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It turns out, they are the protagonists 70

Chapter 70: Wei Mengrou’s Clever Plan to Stabilize the Situation

The situation seemed out of control, but Mu Zhi’an felt that he could still salvage it.

However, he couldn’t save himself.

He had to wait for someone to come to his rescue.

Fortunately, that person was bound to come.

Or rather, she should be nearby, just watching coldly from the sidelines for now.

Mu Zhi’an calmly took a sip of tea, thinking about how to summon his reinforcements.

At this moment, he suddenly heard the sound of light footsteps approaching.

The person outside lifted the curtain and walked into the private room.

She was wearing a black dress, had a beautiful face, and a charming and sexy figure. At this moment, she was holding an exquisitely crafted wooden box, appearing in the sight of several people.

Huang Manting.

Although she’s not the person I’m waiting for, Huang Manting will do… Mu Zhi’an immediately stood up, showed a warm smile as usual, and took the initiative to greet her:

“Miss Huang, why are you here?”

Huang Manting was not the person he was waiting for, but she could be the person he was waiting for if she was smart enough and willing to help resolve the situation.

Huang Manting had never really been Mu Zhi’an’s enemy, nor was she a friend.

She was just a sadistic young miss who wanted to cuckold Bai Ruoxi.

It was not surprising that she would show up here. After all, just now, two or three guests had gone to the same private room, and the news would naturally reach the ears of this young miss of the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce.

Huang Manting’s gaze swept over the people present with suspicion, passing over the icy cold Lan Mulian, then falling on the quiet and weak Bai Ruoxi beside her, then looking at the simple girl Ye Qian, who had her head lowered and seemed a bit sad.

Finally, her gaze fell on the elegant Ye Lingxuan, who was holding a teacup.

Sensing the atmosphere in the private room and looking at Mu Zhi’an, she already had some guesses in her heart.

This young master of the Mu family… is quite capable~

She slightly narrowed her eyes, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and she casually placed the wooden box on the table.

“I’m here to bring Young Master Mu the root he won at the auction today.”

Originally, she just wanted to use the opportunity of delivering the root to Mu Zhi’an to interact with him a bit more, but unexpectedly, she saw an even more interesting scene.

Mu Zhi’an lightly coughed and said, “Miss Huang, do you have any other business?”

As he said this, he gave Huang Manting a look.

Huang Manting’s lips curled up, and she smiled with narrowed eyes, “No, I see Young Master Mu seems to have other matters to attend to, so I won’t disturb you any further. Please carry on, Young Master Mu~”

With that said, she turned around, swaying her enchanting figure, and left the private room in a good mood.

Mu Zhi’an’s smile slightly froze.

Damn it, it was indeed correct not to place any hope on Huang Manting from the beginning. This enchantress is really unreliable…

At this moment, Bai Ruoxi sighed softly and said, “I’m sorry, my Young Master Mu has caused you all quite a bit of trouble. After we return to the Mu Manor later, I will discuss it with him and make sure that misunderstandings like today won’t happen again.”

This Miss Bai looked weak and pitiful, but who knew that she was actually dark inside. She slightly raised her eyes, showing a charming smile on her face, and looked at Mu Zhi’an, saying, “Right, Young Master Mu?”

Ye Lingxuan’s brows furrowed slightly, and Ye Qian, who had been lowering her head, also raised her head. Lan Mulian casually looked at Mu Zhi’an, seemingly waiting for his answer.

Mu Zhi’an had no choice but to follow up, saying, “Ruoxi, I already showed you Miss Huang’s letter that day.”

“Yes, Miss Huang invited you to accompany her to today’s auction. I know.”

Bai Ruoxi nodded with a smile and said, “I don’t mind whether you’re with Miss Huang, Sister Lingxuan, or Sister Qian’er. I think there must be some misunderstanding. Let’s discuss this in detail after we get back to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings in the future, okay?”

This Miss Bai looked gentle and weak, but who knew she would be so formidable… With a simple sentence, she directly put her status in the most dominant position… Outside the private room, Huang Manting, who heard these words, felt a few more hints of admiration in her heart.

It seems that she had indeed underestimated Bai Ruoxi in the past…

She had always regarded Bai Ruoxi as a young miss who was strong but a bit simple-minded, but from what she saw today… this young miss was actually a bit dark-bellied.

Bai Ruoxi’s words now were actually a trap. Once Mu Zhi’an followed up, it would be acknowledging their relationship to the others, and it would also elevate Bai Ruoxi’s status to the top, enough to look down on the others.

