defiant in her heart.

Lan Mulian was veiled, so her expression couldn’t be seen, but her gaze became even colder.

These past few days, Mu Zhi’an had frequently exchanged letters with Lan Mulian. Every few days, Mu Zhi’an would express his longing for her. She had a bit of a good impression of this youth who was slightly younger than her. Now, hearing Bai Ruoxi’s form of address, her mood naturally became subtle.

Ye Yu stood outside the private room, rooted in place, unmoving.

He had wanted to ridicule Mu Zhi’an one last time before leaving, but he unexpectedly heard the conversation coming from inside the private room. For a moment, he didn’t know whether to feel schadenfreude or envy.

Ye Qian was stunned for a long time before raising her slightly reddened eyes and asking, “Miss Bai, are you joking?”

In the past, Bai Ruoxi had always been quite disgusted with Mu Zhi’an. When she and her sister were on the streets, they would occasionally see Mu Zhi’an following Bai Ruoxi like a fly, but Bai Ruoxi never paid him any attention.

But now, this beauty actually called him “Mu Lang”?

Bai Ruoxi gently shook her head, raised her head to look at Mu Zhi’an, and said softly, “I wouldn’t joke about this. I’ve already brought Mu Lang to meet my parents, and…”

Her small face turned red as she continued, “We’ve already dual cultivated.”


The atmosphere in the room completely solidified, and even Lan Mulian’s face didn’t look too good.

Ye Yu, standing outside, completely stiffened, his heart greatly impacted as he staggered back.

From pursuing Bai Ruoxi until now, it hadn’t been that long, yet their relationship had already reached that stage…

And why would that examiner also be involved with Mu Zhi’an… Wasn’t she an inner disciple of the Two Polarities Sect?!

If Ye Yu had been feeling schadenfreude towards the imminent harem crisis Mu Zhi’an was facing just now, then now his heart was filled with the blazing flames of jealousy that were hard to extinguish.

But fortunately, through this opportunity, Ye Qian and Ye Lingxuan should also realize what kind of scumbag Mu Zhi’an really was… This was the only small consolation Ye Yu could give himself in his jealousy.

At this moment, Ye Yu felt a sense of anger and jealousy that his goddess had been taken by a scumbag, but he was powerless to do anything.

And in the private room, Mu Zhi’an looked at the deathly silent room, his scalp numb, but he never spoke.

He couldn’t say anything now, nor could he make any explanations.

Because Mu Zhi’an was the center of the contradiction. Deep in the vortex, no matter what he said, it would be wrong. Speaking recklessly would only make him the target of everyone’s attacks.

But the current situation wasn’t completely without a way to break through, although this wave would greatly diminish his image. Mu Zhi’an had long had a vague premonition about this scene in his heart.

If you walk by the river often enough, you’re bound to get your shoes wet. Even he was no exception.

He was certainly a bit flustered, but not to the point of being blindly flustered or giving up on himself.

Mu Zhi’an was very clear about what kind of personality Bai Ruoxi had.

He was equally clear about the personalities of the other girls.

Bluntly put, this crisis seemed thrilling, but there was still a way to resolve it.

After all, very early on, Mu Zhi’an had already established the image of a “dissolute man who indulged in beauty and frequented brothels.”

In fact, these girls were all aware of this matter in their hearts. It was just that when interacting with Mu Zhi’an, his words and actions made the girls selectively ignore Mu Zhi’an’s past image.

This time, exposing the fact that he came to the auction house with the Ye sisters and even dual cultivated with Bai Ruoxi only made them recall their other “dissolute” impression of Mu Zhi’an from the past.

He couldn’t speak now, but there was someone who could.

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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