Theoretically, Bai Ruoxi’s personality shouldn’t be so assertive, because she had always had the image of a weak beauty, but now… Mu Zhi’an felt the complexity of the human heart while feeling a headache.

At this moment, Ye Lingxuan suddenly spoke with a sweet smile, “Senior Sister Ruoxi and Brother Mu have such a good relationship.”

“Although Brother Mu used to indulge in brothels and pleasure houses every day and even had thoughts about many girls, I always believed that Brother Mu was an upright and good person. Now that he has been conquered by your charm, it is worthy of congratulations.”

Although it sounded like a compliment, why did it also feel so passive-aggressive? Sister, are you praising me or insulting me… Mu Zhi’an looked at Ye Lingxuan’s smiling face and felt complex emotions for a moment.

But it was also time to stop this farce… If it continued, it was hard to say if Bai Ruoxi would turn into Black Ruoxi.

The one who could temporarily resolve this crisis and rescue Mu Zhi’an was not Huang Manting, and of course, it wouldn’t be that idiot Ye Yu.

Mu Zhi’an raised his head, looked outside the curtain, and said in surprise, “Oh, Senior Sister Mengrou, do you have something to look for me about?”

This was the only solution Mu Zhi’an could think of at the moment.

Would anyone really want to resolve a harem crisis in this situation?

No matter how many mouths Mu Zhi’an had now, he couldn’t defend himself.

When people are angry, they won’t listen to any explanations. Now that they were gathered together, no matter what Mu Zhi’an said, it would be wrong, and the more he said, the more wrong it would be. No matter how reasonable his explanations were, it would be useless.

The only thing he could do was to disperse them first and then deal with them one by one.

Mu Zhi’an wasn’t worried that this matter would cause everyone’s favorability towards him to drop to the lowest, leading to them ignoring him in the future.

The impression he gave people was not that of a “good person” anyway, and the girls had interacted with him knowing this premise.

In other words, the matter of dual cultivating with Bai Ruoxi and attending the auction with the Ye sisters this time would, at most, make them feel dissatisfied.

However, a scumbag is not afraid of you being dissatisfied with him, but afraid of your attitude towards him being as bland as water.

When none of your actions can cause any emotional fluctuations in her, then you should consider surrendering, restarting, and preparing for the next game.

As expected, after Mu Zhi’an finished speaking, everyone’s attention turned to outside the private room.

There was no movement outside.

Mu Zhi’an didn’t give up and was about to speak again.

At this moment, the thin curtain was lifted, and a woman wearing a yellow long dress walked into the private room.

She was cold as frost, her gaze sweeping over the few people indifferently, and then her gaze fell on Mu Zhi’an.

Seeing that her young master’s usual calm smile of being in control was completely gone, Wei Mengrou couldn’t help but raise the corners of her mouth in a slight arc.

Seeing her young master’s plan fail made her feel quite comfortable.

“Young Master, something has happened at the Mu Manor that requires you to go back and handle it.” Wei Mengrou spoke coldly.

The plays of the others had all ended, and now it was time for the maid to demonstrate her true superior skills.

Seeing Wei Mengrou at this moment, Mu Zhi’an felt relieved, as if a heavy burden had been lifted.

Senior Sister Mengrou seems to disdain me on the surface, but she actually still loves me in her heart… Mu Zhi’an cooperatively stood up, his brows tightly furrowed, and said, “Something happened at the Mu Manor…?”

He turned his head to look at the few people. Bai Ruoxi’s eyes were dark, and Lan Mulian was holding a teacup, her cold eyes like a chilly pool, making people’s hearts shudder when they looked at her.

Ye Lingxuan raised her head to look at him, her eyes full of distrust.

Ye Qian lowered her head like an ostrich, not daring to look at him.

The attitudes of the four people had plummeted sharply. Even the usually gentle and considerate Bai Ruoxi ignored him now.

A trip to the auction house directly caused all three of his plans to collapse.

Fortunately, the matter of the snow lotus hadn’t been discovered yet. Otherwise, even if Senior Sister Mengrou came, she wouldn’t be able to save me… In addition to sighing in his heart, Mu Zhi’an also felt a little bit of relief.

This trip to the auction house seemed thrilling, but as long as he could temporarily leave here, he would have a way to make up for today’s events… The premise was that he could leave this auction house smoothly now.

And this was not a difficult matter for Mu Zhi’an at the moment, because on the surface, he only had a Dao companion relationship with Bai Ruoxi. If he wanted to leave, the other girls wouldn’t say anything.

It’s just that the Ye sisters’ favorability had probably been reset, and Senior Sister Lan probably wouldn’t pay attention to him for a short period of time.

“Since there is an important matter to handle at the manor, and the auction is about to end anyway, I won’t stay here any longer.”

Mu Zhi’an lightly coughed, “Cough… Let’s meet another day.”

Just as Mu Zhi’an had expected, no one spoke up to stop him.

If the favorability of the few people today were all the same as Bai Ruoxi’s, then it probably wouldn’t have been so easy to leave today… Mu Zhi’an didn’t know whether he should feel fortunate or reflect on not raising his favorability fast enough.

Under the guidance of the maid, he left the private room and saw Ye Yu standing outside the private room.

Seeing Mu Zhi’an, Ye Yu showed a cold smile and ridiculed without reservation, “It seems that Young Master Mu’s dissolute behavior in the past has finally borne evil fruit.”

Mu Zhi’an was in a bad mood today and was too lazy to pay attention to him.

He could only take pleasure in this temporary victory… Seeing this, Ye Yu inwardly sneered and looked at the Ye sisters walking out of the private room. He stepped forward and said,

“Lingxuan, let me send you back?”

After this incident, Ye Yu finally had a sense of crisis, realizing that if he didn’t take action and do something, his sisters might be taken away by someone.

However, Ye Lingxuan, holding her sister’s hand, politely and coldly refused, “No need to trouble Brother Ye Yu, the carriage is already waiting at the door.”

Even though Mu Zhi’an’s actions today made her very unhappy, Ye Yu’s behavior was even more dislikable.

In the end, despite rejecting the invitations of two beauties, Mu Zhi’an still came to the appointment today, which was quite pleasing.

The only problem was that he had dual cultivated with Bai Ruoxi, and that number one beauty had even sat on his face and output, which made them feel extremely unhappy.

At the same time, Lan Mulian also followed and walked out of the private room. Her gaze swept over Ye Yu coldly, and she gracefully walked down the stairs, holding up her skirt.

But she didn’t leave and instead went to the backstage of the auction.

Lan Feiying had long been waiting there.

The carriage slowly drove towards the Mu Manor along the street. Mu Zhi’an leaned on the soft couch, pondering life.

Wei Mengrou, dressed in a yellow dress, sat on the other side. Her eyebrows were like a painting, her skin like congealed cream, and under her skirt was a pair of small, exquisite short boots with embroidered patterns. She was looking out the window at the scenery.

“If this kind of thing happens again next time, I won’t help you anymore.” She suddenly spoke.

Wei Mengrou’s face had been expressionless and cold from beginning to end. After all, the maid was very clear about what her young master had done.

“Have you arranged for someone to send Ruoxi back?” Mu Zhi’an suddenly asked.

Bai Ruoxi was currently angry and definitely wouldn’t agree to ride in the same carriage as him, so they could only return in two separate carriages.

Wei Mengrou lightly “Mm”-ed and said, “But she might not return to the Mu Manor.”

If Bai Ruoxi didn’t come back, it meant that she was really angry, and he might have to make a trip to the Bai Manor then… Mu Zhi’an looked at the maid’s towering chest and her cold and beautiful profile, inwardly thinking.

At this moment, the corners of Wei Mengrou’s mouth curled up, and her crisp and cold voice mercilessly mocked, “After this time, you’ve become a lonely man again.”

“Even if I become a lonely man, don’t I still have you?” Mu Zhi’an shook his head and smiled.

Wei Mengrou snorted, her face without any fluctuations, and even let out a scornful laugh.

She lazily leaned on the soft couch of the carriage, her beautiful eyes reflecting the street scenery moving backward outside the window.

After a while, she slightly lowered her eyes, making it impossible to tell what emotions she had.

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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I mean, i know its what the novel is about, but I still feel like him getting out of this so easily, and how hes going to easily fix his relationship with them later on, is a bit too simple.

Also dont get the part of Ye Lingxuan finding Ye Yu worse than Mu Zhi’an. Isn’t she supposed to be really protective of her pure and innocent sister, yet the guy thats been trying to seduce her has been found out to be, pretty much, just playing around with her, yet she still finds him more likable? Dunno, might just be me not understanding it well.

Last edited 21 days ago by Soul


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